1 | % vel2vol:interpolate 2D velocity fields to volumes with structured coordinates in phys space
2 | % (specific to RDvision system)
3 | %----------------------------------------------------------------------
4 |
5 | %=======================================================================
6 | % Copyright 2008-2020, LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS UGA G-INP, Grenoble, France
7 | % http://www.legi.grenoble-inp.fr
8 | % Joel.Sommeria - Joel.Sommeria (A) legi.cnrs.fr
9 | %
10 | % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT.
11 | %
12 | % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 | % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
14 | % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license,
15 | % or (at your option) any later version.
16 | %
17 | % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 | % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | % GNU General Public License (see LICENSE.txt) for more details.
21 | %=======================================================================
22 |
23 | function GUI_input=vel2vol(num_i1,num_i2,num_j1,num_j2,Series)
24 | %requests for the visibility of input windows in the GUI series (activated directly by the selection in the menu ACTION)
25 | if ~exist('num_i1','var')
26 | GUI_input={'RootPath';'one';...%nbre of possible input series (options 'on'/'two'/'many', default:'one')
27 | 'SubDir';'on';... % subdirectory of derived files (PIV fields), ('on' by default)
28 | 'RootFile';'on';... %root input file name ('on' by default)
29 | 'FileExt';'on';... %input file extension ('on' by default)
30 | 'NomType';'on';...%type of file indexing ('on' by default)
31 | 'NbSlice';'on'; ...%nbre of slices ('off' by default)
32 | 'VelTypeMenu';'one';...% menu for selecting the velocity type (options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default)
33 | 'FieldMenu';'one';...% menu for selecting the field (s) in the input file(options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default)
34 | 'CoordType'; 'on';...%can use a transform function
35 | 'GetObject';'on';...%can use projection object(option 'off'/'one'/'two',
36 | ''}
37 | return %exit the function
38 | end
39 |
40 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%enable waitbar
41 | hseries=guidata(Series.hseries);%handles of the GUI series
42 | WaitbarPos=get(hseries.waitbar_frame,'Position');
43 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
44 |
46 | listfield=get(hseries.FieldMenu,'String');
47 | testfield=get(hseries.FieldMenu,'Value');
48 | FieldName=listfield{testfield}
49 | listfield=get(hseries.VelTypeMenu,'String');
50 | testfield=get(hseries.VelTypeMenu,'Value');
51 | VelType=listfield{testfield}
52 | transform_fct=Series.transform_fct;%handles of phys transform function
53 |
54 |
55 | %% projection object (volume)
56 | test_object=get(hseries.GetObject,'Value');
57 | if test_object%isfield(Series,'sethandles')
58 | hset_object=findobj(allchild(0),'tag','set_object');
59 | % ProjObject=read_set_object(guidata(hset_object));
60 | ProjObject=read_GUI(hset_object);
61 | if ~strcmp(ProjObject.Style,'volume')&&~strcmp(ProjObject.ProjMode,'interp')
62 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['a volume with projection mode interp must be defined']);
63 | return
64 | end
65 | answer=msgbox_uvmat('CONFIRMATION',['fields will be interpolated at the grid points of the volume']);
66 | else
67 | answer=msgbox_uvmat('CONFIRMATION',['fields will be concatenated without interpolation']);
68 | end
69 |
70 | %% create dir of the volume velocity fields
71 | basename=fullfile(Series.RootPath,Series.RootFile) ;
72 | % [dir_ima,namebase]=fileparts(basename);
73 | % [path,subdir_ima]=fileparts(dir_ima);
74 | SubDirNew=[Series.SubDir '_vol'];
75 | newdir=fullfile(Series.RootPath,SubDirNew);
76 | mkdir(newdir);
77 | [xx,msg2] = fileattrib(newdir,'+w','g'); %yield writing access (+w) to user group (g)
78 | if ~strcmp(msg2,'')
79 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['pb of permission for ' subdir_vel ': ' msg2])%error message for directory creation
80 | return
81 | end
82 | display(['volume fields in the directory ' newdir])
83 | % basename_new=fullfile(newdir,Series.RootFile);
84 |
85 |
86 | %% read imadoc
87 | [XmlData,warntext]=imadoc2struct([basename '.xml']);
88 | nbfield1=size(num_i1,1);
89 | nbfield2=size(XmlData.Time,2);% use the whole set of j indices
90 | % set(hseries.first_i,'String',num2str(first_label))% display the first image in the process
91 | set(hseries.last_j,'String',num2str(nbfield2))% display the last image in the process
92 |
93 | %% main loop
94 | for ifile=1:nbfield1
95 | update_waitbar(hseries.waitbar,WaitbarPos,ifile/nbfield1)
96 | for jfile=1:nbfield2
97 | filename=name_generator(basename,num_i1(ifile,jfile),num_j1(ifile,jfile),Series.FileExt,Series.NomType,1,num_i2(ifile,jfile),num_j2(ifile,jfile),Series.SubDir);
98 | [Field,VelTypeOut]=read_civxdata(filename,FieldName,VelType);
99 | if isfield(Field,'Txt')
100 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',Field.Txt)
101 | return
102 | end
103 | Field.ZIndex=jfile;
104 | % coordinate transform
105 | Field=transform_fct(Field,XmlData);
106 | % concatene slices
107 | if jfile==1
108 | % if isempty(Field.absolut_time_T0) || isequal(Field.civ,0)
109 | % msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','the input file is not civx data')
110 | % return
111 | % end
112 | FieldVol=Field;
113 | FieldVol.NbDim=3;
114 | else
115 | FieldVol.X=[FieldVol.X; Field.X];
116 | FieldVol.Y=[FieldVol.Y; Field.Y];
117 | FieldVol.Z=[FieldVol.Z; Field.Z];
118 | FieldVol.U=[FieldVol.U; Field.U];
119 | FieldVol.V=[FieldVol.V; Field.V];
120 | if isfield( Field,'F')
121 | FieldVol.F=[FieldVol.F; Field.F];
122 | end
123 | end
124 | end
125 | if test_object
126 | [FieldVol,errormsg]=proj_field(FieldVol,ProjObject);
127 | if ~isempty(errormsg)
128 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['error in vel2vol/proj_field:' errormsg])
129 | return
130 | end
131 | end
132 | filename_new=name_generator(basename,num_i1(ifile,jfile),[],'.nc','_1',1,num_i2(ifile,jfile),[],SubDirNew);
133 | errormsg=struct2nc(filename_new,FieldVol);
134 | if isempty(errormsg)
135 | display([filename_new ' written'])
136 | else
137 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['error in vel2vol/struct2nc:' errormsg])
138 | return
139 | end
140 | end
141 |