1 | %'uigetfile_uvmat': browser faster than the Matlab fct uigetfile |
2 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
3 | % hfig=uigetfile_uvmat(OutputDir,option) |
4 | % |
5 | % OUTPUT: |
6 | % fileinput: detected file name, including path |
7 | % |
8 | % INPUT: |
9 | % title: = displayed title, 'status': display advancement of a series calculation |
10 | % InputDir: directory to browse at first display |
11 | |
12 | function fileinput=uigetfile_uvmat(title,InputName) |
13 | fileinput=''; %default file selection |
14 | if strcmp(title,'status_display') |
15 | option='status_display'; |
16 | else |
17 | option='browser'; |
18 | end |
19 | InputDir=pwd;%look in the current work directory if the input file does not exist |
20 | InputFileName='';%default |
21 | if ischar(InputName) |
22 | if exist(InputName,'dir') |
23 | InputDir=InputName; |
24 | InputFileName=''; |
25 | elseif exist(InputName,'file') |
26 | [InputDir,InputFileName,Ext]=fileparts(InputName); |
27 | if isempty(InputFileName)% if InputName is already the root |
28 | InputFileName=InputDir; |
29 | if ~isempty(strcmp (computer, {'PCWIN','PCWIN64'}))%case of Windows systems |
30 | InputDir=[InputDir '\'];% append '\' for a correct action of dir |
31 | InputFileName=[InputFileName '\']; |
32 | end |
33 | end |
34 | if isdir(InputName) |
35 | InputFileName=['+/' InputFileName Ext]; |
36 | end |
37 | end |
38 | end |
39 | hfig=findobj(allchild(0),'tag',option); |
40 | if isempty(hfig) |
41 | set(0,'Unit','points') |
42 | ScreenSize=get(0,'ScreenSize');% get the size of the screen, to put the fig on the upper right |
43 | Width=350;% fig width in points (1/72 inch) |
44 | Height=min(0.8*ScreenSize(4),500); |
45 | Left=ScreenSize(3)- Width-40; %right edge close to the right, with margin=40 |
46 | Bottom=ScreenSize(4)-Height-40; %put fig at top right |
47 | hfig=figure('name',option,'tag',option,'MenuBar','none','NumberTitle','off','Unit','points','Position',[Left,Bottom,Width,Height],'UserData',InputDir); |
48 | BackgroundColor=get(hfig,'Color'); |
49 | uicontrol('Style','text','Units','normalized', 'Position', [0.05 0.97 0.5 0.03],'BackgroundColor',BackgroundColor,... |
50 | 'String','path:','FontUnits','points','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','bold','ForegroundColor','blue','HorizontalAlignment','left'); |
51 | uicontrol('Style','edit','Units','normalized', 'Position', [0.05 0.89 0.9 0.08],'tag','titlebox','Max',2,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Callback',@titlebox_Callback,... |
52 | 'String',InputDir,'FontUnits','points','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','bold'); |
53 | uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Tag','backward','Units','normalized','Position',[0.05 0.75 0.1 0.07],... |
54 | 'String','<--','FontWeight','bold','FontUnits','points','FontSize',12,'Callback',@backward); |
55 | uicontrol('Style','togglebutton','Units','normalized', 'Position', [0.75 0.75 0.2 0.04],'tag','check_date','Callback',@dates_Callback,... |
56 | 'String','dates','FontUnits','points','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','bold'); |
57 | uicontrol('Style','text','Units','normalized', 'Position', [0.4 0.8 0.35 0.03],'BackgroundColor',BackgroundColor,... |
58 | 'String','sort: ','FontUnits','points','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','bold','HorizontalAlignment','right'); |
59 | uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Units','normalized', 'Position', [0.75 0.8 0.2 0.04],'tag','sort_option','Callback',@refresh_GUI,'Visible','off',... |
60 | 'String',{'name';'date'},'FontUnits','points','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','bold'); |
61 | uicontrol('Style','listbox','Units','normalized', 'Position',[0.05 0.08 0.9 0.66], 'Callback', @(src,event)list_Callback(option,src,event),'tag','list',... |
62 | 'FontUnits','points','FontSize',12); |
63 | uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Units','normalized', 'Position', [0.7 0.005 0.2 0.07],'Callback',@(src,event)close(option,src,event),... |
64 | 'String','Close','FontWeight','bold','FontUnits','points','FontSize',12); |
65 | uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Tag','refresh','Units','normalized','Position', [0.1 0.005 0.2 0.07],'Callback',@refresh_GUI,... |
66 | 'String','Refresh','FontWeight','bold','FontUnits','points','FontSize',12); |
67 | %set(hrefresh,'UserData',StatusData) |
68 | if strcmp(option,'status_display') %put a run advancement display |
69 | set(hfig,'DeleteFcn',@(src,event)close(option,src,event)) |
70 | uicontrol('Style','frame','Units','normalized', 'Position', [0.05 0.85 0.9 0.04]); |
71 | uicontrol('Style','frame','Units','normalized', 'Position',[0.05 0.85 0.01 0.04],'BackgroundColor',[1 0 0],'tag','waitbar'); |
72 | |
73 | else %put a title and additional pushbuttons |
74 | uicontrol('Style','text','Units','normalized', 'Position', [0.15 0.75 0.6 0.03],'BackgroundColor',BackgroundColor,... |
75 | 'String',title,'FontUnits','points','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','bold','ForegroundColor','blue','HorizontalAlignment','left'); |
76 | |
77 | uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Units','normalized', 'Position', [0.4 0.005 0.2 0.07],... |
78 | 'String','Home','FontWeight','bold','FontUnits','points','FontSize',12,'Callback',@home_dir); |
79 | end |
80 | drawnow |
81 | end |
82 | refresh_GUI(findobj(hfig,'Tag','refresh'),InputFileName)% refresh the list of content of the current dir |
83 | if ~strcmp(option,'status_display') |
84 | uiwait(hfig) |
85 | if ishandle(hfig) |
86 | htitlebox=findobj(hfig,'Tag','titlebox'); |
87 | fileinput=get(htitlebox,'String');% retrieve the input file selection |
88 | delete(hfig) |
89 | end |
90 | end |
91 | |
92 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
93 | % --- launched by refreshing the display figure |
94 | function titlebox_Callback(hObject,event) |
95 | refresh_GUI(hObject) |
96 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
97 | |
98 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
99 | % --- launched by refreshing the display figure |
100 | function refresh_GUI(hObject,InputFileName) |
101 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
102 | if ~exist('InputFileName','var') |
103 | InputFileName=''; |
104 | end |
105 | hfig=get(hObject,'parent'); |
106 | hlist=findobj(hfig,'tag','list');% find the list object |
107 | set(hlist,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) |
108 | drawnow |
109 | htitlebox=findobj(hfig,'tag','titlebox'); |
110 | DirName=get(htitlebox,'String'); |
111 | hsort_option=findobj(hfig,'tag','sort_option'); |
112 | if strcmp(get(hfig,'Tag'),'status_display') |
113 | hseries=findobj(allchild(0),'tag','series'); |
114 | hstatus=findobj(hseries,'tag','status'); |
115 | StatusData=get(hstatus,'UserData'); |
116 | TimeStart=0; |
117 | if isfield(StatusData,'TimeStart') |
118 | TimeStart=StatusData.TimeStart; |
119 | end |
120 | hlist=findobj(hfig,'tag','list'); |
121 | testrecent=0; |
122 | NbOutputFile=[]; |
123 | if isfield(StatusData,'NbOutputFile') |
124 | NbOutputFile=StatusData.NbOutputFile; |
125 | NbOutputFile_str=num2str(NbOutputFile); |
126 | end |
127 | [ListFiles,NumFiles]=list_files(DirName,1,TimeStart);% list the directory content |
128 | |
129 | %% update the waitbar |
130 | hwaitbar=findobj(hfig,'tag','waitbar'); |
131 | if ~isempty(NbOutputFile) |
132 | BarPosition=get(hwaitbar,'Position'); |
133 | BarPosition(3)=0.9*max(0.01,NumFiles/NbOutputFile);% the bar width cannot be set to 0, set to 0.01 instead |
134 | set(hwaitbar,'Position',BarPosition) |
135 | end |
136 | else |
137 | sort_option='name'; |
138 | if strcmp(get(hsort_option,'Visible'),'on')&& isequal(get(hsort_option,'Value'),2) |
139 | sort_option='date'; |
140 | end |
141 | hcheck_date=findobj(hfig,'tag','check_date'); |
142 | [ListFiles,NumFiles]=list_files(DirName,get(hcheck_date,'Value'),sort_option);% list the directory content |
143 | end |
144 | |
145 | set(hlist,'String',ListFiles) |
146 | Value=[]; |
147 | if ~isempty(InputFileName) |
148 | Value=find(strcmp(InputFileName,ListFiles)); |
149 | end |
150 | if isempty(Value) |
151 | Value=1; |
152 | end |
153 | set(hlist,'Value',Value) |
154 | set(hlist,'BackgroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0.7]) |
155 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
156 | % --- launched by selecting an item on the file list |
157 | function dates_Callback(hObject,event) |
158 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
159 | hfig=get(hObject,'parent'); |
160 | hsort_option=findobj(hfig,'tag','sort_option'); |
161 | if get(hObject,'Value') |
162 | set(hsort_option,'Visible','on') |
163 | set(hsort_option,'Value',2) |
164 | else |
165 | set(hsort_option,'Visible','off') |
166 | end |
167 | refresh_GUI(hObject,[]) |
168 | |
169 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
170 | % --- launched by selecting an item on the file list |
171 | function list_Callback(option,hObject,event) |
172 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
173 | hfig=get(hObject,'parent');%handle of the fig |
174 | % if ~strcmp(get(hfig,'SelectionType'),'open') |
175 | % return %select double click |
176 | % end |
177 | set(hObject,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])% paint list in yellow to indicate action |
178 | drawnow |
179 | list=get(hObject,'String'); |
180 | index=get(hObject,'Value'); |
181 | |
182 | htitlebox=findobj(hfig,'tag','titlebox'); % display the new dir name |
183 | DirName=get(htitlebox,'String'); |
184 | SelectName=regexprep(list{index},'^\+/','');% remove the +/ used to mark dir |
185 | ind_dot=regexp(SelectName,'\s*\.\.\.');%remove what is beyond '...' |
186 | if ~isempty(ind_dot) |
187 | SelectName=SelectName(1:ind_dot-1); |
188 | end |
189 | if strcmp(SelectName,'..')% the upward dir option has been selected |
190 | FullSelectName=fileparts(DirName); |
191 | else |
192 | FullSelectName=fullfile(DirName,SelectName); |
193 | end |
194 | if exist(FullSelectName,'dir')% a directory has been selected |
195 | % ListFiles=dir(FullSelectName); |
196 | % ListDisplay=cell(numel(ListFiles),1); |
197 | % for ilist=2:numel(ListDisplay)% suppress the first line '.' |
198 | % ListDisplay{ilist-1}=ListFiles(ilist).name; |
199 | % end |
200 | % set(hObject,'Value',1) |
201 | % set(hObject,'String',ListDisplay) |
202 | % if strcmp(selectname,'..') |
203 | % FullSelectName=fileparts(fileparts(FullSelectName)); |
204 | % end |
205 | set(hObject,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])% paint list in yellow to indicate action |
206 | drawnow |
207 | hbackward=findobj(hfig,'Tag','backward'); |
208 | set(hbackward,'UserData',DirName); %store the current dir for future backward action |
209 | hsort_option=findobj(hfig,'tag','sort_option'); |
210 | sort_option='name';%default |
211 | if strcmp(get(hsort_option,'Visible'),'on')&& isequal(get(hsort_option,'Value'),2) |
212 | sort_option='date'; |
213 | end |
214 | hcheck_date=findobj(hfig,'tag','check_date'); |
215 | |
216 | ListFiles=list_files(FullSelectName,get(hcheck_date,'Value'),sort_option);% list the directory content |
217 | set(hObject,'Value',1) |
218 | set(hObject,'String',ListFiles) |
219 | set(hObject,'BackgroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0.7]) |
220 | set(htitlebox,'String',FullSelectName)% record the new dir name |
221 | elseif exist(FullSelectName,'file')%visualise the field if it exists |
222 | FileType=get_file_type(FullSelectName); |
223 | if strcmp(FileType,'txt') |
224 | edit(FullSelectName) |
225 | elseif strcmp(FileType,'xml') |
226 | editxml(FullSelectName) |
227 | elseif strcmp(FileType,'figure') |
228 | open(FullSelectName) |
229 | else |
230 | %uvmat(FullSelectName); |
231 | switch option |
232 | case 'browser' |
233 | set(htitlebox,'String',FullSelectName); |
234 | uiresume(hfig) |
235 | case 'status_display' |
236 | uvmat(FullSelectName); |
237 | end |
238 | end |
239 | end |
240 | set(hObject,'BackgroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0.7])% paint list in grey to indicate action end |
241 | |
242 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
243 | % list the content of a directory |
244 | function [ListFiles,NumFiles]=list_files(DirName,check_date,sort_option) |
245 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
246 | ListStruct=dir(DirName);% get structure of the current directory |
247 | NumFiles=0; %default |
248 | if numel(ListStruct)<1 % case of empty dir |
249 | ListFiles={}; |
250 | return |
251 | end |
252 | ListCells=struct2cell(ListStruct);% transform dir struct to a cell arrray |
253 | ListFiles=ListCells(1,:);%list of file names |
254 | check_dir=cell2mat(ListCells(4,:));% =1 for directories, =0 for files |
255 | ListFiles(check_dir)=regexprep(ListFiles(check_dir),'^.+','+/$0');% put '+/' in front of dir name display |
256 | ListDates=cell2mat(ListCells(5,:));%list of numerical dates |
257 | if isnumeric(sort_option) |
258 | check_old=ListDates<sort_option-1;% -1 is put to account for a 1 s delay in the record of starting time |
259 | NumFiles=numel(find(~check_old&~check_dir)); |
260 | end |
261 | if ~isempty(find(~check_dir)) |
262 | ListDates(check_dir)=max(ListDates(~check_dir))+1000; % we set the dir in front |
263 | end |
264 | if isnumeric(sort_option)|| strcmp(sort_option,'date') |
265 | [tild,index_sort]=sort(ListDates,2,'descend');% sort files by chronological order, recent first, put the dir first in the list |
266 | else |
267 | [tild,index_sort]=sort(check_dir,2,'descend');% put the dir first in the list |
268 | end |
269 | ListFiles=ListFiles(index_sort);% list of names sorted by alaphabetical order and dir and file |
270 | cell_remove=regexp(ListFiles,'^(-|\.|\+/\.)');% detect strings beginning by '-' ,'.' or '+/.'(dir beginning by . ) |
271 | check_keep=cellfun('isempty', cell_remove); |
272 | ListFiles=[{'+/..'} ListFiles(check_keep)]; |
273 | if check_date |
274 | ListDateString=ListCells(2,:);%list of file dates |
275 | if isnumeric(sort_option) |
276 | ListDateString(check_old)={'--OLD--'}; |
277 | end |
278 | ListDateString(check_dir)={''}; |
279 | ListDateString=ListDateString(index_sort);% sort the corresponding dates |
280 | ListDateString=[{''} ListDateString(check_keep)]; |
281 | ListFiles=[ListFiles; ListDateString]; |
282 | ListFiles=cell2tab(ListFiles','...'); |
283 | end |
284 | |
285 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
286 | % --- launched by selecting home |
287 | function home_dir(hObject,event) |
288 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
289 | DirName=pwd; |
290 | hfig=get(hObject,'parent'); |
291 | hlist=findobj(hfig,'tag','list');% find the list object |
292 | set(hlist,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) |
293 | drawnow |
294 | sort_option='name';%default |
295 | hsort_option=findobj(hfig,'tag','sort_option'); |
296 | if strcmp(get(hsort_option,'Visible'),'on')&& isequal(get(hsort_option,'Value'),2) |
297 | sort_option='date'; |
298 | end |
299 | hcheck_date=findobj(hfig,'tag','check_date'); |
300 | ListFiles=list_files(DirName,get(hcheck_date,'Value'),sort_option);% list the directory content |
301 | htitlebox=findobj(hfig,'Tag','titlebox'); |
302 | set(htitlebox,'String',DirName)% record the new dir name |
303 | set(hlist,'Value',1) |
304 | set(hlist,'String',ListFiles) |
305 | set(hlist,'BackgroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0.7]) |
306 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
307 | |
308 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
309 | % --- launched by pressing the backward (<--) button |
310 | function backward(hObject,event) |
311 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
312 | PrevDir=get(hObject,'UserData'); |
313 | if ~isempty(PrevDir) |
314 | hfig=get(hObject,'parent'); |
315 | htitlebox=findobj(hfig,'tag','titlebox'); % display the new dir name |
316 | set(htitlebox,'String',PrevDir) |
317 | refresh_GUI(findobj(hfig,'Tag','refresh')) |
318 | end |
319 | |
320 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
321 | % launched by deleting the status figure (only used in mode series status') |
322 | function close(option,hObject, eventdata) |
323 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
324 | if strcmp(option,'status_display') |
325 | hseries=findobj(allchild(0),'Tag','series'); |
326 | hstatus=findobj(hseries,'Tag','status'); |
327 | set(hstatus,'value',0) %reset the status uicontrol in the GUI series |
328 | set(hstatus,'BackgroundColor',[0 1 0]) |
329 | end |
330 | delete(gcbf) |
331 | |