%======================================================================= % Copyright 2008-2015, LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS UJF G-INP, Grenoble, France % http://www.legi.grenoble-inp.fr % Joel.Sommeria - Joel.Sommeria (A) legi.cnrs.fr % % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT. % % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license, % or (at your option) any later version. % % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License (see LICENSE.txt) for more details. %======================================================================= %if exist('images_read'); % active_images = active_images & images_read; %end; var2fix = 'dX_default'; fixvariable; var2fix = 'dY_default'; fixvariable; var2fix = 'map'; fixvariable; if ~exist('n_ima'), data_calib; end; check_active_images; if ~exist(['I_' num2str(ind_active(1))]), ima_read_calib; if isempty(ind_read), disp('Cannot extract corners without images'); return; end; end; fprintf(1,'\nExtraction of the grid corners on the images\n'); if (exist('map')~=1), map = gray(256); end; if exist('dX'), dX_default = dX; end; if exist('dY'), dY_default = dY; end; if exist('n_sq_x'), n_sq_x_default = n_sq_x; end; if exist('n_sq_y'), n_sq_y_default = n_sq_y; end; if ~exist('dX_default')|~exist('dY_default'); % Setup of JY - 3D calibration rig at Intel (new at Intel) - use units in mm to match Zhang dX_default = 30; dY_default = 30; % Setup of JY - 3D calibration rig at Google - use units in mm to match Zhang dX_default = 100; dY_default = 100; end; if ~exist('n_sq_x_default')|~exist('n_sq_y_default'), n_sq_x_default = 10; n_sq_y_default = 10; end; if ~exist('wintx_default')|~exist('winty_default'), wintx_default = max(round(nx/128),round(ny/96)); winty_default = wintx_default; clear wintx winty end; if ~exist('wintx') | ~exist('winty'), clear_windows; % Clear all the window sizes (to re-initiate) end; if ~exist('dont_ask'), dont_ask = 0; end; if ~dont_ask, ima_numbers = input('Number(s) of image(s) to process ([] = all images) = '); else ima_numbers = []; end; if isempty(ima_numbers), ima_proc = 1:n_ima; else ima_proc = ima_numbers; end; % Useful option to add images: kk_first = ima_proc(1); %input('Start image number ([]=1=first): '); if exist(['wintx_' num2str(kk_first)]), eval(['wintxkk = wintx_' num2str(kk_first) ';']); if isempty(wintxkk) | isnan(wintxkk), disp('Window size for corner finder (wintx and winty):'); wintx = input(['wintx ([] = ' num2str(wintx_default) ') = ']); if isempty(wintx), wintx = wintx_default; end; wintx = round(wintx); winty = input(['winty ([] = ' num2str(winty_default) ') = ']); if isempty(winty), winty = winty_default; end; winty = round(winty); fprintf(1,'Window size = %dx%d\n',2*wintx+1,2*winty+1); end; else disp('Window size for corner finder (wintx and winty):'); wintx = input(['wintx ([] = ' num2str(wintx_default) ') = ']); if isempty(wintx), wintx = wintx_default; end; wintx = round(wintx); winty = input(['winty ([] = ' num2str(winty_default) ') = ']); if isempty(winty), winty = winty_default; end; winty = round(winty); fprintf(1,'Window size = %dx%d\n',2*wintx+1,2*winty+1); end; if ~dont_ask, fprintf(1,'Do you want to use the automatic square counting mechanism (0=[]=default)\n'); manual_squares = input(' or do you always want to enter the number of squares manually (1,other)? '); if isempty(manual_squares), manual_squares = 0; else manual_squares = ~~manual_squares; end; else manual_squares = 0; end; for kk = ima_proc, if exist(['I_' num2str(kk)]), click_ima_calib; active_images(kk) = 1; else eval(['dX_' num2str(kk) ' = NaN;']); eval(['dY_' num2str(kk) ' = NaN;']); eval(['wintx_' num2str(kk) ' = NaN;']); eval(['winty_' num2str(kk) ' = NaN;']); eval(['x_' num2str(kk) ' = NaN*ones(2,1);']); eval(['X_' num2str(kk) ' = NaN*ones(3,1);']); eval(['n_sq_x_' num2str(kk) ' = NaN;']); eval(['n_sq_y_' num2str(kk) ' = NaN;']); end; end; check_active_images; % Fix potential non-existing variables: for kk = 1:n_ima, if ~exist(['x_' num2str(kk)]), eval(['dX_' num2str(kk) ' = NaN;']); eval(['dY_' num2str(kk) ' = NaN;']); eval(['x_' num2str(kk) ' = NaN*ones(2,1);']); eval(['X_' num2str(kk) ' = NaN*ones(3,1);']); eval(['n_sq_x_' num2str(kk) ' = NaN;']); eval(['n_sq_y_' num2str(kk) ' = NaN;']); end; if ~exist(['wintx_' num2str(kk)]) | ~exist(['winty_' num2str(kk)]), eval(['wintx_' num2str(kk) ' = NaN;']); eval(['winty_' num2str(kk) ' = NaN;']); end; end; string_save = 'save calib_data active_images ind_active wintx winty n_ima type_numbering N_slots first_num image_numbers format_image calib_name Hcal Wcal nx ny map dX_default dY_default dX dY wintx_default winty_default'; for kk = 1:n_ima, string_save = [string_save ' X_' num2str(kk) ' x_' num2str(kk) ' n_sq_x_' num2str(kk) ' n_sq_y_' num2str(kk) ' wintx_' num2str(kk) ' winty_' num2str(kk) ' dX_' num2str(kk) ' dY_' num2str(kk)]; end; eval(string_save); disp('done'); return; go_calib_optim;