%'tps_eval_dxy': calculate the derivatives of thin plate spline (tps) interpolation at a set of points (limited to the 2D case) %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % function [DMX,DMY] = tps_eval_dxy(dsites,ctrs) %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % OUTPUT: % DMX: Mx(N+3) matrix representing the contributions to the X % derivatives at the M sites from unit sources located at each of the N % centers, + 3 columns representing the contribution of the linear gradient part. % DMY: idem for Y derivatives % % INPUT: % dsites: M x s matrix of interpolation site coordinates (s=space dimension=2 here) % ctrs: N x s matrix of centre coordinates (initial data) % % related functions: % tps_coeff, tps_eval function [DMX,DMY] = tps_eval_dxy(dsites,ctrs) %% matrix declarations [M,s] = size(dsites); [N,s] = size(ctrs); Dsites=zeros(M,N); DM = zeros(M,N); % DMXY = zeros(M,N+1+s); %% Accumulate sum of squares of coordinate differences % The ndgrid command produces two MxN matrices: % Dsites, consisting of N identical columns (each containing % the d-th coordinate of the M interpolation sites) % Ctrs, consisting of M identical rows (each containing % the d-th coordinate of the N centers) [Dsites,Ctrs] = ndgrid(dsites(:,1),ctrs(:,1));%d coordinates of interpolation points (Dsites) and initial points (Ctrs) DX=Dsites-Ctrs;% set of x wise distances between sites and centres [Dsites,Ctrs] = ndgrid(dsites(:,2),ctrs(:,2));%d coordinates of interpolation points (Dsites) and initial points (Ctrs) DY=Dsites-Ctrs;% set of y wise distances between sites and centres DM = DX.*DX + DY.*DY;% add d component squared %% calculate matrix of tps derivatives DM(DM~=0) = log(DM(DM~=0))+1; %=2 log(r)+1 derivative of the tps r^2 log(r) DMX=[DX.*DM zeros(M,1) ones(M,1) zeros(M,1)];% effect of mean gradient DMY=[DY.*DM zeros(M,1) zeros(M,1) ones(M,1)];% effect of mean gradient