1 | %'update_imadoc': update an xml file with geometric calibration parameters |
2 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
3 | % function update_imadoc(GeometryCalib,outputfile) |
4 | % |
5 | %INPUT: |
6 | % GeometryCalib: structure containing the calibration parameters |
7 | % outputfile: xml file to modify |
8 | %------------------------------------------------------------- |
9 | function errormsg=update_imadoc(GeometryCalib,outputfile) |
10 | tic |
11 | errormsg=''; |
12 | testappend=0; |
13 | if exist(outputfile,'file');%=1 if the output file already exists, 0 else |
14 | testappend=1; |
15 | t=xmltree(outputfile); %read the file |
16 | backupfile=outputfile; |
17 | testexist=2; |
18 | while testexist==2 |
19 | backupfile=[backupfile '~']; |
20 | testexist=exist(backupfile,'file'); |
21 | end |
22 | [success,message]=copyfile(outputfile,backupfile);%make backup |
23 | if success==0 |
24 | errormsg=message; |
25 | end |
26 | uid=find(t,'ImaDoc'); |
27 | if ~isequal(uid,1) |
28 | return |
29 | end |
30 | %if the xml file is ImaDoc |
31 | uid_calib=find(t,'ImaDoc/GeometryCalib'); |
32 | if isempty(uid_calib) %if GeometryCalib does not already exists, create it |
33 | [t,uid_calib]=add(t,1,'element','GeometryCalib'); |
34 | else %if GeometryCalib already exists, delete its content |
35 | if isequal(success,1) |
36 | delete(outputfile) |
37 | else |
38 | return |
39 | end |
40 | uid_child=children(t,uid_calib); |
41 | t=delete(t,uid_child); |
42 | end |
43 | end |
44 | %create a new xml file |
45 | if ~testappend |
46 | t=xmltree; |
47 | t=set(t,1,'name','ImaDoc'); |
48 | % in case of movie (avi file), copy timing info in the new xml file |
49 | [pp,outputroot]=fileparts(outputfile); |
50 | info=[]; |
51 | if exist(fullfile(pp,[outputroot '.avi']),'file') |
52 | info=aviinfo(fullfile(pp,[outputroot '.avi'])); |
53 | elseif exist(fullfile(pp,[outputroot '.AVI']),'file') |
54 | info=fullfile(pp,[outputroot '.AVI']); |
55 | end |
56 | if ~isempty(info) |
57 | [t,uid_camera]=add(t,1,'element','Camera'); |
58 | Camera.TimeUnit='s'; |
59 | Camera.BurstTiming.Time=0; |
60 | Camera.BurstTiming.Dti=1/info.FramesPerSecond; |
61 | Camera.BurstTiming.NbDti=info.NumFrames-1; |
62 | t=struct2xml(Camera,t,uid_camera); |
63 | end |
64 | [t,uid_calib]=add(t,1,'element','GeometryCalib'); |
65 | end |
66 | t=struct2xml(GeometryCalib,t,uid_calib); |
67 | save(t,outputfile); |
68 | toc |