1 | % 'ima_remove_particles': removes particles from an image (keeping the local minimum)
2 | % requires the Matlab image processing toolbox
3 |
4 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 | %%%% Use the general syntax for transform fields with a single input %%%%
6 | % OUTPUT:
7 | % DataOut: output field structure
8 |
9 | %INPUT:
10 | % DataIn: first input field structure
11 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 | function DataOut=ima_remove_particles(DataIn)
13 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 | DataOut=[]; %default output field
15 | if strcmp(DataIn,'*')
16 | return
17 | end
18 |
19 | %parameters
20 | threshold=200;
21 | nblock_x=30;%size of image subblocks for analysis
22 | nblock_y=30;
23 | %---------------------------------------------------------
24 | DataOut=DataIn;%default
25 |
26 | if ~isfield(DataIn,'A')
27 | DataOut.Txt='remove_particles only valid for input images';
28 | return
29 | end
30 |
32 | Atype=class(DataIn.A);
33 | A=double(DataIn.A);
34 | Backg=zeros(size(A));
35 | Aflagmin=sparse(imregionalmin(A));%Amin=1 for local image minima
36 | Amin=A.*Aflagmin;%values of A at local minima
37 | % local background: find all the local minima in image subblocks
38 | sumblock= inline('sum(sum(x(:)))');
39 | Backg=blkproc(Amin,[nblock_y nblock_x],sumblock);% take the sum in blocks
40 | Bmin=blkproc(Aflagmin,[nblock_y nblock_x],sumblock);% find the number of minima in blocks
41 | Backg=Backg./Bmin; % find the average of minima in blocks
42 | B=imresize(Backg,size(A),'bilinear');% interpolate to the initial size image
43 | ImPart=(A-B);
44 | ImPart=ImPart.*(ImPart>threshold);
45 | DataOut.A=A-ImPart;%
46 | DataOut.A=feval(Atype,DataOut.A);
47 |