1 | %'update_obj': update the object graph representation and its projection field, record it in the uvmat interface
2 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | %Object=update_obj(UvData,IndexObj,ObjectData,PlotHandles);
4 | %
5 | %OUTPUT:
6 | %UvData: data to be stored as 'Userdata' on the uvmat interface
7 | %IndexObj: object index for a new object added to the list in UvData
8 | % the function updates UvData.Object{IndexObj}, and possibly adds a new plot (UvData.Plane or Line) in the list atached to the interface
9 | %
10 | %INPUT:
11 | %UvIn: structure stored as 'Userdata' on the uvmat interface
12 | %IndexObjIn: object index for an existing objects stored in UvData
13 | %ObjectData: structure containing the input object properties
14 | %PlotHandles: structure containing the handles of the plotting parameter buttons on the uvmat interface (obtained by get_plot_handles.m)
15 | %-------------------------------------
16 |
17 | function Object_out=update_obj(UvData,IndexObj,ObjectData,PlotHandles)
18 |
19 | %default input and output
20 | Object_out=ObjectData;%default
21 | if isfield(UvData,'Object')
22 | Object_set=UvData.Object;
23 | else
24 | Object_set={};%create the object
25 | end
26 |
27 | % object representation in the different projected field plots
28 | for iview=1:length(Object_set) %loop on projection planes iview
29 | if isfield(Object_set{iview},'plotaxes')
30 | haxes=Object_set{iview}.plotaxes;% axes for the field plot
31 | if ishandle(haxes) & isequal(get(haxes,'Type'),'axes')% update the representation of the object IndexObj on this axes if it exists
32 | testupdate=0;
33 | HandlesDisplay=[];%default
34 | if length(Object_set)>= IndexObj && isfield(Object_set{IndexObj},'HandlesDisplay')
35 | HandlesDisplay=Object_set{IndexObj}.HandlesDisplay;%list of handles of object representations
36 | end
37 | hplot_list=findobj(haxes,'Tag','proj_object');
38 | for ih=1:length(HandlesDisplay)
39 | plot_detect=find(hplot_list==HandlesDisplay(ih));
40 | if ~isempty(plot_detect)
41 | Object_out.HandlesDisplay(ih)=plot_object(ObjectData,Object_set{iview},HandlesDisplay(ih),'m');%update the the object representation
42 | testupdate=1;
43 | break
44 | end
45 | end
46 | if ~testupdate% draw new object plot
47 | hh=plot_object(ObjectData,Object_set{iview},haxes,'m');%draw the object with the new object data
48 | Object_out.HandlesDisplay=[Object_out.HandlesDisplay hh];
49 | PlotData=get(hh,'UserData');
50 | PlotData.IndexObj=IndexObj;
51 | set(hh,'UserData',PlotData); %record the object index in the graph
52 | end
53 | end
54 | end
55 | end
56 | % plot the field projected on the object
57 | if ~isempty(PlotHandles) %&& ~testmask
58 | ProjData= proj_field(UvData.Field,ObjectData,IndexObj);%project the current interface field on ObjectData
59 | if ~isempty(ProjData)
60 | plotaxes=[];%default
61 | if length(Object_set)>= IndexObj && isfield(Object_set{IndexObj},'plotaxes')
62 | plotaxes=Object_set{IndexObj}.plotaxes;
63 | [PlotType,Object_out.PlotParam,plotaxes]=plot_field(ProjData,plotaxes,PlotHandles);
64 | else
65 | [plotaxes]=view_field(ProjData);
66 | end
67 | % [PlotType,Object_out.PlotParam,plotaxes]=plot_field(ProjData,plotaxes,PlotHandles);
68 | Object_out.plotaxes=plotaxes;
69 | plotfig=get(plotaxes,'parent');
70 | name_str=get(plotfig,'Name');
71 | if ~isequal(name_str,'uvmat')
72 | set(plotfig,'Name',['Projection on' num2str(IndexObj) '-' ObjectData.Style]);
73 | end
74 | end
75 | end
76 |
77 |