[8] | 1 | %'sub_field': combines two input fields
| 2 | %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
| 3 | % function SubData=sub_field(Field,Field_1)
| 4 | %
| 5 | % OUPUT:
| 6 | % SubData: structure representing the resulting field
| 7 | %
| 8 | % INPUT:
| 9 | % UvData: main structure UvData associated to the uvmat GUI as 'UserData'
| 10 | % Field: cell of Matlab structures representing the input fields
| 11 | %
| 12 | % -- TODO: need to be rationalized --
| 13 |
| 14 | function [SubData,errormsg]=sub_field(Field,Field_1)
| 15 | test_attr=0;
| 16 | if isfield(Field,'ListGlobalAttribute')
| 17 | SubData.ListGlobalAttribute=Field.ListGlobalAttribute;
| 18 | for ilist=1:numel(Field.ListGlobalAttribute)
| 19 | AttrName=Field.ListGlobalAttribute{ilist};
| 20 | eval(['SubData.' AttrName '=Field.' AttrName ';'])
| 21 | end
| 22 | test_attr=1;
| 23 | end
| 24 | if isfield(Field_1,'ListGlobalAttribute')
| 25 | for ilist=1:numel(Field_1.ListGlobalAttribute)
| 26 | test_1=1;
| 27 | AttrName=Field_1.ListGlobalAttribute{ilist};
| 28 | if test_attr
| 29 | for i_prev=1:numel(Field.ListGlobalAttribute)
| 30 | if isequal(Field.ListGlobalAttribute{i_prev},AttrName)
| 31 | test_1=0; %attribute already written
| 32 | eval(['Val=Field.' AttrName ';'])
| 33 | eval(['Val_1=Field_1.' AttrName ';'])
| 34 | if isequal(Val,Val_1)
| 35 | break% data already written
| 36 | else
| 37 | eval(['SubData.' AttrName '_1=Field_1.' AttrName ';'])
| 38 | end
| 39 | end
| 40 | end
| 41 | end
| 42 | if test_1
| 43 | eval(['SubData.' AttrName '=Field_1.' AttrName ';'])
| 44 | end
| 45 | end
| 46 | end
| 47 | SubData.ListVarName=Field.ListVarName;
| 48 | SubData.VarDimName=Field.VarDimName;
| 49 | if isfield(Field,'VarAttribute')
| 50 | SubData.VarAttribute=Field.VarAttribute;
| 51 | end
| 52 | %reproduce Field by default
| 53 | for ivar=1:numel(Field.ListVarName)
| 54 | VarName=Field.ListVarName{ivar};
| 55 | eval(['SubData.' VarName '=Field.' VarName ';'])
| 56 | end
| 57 |
| 58 | %fields
| 59 | [CellVarIndex,NbDim,VarTypeCell,errormsg]=find_field_indices(Field);
| 60 | if ~isempty(errormsg)
| 61 | errormsg=['invalid first input to sub_field:' errormsg];
| 62 | return
| 63 | end
| 64 | [CellVarIndex_1,NbDim_1,VarTypeCell_1,errormsg]=find_field_indices(Field_1);
| 65 | if ~isempty(errormsg)
| 66 | errormsg=['invalid second input to sub_field:' errormsg];
| 67 | return
| 68 | end
| 69 | iselect=find(NbDim==2);
| 70 | if ~isequal(numel(iselect),1)
| 71 | errormsg='invalid first input to sub_field: it must contain a single 2D field cell';
| 72 | return
| 73 | end
| 74 | iselect_1=find(NbDim_1==2);
| 75 | if ~isequal(numel(iselect_1),1)
| 76 | errormsg='invalid second input to sub_field: it must contain a single 2D field cell';
| 77 | return
| 78 | end
| 79 | % VarIndex=CellVarIndex{iselect};
| 80 | % VarIndex_1=CellVarIndex_1{iselect_1};
| 81 | VarType=VarTypeCell{iselect};
| 82 | VarType_1=VarTypeCell_1{iselect_1};
| 83 | testX=~isempty(VarType.coord_x)&& ~isempty(VarType.coord_y);%unstructured coordiantes
| 84 | testX_1=~isempty(VarType_1.coord_x)&& ~isempty(VarType_1.coord_y);%unstructured coordiantes
| 85 | testU=~isempty(VarType.vector_x)&& ~isempty(VarType.vector_y);%vector field
| 86 | testU_1=~isempty(VarType_1.vector_x)&& ~isempty(VarType_1.vector_y);%vector field
| 87 | % testfalse=~isempty(VarType.errorflag);
| 88 | testfalse_1=~isempty(VarType_1.errorflag);
| 89 | ivar_C=[VarType.scalar VarType.image VarType.color VarType.ancillary]; %defines index (indices) for the scalar or ancillary fields
| 90 | if numel(ivar_C)>1
| 91 | errormsg='too many scalar fields in the first input of sub_field.m';
| 92 | return
| 93 | end
| 94 | ivar_C_1=[VarType_1.scalar VarType_1.image VarType_1.color VarType_1.ancillary]; %defines index (indices) for the scalar or ancillary fields
| 95 | if numel(ivar_C_1)>1
| 96 | errormsg='too many scalar fields in the second input of sub_field.m';
| 97 | return
| 98 | end
| 99 |
| 100 | %substract two vector fields or two scalars
| 101 | if (testU && testU_1) || (~testU && ~testU_1)
| 102 | %check coincidence in positions
| 103 | %unstructured coordinates
| 104 | if testX
| 105 | XName=Field.ListVarName{VarType.coord_x};
| 106 | YName=Field.ListVarName{VarType.coord_y};
| 107 | eval(['vec_X=Field.' XName ';'])
| 108 | eval(['vec_Y=Field.' YName ';'])
| 109 | nbpoints=numel(vec_X);
| 110 | vec_X=reshape(vec_X,1,nbpoints);
| 111 | vec_Y=reshape(vec_Y,1,nbpoints);
| 112 | if testX_1 %unstructured coordinates for the second field
| 113 | X_1_Name=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.coord_x};
| 114 | Y_1_Name=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.coord_y};
| 115 | eval(['vec_X_1=Field_1.' X_1_Name ';'])
| 116 | eval(['vec_Y_1=Field_1.' Y_1_Name ';'])
| 117 | nbpoints_1=numel(vec_X_1);
| 118 | else %structured coordinates for the second field
| 119 | y_1_Name=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.coord(1)};
| 120 | x_1_Name=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.coord(2)};
| 121 | eval(['y_1=Field_1.' y_1_Name ';'])
| 122 | eval(['x_1=Field_1.' x_1_Name ';'])
| 123 | npxy(1)=numel(y_1);
| 124 | npxy(2)=numel(x_1);
| 125 | nbpoints_1=npxy(1)*npxy(2);
| 126 | [vec_X_1,vec_Y_1]=meshgrid(x_1,y_1);
| 127 | end
| 128 | vec_X_1=reshape(vec_X_1,1,nbpoints_1);
| 129 | vec_Y_1=reshape(vec_Y_1,1,nbpoints_1);
| 130 | if testfalse_1
| 131 | FFName_1=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.errorflag};
| 132 | eval(['vec_FF_1=Field_1.' FFName_1 ';'])
| 133 | vec_FF_1=reshape(vec_FF_1,1,nbpoints_1);
| 134 | indsel=find(~vec_FF_1);
| 135 | vec_X_1=vec_X_1(indsel);
| 136 | vec_Y_1=vec_Y_1(indsel);
| 137 | end
| 138 | if testU % vector fields
| 139 | U_1_Name=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.vector_x};
| 140 | V_1_Name=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.vector_y};
| 141 | eval(['vec_U_1=Field_1.' U_1_Name ';'])
| 142 | eval(['vec_V_1=Field_1.' V_1_Name ';'])
| 143 | vec_U_1=reshape(vec_U_1,1,nbpoints_1);
| 144 | vec_V_1=reshape(vec_V_1,1,nbpoints_1);
| 145 | if testfalse_1
| 146 | vec_U_1=vec_U_1(indsel);
| 147 | vec_V_1=vec_V_1(indsel);
| 148 | end
| 149 | else
| 150 | A_1_Name=Field_1.ListVarName{ivar_C_1};
| 151 | eval(['vec_A_1=Field_1.' A_1_Name ';'])
| 152 | vec_A_1=reshape(vec_A_1,1,nbpoints_1);
| 153 | if testfalse_1
| 154 | vec_A_1=vec_A_1(indsel);
| 155 | end
| 156 | end
| 157 | if ~isequal(vec_X_1,vec_X) && ~isequal(vec_Y_1,vec_Y) % if the unstructured positions are not the same
| 158 | if testU
| 159 | vec_U_1=griddata_uvmat(vec_X_1,vec_Y_1,vec_U_1,vec_X,vec_Y); %interpolate vectors in the second field
| 160 | vec_V_1=griddata_uvmat(vec_X_1,vec_Y_1,vec_V_1,vec_X,vec_Y); %interpolate vectors in the second field
| 161 | else
| 162 | vec_A_1=griddata_uvmat(vec_X_1,vec_Y_1,vec_A_1,vec_X,vec_Y); %interpolate vectors in the second field
| 163 | end
| 164 | end
| 165 | if testU
| 166 | UName=Field.ListVarName{VarType.vector_x};
| 167 | VName=Field.ListVarName{VarType.vector_y};
| 168 | eval(['vec_U=Field.' UName ';'])
| 169 | eval(['vec_V=Field.' VName ';'])
| 170 | vec_U=reshape(vec_U,1,numel(vec_U));
| 171 | vec_V=reshape(vec_V,1,numel(vec_V));
| 172 | eval(['SubData.' UName '=vec_U-vec_U_1;'])
| 173 | eval(['SubData.' VName '=vec_V-vec_V_1;'])
| 174 | else
| 175 | AName=Field.ListVarName{ivar_C};
| 176 | eval(['SubData.' AName '=Field.' AName '-vec_A_1;'])
| 177 | end
| 178 | else %structured coordiantes
| 179 | XName=Field.ListVarName{VarType.coord(2)};
| 180 | YName=Field.ListVarName{VarType.coord(1)};
| 181 | eval(['x=Field.' XName ';'])
| 182 | eval(['y=Field.' YName ';'])
| 183 | if testX_1 %unstructured coordinates for the second field
| 184 | errormsg='the second input scalar is not on a regular grid: comparison option not implemented';
| 185 | return
| 186 | else
| 187 | XName_1=Field.ListVarName{VarType_1.coord(2)};
| 188 | YName_1=Field.ListVarName{VarType_1.coord(1)};
| 189 | eval(['x_1=Field_1.' XName_1 ';'])
| 190 | eval(['y_1=Field_1.' YName_1 ';'])
| 191 | end
| 192 | if testU % vector fields
| 193 | UName=Field.ListVarName{VarType.vector_x};
| 194 | VName=Field.ListVarName{VarType.vector_y};
| 195 | U_1_Name=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.vector_x};
| 196 | V_1_Name=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.vector_y};
| 197 | eval(['U_1=Field_1.' U_1_Name ';'])
| 198 | eval(['V_1=Field_1.' V_1_Name ';'])
| 199 | if ~isequal(x_1,x)||~isequal(y_1,y)
| 200 | [X_1,Y_1]=meshgrid(x_1,y_1);
| 201 | U_1 =interp2(X_1,Y_1,U_1,x,y');
| 202 | V_1 =interp2(X_1,Y_1,V_1,x,y');
| 203 | end
[89] | 204 | eval(['SubData.' UName '=Field.' UName '-U_1;'])
| 205 | eval(['SubData.' VName '=Field.' VName '-V_1;'])
[8] | 206 | else
| 207 | AName=Field.ListVarName{ivar_C};
| 208 | A_1_Name=Field_1.ListVarName{ivar_C_1};
| 209 | eval(['A_1=double(Field_1.' A_1_Name ');'])
| 210 | if ~isequal(x_1,x)||~isequal(y_1,y)
| 211 | [X_1,Y_1]=meshgrid(x_1,y_1);
| 212 | A_1 =interp2(X_1,Y_1,A_1,x,y');
| 213 | end
| 214 | eval(['SubData.' AName '=double(Field.' AName ')-A_1;'])
| 215 | end
| 216 | end
| 217 | end
| 218 |
| 219 | % merge a vector field and a scalar as second input
| 220 | if testU && ~testU_1
| 221 | AName_1=Field_1.ListVarName{ivar_C_1};
| 222 | if isfield(Field_1,'VarAttribute') && numel(Field_1.VarAttribute)>=ivar_C_1
| 223 | AAttr=Field_1.VarAttribute{ivar_C_1} ;
| 224 | else
| 225 | AAttr=[];
| 226 | end
| 227 | if testX_1 %unstructured coordinate
| 228 | XName_1=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.coord_x};
| 229 | YName_1=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.coord_y};
[86] | 230 | %SubData.ListVarName=[SubData.ListVarName {XName_1} {YName_1}];
[8] | 231 | DimCell=Field_1.VarDimName([VarType_1.coord_x VarType_1.coord_y ]);
| 232 | if isfield(Field_1,'VarAttribute')
| 233 | if numel(Field_1.VarAttribute)>=VarType_1.coord_x
| 234 | XAttr=Field_1.VarAttribute{VarType_1.coord_x} ;
| 235 | else
| 236 | XAttr=[];
| 237 | end
| 238 | if numel(Field_1.VarAttribute)>=VarType_1.coord_y
| 239 | YAttr=Field_1.VarAttribute{VarType_1.coord_y} ;
| 240 | else
| 241 | YAttr=[];
| 242 | end
| 243 | SubData.VarAttribute=[SubData.VarAttribute {XAttr} {YAttr}];
| 244 | end
| 245 | else
| 246 | XName_1=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.coord(2)};
| 247 | YName_1=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.coord(1)};
| 248 | % DimCell=[{YName_1} {XName_1}];
| 249 | if isfield(Field_1,'VarAttribute')
| 250 | if numel(Field_1.VarAttribute)>=VarType_1.coord(2)
| 251 | XAttr=Field_1.VarAttribute{VarType_1.coord(2)} ;
| 252 | else
| 253 | XAttr=[];
| 254 | end
| 255 | if numel(Field_1.VarAttribute)>=VarType_1.coord(1)
| 256 | YAttr=Field_1.VarAttribute{VarType_1.coord(1)} ;
| 257 | else
| 258 | YAttr=[];
| 259 | end
| 260 | SubData.VarAttribute=[SubData.VarAttribute {YAttr} {XAttr}];
| 261 | end
| 262 | end
| 263 | %look for previously used variable names
| 264 | XName_1_1=XName_1;%default
| 265 | YName_1_1=YName_1;%default
| 266 | AName_1_1=AName_1;%default
| 267 | for iprev=1:numel(SubData.ListVarName)
| 268 | switch SubData.ListVarName{iprev}
| 269 | case XName_1
| 270 | XName_1_1=[XName_1 '_1'];
| 271 | case YName_1
| 272 | YName_1_1=[YName_1 '_1'];
| 273 | case AName_1
| 274 | AName_1_1=[AName_1 '_1'];
| 275 | end
| 276 | end
| 277 | if ~testX_1
| 278 | DimCell=[{XName_1_1} {YName_1_1}];
| 279 | end
| 280 | SubData.ListVarName=[SubData.ListVarName {XName_1_1} {YName_1_1} {AName_1_1}];
| 281 | DimCell=[DimCell Field_1.VarDimName(ivar_C_1)]; %(TODO: check for dimension names)
| 282 | SubData.VarDimName=[SubData.VarDimName DimCell];
| 283 | if isfield(Field_1,'VarAttribute')
| 284 | SubData.VarAttribute=[SubData.VarAttribute {AAttr}];
| 285 | end
| 286 | eval(['SubData.' XName_1_1 '=Field_1.' XName_1 ';'])
| 287 | eval(['SubData.' YName_1_1 '=Field_1.' YName_1 ';'])
| 288 | eval(['SubData.' AName_1_1 '=Field_1.' AName_1 ';'])
| 289 | end
| 290 |
| 291 | %merge a scalar as the first input and a vector field as second input
| 292 | if ~testU && testU_1
| 293 | UName_1=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.vector_x};
| 294 | VName_1=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.vector_y};
| 295 | UAttr=Field_1.VarAttribute{VarType_1.vector_x};
| 296 | VAttr=Field_1.VarAttribute{VarType_1.vector_y};
| 297 | if testX_1 %unstructured coordinate for the second field
| 298 | XName_1=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.coord_x};
| 299 | YName_1=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.coord_y};
| 300 |
| 301 | XAttr=Field_1.VarAttribute{VarType_1.coord_x};
| 302 | YAttr=Field_1.VarAttribute{VarType_1.coord_y};
| 303 | % SubData.ListVarName=[SubData.ListVarName {XName_1} {YName_1}];
| 304 | DimCell=Field_1.VarDimName([VarType_1.coord_x VarType_1.coord_y ]);
| 305 | else
| 306 | XName_1=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.coord(2)};
| 307 | YName_1=Field_1.ListVarName{VarType_1.coord(1)};
| 308 | if numel(Field_1.VarAttribute)>=VarType_1.coord(2)
| 309 | XAttr=Field_1.VarAttribute{VarType_1.coord(2)};
| 310 | else
| 311 | XAttr=[];
| 312 | end
| 313 | if numel(Field_1.VarAttribute)>=VarType_1.coord(1)
| 314 | YAttr=Field_1.VarAttribute{VarType_1.coord(1)};
| 315 | else
| 316 | YAttr=[];
| 317 | end
| 318 | end
| 319 | %check for the existence of the same variable name
| 320 | XName_1_1=XName_1; %default
| 321 | YName_1_1=YName_1; %default
| 322 | UName_1_1=UName_1; %default
| 323 | VName_1_1=VName_1; %default
| 324 | for iprev=1:numel(SubData.ListVarName)
| 325 | switch SubData.ListVarName{iprev}
| 326 | case XName_1
| 327 | XName_1_1=[XName_1 '_1'];
| 328 | case YName_1
| 329 | YName_1_1=[YName_1 '_1'];
| 330 | case UName_1
| 331 | UName_1_1=[UName_1 '_1'];
| 332 | case VName_1
| 333 | VName_1_1=[VName_1 '_1'];
| 334 | end
| 335 | end
| 336 | if ~testX_1
| 337 | DimCell=[{XName_1_1} {YName_1_1}];
| 338 | end
| 339 | SubData.ListVarName=[SubData.ListVarName {XName_1_1} {YName_1_1} {UName_1_1} {VName_1_1}];
| 340 | DimCell=[DimCell Field_1.VarDimName([VarType_1.vector_x VarType_1.vector_y ])];
| 341 | SubData.VarDimName=[SubData.VarDimName DimCell];
| 342 | if ~(isfield(SubData,'VarAttribute') && numel(SubData.VarAttribute)==numel(SubData.ListVarName))
| 343 | for ivar=numel(SubData.VarAttribute)+1:numel(SubData.ListVarName)-4
| 344 | SubData.VarAttribute{ivar}=[];
| 345 | end
| 346 | end
| 347 | SubData.VarAttribute=[SubData.VarAttribute {XAttr} {YAttr} {UAttr} {VAttr}];
| 348 | eval(['SubData.' XName_1_1 '=Field_1.' XName_1 ';'])
| 349 | eval(['SubData.' YName_1_1 '=Field_1.' YName_1 ';'])
| 350 | eval(['SubData.' UName_1_1 '=Field_1.' UName_1 ';'])
| 351 | eval(['SubData.' VName_1_1 '=Field_1.' VName_1 ';'])
| 352 | end
| 353 |
| 354 |