%======================================================================= % Copyright 2008-2016, LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS UGA G-INP, Grenoble, France % http://www.legi.grenoble-inp.fr % Joel.Sommeria - Joel.Sommeria (A) legi.cnrs.fr % % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT. % % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license, % or (at your option) any later version. % % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License (see LICENSE.txt) for more details. %======================================================================= function [omckk,Tckk,Rckk,JJ] = compute_extrinsic_refine(omc_init,Tc_init,x_kk,X_kk,fc,cc,kc,alpha_c,MaxIter,thresh_cond), %compute_extrinsic % %[omckk,Tckk,Rckk] = compute_extrinsic_refine(omc_init,x_kk,X_kk,fc,cc,kc,alpha_c,MaxIter) % %Computes the extrinsic parameters attached to a 3D structure X_kk given its projection %on the image plane x_kk and the intrinsic camera parameters fc, cc and kc. %Works with planar and non-planar structures. % %INPUT: x_kk: Feature locations on the images % X_kk: Corresponding grid coordinates % fc: Camera focal length % cc: Principal point coordinates % kc: Distortion coefficients % alpha_c: Skew coefficient % MaxIter: Maximum number of iterations % %OUTPUT: omckk: 3D rotation vector attached to the grid positions in space % Tckk: 3D translation vector attached to the grid positions in space % Rckk: 3D rotation matrices corresponding to the omc vectors % %Method: Computes the normalized point coordinates, then computes the 3D pose % %Important functions called within that program: % %normalize_pixel: Computes the normalize image point coordinates. % %pose3D: Computes the 3D pose of the structure given the normalized image projection. % %project_points.m: Computes the 2D image projections of a set of 3D points if nargin < 10, thresh_cond = inf; end; if nargin < 9, MaxIter = 20; end; if nargin < 8, alpha_c = 0; if nargin < 7, kc = zeros(5,1); if nargin < 6, cc = zeros(2,1); if nargin < 5, fc = ones(2,1); if nargin < 4, error('Need 2D projections and 3D points (in compute_extrinsic_refine.m)'); return; end; end; end; end; end; % Initialization: omckk = omc_init; Tckk = Tc_init; % Final optimization (minimize the reprojection error in pixel): % through Gradient Descent: param = [omckk;Tckk]; change = 1; iter = 0; %keyboard; %fprintf(1,'Gradient descent iterations: '); while (change > 1e-10)&(iter < MaxIter), %fprintf(1,'%d...',iter+1); [x,dxdom,dxdT] = project_points2(X_kk,omckk,Tckk,fc,cc,kc,alpha_c); ex = x_kk - x; %keyboard; JJ = [dxdom dxdT]; if cond(JJ) > thresh_cond, change = 0; else JJ2 = JJ'*JJ; param_innov = inv(JJ2)*(JJ')*ex(:); param_up = param + param_innov; change = norm(param_innov)/norm(param_up); param = param_up; iter = iter + 1; omckk = param(1:3); Tckk = param(4:6); end; end; %fprintf(1,'\n'); Rckk = rodrigues(omckk);