1 | %go_calib_optim_iter
2 | %
3 | %Main calibration function. Computes the intrinsic andextrinsic parameters.
4 | %Runs as a script.
5 | %
6 | %INPUT: x_1,x_2,x_3,...: Feature locations on the images
7 | % X_1,X_2,X_3,...: Corresponding grid coordinates
8 | %
9 | %OUTPUT: fc: Camera focal length
10 | % cc: Principal point coordinates
11 | % alpha_c: Skew coefficient
12 | % kc: Distortion coefficients
13 | % KK: The camera matrix (containing fc and cc)
14 | % omc_1,omc_2,omc_3,...: 3D rotation vectors attached to the grid positions in space
15 | % Tc_1,Tc_2,Tc_3,...: 3D translation vectors attached to the grid positions in space
16 | % Rc_1,Rc_2,Rc_3,...: 3D rotation matrices corresponding to the omc vectors
17 | %
18 | %Method: Minimizes the pixel reprojection error in the least squares sense over the intrinsic
19 | % camera parameters, and the extrinsic parameters (3D locations of the grids in space)
20 | %
21 | %Note: If the intrinsic camera parameters (fc, cc, kc) do not exist before, they are initialized through
22 | % the function init_intrinsic_param.m. Otherwise, the variables in memory are used as initial guesses.
23 | %
24 | %Note: The row vector active_images consists of zeros and ones. To deactivate an image, set the
25 | % corresponding entry in the active_images vector to zero.
26 | %
27 | %VERY IMPORTANT: This function works for 2D and 3D calibration rigs, except for init_intrinsic_param.m
28 | %that is so far implemented to work only with 2D rigs.
29 | %In the future, a more general function will be there.
30 | %For now, if using a 3D calibration rig, quick_init is set to 1 for an easy initialization of the focal length
31 |
32 | if ~exist('desactivated_images'),
33 | desactivated_images = [];
34 | end;
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 | if ~exist('est_aspect_ratio'),
39 | est_aspect_ratio = 1;
40 | end;
41 |
42 | if ~exist('est_fc');
43 | est_fc = [1;1]; % Set to zero if you do not want to estimate the focal length (it may be useful! believe it or not!)
44 | end;
45 |
46 | if ~exist('recompute_extrinsic'),
47 | recompute_extrinsic = 1; % Set this variable to 0 in case you do not want to recompute the extrinsic parameters
48 | % at each iterstion.
49 | end;
50 |
51 | if ~exist('MaxIter'),
52 | MaxIter = 30; % Maximum number of iterations in the gradient descent
53 | end;
54 |
55 | if ~exist('check_cond'),
56 | check_cond = 1; % Set this variable to 0 in case you don't want to extract view dynamically
57 | end;
58 |
59 | if ~exist('center_optim'),
60 | center_optim = 1; %%% Set this variable to 0 if your do not want to estimate the principal point
61 | end;
62 |
63 | if exist('est_dist'),
64 | if length(est_dist) == 4,
65 | est_dist = [est_dist ; 0];
66 | end;
67 | end;
68 |
69 | if ~exist('est_dist'),
70 | est_dist = [1;1;1;1;0];
71 | end;
72 |
73 | if ~exist('est_alpha'),
74 | est_alpha = 0; % by default, do not estimate skew
75 | end;
76 |
77 |
78 | % Little fix in case of stupid values in the binary variables:
79 | center_optim = double(~~center_optim);
80 | est_alpha = double(~~est_alpha);
81 | est_dist = double(~~est_dist);
82 | est_fc = double(~~est_fc);
83 | est_aspect_ratio = double(~~est_aspect_ratio);
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 | fprintf(1,'\n');
88 |
89 | if ~exist('nx')&~exist('ny'),
90 | fprintf(1,'WARNING: No image size (nx,ny) available. Setting nx=640 and ny=480. If these are not the right values, change values manually.\n');
91 | nx = 640;
92 | ny = 480;
93 | end;
94 |
95 |
96 | check_active_images;
97 |
98 | quick_init = 0; % Set to 1 for using a quick init (necessary when using 3D rigs)
99 |
100 |
101 | % Check 3D-ness of the calibration rig:
102 | rig3D = 0;
103 | for kk = ind_active,
104 | eval(['X_kk = X_' num2str(kk) ';']);
105 | if is3D(X_kk),
106 | rig3D = 1;
107 | end;
108 | end;
109 |
110 |
111 | if center_optim & (length(ind_active) < 2) & ~rig3D,
112 | fprintf(1,'WARNING: Principal point rejected from the optimization when using one image and planar rig (center_optim = 1).\n');
113 | center_optim = 0; %%% when using a single image, please, no principal point estimation!!!
114 | est_alpha = 0;
115 | end;
116 |
117 | if ~exist('dont_ask'),
118 | dont_ask = 0;
119 | end;
120 |
121 | if center_optim & (length(ind_active) < 5) & ~rig3D,
122 | fprintf(1,'WARNING: The principal point estimation may be unreliable (using less than 5 images for calibration).\n');
123 | %if ~dont_ask,
124 | % quest = input('Are you sure you want to keep the principal point in the optimization process? ([]=yes, other=no) ');
125 | % center_optim = isempty(quest);
126 | %end;
127 | end;
128 |
129 |
130 | % A quick fix for solving conflict
131 | if ~isequal(est_fc,[1;1]),
132 | est_aspect_ratio=1;
133 | end;
134 | if ~est_aspect_ratio,
135 | est_fc=[1;1];
136 | end;
137 |
138 |
139 | if ~est_aspect_ratio,
140 | fprintf(1,'Aspect ratio not optimized (est_aspect_ratio = 0) -> fc(1)=fc(2). Set est_aspect_ratio to 1 for estimating aspect ratio.\n');
141 | else
142 | if isequal(est_fc,[1;1]),
143 | fprintf(1,'Aspect ratio optimized (est_aspect_ratio = 1) -> both components of fc are estimated (DEFAULT).\n');
144 | end;
145 | end;
146 |
147 | if ~isequal(est_fc,[1;1]),
148 | if isequal(est_fc,[1;0]),
149 | fprintf(1,'The first component of focal (fc(1)) is estimated, but not the second one (est_fc=[1;0])\n');
150 | else
151 | if isequal(est_fc,[0;1]),
152 | fprintf(1,'The second component of focal (fc(1)) is estimated, but not the first one (est_fc=[0;1])\n');
153 | else
154 | fprintf(1,'The focal vector fc is not optimized (est_fc=[0;0])\n');
155 | end;
156 | end;
157 | end;
158 |
159 |
160 | if ~center_optim, % In the case where the principal point is not estimated, keep it at the center of the image
161 | fprintf(1,'Principal point not optimized (center_optim=0). ');
162 | if ~exist('cc'),
163 | fprintf(1,'It is kept at the center of the image.\n');
164 | cc = [(nx-1)/2;(ny-1)/2];
165 | else
166 | fprintf(1,'Note: to set it in the middle of the image, clear variable cc, and run calibration again.\n');
167 | end;
168 | else
169 | fprintf(1,'Principal point optimized (center_optim=1) - (DEFAULT). To reject principal point, set center_optim=0\n');
170 | end;
171 |
172 |
173 | if ~center_optim & (est_alpha),
174 | fprintf(1,'WARNING: Since there is no principal point estimation (center_optim=0), no skew estimation (est_alpha = 0)\n');
175 | est_alpha = 0;
176 | end;
177 |
178 | if ~est_alpha,
179 | fprintf(1,'Skew not optimized (est_alpha=0) - (DEFAULT)\n');
180 | alpha_c = 0;
181 | else
182 | fprintf(1,'Skew optimized (est_alpha=1). To disable skew estimation, set est_alpha=0.\n');
183 | end;
184 |
185 |
186 | if ~prod(double(est_dist)),
187 | fprintf(1,'Distortion not fully estimated (defined by the variable est_dist):\n');
188 | if ~est_dist(1),
189 | fprintf(1,' Second order distortion not estimated (est_dist(1)=0).\n');
190 | end;
191 | if ~est_dist(2),
192 | fprintf(1,' Fourth order distortion not estimated (est_dist(2)=0).\n');
193 | end;
194 | if ~est_dist(5),
195 | fprintf(1,' Sixth order distortion not estimated (est_dist(5)=0) - (DEFAULT) .\n');
196 | end;
197 | if ~prod(double(est_dist(3:4))),
198 | fprintf(1,' Tangential distortion not estimated (est_dist(3:4)~=[1;1]).\n');
199 | end;
200 | end;
201 |
202 |
203 | % Check 3D-ness of the calibration rig:
204 | rig3D = 0;
205 | for kk = ind_active,
206 | eval(['X_kk = X_' num2str(kk) ';']);
207 | if is3D(X_kk),
208 | rig3D = 1;
209 | end;
210 | end;
211 |
212 | % If the rig is 3D, then no choice: the only valid initialization is manual!
213 | if rig3D,
214 | quick_init = 1;
215 | end;
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 | alpha_smooth = 0.1; % set alpha_smooth = 1; for steepest gradient descent
220 | % alpha_smooth = 0.01; % modified L. Gostiaux
221 |
222 |
223 | % Conditioning threshold for view rejection
224 | thresh_cond = 1e5;
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 | % Initialization of the intrinsic parameters (if necessary)
229 |
230 | if ~exist('cc'),
231 | fprintf(1,'Initialization of the principal point at the center of the image.\n');
232 | cc = [(nx-1)/2;(ny-1)/2];
233 | alpha_smooth = 0.1; % slow convergence
234 | end;
235 |
236 |
237 | if exist('kc'),
238 | if length(kc) == 4;
239 | fprintf(1,'Adding a new distortion coefficient to kc -> radial distortion model up to the 6th degree');
240 | kc = [kc;0];
241 | end;
242 | end;
243 |
244 |
245 |
246 | if ~exist('alpha_c'),
247 | fprintf(1,'Initialization of the image skew to zero.\n');
248 | alpha_c = 0;
249 | alpha_smooth = 0.1; % slow convergence
250 | end;
251 |
252 | if ~exist('fc')& quick_init,
253 | FOV_angle = 35; % Initial camera field of view in degrees
254 | fprintf(1,['Initialization of the focal length to a FOV of ' num2str(FOV_angle) ' degrees.\n']);
255 | fc = (nx/2)/tan(pi*FOV_angle/360) * ones(2,1);
256 | est_fc = [1;1];
257 | alpha_smooth = 0.1; % slow
258 | end;
259 |
260 |
261 | if ~exist('fc'),
262 | % Initialization of the intrinsic parameters:
263 | fprintf(1,'Initialization of the intrinsic parameters using the vanishing points of planar patterns.\n')
264 | init_intrinsic_param; % The right way to go (if quick_init is not active)!
265 | alpha_smooth = 0.1; % slow convergence
266 | est_fc = [1;1];
267 | end;
268 |
269 |
270 | if ~exist('kc'),
271 | fprintf(1,'Initialization of the image distortion to zero.\n');
272 | kc = zeros(5,1);
273 | alpha_smooth = 0.1; % slow convergence
274 | end;
275 |
276 | if ~est_aspect_ratio,
277 | fc(1) = (fc(1)+fc(2))/2;
278 | fc(2) = fc(1);
279 | end;
280 |
281 | if ~prod(double(est_dist)),
282 | % If no distortion estimated, set to zero the variables that are not estimated
283 | kc = kc .* est_dist;
284 | end;
285 |
286 |
287 | if ~prod(double(est_fc)),
288 | fprintf(1,'Warning: The focal length is not fully estimated (est_fc ~= [1;1])\n');
289 | end;
290 |
291 |
292 | %%% Initialization of the extrinsic parameters for global minimization:
293 | comp_ext_calib;
294 |
295 |
296 |
297 | %%% Initialization of the global parameter vector:
298 |
299 | init_param = [fc;cc;alpha_c;kc;zeros(5,1)];
300 |
301 | for kk = 1:n_ima,
302 | eval(['omckk = omc_' num2str(kk) ';']);
303 | eval(['Tckk = Tc_' num2str(kk) ';']);
304 | init_param = [init_param; omckk ; Tckk];
305 | end;
306 |
307 |
308 |
309 | %-------------------- Main Optimization:
310 |
311 | fprintf(1,'\nMain calibration optimization procedure - Number of images: %d\n',length(ind_active));
312 |
313 |
314 | param = init_param;
315 | change = 1;
316 |
317 | iter = 0;
318 |
319 | fprintf(1,'Gradient descent iterations: ');
320 |
321 | param_list = param;
322 |
323 |
324 | while (change > 1e-2)&(iter < MaxIter),
325 |
326 | fprintf(1,'%d...',iter+1);
327 |
328 | % To speed up: pre-allocate the memory for the Jacobian JJ3.
329 | % For that, need to compute the total number of points.
330 |
331 | %% The first step consists of updating the whole vector of knowns (intrinsic + extrinsic of active
332 | %% images) through a one step steepest gradient descent.
333 |
334 |
335 | f = param(1:2);
336 | c = param(3:4);
337 | alpha = param(5);
338 | k = param(6:10);
339 |
340 |
341 | % Compute the size of the Jacobian matrix:
342 | N_points_views_active = N_points_views(ind_active);
343 |
344 | JJ3 = sparse([],[],[],15 + 6*n_ima,15 + 6*n_ima,126*n_ima + 225);
345 | ex3 = zeros(15 + 6*n_ima,1);
346 |
347 |
348 | for kk = ind_active, %1:n_ima,
349 | %if active_images(kk),
350 |
351 | omckk = param(15+6*(kk-1) + 1:15+6*(kk-1) + 3);
352 |
353 | Tckk = param(15+6*(kk-1) + 4:15+6*(kk-1) + 6);
354 |
355 | if isnan(omckk(1)),
356 | fprintf(1,'Intrinsic parameters at frame %d do not exist\n',kk);
357 | return;
358 | end;
359 |
360 | eval(['X_kk = X_' num2str(kk) ';']);
361 | eval(['x_kk = x_' num2str(kk) ';']);
362 |
363 | Np = N_points_views(kk);
364 |
365 | if ~est_aspect_ratio,
366 | [x,dxdom,dxdT,dxdf,dxdc,dxdk,dxdalpha] = project_points2(X_kk,omckk,Tckk,f(1),c,k,alpha);
367 | dxdf = repmat(dxdf,[1 2]);
368 | else
369 | [x,dxdom,dxdT,dxdf,dxdc,dxdk,dxdalpha] = project_points2(X_kk,omckk,Tckk,f,c,k,alpha);
370 | end;
371 |
372 | exkk = x_kk - x;
373 |
374 | A = [dxdf dxdc dxdalpha dxdk]';
375 | B = [dxdom dxdT]';
376 |
377 | JJ3(1:10,1:10) = JJ3(1:10,1:10) + sparse(A*A');
378 | JJ3(15+6*(kk-1) + 1:15+6*(kk-1) + 6,15+6*(kk-1) + 1:15+6*(kk-1) + 6) = sparse(B*B');
379 |
380 | AB = sparse(A*B');
381 | JJ3(1:10,15+6*(kk-1) + 1:15+6*(kk-1) + 6) = AB;
382 | JJ3(15+6*(kk-1) + 1:15+6*(kk-1) + 6,1:10) = (AB)';
383 |
384 | ex3(1:10) = ex3(1:10) + A*exkk(:);
385 | ex3(15+6*(kk-1) + 1:15+6*(kk-1) + 6) = B*exkk(:);
386 |
387 | % Check if this view is ill-conditioned:
388 | if check_cond,
389 | JJ_kk = B'; %[dxdom dxdT];
390 | if (cond(JJ_kk)> thresh_cond),
391 | active_images(kk) = 0;
392 | fprintf(1,'\nWarning: View #%d ill-conditioned. This image is now set inactive. (note: to disactivate this option, set check_cond=0)\n',kk)
393 | desactivated_images = [desactivated_images kk];
394 | param(15+6*(kk-1) + 1:15+6*(kk-1) + 6) = NaN*ones(6,1);
395 | end;
396 | end;
397 |
398 | %end;
399 |
400 | end;
401 |
402 |
403 | % List of active images (necessary if changed):
404 | check_active_images;
405 |
406 |
407 | % The following vector helps to select the variables to update (for only active images):
408 | selected_variables = [est_fc;center_optim*ones(2,1);est_alpha;est_dist;zeros(5,1);reshape(ones(6,1)*active_images,6*n_ima,1)];
409 | if ~est_aspect_ratio,
410 | if isequal(est_fc,[1;1]) | isequal(est_fc,[1;0]),
411 | selected_variables(2) = 0;
412 | end;
413 | end;
414 | ind_Jac = find(selected_variables)';
415 |
416 | JJ3 = JJ3(ind_Jac,ind_Jac);
417 | ex3 = ex3(ind_Jac);
418 |
419 | JJ2_inv = inv(JJ3); % not bad for sparse matrices!!
420 |
421 |
422 | % Smoothing coefficient:
423 |
424 | alpha_smooth2 = 1-(1-alpha_smooth)^(iter+1); %set to 1 to undo any smoothing!
425 |
426 | param_innov = alpha_smooth2*JJ2_inv*ex3;
427 |
428 |
429 | param_up = param(ind_Jac) + param_innov;
430 | param(ind_Jac) = param_up;
431 |
432 |
433 | % New intrinsic parameters:
434 |
435 | fc_current = param(1:2);
436 | cc_current = param(3:4);
437 |
438 | if center_optim & ((param(3)<0)|(param(3)>nx)|(param(4)<0)|(param(4)>ny)),
439 | fprintf(1,'Warning: it appears that the principal point cannot be estimated. Setting center_optim = 0\n');
440 | center_optim = 0;
441 | cc_current = c;
442 | else
443 | cc_current = param(3:4);
444 | end;
445 |
446 | alpha_current = param(5);
447 | kc_current = param(6:10);
448 |
449 | if ~est_aspect_ratio & isequal(est_fc,[1;1]),
450 | fc_current(2) = fc_current(1);
451 | param(2) = param(1);
452 | end;
453 |
454 | % Change on the intrinsic parameters:
455 | change = norm([fc_current;cc_current] - [f;c])/norm([fc_current;cc_current]);
456 |
457 |
458 | %% Second step: (optional) - It makes convergence faster, and the region of convergence LARGER!!!
459 | %% Recompute the extrinsic parameters only using compute_extrinsic.m (this may be useful sometimes)
460 | %% The complete gradient descent method is useful to precisely update the intrinsic parameters.
461 |
462 |
463 | if recompute_extrinsic,
464 | MaxIter2 = 20;
465 | for kk =ind_active, %1:n_ima,
466 | %if active_images(kk),
467 | omc_current = param(15+6*(kk-1) + 1:15+6*(kk-1) + 3);
468 | Tc_current = param(15+6*(kk-1) + 4:15+6*(kk-1) + 6);
469 | eval(['X_kk = X_' num2str(kk) ';']);
470 | eval(['x_kk = x_' num2str(kk) ';']);
471 | [omc_current,Tc_current] = compute_extrinsic_init(x_kk,X_kk,fc_current,cc_current,kc_current,alpha_current);
472 | [omckk,Tckk,Rckk,JJ_kk] = compute_extrinsic_refine(omc_current,Tc_current,x_kk,X_kk,fc_current,cc_current,kc_current,alpha_current,MaxIter2,thresh_cond);
473 | if check_cond,
474 | if (cond(JJ_kk)> thresh_cond),
475 | active_images(kk) = 0;
476 | fprintf(1,'\nWarning: View #%d ill-conditioned. This image is now set inactive. (note: to disactivate this option, set check_cond=0)\n',kk);
477 | desactivated_images = [desactivated_images kk];
478 | omckk = NaN*ones(3,1);
479 | Tckk = NaN*ones(3,1);
480 | end;
481 | end;
482 | param(15+6*(kk-1) + 1:15+6*(kk-1) + 3) = omckk;
483 | param(15+6*(kk-1) + 4:15+6*(kk-1) + 6) = Tckk;
484 | %end;
485 | end;
486 | end;
487 |
488 | param_list = [param_list param];
489 | iter = iter + 1;
490 |
491 | end;
492 |
493 | fprintf(1,'done\n');
494 |
495 |
496 |
497 | %%%--------------------------- Computation of the error of estimation:
498 |
499 | fprintf(1,'Estimation of uncertainties...');
500 |
501 |
502 | check_active_images;
503 |
504 | solution = param;
505 |
506 |
507 | % Extraction of the paramters for computing the right reprojection error:
508 |
509 | fc = solution(1:2);
510 | cc = solution(3:4);
511 | alpha_c = solution(5);
512 | kc = solution(6:10);
513 |
514 | for kk = 1:n_ima,
515 |
516 | if active_images(kk),
517 |
518 | omckk = solution(15+6*(kk-1) + 1:15+6*(kk-1) + 3);%***
519 | Tckk = solution(15+6*(kk-1) + 4:15+6*(kk-1) + 6);%***
520 | Rckk = rodrigues(omckk);
521 |
522 | else
523 |
524 | omckk = NaN*ones(3,1);
525 | Tckk = NaN*ones(3,1);
526 | Rckk = NaN*ones(3,3);
527 |
528 | end;
529 |
530 | eval(['omc_' num2str(kk) ' = omckk;']);
531 | eval(['Rc_' num2str(kk) ' = Rckk;']);
532 | eval(['Tc_' num2str(kk) ' = Tckk;']);
533 |
534 | end;
535 |
536 |
537 | % Recompute the error (in the vector ex):
538 | comp_error_calib;
539 |
540 | sigma_x = std(ex(:));
541 |
542 | % Compute the size of the Jacobian matrix:
543 | N_points_views_active = N_points_views(ind_active);
544 |
545 | JJ3 = sparse([],[],[],15 + 6*n_ima,15 + 6*n_ima,126*n_ima + 225);
546 |
547 | for kk = ind_active,
548 |
549 | omckk = param(15+6*(kk-1) + 1:15+6*(kk-1) + 3);
550 | Tckk = param(15+6*(kk-1) + 4:15+6*(kk-1) + 6);
551 |
552 | eval(['X_kk = X_' num2str(kk) ';']);
553 |
554 | Np = N_points_views(kk);
555 |
556 | %[x,dxdom,dxdT,dxdf,dxdc,dxdk,dxdalpha] = project_points2(X_kk,omckk,Tckk,fc,cc,kc,alpha_c);
557 |
558 | if ~est_aspect_ratio,
559 | [x,dxdom,dxdT,dxdf,dxdc,dxdk,dxdalpha] = project_points2(X_kk,omckk,Tckk,fc(1),cc,kc,alpha_c);
560 | dxdf = repmat(dxdf,[1 2]);
561 | else
562 | [x,dxdom,dxdT,dxdf,dxdc,dxdk,dxdalpha] = project_points2(X_kk,omckk,Tckk,fc,cc,kc,alpha_c);
563 | end;
564 |
565 | A = [dxdf dxdc dxdalpha dxdk]';
566 | B = [dxdom dxdT]';
567 |
568 | JJ3(1:10,1:10) = JJ3(1:10,1:10) + sparse(A*A');
569 | JJ3(15+6*(kk-1) + 1:15+6*(kk-1) + 6,15+6*(kk-1) + 1:15+6*(kk-1) + 6) = sparse(B*B');
570 |
571 | AB = sparse(A*B');
572 | JJ3(1:10,15+6*(kk-1) + 1:15+6*(kk-1) + 6) = AB;
573 | JJ3(15+6*(kk-1) + 1:15+6*(kk-1) + 6,1:10) = (AB)';
574 |
575 | end;
576 |
577 | JJ3 = JJ3(ind_Jac,ind_Jac);
578 |
579 | JJ2_inv = inv(JJ3); % not bad for sparse matrices!!
580 |
581 | param_error = zeros(6*n_ima+15,1);
582 | param_error(ind_Jac) = 3*sqrt(full(diag(JJ2_inv)))*sigma_x;
583 |
584 | solution_error = param_error;
585 |
586 | if ~est_aspect_ratio & isequal(est_fc,[1;1]),
587 | solution_error(2) = solution_error(1);
588 | end;
589 |
590 |
591 | %%% Extraction of the final intrinsic and extrinsic paramaters:
592 |
593 | extract_parameters;
594 |
595 | fprintf(1,'done\n');
596 |
597 |
598 | fprintf(1,'\n\nCalibration results after optimization (with uncertainties):\n\n');
599 | fprintf(1,'Focal Length: fc = [ %3.5f %3.5f ] ? [ %3.5f %3.5f ]\n',[fc;fc_error]);
600 | fprintf(1,'Principal point: cc = [ %3.5f %3.5f ] ? [ %3.5f %3.5f ]\n',[cc;cc_error]);
601 | fprintf(1,'Skew: alpha_c = [ %3.5f ] ? [ %3.5f ] => angle of pixel axes = %3.5f ? %3.5f degrees\n',[alpha_c;alpha_c_error],90 - atan(alpha_c)*180/pi,atan(alpha_c_error)*180/pi);
602 | fprintf(1,'Distortion: kc = [ %3.5f %3.5f %3.5f %3.5f %5.5f ] ? [ %3.5f %3.5f %3.5f %3.5f %5.5f ]\n',[kc;kc_error]);
603 | fprintf(1,'Pixel error: err = [ %3.5f %3.5f ]\n\n',err_std);
604 | fprintf(1,'Note: The numerical errors are approximately three times the standard deviations (for reference).\n\n\n')
605 | %fprintf(1,' For accurate (and stable) error estimates, it is recommended to run Calibration once again.\n\n\n')
606 |
607 |
608 |
609 | %%% Some recommendations to the user to reject some of the difficult unkowns... Still in debug mode.
610 |
611 | alpha_c_min = alpha_c - alpha_c_error/2;
612 | alpha_c_max = alpha_c + alpha_c_error/2;
613 |
614 | if (alpha_c_min < 0) & (alpha_c_max > 0),
615 | fprintf(1,'Recommendation: The skew coefficient alpha_c is found to be equal to zero (within its uncertainty).\n');
616 | fprintf(1,' You may want to reject it from the optimization by setting est_alpha=0 and run Calibration\n\n');
617 | end;
618 |
619 | kc_min = kc - kc_error/2;
620 | kc_max = kc + kc_error/2;
621 |
622 | prob_kc = (kc_min < 0) & (kc_max > 0);
623 |
624 | if ~(prob_kc(3) & prob_kc(4))
625 | prob_kc(3:4) = [0;0];
626 | end;
627 |
628 |
629 | if sum(prob_kc),
630 | fprintf(1,'Recommendation: Some distortion coefficients are found equal to zero (within their uncertainties).\n');
631 | fprintf(1,' To reject them from the optimization set est_dist=[%d;%d;%d;%d;%d] and run Calibration\n\n',est_dist & ~prob_kc);
632 | end;
633 |
634 |
635 | return; |