1 | %transform LIF images to concentration images
2 |
3 | %=======================================================================
4 | % Copyright 2008-2019, LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS UGA G-INP, Grenoble, France
5 | % http://www.legi.grenoble-inp.fr
6 | % Joel.Sommeria - Joel.Sommeria (A) legi.cnrs.fr
7 | %
8 | % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT.
9 | %
10 | % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 | % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
12 | % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license,
13 | % or (at your option) any later version.
14 | %
15 | % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 | % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 | % GNU General Public License (see LICENSE.txt) for more details.
19 | %=======================================================================
20 |
21 | function [DataOut]=ima2concentration(DataIn,XmlData)
22 |
23 | %% request input parameters
24 | DataOut=[];
25 | if (isfield(DataIn,'Action') && isfield(DataIn.Action,'RUN') && isequal(DataIn.Action.RUN,0))
26 | return
27 | end
28 | if ~isfield(XmlData,'LIFCalib')
29 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','no LIF calibration data available, first run LIFCalib in uvmat')
30 | return
31 | end
32 | cpath=which('uvmat');
33 | addpath(fullfile(fileparts(cpath),'transform_field'))% define path for phys_polar.m
34 |
35 | %% Transform images to polar coordinates with origin at the light source position
36 | XmlData.TransformInput.PolarCentre=XmlData.LIFCalib.LightOrigin; %position of the laser origin [x, y]
37 | DataIn.Action.RUN=1;% avoid input menu in phys_polar
38 | DataOut=phys_polar(DataIn,XmlData);
39 | [npangle,npr]=size(DataOut.A);%size of the image in polar coordinates
40 | dX=(DataOut.Coord_x(2)-DataOut.Coord_x(1))/(npr-1);% radial step
41 |
42 | %% introduce the reference line where the laser enters the fluid region
43 | r_edge=XmlData.LIFCalib.RefLineRadius'*ones(1,npr);% radial position of the reference line extended as a matrix (npx,npy)
44 | A_ref=XmlData.LIFCalib.RefLineLum'*ones(1,npr);% luminosity on the reference line extended as a matrix (npx,npy)
45 | R=ones(npangle,1)*linspace(DataOut.Coord_x(1), DataOut.Coord_x(2),npr);%radial coordinate extended as a matrix (npx,npy)
46 |
47 | %gamma_coeff=XmlData.LIFCalib.DecayRate;
48 | DataOut.A(R<r_edge)=0;
49 | DataOut.A=double(DataOut.A)./A_ref;% renormalize the luminosity with the reference luminosity at the same azimuth on the reference line
50 | I=(r_edge-dX*XmlData.LIFCalib.DecayRate.*cumsum(R.*DataOut.A,2))./R;% expected laser intensity along the line
51 | DataOut.A=DataOut.A./I;%concentration normalized by the uniform concentration assumed in the ref image used for calibration
52 | DataOut.A(I<=0)=0;% eliminate values obtained with I<=0
53 |
54 | DataOut=polar2phys(DataOut);% back to phys cartesian coordinates with origin at the light source
55 | DataOut.A=uint16(1000*DataOut.A);% concentration multiplied by 1000 to get an image
56 | DataOut.Coord_x=DataOut.Coord_x+XmlData.LIFCalib.LightOrigin(1);%shift to original cartesian coordinates
57 | DataOut.Coord_y=DataOut.Coord_y+XmlData.LIFCalib.LightOrigin(2);
58 |
59 |
60 | function DataOut=polar2phys(DataIn)
61 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
62 | DataOut=DataIn; %default
63 | [npy,npx]=size(DataIn.A);
64 | dx=(DataIn.Coord_x(2)-DataIn.Coord_x(1))/(npx-1); %mesh along radius
65 | dy=(DataIn.Coord_y(2)-DataIn.Coord_y(1))/(npy-1);%mesh along azimuth
66 |
67 | %% create cartesian coordinates in the domain defined by the four image corners
68 | rcorner=[DataIn.Coord_x(1) DataIn.Coord_x(2) DataIn.Coord_x(1) DataIn.Coord_x(2)];% radius of the corners
69 | ycorner=[DataIn.Coord_y(2) DataIn.Coord_y(2) DataIn.Coord_y(1) DataIn.Coord_y(1)];% azimuth of the corners
70 | thetacorner=pi*ycorner/180;% azimuth in radians
71 | [Xcorner,Ycorner] = pol2cart(thetacorner,rcorner);% cartesian coordinates of the corners (with respect to lser source)
72 | RangeX(1)=min(Xcorner);
73 | RangeX(2)=max(Xcorner);
74 | RangeY(2)=min(Ycorner);
75 | RangeY(1)=max(Ycorner);
76 | x=linspace(RangeX(1),RangeX(2),npx);%coordinates of the new pixels
77 | y=linspace(RangeY(2),RangeY(1),npy);
78 | [X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y);%grid for new pixels in cartesian coordinates
79 |
80 | %% image indices corresponding to the cartesian grid
81 | [Theta,R] = cart2pol(X,Y);%corresponding polar coordiantes
82 | Theta=180*Theta/pi;%angles in degrees
83 | Theta=1-round((Theta-DataIn.Coord_y(2))/dy); %angular index along y (dy negative)
84 | R=1+round((R-DataIn.Coord_x(1))/dx); %angular index along x
85 | R=reshape(R,1,npx*npy);%indices reorganized in 'line'
86 | Theta=reshape(Theta,1,npx*npy);
87 | flagin=R>=1 & R<=npx & Theta >=1 & Theta<=npy;%flagin=1 inside the original image
88 | vec_A=reshape(DataIn.A,1,npx*npy);%put the original image in line
89 | ind_in=find(flagin);
90 | ind_out=find(~flagin);
91 | ICOMB=((R-1)*npy+(npy+1-Theta));
92 | ICOMB=ICOMB(flagin);%index corresponding to XIMA and YIMA in the aligned original image vec_A
93 | vec_B(ind_in)=vec_A(ICOMB);
94 | vec_B(ind_out)=zeros(size(ind_out));
95 | DataOut.A=flipdim(reshape(vec_B,npy,npx),1);%new image in real coordinates
96 | DataOut.Coord_x=RangeX;
97 | DataOut.Coord_y=RangeY;
98 |