%======================================================================= % Copyright 2008-2016, LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS UGA G-INP, Grenoble, France % http://www.legi.grenoble-inp.fr % Joel.Sommeria - Joel.Sommeria (A) legi.cnrs.fr % % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT. % % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license, % or (at your option) any later version. % % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License (see LICENSE.txt) for more details. %======================================================================= if ~exist('calib_name')|~exist('format_image'), data_calib; return; end; check_directory; if ~exist('n_ima'), data_calib; return; end; check_active_images; images_read = active_images; if exist('image_numbers'), first_num = image_numbers(1); end; % Just to fix a minor bug: if ~exist('first_num'), first_num = image_numbers(1); end; image_numbers = first_num:n_ima-1+first_num; no_image_file = 0; i = 1; while (i <= n_ima), % & (~no_image_file), if active_images(i), %fprintf(1,'Loading image %d...\n',i); if ~type_numbering, number_ext = num2str(image_numbers(i)); else number_ext = sprintf(['%.' num2str(N_slots) 'd'],image_numbers(i)); end; ima_name = [calib_name number_ext '.' format_image]; if i == ind_active(1), fprintf(1,'Loading image '); end; if exist(ima_name), fprintf(1,'%d...',i); if format_image(1) == 'p', if format_image(2) == 'p', Ii = double(loadppm(ima_name)); else Ii = double(loadpgm(ima_name)); end; else if format_image(1) == 'r', Ii = readras(ima_name); else Ii = double(imread(ima_name)); end; end; if size(Ii,3)>1, Ii = 0.299 * Ii(:,:,1) + 0.5870 * Ii(:,:,2) + 0.114 * Ii(:,:,3); end; eval(['I_' num2str(i) ' = Ii;']); else %fprintf(1,'%d...no image...',i); images_read(i) = 0; %no_image_file = 1; end; end; i = i+1; end; ind_read = find(images_read); if isempty(ind_read), fprintf(1,'\nWARNING! No image were read\n'); no_image_file = 1; else %fprintf(1,'\nWARNING! Every exsisting image in the directory is set active.\n'); if no_image_file, %fprintf(1,'WARNING! Some images were not read properly\n'); end; fprintf(1,'\n'); if size(I_1,1)~=480, small_calib_image = 1; else small_calib_image = 0; end; [Hcal,Wcal] = size(I_1); % size of the calibration image [ny,nx] = size(I_1); clickname = []; map = gray(256); %string_save = 'save calib_data n_ima type_numbering N_slots image_numbers format_image calib_name Hcal Wcal nx ny map small_calib_image'; %eval(string_save); disp('done'); %click_calib; end; if ~(exist('map')==1), map = gray(256); end; active_images = images_read;