% EM: MxN matrix whose i,j position contains the Euclidean % distance between the i-th data site and j-th center function EM = tps_eval(dsites,ctrs) [M,s] = size(dsites); [N,s] = size(ctrs); EM = zeros(M,N); % calculate distance matrix: accumulate sum of squares of coordinate differences % The ndgrid command produces two MxN matrices: % Dsite, consisting of N identical columns (each containing % the d-th coordinate of the M data sites) % Ctrs, consisting of M identical rows (each containing % the d-th coordinate of the N centers) for d=1:s [Dsites,Ctrs] = ndgrid(dsites(:,d),ctrs(:,d)); EM = EM + (Dsites-Ctrs).^2;%EM=square of distance matrices end % calculate tps np=find(EM~=0); EM(np) = EM(np).*log(EM(np))/2;%= tps formula r^2 log(r) (EM=r^2) % add linear gradient part: EM = [EM ones(M,1) dsites];