%'relabel_i_j': relabel an image series with two indices, and correct errors from the RDvision transfer program %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % function GUI_config=relabel_i_j(Param) %------------------------------------------------------------------------ %%%%%%%%%%% GENERAL TO ALL SERIES ACTION FCTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % This function is used in four modes by the GUI series: % 1) config GUI: with no input argument, the function determine the suitable GUI configuration % 2) interactive input: the function is used to interactively introduce input parameters, and then stops % 3) RUN: the function itself runs, when an appropriate input structure Param has been introduced. % 4) BATCH: the function itself proceeds in BATCH mode, using an xml file 'Param' as input. % % This function is used in four modes by the GUI series: % 1) config GUI: with no input argument, the function determine the suitable GUI configuration % 2) interactive input: the function is used to interactively introduce input parameters, and then stops % 3) RUN: the function itself runs, when an appropriate input structure Param has been introduced. % 4) BATCH: the function itself proceeds in BATCH mode, using an xml file 'Param' as input. % %OUTPUT % GUI_input=list of options in the GUI series.fig needed for the function % %INPUT: % In run mode, the input parameters are given as a Matlab structure Param copied from the GUI series. % In batch mode, Param is the name of the corresponding xml file containing the same information % In the absence of input (as activated when the current Action is selected % in series), the function ouput GUI_input set the activation of the needed GUI elements % % Param contains the elements:(use the menu bar command 'export/GUI config' in series to see the current structure Param) % .InputTable: cell of input file names, (several lines for multiple input) % each line decomposed as {RootPath,SubDir,Rootfile,NomType,Extension} % .OutputSubDir: name of the subdirectory for data outputs % .OutputDir: directory for data outputs, including path % .Action: .ActionName: name of the current activated function % .ActionPath: path of the current activated function % .IndexRange: set the file or frame indices on which the action must be performed % .FieldTransform: .TransformName: name of the selected transform function % .TransformPath: path of the selected transform function % .TransformHandle: corresponding function handle % .InputFields: sub structure describing the input fields withfields % .FieldName: name of the field % .VelType: velocity type % .FieldName_1: name of the second field in case of two input series % .VelType_1: velocity type of the second field in case of two input series % .ProjObject: %sub structure describing a projection object (read from ancillary GUI set_object) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function GUI_config=relabel_i_j(Param) %% set the input elements needed on the GUI series when the action is selected in the menu ActionName if ~exist('Param','var') % case with no input parameter GUI_config={'NbViewMax';1;...% max nbre of input file series (default='' , no limitation) 'AllowInputSort';'off';...% allow alphabetic sorting of the list of input files (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) 'WholeIndexRange';'on';...% prescribes the file index ranges from min to max (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) 'NbSlice';'off'; ...%nbre of slices ('off' by default) 'VelType';'off';...% menu for selecting the velocity type (options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default) 'FieldName';'off';...% menu for selecting the field (s) in the input file(options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default) 'FieldTransform'; 'off';...%can use a transform function 'ProjObject';'off';...%can use projection object(option 'off'/'on', 'Mask';'off';...%can use mask option (option 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) 'OutputDirExt';'';...%set the output dir extension ''}; return end %%%%%%%%%%%% STANDARD PART (DO NOT EDIT) %%%%%%%%%%%% %% select different modes, RUN, parameter input, BATCH % BATCH case: read the xml file for batch case GUI_config=Param;%reproduce the input parameters, no interactive input if ischar(Param) if strcmp(Param,'input?') checkrun=1;% will inly search input parameters (preparation of BATCH mode) else Param=xml2struct(Param); checkrun=0; end % RUN case: parameters introduced as the input structure Param else hseries=guidata(Param.hseries);%handles of the GUI series WaitbarPos=get(hseries.waitbar_frame,'Position');%position of the waitbar on the GUI series checkrun=2; % indicate the RUN option is used end %% root input file(s) and type RootPath=Param.InputTable(:,1); RootFile=Param.InputTable(:,3); SubDir=Param.InputTable(:,2); NomType=Param.InputTable(:,4); FileExt=Param.InputTable(:,5); % get the set of input file names (cell array filecell), and the lists of % input file or frame indices i1_series,i2_series,j1_series,j2_series [filecell,i1_series,i2_series,j1_series,j2_series]=get_file_series(Param); % filecell{iview,fileindex}: cell array representing the list of file names % iview: line in the table corresponding to a given file series % fileindex: file index within the file series, % i1_series(iview,ref_j,ref_i)... are the corresponding arrays of indices i1,i2,j1,j2, depending on the input line iview and the two reference indices ref_i,ref_j % i1_series(iview,fileindex) expresses the same indices as a 1D array in file indices % set of frame indices used for movie or multimage input % numbers of slices and file indices NbSlice=1;%default if isfield(Param.IndexRange,'NbSlice')&&~isempty(Param.IndexRange.NbSlice) NbSlice=Param.IndexRange.NbSlice; end nbview=numel(i1_series);%number of input file series (lines in InputTable) nbfield_j=size(i1_series{1},1); %nb of fields for the j index (bursts or volume slices) nbfield_i=size(i1_series{1},2); %nb of fields for the i index nbfield=nbfield_j*nbfield_i; %total number of fields nbfield_i=floor(nbfield/NbSlice);%total number of indexes in a slice (adjusted to an integer number of slices) nbfield=nbfield_i*NbSlice; %total number of fields after adjustement %determine the file type on each line from the first input file ImageTypeOptions={'image','multimage','mmreader','video'}; NcTypeOptions={'netcdf','civx','civdata'}; for iview=1:nbview if ~exist(filecell{iview,1}','file') msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['the first input file ' filecell{iview,1} ' does not exist']) return end [FileType{iview},FileInfo{iview},MovieObject{iview}]=get_file_type(filecell{iview,1}); CheckImage{iview}=~isempty(find(strcmp(FileType{iview},ImageTypeOptions)));% =1 for images CheckNc{iview}=~isempty(find(strcmp(FileType{iview},NcTypeOptions)));% =1 for netcdf files if ~isempty(j1_series{iview}) frame_index{iview}=j1_series{iview}; else frame_index{iview}=i1_series{iview}; end end %% calibration data and timing: read the ImaDoc files mode=''; %default timecell={}; itime=0; NbSlice_calib={}; XmlData=cell(1,nbview);%initiate the structures containing the data from the xml file (calibration and timing) for iview=1:nbview%Loop on views SubDirBase=regexprep(SubDir{iview},'\..*','');%take the root part of SubDir, before the first dot '.' filexml=[fullfile(RootPath{iview},SubDirBase) '.xml'];%new convention: xml at the level of the image folder if ~exist(filexml,'file') filexml=[fullfile(RootPath{iview},SubDir{iview},RootFile{iview}) '.xml']; % old convention: xml inside the image folder if ~exist(filexml,'file') filexml=[fullfile(RootPath{iview},SubDir{iview},RootFile{iview}) '.civ']; % very old convention: .civ file if ~exist(filexml,'file') filexml=''; end end end if ~isempty(filexml) [XmlData{iview},error]=imadoc2struct_special(filexml); end if isfield(XmlData{iview},'Time') itime=itime+1; timecell{itime}=XmlData{iview}.Time; end if isfield(XmlData{iview},'GeometryCalib') && isfield(XmlData{iview}.GeometryCalib,'SliceCoord') NbSlice_calib{iview}=size(XmlData{iview}.GeometryCalib.SliceCoord,1);%nbre of slices for Zindex in phys transform if ~isequal(NbSlice_calib{iview},NbSlice_calib{1}) msgbox_uvmat('WARNING','inconsistent number of Z indices for the two field series'); end end end %% check coincidence in time for several input file series % not relevant %% coordinate transform or other user defined transform %not relevant %%%%%%%%%%%% END STANDARD PART %%%%%%%%%%%% % EDIT FROM HERE %% check the validity of input file types if CheckImage{1} FileExtOut='.png'; % write result as .png images for image inputs elseif CheckNc{1} FileExtOut='.nc';% write result as .nc files for netcdf inputs else msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['invalid file type input ' FileType{1}]) return end if nbview==2 && ~isequal(CheckImage{1},CheckImage{2}) msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','input must be two image series or two netcdf file series') return end NomTypeOut='_1-2_1';% output file index will indicate the first and last ref index in the series if NbSlice~=nbfield_j answer=msgbox_uvmat('INPUT_Y-N',['will not average slice by slice: for so cancel and set NbSlice= ' num2str(nbfield_j)]); if ~strcmp(answer,'Yes') return end end %% Set field names and velocity types % not relevant here %% Initiate output fields % not relevant here %% interactive input of specific parameters (for RDvision system) display('RDvision system') first_label=0; %image numbers start from 0 if ~strcmp(NomType{1},'_000001') msgbox_uvmat('WARNING','the input is not a file from RDvision: this function relabel_i_j has no action');%error message for directory creation return else answer=msgbox_uvmat('','this function will relabel the file series from RDvision from and correct the xml file');%error message for directory creation if ~strcmp(answer,'Yes') return end end %% read imadoc % RootPath=get(hseries.RootPath,'String'); % RootFile=get(hseries.RootFile,'String'); % if ~iscell(RootFile) % msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','please enter an input image series from RDVision system')%error message for xml file reading % return % end % basename=fullfile(RootPath{1},RootFile{1}); % [XmlData,warntext]=imadoc2struct_special([basename '.xml']);% read the xml file appended to the present function (containing bug corrections) % if ~isempty(warntext) % msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',warntext)%error message for xml file reading % end % nbfield1=size(XmlData.Time,1); % nbfield2=size(XmlData.Time,2); % set(hseries.first_i,'String',num2str(first_label))% display the first image in the process % set(hseries.last_i,'String',num2str(nbfield1*nbfield2-1+first_label))% display the last image in the process % set(hseries.nb_field,'String',{num2str(nbfield1*nbfield2-1+first_label)})% display the total nbre of images % SeriesData=get(hGUI,'UserData'); %% stop program there when it is selected in the menu (no run action) % if ~exist('num_i1','var') % return % end % if nbfield2>=2 % answer=msgbox_uvmat('',[num2str(nbfield1) ' bursts containing ' num2str(nbfield2) ' images each']);%error message for directory creation % nomtype='_i_j'; % else % answer=msgbox_uvmat('',['image series with ' num2str(nbfield1) ' images']);%error message for directory creation % nomtype='_i'; % end % if ~strcmp(answer,'Yes') % return % end %% copy and adapt the xml file if ~isempty(XmlData{1}) % if exist([basename '.xml'],'file') % try % copyfile([basename '.xml'],[basename '.xml~']);% backup the xml file % catch ME % msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',ME.message); % return % end % filexml=[filebase{1} '.xml'] t=xmltree(filexml); %update information on the first image name in the series uid_Heading=find(t,'ImaDoc/Heading'); if isempty(uid_Heading) [t,uid_Heading]=add(t,1,'element','Heading'); end uid_ImageName=find(t,'ImaDoc/Heading/ImageName'); j1=[]; if ~isempty(j1_series{1}) j1=j1_series{1}; end ImageName=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath{1},SubDir{1},RootFile{1},FileExt{1},'_1_1',i1_series{1}(1),[],j); % ImageName=name_generator(basename,1,1,'.png','_i_j'); [pth,ImageName]=fileparts(ImageName); ImageName=[ImageName '.png']; if isempty(uid_ImageName) [t,uid_ImageName]=add(t,uid_Heading,'element','ImageName'); end uid_value=children(t,uid_ImageName); if isempty(uid_value) t=add(t,uid_ImageName,'chardata',ImageName);%indicate name of the first image, with ;png extension else t=set(t,uid_value(1),'value',ImageName);%indicate name of the first image, with ;png extension end %%%% correction RDvision %%%% if isfield(XmlData,'NbDtj') uid_NbDtj=find(t,'ImaDoc/Camera/BurstTiming/NbDtj'); uid_value=children(t,uid_NbDtj); if ~isempty(uid_value) t=set(t,uid_value(1),'value',num2str(XmlData.NbDtj)); end end if isfield(XmlData,'NbDtk') uid_NbDtk=find(t,'ImaDoc/Camera/BurstTiming/NbDtk'); uid_value=children(t,uid_NbDtk); if ~isempty(uid_value) t=set(t,uid_value(1),'value',num2str(XmlData.NbDtk)); end end if isempty(j1_series{1}) && isfield(XmlData,'NbDti') uid_Dti=find(t,'ImaDoc/Camera/BurstTiming/Dti'); t=add(t,uid_Dti,'chardata',num2str(XmlData.Dti)); uid_NbDti=find(t,'ImaDoc/Camera/BurstTiming/NbDti'); t=add(t,uid_NbDti,'chardata',num2str(XmlData.NbDti)); uid_NbDtj=find(t,'ImaDoc/Camera/BurstTiming/NbDtj'); uid_NbDtk=find(t,'ImaDoc/Camera/BurstTiming/NbDtk'); t=delete(t,uid_NbDtj); t=delete(t,uid_NbDtk); uid_Dtj=find(t,'ImaDoc/Camera/BurstTiming/Dtj'); uid_Dtk=find(t,'ImaDoc/Camera/BurstTiming/Dtk'); t=delete(t,uid_Dtj); t=delete(t,uid_Dtk); end SubDirBase=regexprep(SubDir{1},'\..*','');%take the root part of SubDir, before the first dot '.' filexml_new=[fullfile(RootPath{1},SubDirBase) '.xml']; save(t,filexml_new) % end end %% main loop on images %j1=[];%default nbfield2=size(XmlData{1}.Time,2); for ifile=1:nbfield if checkrun update_waitbar(hseries.waitbar_frame,WaitbarPos,ifile/nbfield) stopstate=get(hseries.RUN,'BusyAction'); else stopstate='queue'; end if isequal(stopstate,'queue') % enable STOP command filename=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath{1},SubDir{1},RootFile{1},FileExt{1},NomType{1},i1_series{1}(ifile)); j1=mod(ifile-1+first_label,nbfield2)+1; i1=floor((ifile-1+first_label)/nbfield2)+1; % filename_new=name_generator(basename,num_i,num_j,'.png',nomtype); filename_new=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath{1},SubDir{1},RootFile{1},FileExt{1},'_1_1',i1,[],j1); try movefile(filename,filename_new); [s,errormsg] = fileattrib(filename_new,'-w','a'); %set images to read only '-w' for all users ('a') if ~s msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',errormsg); return end catch ME msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',ME.message); return end end end %'imadoc2struct_special': reads the xml file for image documentation %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % function [s,errormsg]=imadoc2struct_special(ImaDoc,option) % % OUTPUT: % s: structure representing ImaDoc % s.Heading: information about the data hierarchical structure % s.Time: matrix of times % s.TimeUnit % s.GeometryCalib: substructure containing the parameters for geometric calibration % errormsg: error message % % INPUT: % ImaDoc: full name of the xml input file with head key ImaDoc % option: ='GeometryCalib': read the data of GeometryCalib, including source point coordinates function [s,errormsg]=imadoc2struct_special(ImaDoc,option) %% default input and output if ~exist('option','var') option='*'; end errormsg=[];%default s.Heading=[];%default s.Time=[]; %default s.TimeUnit=[]; %default s.GeometryCalib=[]; tsai=[];%default %% opening the xml file if exist(ImaDoc,'file')~=2, errormsg=[ ImaDoc ' does not exist']; return;end;%input file does not exist try t=xmltree(ImaDoc); catch errormsg={[ImaDoc ' is not a valid xml file']; lasterr}; display(errormsg); return end uid_root=find(t,'/ImaDoc'); if isempty(uid_root), errormsg=[ImaDoc ' is not an image documentation file ImaDoc']; return; end;%not an ImaDoc .xml file %% Heading uid_Heading=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Heading'); if ~isempty(uid_Heading), uid_Campaign=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Heading/Campaign'); uid_Exp=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Heading/Experiment'); uid_Device=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Heading/Device'); uid_Record=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Heading/Record'); uid_FirstImage=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Heading/ImageName'); s.Heading.Campaign=get(t,children(t,uid_Campaign),'value'); s.Heading.Experiment=get(t,children(t,uid_Exp),'value'); s.Heading.Device=get(t,children(t,uid_Device),'value'); if ~isempty(uid_Record) s.Heading.Record=get(t,children(t,uid_Record),'value'); end s.Heading.ImageName=get(t,children(t,uid_FirstImage),'value'); end %% Camera and timing if strcmp(option,'*') || strcmp(option,'Camera') uid_Camera=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Camera'); if ~isempty(uid_Camera) uid_ImageSize=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Camera/ImageSize'); if ~isempty(uid_ImageSize); ImageSize=get(t,children(t,uid_ImageSize),'value'); xindex=findstr(ImageSize,'x'); if length(xindex)>=2 s.Npx=str2double(ImageSize(1:xindex(1)-1)); s.Npy=str2double(ImageSize(xindex(1)+1:xindex(2)-1)); end end uid_TimeUnit=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Camera/TimeUnit'); if ~isempty(uid_TimeUnit) s.TimeUnit=get(t,children(t,uid_TimeUnit),'value'); end uid_BurstTiming=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Camera/BurstTiming'); if ~isempty(uid_BurstTiming) for k=1:length(uid_BurstTiming) subt=branch(t,uid_BurstTiming(k));%subtree under BurstTiming % reading Dtk Frequency=get_value(subt,'/BurstTiming/FrameFrequency',1); Dtj=get_value(subt,'/BurstTiming/Dtj',[]); Dtj=Dtj/Frequency;%Dtj converted from frame unit to TimeUnit (e.g. 's') NbDtj=get_value(subt,'/BurstTiming/NbDtj',1); %%%% correction RDvision %%%% % NbDtj=NbDtj/numel(Dtj); % s.NbDtj=NbDtj; % %%%% Dti=get_value(subt,'/BurstTiming/Dti',[]); NbDti=get_value(subt,'/BurstTiming/NbDti',1); %%%% correction RDvision %%%% if isempty(Dti)% series Dti=Dtj; NbDti=NbDtj; Dtj=[]; s.Dti=Dti; else % NbDtj=NbDtj/numel(Dtj);%bursts s.NbDtj=NbDtj; end %%%% %%%% Dti=Dti/Frequency;%Dtj converted from frame unit to TimeUnit (e.g. 's') Time_val=get_value(subt,'/BurstTiming/Time',0);%time in TimeUnit if ~isempty(Dti) Dti=reshape(Dti'*ones(1,NbDti),NbDti*numel(Dti),1); %concatene Dti vector NbDti times Time_val=[Time_val;Time_val(end)+cumsum(Dti)];%append the times defined by the intervals Dti end if ~isempty(Dtj) Dtj=reshape(Dtj'*ones(1,NbDtj),1,NbDtj*numel(Dtj)); %concatene Dtj vector NbDtj times Dtj=[0 Dtj]; Time_val=Time_val*ones(1,numel(Dtj))+ones(numel(Time_val),1)*cumsum(Dtj);% produce a time matrix with Dtj end % reading Dtk Dtk=get_value(subt,'/BurstTiming/Dtk',[]); NbDtk=get_value(subt,'/BurstTiming/NbDtk',1); %%%% correction RDvision %%%% if ~isequal(NbDtk,1) NbDtk=-1+(NbDtk+1)/(NbDti+1); end s.NbDtk=NbDtk; %%%%% if isempty(Dtk) s.Time=[s.Time;Time_val]; else for kblock=1:NbDtk+1 Time_val_k=Time_val+(kblock-1)*Dtk; s.Time=[s.Time;Time_val_k]; end end end end end end %% motor if strcmp(option,'*') || strcmp(option,'GeometryCalib') uid_subtree=find(t,'/ImaDoc/TranslationMotor'); if length(uid_subtree)==1 subt=branch(t,uid_subtree);%subtree under GeometryCalib [s.TranslationMotor,errormsg]=read_subtree(subt,{'Nbslice','ZStart','ZEnd'},[1 1 1],[1 1 1]); end end %% geometric calibration if strcmp(option,'*') || strcmp(option,'GeometryCalib') uid_GeometryCalib=find(t,'/ImaDoc/GeometryCalib'); if ~isempty(uid_GeometryCalib) if length(uid_GeometryCalib)>1 errormsg=['More than one GeometryCalib in ' filecivxml]; return end subt=branch(t,uid_GeometryCalib);%subtree under GeometryCalib cont=get(subt,1,'contents'); if ~isempty(cont) uid_CalibrationType=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/CalibrationType'); if isequal(length(uid_CalibrationType),1) tsai.CalibrationType=get(subt,children(subt,uid_CalibrationType),'value'); end uid_CoordUnit=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/CoordUnit'); if isequal(length(uid_CoordUnit),1) tsai.CoordUnit=get(subt,children(subt,uid_CoordUnit),'value'); end uid_fx_fy=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/fx_fy'); focal=[];%default fro old convention (Reg Wilson) if isequal(length(uid_fx_fy),1) tsai.fx_fy=str2num(get(subt,children(subt,uid_fx_fy),'value')); else %old convention (Reg Wilson) uid_focal=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/focal'); uid_dpx_dpy=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/dpx_dpy'); uid_sx=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/sx'); if ~isempty(uid_focal) && ~isempty(uid_dpx_dpy) && ~isempty(uid_sx) dpx_dpy=str2num(get(subt,children(subt,uid_dpx_dpy),'value')); sx=str2num(get(subt,children(subt,uid_sx),'value')); focal=str2num(get(subt,children(subt,uid_focal),'value')); tsai.fx_fy(1)=sx*focal/dpx_dpy(1); tsai.fx_fy(2)=focal/dpx_dpy(2); end end uid_Cx_Cy=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/Cx_Cy'); if ~isempty(uid_Cx_Cy) tsai.Cx_Cy=str2num(get(subt,children(subt,uid_Cx_Cy),'value')); end uid_kc=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/kc'); if ~isempty(uid_kc) tsai.kc=str2double(get(subt,children(subt,uid_kc),'value')); else %old convention (Reg Wilson) uid_kappa1=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/kappa1'); if ~isempty(uid_kappa1)&& ~isempty(focal) kappa1=str2double(get(subt,children(subt,uid_kappa1),'value')); tsai.kc=-kappa1*focal*focal; end end uid_Tx_Ty_Tz=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/Tx_Ty_Tz'); if ~isempty(uid_Tx_Ty_Tz) tsai.Tx_Ty_Tz=str2num(get(subt,children(subt,uid_Tx_Ty_Tz),'value')); end uid_R=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/R'); if ~isempty(uid_R) RR=get(subt,children(subt,uid_R),'value'); if length(RR)==3 tsai.R=[str2num(RR{1});str2num(RR{2});str2num(RR{3})]; end end %look for laser plane definitions uid_Angle=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/PlaneAngle'); uid_Pos=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/SliceCoord'); if isempty(uid_Pos) uid_Pos=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/PlanePos');%old convention end if ~isempty(uid_Angle) tsai.PlaneAngle=str2num(get(subt,children(subt,uid_Angle),'value')); end if ~isempty(uid_Pos) for j=1:length(uid_Pos) tsai.SliceCoord(j,:)=str2num(get(subt,children(subt,uid_Pos(j)),'value')); end uid_DZ=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/SliceDZ'); uid_NbSlice=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/NbSlice'); if ~isempty(uid_DZ) && ~isempty(uid_NbSlice) DZ=str2double(get(subt,children(subt,uid_DZ),'value')); NbSlice=get(subt,children(subt,uid_NbSlice),'value'); if isequal(NbSlice,'volume') tsai.NbSlice='volume'; NbSlice=NbDtj+1; else tsai.NbSlice=str2double(NbSlice); end tsai.SliceCoord=ones(NbSlice,1)*tsai.SliceCoord+DZ*(0:NbSlice-1)'*[0 0 1]; end end tsai.SliceAngle=get_value(subt,'/GeometryCalib/SliceAngle',[0 0 0]); tsai.VolumeScan=get_value(subt,'/GeometryCalib/VolumeScan','n'); tsai.InterfaceCoord=get_value(subt,'/GeometryCalib/InterfaceCoord',[0 0 0]); tsai.RefractionIndex=get_value(subt,'/GeometryCalib/RefractionIndex',1); if strcmp(option,'GeometryCalib') tsai.PointCoord=get_value(subt,'/GeometryCalib/SourceCalib/PointCoord',[0 0 0 0 0]); end s.GeometryCalib=tsai; end end end %-------------------------------------------------- % read a subtree % INPUT: % t: xltree % head_element: head elelemnt of the subtree % Data, structure containing % .Key: element name % .Type: type of element ('charg', 'float'....) % .NbOccur: nbre of occurrence, NaN for un specified number function [s,errormsg]=read_subtree(subt,Data,NbOccur,NumTest) %-------------------------------------------------- s=[];%default errormsg=''; head_element=get(subt,1,'name'); cont=get(subt,1,'contents'); if ~isempty(cont) for ilist=1:length(Data) uid_key=find(subt,[head_element '/' Data{ilist}]); if ~isequal(length(uid_key),NbOccur(ilist)) errormsg=['wrong number of occurence for ' Data{ilist}]; return end for ival=1:length(uid_key) val=get(subt,children(subt,uid_key(ival)),'value'); if ~NumTest(ilist) eval(['s.' Data{ilist} '=val;']); else eval(['s.' Data{ilist} '=str2double(val);']) end end end end %-------------------------------------------------- % read an xml element function val=get_value(t,label,default) %-------------------------------------------------- val=default; uid=find(t,label);%find the element iud(s) if ~isempty(uid) %if the element named label exists uid_child=children(t,uid);%find the children if ~isempty(uid_child) data=get(t,uid_child,'type');%get the type of child if iscell(data)% case of multiple element for icell=1:numel(data) val_read=str2num(get(t,uid_child(icell),'value')); if ~isempty(val_read) val(icell,:)=val_read; end end % val=val'; else % case of unique element value val_read=str2num(get(t,uid_child,'value')); if ~isempty(val_read) val=val_read; else val=get(t,uid_child,'value');%char string data end end end end