1 | % function ParamOut=particle_tracking(Param) |
2 | % |
3 | % Method: |
4 | |
5 | % Organization of image indices: |
6 | |
7 | %INPUT: |
8 | % num_i1: matrix of image indices i |
9 | % num_j1: matrix of image indices j, must be the same size as num_i1 |
10 | % num_i2 and num_j2: not used for a function acting on images |
11 | % Series: matlab structure containing parameters, as defined by the interface UVMAT/series |
12 | % Series.RootPath{1}: path to the image series |
13 | % Series.RootFile{1}: root file name |
14 | % Series.FileExt{1}: image file extension |
15 | % Series.NomType{1}: nomenclature type for file in |
16 | % |
17 | % Method: |
18 | % Series.NbSlice: %number of slices defined on the interface |
19 | % global A rangx0 rangy0 minA maxA; % make current image A accessible in workspace |
20 | % global hfig1 hfig2 scalar |
21 | % global Abackg nbpart lum diam |
22 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%ù |
23 | % |
24 | %%%%%%%%%%% GENERAL TO ALL SERIES ACTION FCTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
25 | % |
26 | %OUTPUT |
27 | % ParamOut: sets options in the GUI series.fig needed for the function |
28 | % |
29 | %INPUT: |
30 | % In run mode, the input parameters are given as a Matlab structure Param copied from the GUI series. |
31 | % In batch mode, Param is the name of the corresponding xml file containing the same information |
32 | % when Param.Action.RUN=0 (as activated when the current Action is selected |
33 | % in series), the function ouput paramOut set the activation of the needed GUI elements |
34 | % |
35 | % Param contains the elements:(use the menu bar command 'export/GUI config' in series to |
36 | % see the current structure Param) |
37 | % .InputTable: cell of input file names, (several lines for multiple input) |
38 | % each line decomposed as {RootPath,SubDir,Rootfile,NomType,Extension} |
39 | % .OutputSubDir: name of the subdirectory for data outputs |
40 | % .OutputDirExt: directory extension for data outputs |
41 | % .Action: .ActionName: name of the current activated function |
42 | % .ActionPath: path of the current activated function |
43 | % .ActionExt: fct extension ('.m', Matlab fct, '.sh', compiled Matlab fct |
44 | % .RUN =0 for GUI input, =1 for function activation |
45 | % .RunMode='local','background', 'cluster': type of function use |
46 | % |
47 | % .IndexRange: set the file or frame indices on which the action must be performed |
48 | % .FieldTransform: .TransformName: name of the selected transform function |
49 | % .TransformPath: path of the selected transform function |
50 | % .InputFields: sub structure describing the input fields withfields |
51 | % .FieldName: name(s) of the field |
52 | % .VelType: velocity type |
53 | % .FieldName_1: name of the second field in case of two input series |
54 | % .VelType_1: velocity type of the second field in case of two input series |
55 | % .Coord_y: name of y coordinate variable |
56 | % .Coord_x: name of x coordinate variable |
57 | % .ProjObject: %sub structure describing a projection object (read from ancillary GUI set_object) |
58 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
59 | |
60 | function ParamOut=particle_tracking(Param) |
61 | |
62 | %% set the input elements needed on the GUI series when the action is selected in the menu ActionName |
63 | if isstruct(Param) && isequal(Param.Action.RUN,0) |
64 | % general settings of the GUI: |
65 | ParamOut.AllowInputSort='off';% allow alphabetic sorting of the list of input file SubDir (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) |
66 | ParamOut.WholeIndexRange='off';% prescribes the file index ranges from min to max (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) |
67 | ParamOut.NbSlice='off'; %nbre of slices ('off' by default) |
68 | ParamOut.VelType='off';% menu for selecting the velocity type (options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default) |
69 | ParamOut.FieldName='off';% menu for selecting the field (s) in the input file(options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default) |
70 | ParamOut.FieldTransform = 'off';%can use a transform function |
71 | ParamOut.ProjObject='off';%can use projection object(option 'off'/'on', |
72 | ParamOut.Mask='off';%can use mask option (option 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) |
73 | ParamOut.OutputDirExt='.track';%set the output dir extension |
74 | ParamOut.OutputFileMode='NbSlice';% '=NbInput': 1 output file per input file index, '=NbInput_i': 1 file per input file index i, '=NbSlice': 1 file per slice |
75 | filecell=get_file_series(Param);%check existence of the first input file |
76 | if ~exist(filecell{1,1},'file') |
77 | msgbox_uvmat('WARNING','the first input file does not exist') |
78 | end |
79 | % parameters specific to the function 'particle_tracking' |
80 | % Par.Nblock=[];%size of image subblocks for background determination, =[]: no sublock |
81 | % Par.ThreshLum=-2000;% luminosity threshold for particle detection, < 0 for black particles, >0 for white particles |
82 | % ParamOut.ActionInput=Par; |
83 | return |
84 | end |
85 | |
86 | %%%%%%%%%%%% STANDARD RUN PART %%%%%%%%%%%% |
87 | ParamOut=[]; |
88 | %% read input parameters from an xml file if input is a file name (batch mode) |
89 | checkrun=1; |
90 | if ischar(Param) |
91 | Param=xml2struct(Param);% read Param as input file (batch case) |
92 | checkrun=0; |
93 | end |
94 | |
95 | %% define the directory for result file |
96 | OutputDir=[Param.OutputSubDir Param.OutputDirExt]; |
97 | |
98 | %% root input file(s) name, type and index series |
99 | RootPath=Param.InputTable{1,1}; |
100 | RootFile=Param.InputTable{1,3}; |
101 | SubDir=Param.InputTable{1,2}; |
102 | NomType=Param.InputTable{1,4}; |
103 | FileExt=Param.InputTable{1,5}; |
104 | [filecell,i1_series,i2_series,j1_series,j2_series]=get_file_series(Param); |
105 | %%%%%%%%%%%% |
106 | % The cell array filecell is the list of input file names, while |
107 | % filecell{iview,fileindex}: |
108 | % iview: line in the table corresponding to a given file series |
109 | % fileindex: file index within the file series, |
110 | % i1_series(iview,ref_j,ref_i)... are the corresponding arrays of indices i1,i2,j1,j2, depending on the input line iview and the two reference indices ref_i,ref_j |
111 | % i1_series(iview,fileindex) expresses the same indices as a 1D array in file indices |
112 | %%%%%%%%%%%% |
113 | nbview=numel(i1_series);%number of input file series (lines in InputTable) |
114 | nbfield_j=size(i1_series{1},1); %nb of fields for the j index (bursts or volume slices) |
115 | nbfield_i=size(i1_series{1},2); %nb of fields for the i index |
116 | nbfield=nbfield_j*nbfield_i; %total number of fields |
117 | [first_i,tild,last_i,first_j,tild,last_j,errormsg]=get_index_range(Param.IndexRange); |
118 | if ~isempty(errormsg),display(errormsg),return,end |
119 | |
120 | %% frame index for movie or multimage file input |
121 | if ~isempty(j1_series{1}) |
122 | frame_index=j1_series{1}; |
123 | else |
124 | frame_index=i1_series{1}; |
125 | end |
126 | |
127 | %% check the input file type |
128 | [FileType,FileInfo,VideoObject]=get_file_type(filecell{1,1}); |
129 | ImageTypeOptions={'image','multimage','mmreader','video'}; |
130 | if isempty(find(strcmp(FileType,ImageTypeOptions))) |
131 | disp('input file not images') |
132 | return |
133 | end |
134 | |
135 | %% calibration data and timing: read the ImaDoc files |
136 | [XmlData,NbSlice_calib,time,errormsg]=read_multimadoc(RootPath,SubDir,RootFile,FileExt,i1_series,i2_series,j1_series,j2_series); |
137 | |
138 | %%%%%%%%%%%% SPECIFIC PART (to edit) %%%%%%%%%%%% |
139 | %filter for particle center of mass(luminosity) |
140 | %Nblock=Param.ActionInput.Nblock; |
141 | %ThreshLum=Param.ActionInput.ThreshLum;% luminosity threshold for particle detection, < 0 for black particles, >0 for white particles |
142 | AbsThreshold=30; %threshold below which a pixel is considered belonging to a float |
143 | % |
144 | hh=ones(5,5); |
145 | hh(1,1)=0; |
146 | hh(1,5)=0;% sum luminosity on the 5x5 domain without corners |
147 | hh(5,1)=0; |
148 | hh(5,5)=0; |
149 | hdx=[-2:1:2]; |
150 | hdy=[-2:1:2]; |
151 | [hdX,hdY]=meshgrid(hdx,hdy); |
152 | hdX(1,1)=0; |
153 | hdX(1,5)=0;% sum luminosity on the 5x5 domain -corners |
154 | hdX(5,1)=0; |
155 | hdX(5,5)=0; |
156 | hdY(1,1)=0; |
157 | hdY(1,5)=0;% sum luminosity on the 5x5 domain -corners |
158 | hdY(5,1)=0; |
159 | hdY(5,5)=0; |
160 | |
161 | %% mask to reduce the working area (optional) |
162 | CheckMask=0; |
163 | if isfield(Param,'CheckMask') && isequal(Param.CheckMask,1) |
164 | [maskname,TestMask]=name_generator([filebase '_1mask'],1,1,'.png','_i'); |
165 | MaskIma=imread(maskname); |
166 | Mask=MaskIma>=200;%=1 for good points, 0 for bad |
167 | CheckMask=1; |
168 | end |
169 | |
170 | %%%%%% MAIN LOOP ON FRAMES %%%%%% |
171 | for ifile=1:nbfield |
172 | if checkrun |
173 | if strcmp(get(Param.RUNHandle,'BusyAction'),'queue') |
174 | update_waitbar(Param.WaitbarHandle,ifile/nbfield) |
175 | else |
176 | break% leave the loop if the STOP button is activated on the GUI series |
177 | end |
178 | end |
179 | if ~isempty(j1_series)&&~isequal(j1_series,{[]}) |
180 | j1=j1_series{1}(ifile); |
181 | end |
182 | filename=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath,SubDir,RootFile,FileExt,NomType,i1_series{1}(ifile),[],j1); |
183 | A=read_image(filename,FileType,VideoObject,frame_index(ifile));% read the current frame |
184 | if ndims(A)==3;%color images |
185 | A=sum(double(A),3);% take the sum of color components |
186 | end |
187 | if ThreshLum<0 |
188 | A=max(max(A))-A;%take the negative |
189 | end |
190 | if CheckMask |
191 | A=A.*Mask; |
192 | end |
193 | if isempty(Nblock) |
194 | A=A-min(min(A));%substract absolute mean |
195 | else |
196 | Aflagmin=sparse(imregionalmin(A));%Amin=1 for local image minima |
197 | Amin=A.*Aflagmin;%values of A at local minima |
198 | % local background: find all the local minima in image subblocks |
199 | sumblock= inline('sum(sum(x(:)))'); |
200 | Backgi=blkproc(Amin,[Nblock Nblock],sumblock);% take the sum in blocks |
201 | Bmin=blkproc(Aflagmin,[Nblock Nblock],sumblock);% find the number of minima in blocks |
202 | Backgi=Backgi./Bmin; % find the average of minima in blocks |
203 | % Backg=Backg+Backgi; |
204 | Backg=Backgi; |
205 | A=A-imresize(Backg/nburst(1),size(A),'bilinear');% interpolate to the initial size image and substract |
206 | end |
207 | Aflagmax=sparse(imregionalmax(A));%find local maxima |
208 | Plum=imfilter(A,hh);% sum A on 5x% domains |
209 | Plum=Aflagmax.*Plum;% Plum gives the particle luminosity at each particle location, 0 elsewhere |
210 | %make statistics on particles,restricted to a subdomain Sub |
211 | [Js,Is,lum]=find(Plum);%particle luminosity |
212 | Plum=(Plum>ThreshLum).*Plum;% introduce a threshold for particle luminosity |
213 | Aflagmax=Aflagmax.*(Plum>ThreshLum); |
214 | [Js,Is,lum]=find(Plum);%particle luminosity |
215 | nbtotal=size(Is) |
216 | nbtotal=nbtotal(1); |
217 | %particle size |
218 | Parea=Aflagmax.*(Plum./A); %particle luminosity/max luminosity=area |
219 | Pdiam=sqrt(Parea); |
220 | [Js,Is,diam]=find(Pdiam);%particle location |
221 | |
222 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
223 | |
224 | %nbre of particles per block |
225 | % nbpart=blkproc(Aflagmax,[Nblock Nblock],sumblock);% |
226 | % npb=size(nbpart); |
227 | % rangxb=[0.5 (npb(2)-0.5)]*Nblock; % pixel x coordinates for image display |
228 | % rangyb=[(npb(1)-0.5) 0.5]*Nblock; % pixel y coordinates for image display |
229 | % image(rangxb,rangyb,nbpart); |
230 | |
231 | % get the particle centre of mass |
232 | dx=imfilter(A,hdX); |
233 | dy=imfilter(A,-hdY); |
234 | dx=Aflagmax.*(dx./Plum); |
235 | dy=Aflagmax.*(dy./Plum); |
236 | dx=dx/pxcm; |
237 | dy=dy/pycm; |
238 | I=([1:npxy(2)]-0.5)/pxcm; %x pos |
239 | J=([npxy(1):-1:1]-0.5)/pycm; %y pos |
240 | [Ipos,Jpos]=meshgrid(I,J); |
241 | Ipos=reshape(Ipos,1,npxy(2)*npxy(1)); |
242 | Jpos=reshape(Jpos,1,npxy(2)*npxy(1)); |
243 | dx=reshape(dx,1,npxy(2)*npxy(1)); |
244 | dy=reshape(dy,1,npxy(2)*npxy(1)); |
245 | Aflag=reshape(Aflagmax,1,npxy(2)*npxy(1)); |
246 | ind=find(Aflag);% select particle positions |
247 | XPart{ifile}=Ipos(ind)+dx(ind); |
248 | YPart{ifile}=Jpos(ind)+dy(ind); |
249 | end |
250 | hold off |
251 | |
252 | size(XPart{1}) |
253 | |
254 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
255 | %Trajectoires |
256 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
257 | for ifile=1:nbfield |
258 | |
259 | [XPart{ifile},YPart{ifile}]=phys_XYZ(Calib,XPart{ifile},YPart{ifile}); |
260 | |
261 | end |
262 | |
263 | if nbfield>2 |
264 | figpart=figure |
265 | hold on |
266 | plot(XPart{1}(:),YPart{1}(:),'r+') |
267 | plot(XPart{2}(:),YPart{2}(:),'b+') |
268 | plot(XPart{3}(:),YPart{3}(:),'y+') |
269 | legend('particules image 1','particules image 2','particules image 3'); |
270 | xlabel('x (cm)'); |
271 | ylabel('y (cm)'); |
272 | title('Position des particules') |
273 | else |
274 | figpart=figure |
275 | hold on |
276 | plot(XPart{1}(:),YPart{1}(:),'r+') |
277 | plot(XPart{2}(:),YPart{2}(:),'b+') |
278 | legend('particules image 1','particules image 2'); |
279 | xlabel('x (cm)'); |
280 | ylabel('y (cm)'); |
281 | title('Position des particules') |
282 | end |
283 | |
284 | % prompt={'Ymin (cm)','Ymax( cm)','Xmin (cm)','Xmax (cm)'}; |
285 | % Rep=inputdlg(prompt,'Experiment'); |
286 | % Ymin=str2double(Rep(1)); |
287 | % Ymax=str2double(Rep(2)); |
288 | % Xmin=str2double(Rep(3)); |
289 | % Xmax=str2double(Rep(4)); |
290 | |
291 | Ymin=6; |
292 | Ymax=14; |
293 | Xmin=15; |
294 | Xmax=35; |
295 | |
296 | plot(Xmin,Ymin,'g+') |
297 | plot(Xmin,Ymax,'g+') |
298 | plot(Xmax,Ymin,'g+') |
299 | plot(Xmax,Ymax,'g+') |
300 | |
301 | |
302 | for ima=2:nbfield |
303 | t{1}=0*ones(size(XPart{1},2),1); |
304 | burst(1)=0; |
305 | burst(2)=0.018; |
306 | burst(3)=0.036; |
307 | % nburst=strcat('burst',num2str(ima-1),'-',num2str(ima),' (s)'); |
308 | % prompt={'burst (s)'}; |
309 | % Rep=inputdlg(prompt,nburst); |
310 | % burst(ima)=str2double(Rep(1)); |
311 | t{ima}=(burst(ima)+burst(ima-1))*ones(size(XPart{ima},2),1); |
312 | end |
313 | |
314 | |
315 | |
316 | for ima=1:nbfield |
317 | |
318 | IndY{ima}=find(YPart{ima}>Ymin & YPart{ima}<Ymax & XPart{ima}>Xmin & XPart{ima}<Xmax); |
319 | XPart{ima}=XPart{ima}(IndY{ima}); |
320 | YPart{ima}=YPart{ima}(IndY{ima}); |
321 | |
322 | |
323 | end |
324 | |
325 | |
326 | |
327 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
328 | % Calcul de v1 |
329 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
330 | |
331 | for i=1:size(XPart{1},2) |
332 | MatPos{1}(i,1)=XPart{1}(i); |
333 | MatPos{1}(i,2)=YPart{1}(i); |
334 | MatPos{1}(i,3)=t{1}(i); |
335 | %MatPos{1}(i,4)=i; |
336 | end |
337 | |
338 | for j=1:size(XPart{2},2)-1 |
339 | MatPos{1}(j+size(XPart{1},2),1)=XPart{2}(j); |
340 | MatPos{1}(j+size(XPart{1},2),2)=YPart{2}(j); |
341 | MatPos{1}(j+size(XPart{1},2),3)=t{2}(j); |
342 | %MatPos{1}(j,4)=j+size(XPart{1},2); |
343 | end |
344 | |
345 | % Dmax=inputdlg('Entrer la distance maximum (0.25 cm)','dmax (cm)',1) |
346 | % dmax=str2num(Dmax{1}); |
347 | dmax=0.23; |
348 | |
349 | result{1}=track(MatPos{1},dmax); |
350 | |
351 | izero=1; |
352 | for itest=1:1:size(result{1},1)-1 |
353 | if result{1}(itest+1,4)==result{1}(itest,4) |
354 | vitu{1}(izero,1)=(result{1}(itest+1,1)-result{1}(itest,1))/burst(2); |
355 | vitu{1}(izero,2)=result{1}(itest,4); |
356 | vitv{1}(izero,1)=(result{1}(itest+1,2)-result{1}(itest,2))/burst(2); |
357 | vitv{1}(izero,2)=result{1}(itest,4); |
358 | MatPos{2}(izero,1)=result{1}(itest,1); |
359 | MatPos{2}(izero,2)=result{1}(itest,2); |
360 | izero=izero+1; |
361 | end |
362 | end |
363 | |
364 | |
365 | vitfu{1}=vitu{1}; |
366 | vitfv{1}=vitv{1}; |
367 | |
368 | |
369 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
370 | % Calcul de vi |
371 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
372 | |
373 | |
374 | if nbfield>2 |
375 | for ima=2:nbfield-1 |
376 | |
377 | for i=1:size(MatPos{ima},1) |
378 | MatPos{ima+1}(i,1)=MatPos{ima}(i,1)+(burst(ima+1)*vitfu{ima-1}(i)); |
379 | MatPos{ima+1}(i,2)=MatPos{ima}(i,2)+(burst(ima+1)*vitfv{ima-1}(i)); |
380 | MatPos{ima+1}(i,3)=t{ima}(i); |
381 | end |
382 | |
383 | for j=1:size(XPart{ima+1},2)-1 |
384 | MatPos{ima+1}(j+size(MatPos{ima},1),1)=XPart{ima+1}(j); |
385 | MatPos{ima+1}(j+size(MatPos{ima},1),2)=YPart{ima+1}(j); |
386 | MatPos{ima+1}(j+size(MatPos{ima},1),3)=t{ima+1}(j); |
387 | end |
388 | |
389 | |
390 | result{ima}=track(MatPos{ima+1},0.15); |
391 | |
392 | izero=1; |
393 | for itest=1:1:size(result{ima},1)-1 |
394 | if result{ima}(itest+1,4)==result{ima}(itest,4) |
395 | vitu{ima}(izero,1)=(result{ima}(itest+1,1)-result{ima}(itest,1))/burst(ima+1); |
396 | vitu{ima}(izero,2)=result{ima}(itest,4); |
397 | vitv{ima}(izero,1)=(result{ima}(itest+1,2)-result{ima}(itest,2))/burst(ima+1); |
398 | vitv{ima}(izero,2)=result{ima}(itest,4); |
399 | MatPos{ima+2}(izero,1)=result{ima}(itest,1); |
400 | MatPos{ima+2}(izero,2)=result{ima}(itest,2); |
401 | izero=izero+1; |
402 | end |
403 | end |
404 | |
405 | i=vitu{ima}(1,2):1:vitu{ima}(end,2) |
406 | |
407 | vitfu{ima}(:,1)=vitfu{ima-1}(i,1)+vitu{ima}(:,1); |
408 | vitfv{ima}(:,1)=vitfv{ima-1}(i,1)+vitv{ima}(:,1); |
409 | vitfu{ima}(:,2)=vitu{ima}(:,2); |
410 | vitfv{ima}(:,2)=vitv{ima}(:,2); |
411 | |
412 | vitfu{ima-1}=vitfu{ima-1}(i,1); |
413 | vitfu{ima-1}(:,2)=i; |
414 | vitfv{ima-1}=vitfv{ima-1}(i,1); |
415 | vitfv{ima-1}(:,2)=i; |
416 | i=1:1:size(vitfu{ima-1},1) |
417 | xpos=MatPos{2}(i,1) |
418 | ypos=MatPos{2}(i,2) |
419 | end |
420 | end |
421 | |
422 | |
423 | |
424 | figure |
425 | hold on |
426 | plot(MatPos{1}(:,1),MatPos{1}(:,2),'r+') |
427 | plot(MatPos{2}(:,1),MatPos{2}(:,2),'b+') |
428 | plot(MatPos{4}(:,1),MatPos{4}(:,2),'y+') |
429 | quiver(xpos(:),ypos(:),vitfu{1}(:,1),vitfv{1}(:,1),'g') |
430 | quiver(MatPos{4}(:,1),MatPos{4}(:,2),vitfu{2}(:,1),vitfv{2}(:,1),'k') |
431 | legend('particules image 1','particules image 2', 'particules image 3','vitesse 1-2 (cm/s)','vitesse 2-3 (cm/s)'); |
432 | xlabel('x (cm)'); |
433 | ylabel('y (cm)'); |
434 | title('Position et vitesse (cm/s) des particules') |
435 | |
436 | |
437 | for i=1:size(vitfu{end},1) |
438 | vitfuadd(i)=0; |
439 | vitfvadd(i)=0; |
440 | end |
441 | |
442 | |
443 | |
444 | for i=1:1:size(vitfu{end}(:,1)) |
445 | |
446 | for j=1:nbfield-1 |
447 | vitfuadd(i)= vitfuadd(i)+vitfu{j}(i,1); |
448 | vitfvadd(i)= vitfvadd(i)+vitfv{j}(i,1); |
449 | xpos1(i)=MatPos{1}(i,1); |
450 | ypos1(i)=MatPos{1}(i,2); |
451 | xpos2(i)=MatPos{2}(i,1); |
452 | ypos2(i)=MatPos{2}(i,2); |
453 | |
454 | end |
455 | end |
456 | sizexpos1=size(xpos1) |
457 | |
458 | vitfumoy=vitfuadd./(nbfield-1) |
459 | vitfvmoy=vitfvadd./(nbfield-1) |
460 | |
461 | testresult1=result{1} |
462 | testresult2=result{2} |
463 | |
464 | if nbfield>2 |
465 | figure |
466 | hold on |
467 | plot(MatPos{1}(:,1),MatPos{1}(:,2),'r+') |
468 | plot(MatPos{2}(:,1),MatPos{2}(:,2),'b+') |
469 | quiver(xpos2(:),ypos2(:),vitfumoy(:),vitfvmoy(:),'g') |
470 | legend('particules image 1','particules image 2', 'vitesse moyenne (cm/s)'); |
471 | xlabel('x (cm)'); |
472 | ylabel('y (cm)'); |
473 | title('Position et vitesse (cm/s) des particules') |
474 | |
475 | else |
476 | |
477 | figure |
478 | hold on |
479 | plot(MatPos{1}(:,1),MatPos{1}(:,2),'r+') |
480 | plot(MatPos{2}(:,1),MatPos{2}(:,2),'b+') |
481 | quiver(MatPos{2}(:,1),MatPos{2}(:,2),vitfu{1}(:),vitfv{1}(:),'g') |
482 | legend('particules image 1','particules image 2','vitesse 1-2 (cm/s)'); |
483 | xlabel('x (cm)'); |
484 | ylabel('y (cm)'); |
485 | title('Position et vitesse (cm/s) des particules') |
486 | |
487 | vitfumoy=vitfu{1}; |
488 | vitfvmoy=vitfv{1}; |
489 | |
490 | end |
491 | |
492 | VitData.NbDim=2; |
493 | VitData.NbCoord=2; |
494 | VitData.CoordType='phys'; |
495 | VitData.dt=0.0185; |
496 | VitData.CoordUnit='cm'; |
497 | VitData.Z=0; |
498 | VitData.ListDimName={'nb_vectors'}; |
499 | VitData.DimValue=size(vitfumoy,2); |
500 | VitData.ListVarName={'X' 'Y' 'U' 'V' 'F'}; |
501 | VitData.VarDimIndex={[1] [1] [1] [1] [1]}; |
502 | VitData.ListVarAttribute={'Role'}; |
503 | VitData.Role={'coord_x' 'coord_y' 'vector_x' 'vector_y' 'warnflag'}; |
504 | |
505 | if nbfield>2 |
506 | VitData.X=size(MatPos{4},1); |
507 | VitData.Y=size(MatPos{4},2); |
508 | else |
509 | VitData.X=size(MatPos{2},1); |
510 | VitData.Y=size(MatPos{2},2); |
511 | end |
512 | |
513 | VitData.U=size(vitfumoy,2); |
514 | VitData.V=size(vitfvmoy,2); |
515 | VitData.Style='plane'; |
516 | VitData.Time=[198.5203 198.5203]; |
517 | VitData.Action=Series.Action; |
518 | |
519 | if nbfield>2 |
520 | VitData.X=MatPos{4}(:,1)'; |
521 | VitData.Y=MatPos{4}(:,2)'; |
522 | else |
523 | VitData.X=MatPos{2}(:,1)'; |
524 | VitData.Y=MatPos{2}(:,2)'; |
525 | end |
526 | |
527 | VitData.U=vitfumoy(:)'; |
528 | VitData.V=vitfvmoy(:)'; |
529 | |
530 | if length(VitData.ListVarName) >= 4 & isequal(VitData.ListVarName(1:4), {'X' 'Y' 'U' 'V'}) |
531 | VitData.ListAttribute={'nb_coord','nb_dim','dt','pixcmx','pixcmy','hart','civ','fix'}; |
532 | VitData.nb_coord=2; |
533 | VitData.nb_dim=2; |
534 | VitData.dt=0.018; |
535 | VitData.absolut_time_T0=0; |
536 | VitData.pixcmx=1; %pix per cm (1 by default) |
537 | VitData.pixcmy=1; %pix per cm (1 by default) |
538 | VitData.hart=0; |
539 | if isequal(VitData.CoordType,'px') |
540 | VitData.civ=1; |
541 | else |
542 | VitData.civ=0; |
543 | end |
544 | VitData.fix=0; |
545 | VitData.ListVarName(1:4)={'vec_X' 'vec_Y' 'vec_U' 'vec_V'}; |
546 | VitData.vec_X=VitData.X; |
547 | VitData.vec_Y=VitData.Y; |
548 | VitData.vec_U=VitData.U; |
549 | VitData.vec_V=VitData.V; |
550 | end |
551 | currentdir=pwd;%store the current working directory |
552 | [Path_ima,Name]=fileparts(filebase);%Path of the image files (.civ) |
553 | cd(Path_ima);%move to the directory of the images: needed to create the result dir by 'mkdir' |
554 | dircur=pwd; %current working directory |
555 | [m1,m2,m3]=mkdir('TRACK_test') |
556 | cd(currentdir) |
557 | [filename_nc,idetect]=name_generator(filebase,num_i1(1),num_j1(1),'.nc','_i_j1-j2',1,num_i1(1),num_j1(2),'TRACK_test') |
558 | error=struct2nc(filename_nc,VitData); %save result file |
559 | if isequal(error,0) |
560 | [filename_nc ' written'] |
561 | else |
562 | warndlg_uvmat(error,'ERROR') |
563 | end |
564 | |