source: trunk/src/series/merge_proj.m @ 687

Last change on this file since 687 was 676, checked in by sommeria, 11 years ago

various bugs corrected

File size: 18.2 KB
[573]1%'merge_proj': concatene several fields from series, can project them on a regular grid in phys coordinates
[464]3% function ParamOut=merge_proj(Param)
5%%%%%%%%%%% GENERAL TO ALL SERIES ACTION FCTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
[596]8% ParamOut: sets options in the GUI series.fig needed for the function
[457]11% In run mode, the input parameters are given as a Matlab structure Param copied from the GUI series.
12% In batch mode, Param is the name of the corresponding xml file containing the same information
[596]13% when Param.Action.RUN=0 (as activated when the current Action is selected
14% in series), the function ouput paramOut set the activation of the needed GUI elements
[596]16% Param contains the elements:(use the menu bar command 'export/GUI config' in series to
17% see the current structure Param)
[457]18%    .InputTable: cell of input file names, (several lines for multiple input)
19%                      each line decomposed as {RootPath,SubDir,Rootfile,NomType,Extension}
20%    .OutputSubDir: name of the subdirectory for data outputs
[474]21%    .OutputDirExt: directory extension for data outputs
[457]22%    .Action: .ActionName: name of the current activated function
23%             .ActionPath:   path of the current activated function
[596]24%             .ActionExt: fct extension ('.m', Matlab fct, '.sh', compiled   Matlab fct
25%             .RUN =0 for GUI input, =1 for function activation
26%             .RunMode='local','background', 'cluster': type of function  use
[457]28%    .IndexRange: set the file or frame indices on which the action must be performed
29%    .FieldTransform: .TransformName: name of the selected transform function
30%                     .TransformPath:   path  of the selected transform function
31%    .InputFields: sub structure describing the input fields withfields
[596]32%              .FieldName: name(s) of the field
[457]33%              .VelType: velocity type
34%              .FieldName_1: name of the second field in case of two input series
35%              .VelType_1: velocity type of the second field in case of two input series
[596]36%              .Coord_y: name of y coordinate variable
37%              .Coord_x: name of x coordinate variable
[457]38%    .ProjObject: %sub structure describing a projection object (read from ancillary GUI set_object)
[462]41function ParamOut=merge_proj(Param)
[606]43%% set the input elements needed on the GUI series when the function is selected in the menu ActionName or InputTable refreshed
[592]44if isstruct(Param) && isequal(Param.Action.RUN,0)
[606]45    ParamOut.AllowInputSort='off';% allow alphabetic sorting of the list of input file SubDir (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default)
[632]46    ParamOut.WholeIndexRange='off';% prescribes the file index ranges from min to max (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default)
[606]47    ParamOut.NbSlice='off'; %nbre of slices ('off' by default)
48    ParamOut.VelType='one';% menu for selecting the velocity type (options 'off'/'one'/'two',  'off' by default)
49    ParamOut.FieldName='one';% menu for selecting the field (s) in the input file(options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default)
50    ParamOut.FieldTransform = 'on';%can use a transform function
51    ParamOut.TransformPath=fullfile(fileparts(which('uvmat')),'transform_field');% path to transform functions (needed for compilation only)
52    ParamOut.ProjObject='on';%can use projection object(option 'off'/'on',
[635]53    ParamOut.Mask='on';%can use mask option   (option 'off'/'on', 'off' by default)
[592]54    ParamOut.OutputDirExt='.mproj';%set the output dir extension
[605]55    ParamOut.OutputFileMode='NbInput';% '=NbInput': 1 output file per input file index, '=NbInput_i': 1 file per input file index i, '=NbSlice': 1 file per slice
56    filecell=get_file_series(Param);%check existence of the first input file
57    if ~exist(filecell{1,1},'file')
58        msgbox_uvmat('WARNING','the first input file does not exist')
59    elseif isequal(size(Param.InputTable,1),1) && ~isfield(Param,'ProjObject')
[635]60        msgbox_uvmat('WARNING','You may need a projection object of type plane for merge_proj')
[605]61    end
[606]62    return
[457]65%%%%%%%%%%%% STANDARD PART (DO NOT EDIT) %%%%%%%%%%%%
[632]66ParamOut=[]; %default output
[592]67%% read input parameters from an xml file if input is a file name (batch mode)
[457]69if ischar(Param)
[592]70    Param=xml2struct(Param);% read Param as input file (batch case)
71    checkrun=0;
74RUNHandle=findobj(hseries,'Tag','RUN');%handle of RUN button in GUI series
75WaitbarHandle=findobj(hseries,'Tag','Waitbar');%handle of waitbar in GUI series
[624]77%% define the directory for result file (with path=RootPath{1})
78OutputDir=[Param.OutputSubDir Param.OutputDirExt];% subdirectory for output files
[550]80if ~isfield(Param,'InputFields')
81    Param.InputFields.FieldName='';
[577]84%% root input file type
92% The cell array filecell is the list of input file names, while
93% filecell{iview,fileindex}:
[457]94%        iview: line in the table corresponding to a given file series
95%        fileindex: file index within  the file series,
96% i1_series(iview,ref_j,ref_i)... are the corresponding arrays of indices i1,i2,j1,j2, depending on the input line iview and the two reference indices ref_i,ref_j
97% i1_series(iview,fileindex) expresses the same indices as a 1D array in file indices
[606]99% NbSlice=1;%default
100% if isfield(Param.IndexRange,'NbSlice')&&~isempty(Param.IndexRange.NbSlice)
101%     NbSlice=Param.IndexRange.NbSlice;
102% end
103NbView=numel(i1_series);%number of input file series (lines in InputTable)
104NbField_j=size(i1_series{1},1); %nb of fields for the j index (bursts or volume slices)
105NbField_i=size(i1_series{1},2); %nb of fields for the i index
106NbField=NbField_j*NbField_i; %total number of fields
[673]108%% determine the file type on each line from the first input file
[606]111for iview=1:NbView
[462]112    if ~exist(filecell{iview,1}','file')
[668]113        disp_uvmat('ERROR',['the first input file ' filecell{iview,1} ' does not exist'],checkrun)
[462]114        return
115    end
116    [FileType{iview},FileInfo{iview},MovieObject{iview}]=get_file_type(filecell{iview,1});
117    CheckImage{iview}=~isempty(find(strcmp(FileType{iview},ImageTypeOptions)));% =1 for images
118    CheckNc{iview}=~isempty(find(strcmp(FileType{iview},NcTypeOptions)));% =1 for netcdf files
119    if ~isempty(j1_series{iview})
120        frame_index{iview}=j1_series{iview};
121    else
122        frame_index{iview}=i1_series{iview};
123    end
126%% calibration data and timing: read the ImaDoc files
128if size(time,1)>1
[457]129    diff_time=max(max(diff(time)));
[474]130    if diff_time>0
[676]131        disp_uvmat('WARNING',['times of series differ by (max) ' num2str(diff_time) ': the mean time is chosen in result'],checkrun)
[457]132    end   
[676]134if ~isempty(errormsg)
135    disp_uvmat('WARNING',erromsg,checkrun)
137time=mean(time,1); %averaged time taken for the merged field
[409]139%% coordinate transform or other user defined transform
[606]140transform_fct='';%default fct handle
[478]141if isfield(Param,'FieldTransform')&&~isempty(Param.FieldTransform.TransformName)
[606]142        currentdir=pwd;
143        cd(Param.FieldTransform.TransformPath)
144        transform_fct=str2func(Param.FieldTransform.TransformName);
145        cd (currentdir)
[457]147%%%%%%%%%%%% END STANDARD PART  %%%%%%%%%%%%
[457]150%% check the validity of  input file types
[606]151for iview=1:NbView
[673]152    if ~isequal(CheckImage{iview},1)&&~isequal(CheckNc{iview},1)
[668]153        disp_uvmat('ERROR','input set of input series: need  either netcdf either image series',checkrun)
[632]154        return
[464]155    end
158%% output file type
159if min(cell2mat(CheckImage))==1 && (~Param.CheckObject || strcmp(Param.ProjObject.Type,'plane'))
160    FileExtOut='.png'; %image output (input and proj result = image)
161    for iview=1:NbView
162        BitDepth(iview)=FileInfo{iview}.BitDepth;
163    end
164    BitDepth=max(BitDepth);
166    FileExtOut='.nc'; %netcdf output
[462]168NomTypeOut=NomType;% output file index will indicate the first and last ref index in the series
170for iview=2:NbView
171    if ~strcmp(RootFile{iview},RootFile{1})
172        RootFileOut='mproj';
173        break
174    end
[642]177%% mask (TODO: case of multilevels)
[642]179if Param.CheckMask
[676]180    if ischar(Param.MaskTable)% case of a single mask (char chain)
181        Param.MaskTable={Param.MaskTable};
182    end
[668]183    for iview=1:numel(Param.MaskTable)
[673]184        if exist(Param.MaskTable{iview},'file')
185            [MaskData{iview},tild,errormsg] = read_field(Param.MaskTable{iview},'image');
186            if ~isempty(transform_fct) && nargin(transform_fct)>=2
187                MaskData{iview}=transform_fct(MaskData{iview},XmlData{iview});
188            end
[642]189        end
190    end
[457]193%% Set field names and velocity types
[462]194%use Param.InputFields for all views
[457]197%%%%%%%%%%%%% STANDARD PART (DO NOT EDIT) %%%%%%%%%%%%
[606]198% for i_slice=1:NbSlice
199%     index_slice=i_slice:NbSlice:NbField;% select file indices of the slice
200%     NbFiles=0;
201%     nbmissing=0;
[457]203    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% loop on field indices %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
[606]204for index=1:NbField
[626]205        update_waitbar(WaitbarHandle,index/NbField)
[642]206    if ~isempty(RUNHandle) && ~strcmp(get(RUNHandle,'BusyAction'),'queue')
[624]207        disp('program stopped by user')
[606]208        return
209    end
[606]211    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% loop on views (input lines) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
212    Data=cell(1,NbView);%initiate the set Data
[676]213    timeread=zeros(1,NbView);
[606]214    for iview=1:NbView
215        %% reading input file(s)
216        [Data{iview},tild,errormsg] = read_field(filecell{iview,index},FileType{iview},Param.InputFields,frame_index{iview}(index));
217        if ~isempty(errormsg)
[614]218            disp(['ERROR in merge_proj/read_field/' errormsg])
219            return
[457]220        end
[676]221        % get the time defined in the current file if not already defined from the xml file
222        if ~isempty(time) && isfield(Data{iview},'Time')
[606]223            timeread(iview)=Data{iview}.Time;
[595]224        end
[606]225        if ~isempty(NbSlice_calib)
226            Data{iview}.ZIndex=mod(i1_series{iview}(index)-1,NbSlice_calib{iview})+1;%Zindex for phys transform
227        end
[632]229        %% transform the input field (e.g; phys) if requested (no transform involving two input fields)
[606]230        if ~isempty(transform_fct)
231            if nargin(transform_fct)>=2
232                Data{iview}=transform_fct(Data{iview},XmlData{iview});
233            else
234                Data{iview}=transform_fct(Data{iview});
[29]235            end
[606]236        end
[642]238        %% calculate tps coefficients if needed
[614]239        check_proj_tps= isfield(Param,'ProjObject')&&~isempty(Param.ProjObject)&& strcmp(Param.ProjObject.ProjMode,'interp_tps')&&~isfield(Data{iview},'Coord_tps');
[606]240        Data{iview}=tps_coeff_field(Data{iview},check_proj_tps);
[606]242        %% projection on object (gridded plane)
243        if Param.CheckObject
244            [Data{iview},errormsg]=proj_field(Data{iview},Param.ProjObject);
245            if ~isempty(errormsg)
[614]246                disp(['ERROR in merge_proge/proj_field: ' errormsg])
[606]247                return
[29]248            end
[464]249        end
251        %% mask
[642]252        if Param.CheckMask && ~isempty(MaskData{iview})
253             [Data{iview},errormsg]=mask_proj(Data{iview},MaskData{iview});
[640]254        end
[606]255    end
[673]256    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END LOOP ON VIEWS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
258    %% merge the NbView fields
259    MergeData=merge_field(Data);
260    if isfield(MergeData,'Txt')
[614]261        disp(MergeData.Txt);
[606]262        return
263    end
[673]265    %% time of the merged field: take the average of the different views
[676]266    if ~isempty(time)
267        timeread=time(index);   
268    elseif ~isempty(find(timeread))% time defined from ImaDoc
269        timeread=mean(timeread(timeread~=0));% take average over times form the files (when defined)
270    else
271        timeread=index;% take time=file index
[606]272    end
[673]274    %% generating the name of the merged field
275    i1=i1_series{1}(index);
276    if ~isempty(i2_series{end})
277        i2=i2_series{end}(index);
[606]278    else
279        i2=i1;
280    end
281    j1=1;
282    j2=1;
[673]283    if ~isempty(j1_series{1})
284        j1=j1_series{1}(index);
285        if ~isempty(j2_series{end})
286            j2=j2_series{end}(index);
[606]287        else
288            j2=j1;
[464]289        end
[606]290    end
[673]291    OutputFile=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath{1},OutputDir,RootFileOut,FileExtOut,NomType{1},i1,i2,j1,j2);
[673]293    %% recording the merged field
294    if strcmp(FileExtOut,'.png')    %output as image
295        if BitDepth==8
296            imwrite(uint8(MergeData.A),OutputFile,'BitDepth',8)
[464]297        else
[673]298            imwrite(uint16(MergeData.A),OutputFile,'BitDepth',16)
[464]299        end
[673]300        if index==1
301            %write xml calibration file, using the first file
302            siz=size(MergeData.A);
303            npy=siz(1);
304            npx=siz(2);
305            if isfield(MergeData,'coord_x') && isfield(MergeData,'coord_y')
306                Rangx=MergeData.coord_x;
307                Rangy=MergeData.coord_y;
308            elseif isfield(MergeData,'AX')&& isfield(MergeData,'AY')
309                Rangx=[MergeData.AX(1) MergeData.AX(end)];
310                Rangy=[MergeData.AY(1) MergeData.AY(end)];
311            else
312                Rangx=[0.5 npx-0.5];
313                Rangy=[npy-0.5 0.5];%default
314            end
315            pxcmx=(npx-1)/(Rangx(2)-Rangx(1));
316            pxcmy=(npy-1)/(Rangy(1)-Rangy(2));
317            T_x=-pxcmx*Rangx(1)+0.5;
318            T_y=-pxcmy*Rangy(2)+0.5;
319            GeometryCal.CalibrationType='rescale';
320            GeometryCal.CoordUnit=MergeData.CoordUnit;
321            GeometryCal.focal=1;
322            GeometryCal.R=[pxcmx,0,0;0,pxcmy,0;0,0,1];
323            GeometryCal.Tx_Ty_Tz=[T_x T_y 1];
324            ImaDoc.GeometryCalib=GeometryCal;
325            t=struct2xml(ImaDoc);
326            t=set(t,1,'name','ImaDoc');
327            save(t,[fileparts(OutputFile) '.xml'])
328        end
[606]330    else
[676]331        MergeData.ListGlobalAttribute={'Conventions','Project','InputFile_1','InputFile_end','nb_coord','nb_dim'};
[606]332        MergeData.Conventions='uvmat';
333        MergeData.nb_coord=2;
334        MergeData.nb_dim=2;
335        dt=[];
336        if isfield(Data{1},'dt')&& isnumeric(Data{1}.dt)
337            dt=Data{1}.dt;
338        end
339        for iview =2:numel(Data)
340            if ~(isfield(Data{iview},'dt')&& isequal(Data{iview}.dt,dt))
341                dt=[];%dt not the same for all fields
[464]342            end
343        end
[676]344        if ~isempty(timeread)
345            MergeData.ListGlobalAttribute=[MergeData.ListGlobalAttribute {'Time'}];
346            MergeData.Time=timeread;
347        end
348        if ~isempty(dt)
349            MergeData.ListGlobalAttribute=[MergeData.ListGlobalAttribute {'dt'}];
[606]350            MergeData.dt=dt;
[29]351        end
[606]352        error=struct2nc(OutputFile,MergeData);%save result file
353        if isempty(error)
354            display(['output file ' OutputFile ' written'])
355        else
356            display(error)
357        end
[29]358    end
[222]362%'merge_field': concatene fields
[29]364function MergeData=merge_field(Data)
[222]365%% default output
[29]366if isempty(Data)||~iscell(Data)
367    MergeData=[];
368    return
[673]371MergeData=Data{1};% merged field= first field by default, reproduces the glabal attributes of the first field
373if NbView==1
[29]374    return
[522]377%% group the variables (fields of 'Data') in cells of variables with the same dimensions
[668]381for icell=1:length(CellInfo)
[670]382    if NbDim(icell)~=1 % skip field cells which are of dim 1
383        switch CellInfo{icell}.CoordType
384            case 'scattered'  %case of input fields with unstructured coordinates: just concacene data
385                for ivar=CellInfo{icell}.VarIndex %  indices of the selected variables in the list FieldData.ListVarName
386                    VarName=Data{1}.ListVarName{ivar};
387                    %MergeData=Data{1};% merged field= first field by default, reproduces the glabal attributes of the first field
388                    for iview=2:NbView
389                        MergeData.(VarName)=[MergeData.(VarName); Data{iview}.(VarName)];
[89]390                    end
391                end
[670]392            case 'grid'        %case of fields defined on a structured  grid
393                FFName='';
[676]394                if isfield(CellInfo{icell},'VarIndex_errorflag') && ~isempty(CellInfo{icell}.VarIndex_errorflag)
[670]395                    FFName=Data{1}.ListVarName{CellInfo{icell}.VarIndex_errorflag};% name of errorflag variable
396                end
397                % select good data on each view
398                for ivar=CellInfo{icell}.VarIndex  %  indices of the selected variables in the list FieldData.ListVarName
399                    VarName=Data{1}.ListVarName{ivar};
400                    for iview=1:NbView
401                        if isempty(FFName)
402                            check_bad=isnan(Data{iview}.(VarName));%=0 for NaN data values, 1 else
403                        else
404                            check_bad=isnan(Data{iview}.(VarName)) | Data{iview}.(FFName)~=0;%=0 for NaN or error flagged data values, 1 else
405                        end
406                        Data{iview}.(VarName)(check_bad)=0; %set to zero NaN or masked data
407                        if iview==1
408                            MergeData.(VarName)=Data{1}.(VarName);% correct the field of MergeData
409                            NbAver=~check_bad;% initiate NbAver: the nbre of good data for each point
410                        else
411                            MergeData.(VarName)=MergeData.(VarName) + Data{iview}.(VarName);%add data
412                            NbAver=NbAver + ~check_bad;% add 1 for good data, 0 else
413                        end
414                    end
415                    MergeData.(VarName)(NbAver~=0)=MergeData.(VarName)(NbAver~=0)./NbAver(NbAver~=0);% take average of defined data at each point
416                end
[89]417        end
[670]418        if isempty(FFName)
419            FFName='FF';
[89]420        end
[670]421        MergeData.(FFName)(NbAver~=0)=0;% flag to 1 undefined summed data
422        MergeData.(FFName)(NbAver==0)=1;% flag to 1 undefined summed data
[89]423    end
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