1 | %'tps_coeff': calculate the thin plate spline (tps) coefficients |
2 | % (ref fasshauer@iit.edu MATH 590 ? Chapter 19 32) |
3 | % this interpolation/smoothing minimises a linear combination of the squared curvature |
4 | % and squared difference form the initial data. |
5 | % This function calculates the weight coefficients U_tps of the N sites where |
6 | % data are known. Interpolated data are then obtained as the matrix product |
7 | % EM*U_tps where the matrix EM is obtained by the function tps_eval. |
8 | % The spatial derivatives are obtained as EMDX*U_tps and EMDY*U_tps, where |
9 | % EMDX and EMDY are obtained from the function tps_eval_dxy. |
10 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
11 | % [U_smooth,U_tps]=tps_coeff(ctrs,U,rho) |
12 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
13 | % OUPUT: |
14 | % U_smooth: values of the quantity U at the N centres after smoothing |
15 | % U_tps: tps weights of the centres |
16 | |
17 | %INPUT: |
18 | % ctrs: Nxs matrix representing the postions of the M centers, sources of the tps (s=space dimension) |
19 | % U: Nx1 column vector representing the initial values of the considered scalar at the centres ctrs |
20 | % rho: smoothing parameter: the result is smoother for larger rho. |
21 | |
22 | |
23 | function [U_smooth,U_tps]=tps_coeff(ctrs,U,rho) |
24 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
25 | %rho smoothing parameter |
26 | % X=reshape(X,[],1); |
27 | % Y=reshape(Y,[],1); |
28 | % N=numel(X); |
29 | % rhs = reshape(U,[],1); |
30 | U = [U; zeros(3,1)]; |
31 | % ctrs = [X Y];% coordinates of measurement sites, radial base functions are located at the measurement sites |
32 | EM = tps_eval(ctrs,ctrs); |
33 | RhoMat=rho*eye(N,N);% rho=1/(2*omega) , omega given by fasshauer; |
34 | RhoMat=[RhoMat zeros(N,3)]; |
35 | PM=[ones(N,1) ctrs]; |
36 | IM=[EM+RhoMat; [PM' zeros(3,3)]]; |
37 | U_tps=(IM\U); |
38 | U_smooth=EM *U_tps; |