1 | % 'FFT2_detrend': calculate the 2D spectrum of the input scalar after removing the linear trend
2 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | %%%% Use the general syntax for transform fields with a single input %%%%
4 | % OUTPUT:
5 | % DataOut: output field structure
6 | %
7 | %INPUT:
8 | % DataIn: first input field structure
9 |
10 | %=======================================================================
11 | % Copyright 2008-2018, LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS UGA G-INP, Grenoble, France
12 | % http://www.legi.grenoble-inp.fr
13 | % Joel.Sommeria - Joel.Sommeria (A) legi.cnrs.fr
14 | %
15 | % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT.
16 | %
17 | % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
18 | % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
19 | % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license,
20 | % or (at your option) any later version.
21 | %
22 | % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
23 | % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
25 | % GNU General Public License (see LICENSE.txt) for more details.
26 | %=======================================================================
27 |
28 | function DataOut=FFT2_detrend(DataIn)
29 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 | DataOut=[];
31 | if strcmp(DataIn,'*')
32 | DataOut.InputFieldType='scalar';
33 | return
34 | end
35 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
36 | [CellInfo,NbDim,errormsg]=find_field_cells(DataIn);
37 | if ~isempty(errormsg)
38 | DataOut.Txt=errormsg;
39 | return
40 | end
41 | DataOut.ListVarName={};
42 | DataOut.VarDimName={};
43 | for ilist=1:numel(CellInfo)
44 | if NbDim(ilist)==2 && numel(CellInfo{ilist}.CoordIndex)==2 % field with structured coordinates
45 | %process coordinates
46 | CoordName=DataIn.ListVarName(CellInfo{ilist}.CoordIndex);
47 | x1 = DataIn.(CoordName{2}); y1 = DataIn.(CoordName{1});
48 | [x y] = meshgrid(x1,y1);
49 | coeff(1,1) = sum(sum(x.^2)); coeff(1,2) = sum(sum(x.*y)); coeff(1,3) = sum(sum(x));
50 | coeff(2,1) = sum(sum(x.*y)); coeff(2,2) = sum(sum(y.^2)); coeff(2,3) = sum(sum(y));
51 | coeff(3,1) = sum(sum(x)); coeff(3,2) = sum(sum(y)); coeff(3,3) = length(x1)*length(y1);
52 | delta_x = x1(2) - x1(1); delta_y = y1(2) - y1(1);
53 | Nx = length(x1); Ny = length(y1);
54 | Nxa = 1:Nx; Nya = 1:Ny;
55 | ssx = find(Nxa<Nx/2); ssy = find(Nya<Ny/2);
56 | Nxa(Nx-ssx+1) = -Nxa(ssx)+1; Nya(Ny-ssy+1) = -Nya(ssy)+1;
57 | [Nxa Ix] = sort(Nxa); [Nya Iy] = sort(Nya);
58 | kx1 = (2*pi/delta_x/Nx)*(Nxa-1); ky1 = (2*pi/delta_y/Ny)*(Nya-1);
59 | ss = find(ky1>=0); ky1 = ky1(ss);
60 | [kx ky] = meshgrid(kx1,ky1);
61 | DataOut.(CoordName{2}) = kx1; DataOut.(CoordName{1}) = ky1;
62 | if isfield(DataIn,'CoordUnit')
63 | DataOut.CoordUnit=[DataIn.CoordUnit '^{-1}'];
64 | DataOut.ListGlobalAttribute={'CoordUnit'};
65 | end
66 | %process scalar
67 | ivar=CellInfo{ilist}.VarIndex_scalar(1);
68 | VarName=DataIn.ListVarName{ivar};
69 | z=DataIn.(VarName);
70 | rhs(1) = sum(sum(x.*z)); rhs(2) = sum(sum(y.*z)); rhs(3) = sum(sum(z));
71 | lin_coeff = inv(coeff)*rhs';
72 | lin_trend = lin_coeff(1)*x + lin_coeff(2)*y + lin_coeff(3);
73 | z2 = z - lin_trend;
74 | spec2 = abs(fft2(z2)).^2;
75 | spec2 = spec2(Iy,Ix);
76 | spec2 = spec2(ss,:);
77 | %DataOut.(VarName) = log(spec2);
78 | DataOut.(VarName) = spec2;
79 | spec_sum=sum(sum(spec2));
80 | kx_mean=sum(sum(spec2.*kx))/spec_sum;
81 | ky_mean=sum(sum(spec2.*ky))/spec_sum;
82 | theta=atand(ky_mean/kx_mean);
83 | lambda=2*pi/(sqrt(kx_mean*kx_mean+ky_mean*ky_mean));
84 |
85 | DataOut.ListVarName=[CoordName {VarName}];%list of variables
86 | DataOut.VarDimName=[CoordName {CoordName}];%list of dimensions for variables
87 | break
88 | end
89 | end
90 |
91 |
92 |