1 | % 'signal_spectrum': calculate and display spectrum of the current field |
2 | % operate on a 1D signal or the first dimension of a higher dimensional matrix (then average over other dimensions) |
3 | % this function aplies the Welch method and call the function of the matlab signal processing toolbox |
4 | % |
5 | % OUTPUT: |
6 | % DataOut: if DataIn.Action.RUN=0 (introducing parameters): Matlab structure containing the parameters |
7 | % else transformed field, here not modified (the function just produces a plot on an independent fig) |
8 | % |
9 | % INPUT: |
10 | % DataIn: Matlab structure containing the input field from the GUI uvmat, DataIn.Action.RUN=0 to set input parameters. |
11 | % Param: structure containing processing parameters, created when DataIn.Action.RUN=0 at the first use of the transform fct |
12 | |
13 | function DataOut=signal_FFTMean(DataIn,Param) |
14 | |
15 | %% request input parameters |
16 | if isfield(DataIn,'Action') && isfield(DataIn.Action,'RUN') && isequal(DataIn.Action.RUN,0) |
17 | VarNbDim=cellfun('length',DataIn.VarDimName); |
18 | [tild,rank]=sort(VarNbDim,2,'descend');% sort the list of input variables, putting the ones with higher dimensionality first |
19 | ListVarName=DataIn.ListVarName(rank); |
20 | VarDimName=DataIn.VarDimName(rank); |
21 | InitialValue=1;%default choice |
22 | if isfield(Param,'TransformInput') && isfield(Param.TransformInput,'VariableName') |
23 | val=find(strcmp(Param.TransformInput.VariableName,ListVarName)); |
24 | if ~isempty(val); |
25 | InitialValue=val; |
26 | end |
27 | end |
28 | [s,OK] = listdlg('PromptString','Select the variable to process:',... |
29 | 'SelectionMode','single','InitialValue',InitialValue,... |
30 | 'ListString',ListVarName); |
31 | if OK==1 |
32 | VarName=ListVarName{s}; |
33 | DataOut.TransformInput.VariableName=VarName; |
34 | dlg_title = [mfilename ' calulates spectra along first dim ' VarDimName{s}{1}];% title of the input dialog fig |
35 | prompt = {'not used'};% titles of the edit boxes |
36 | %default input: |
37 | def={'512'};% window length |
38 | np=size(DataIn.(VarName)); |
39 | for idim=1:numel(np) % size restriction |
40 | if idim==1 |
41 | prompt=[prompt;{['index range for spectral dim ' VarDimName{s}{idim}]}];% titles of the edit boxes |
42 | else |
43 | prompt=[prompt;{['index range for ' VarDimName{s}{idim}]}];% titles of the edit boxes |
44 | end |
45 | def=[def;{num2str([1 np(idim)])}]; |
46 | end |
47 | if isfield(Param,'TransformInput') |
48 | if isfield(Param.TransformInput,'WindowLength') |
49 | def{1}=num2str(Param.TransformInput.WindowLength); |
50 | end |
51 | if isfield(Param.TransformInput,'IndexRange') |
52 | for ilist=1:min(numel(np),size(Param.TransformInput.IndexRange,1)) |
53 | def{ilist+1}=num2str(Param.TransformInput.IndexRange(ilist,:)); |
54 | end |
55 | end |
56 | end |
57 | num_lines= 1;%numel(prompt); |
58 | % open the dialog fig |
59 | answer = inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines,def); |
60 | DataOut.TransformInput.WindowLength=str2num(answer{1}); |
61 | for ilist=1:numel(answer)-1 |
62 | DataOut.TransformInput.IndexRange(ilist,1:2)=str2num(answer{ilist+1}); |
63 | end |
64 | end |
65 | return |
66 | end |
67 | |
68 | %% retrieve parameters |
69 | DataOut=DataIn; |
70 | WindowLength=Param.TransformInput.WindowLength; |
71 | |
72 | %% get the variable to process |
73 | Var= DataIn.(Param.TransformInput.VariableName);%variable to analyse |
74 | if isfield(Param.TransformInput,'IndexRange') |
75 | IndexRange=Param.TransformInput.IndexRange; |
76 | switch size(IndexRange,1) |
77 | case 3 |
78 | Var=Var(IndexRange(1,1):IndexRange(1,2),IndexRange(2,1):IndexRange(2,2),IndexRange(3,1):IndexRange(3,2)); |
79 | case 2 |
80 | Var=Var(IndexRange(1,1):IndexRange(1,2),IndexRange(2,1):IndexRange(2,2)); |
81 | case 1 |
82 | Var=Var(IndexRange(1,1):IndexRange(1,2)); |
83 | end |
84 | end |
85 | np=size(Var);%dimensions of Var |
86 | if ~isvector(Var) |
87 | Var=reshape(Var,np(1),prod(np(2:end)));% reshape in a 2D matrix with time as first index |
88 | end |
89 | Var=Var-ones(np(1),1)*nanmean(Var,1); %substract mean value (excluding NaN) |
90 | |
91 | %% look for 'time' coordinate |
92 | VarIndex=find(strcmp(Param.TransformInput.VariableName,DataIn.ListVarName)); |
93 | TimeDimName=DataIn.VarDimName{VarIndex}{1}; |
94 | TimeVarNameIndex=find(strcmp(TimeDimName,DataIn.ListVarName)); |
95 | if isempty(TimeVarNameIndex) |
96 | Time=1:np(1); |
97 | TimeUnit='vector index'; |
98 | else |
99 | Time=DataIn.(DataIn.ListVarName{TimeVarNameIndex}); |
100 | TimeUnit=['Unit of ' TimeDimName]; |
101 | end |
102 | % check time intervals |
103 | diff_x=diff(Time); |
104 | dx=min(diff_x); |
105 | freq_max=1/(2*dx); |
106 | check_interp=0; |
107 | if diff_x>1.001*dx % non constant time interval |
108 | check_interp=1; |
109 | end |
110 | |
111 | %% claculate the spectrum |
112 | specmean=0;% mean spectrum initialisation |
113 | cospecmean=0; |
114 | NbNan=0; |
115 | NbPos=0; |
116 | np_freq=floor(size(Var,1)/2); |
117 | for pos=1:size(Var,2) |
118 | sample=Var(:,pos);%extract sample to analyse |
119 | ind_bad=find(isnan(sample)); |
120 | ind_good=find(~isnan(sample)); |
121 | % if numel(ind_good)>WindowLength |
122 | NbPos=NbPos+1; |
123 | if ~isempty(ind_bad) |
124 | sample=sample(ind_good); % keep only non NaN data |
125 | NbNan=NbNan+numel(ind_bad); |
126 | end |
127 | %interpolate if needed |
128 | if ~isempty(ind_bad)||check_interp |
129 | sample=interp1(Time(ind_good),sample,(Time(1):dx:Time(end))); %interpolated func |
130 | sample(isnan(sample))=[]; |
131 | end |
132 | |
133 | fourier=fft(sample);%take fft (complex) |
134 | spec=abs(fourier).*abs(fourier);% take square of the modulus |
135 | spec=spec(1:np_freq,:);%keep only the first half (the other is symmetric) |
136 | specmean=spec+specmean; |
137 | % end |
138 | end |
139 | specmean=specmean/NbPos; |
140 | |
141 | %plot spectrum in log log |
142 | hfig=findobj('Tag','fig_spectrum'); |
143 | if isempty(hfig)% create spectruim figure if it does not exist |
144 | hfig=figure; |
145 | set(hfig,'Tag','fig_spectrum'); |
146 | else |
147 | figure(hfig) |
148 | end |
149 | loglog(freq_max*(1:length(specmean))/length(specmean),specmean) |
150 | set(gca,'YLim',[1.0000e-06*max(specmean) 1.1*max(specmean)]) |
151 | title (['power spectrum of ' Param.TransformInput.VariableName ]) |
152 | xlabel(['frequency (cycles per ' TimeUnit ')']) |
153 | ylabel('spectral intensity') |
154 | legend({'spectrum','cospectrum t t-1'}) |
155 | get(gca,'Unit') |
156 | sum(specmean) |
157 | if NbPos~=size(Var,2) |
158 | disp([ 'warning: ' num2str(size(Var,2)-NbPos) ' NaN sampled removed']) |
159 | end |
160 | if NbNan~=0 |
161 | disp([ 'warning: ' num2str(NbNan) ' NaN values replaced by linear interpolation']) |
162 | %text(0.9, 0.5,[ 'warning: ' num2str(NbNan) ' NaN values removed']) |
163 | end |
164 | grid on |
165 | |
166 | |