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20 | <h1>phys_XYZ |
21 | </h1> |
22 | |
23 | <h2><a name="_name"></a>PURPOSE <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../up.png"></a></h2> |
24 | <div class="box"><strong>'phys_XYZ':transforms image (px) to real world (phys) coordinates using geometric calibration parameters</strong></div> |
25 | |
26 | <h2><a name="_synopsis"></a>SYNOPSIS <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../up.png"></a></h2> |
27 | <div class="box"><strong>function [Xphys,Yphys,Zphys]=phys_XYZ(Calib,X,Y,Z) </strong></div> |
28 | |
29 | <h2><a name="_description"></a>DESCRIPTION <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../up.png"></a></h2> |
30 | <div class="fragment"><pre class="comment">'phys_XYZ':transforms image (px) to real world (phys) coordinates using geometric calibration parameters |
31 | function [Xphys,Yphys]=phys_XYZ(Calib,X,Y,Z) |
32 | |
33 | OUTPUT: |
34 | |
35 | INPUT: |
36 | Z: index of plane</pre></div> |
37 | |
38 | <!-- crossreference --> |
39 | <h2><a name="_cross"></a>CROSS-REFERENCE INFORMATION <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../up.png"></a></h2> |
40 | This function calls: |
41 | <ul style="list-style-image:url(../matlabicon.gif)"> |
42 | </ul> |
43 | This function is called by: |
44 | <ul style="list-style-image:url(../matlabicon.gif)"> |
45 | <li><a href="RUN_STLIN.html" class="code" title="function RUN_STLIN(file_A,file_B,vel_type,file_st,nx_patch,ny_patch,thresh_patch,fileAxml,fileBxml)">RUN_STLIN</a> 'RUN_STLIN': combine velocity fields for stereo PIV</li><li><a href="phys.html" class="code" title="function [DataOut,DataOut_1]=phys(varargin)">phys</a> 'phys': transforms image (px) to real world (phys) coordinates using geometric calibration parameters</li><li><a href="phys_polar.html" class="code" title="function [DataOut,DataOut_1]=phys_polar(varargin)">phys_polar</a> transform image coordinates (px) to physical coordinates</li></ul> |
46 | <!-- crossreference --> |
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49 | <h2><a name="_source"></a>SOURCE CODE <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../up.png"></a></h2> |
50 | <div class="fragment"><pre>0001 <span class="comment">%'phys_XYZ':transforms image (px) to real world (phys) coordinates using geometric calibration parameters</span> |
51 | 0002 <span class="comment">% function [Xphys,Yphys]=phys_XYZ(Calib,X,Y,Z)</span> |
52 | 0003 <span class="comment">%</span> |
53 | 0004 <span class="comment">%OUTPUT:</span> |
54 | 0005 <span class="comment">%</span> |
55 | 0006 <span class="comment">%INPUT:</span> |
56 | 0007 <span class="comment">%Z: index of plane</span> |
57 | 0008 <a name="_sub0" href="#_subfunctions" class="code">function [Xphys,Yphys,Zphys]=phys_XYZ(Calib,X,Y,Z)</a> |
58 | 0009 <span class="keyword">if</span> exist(<span class="string">'Z'</span>,<span class="string">'var'</span>)& isequal(Z,round(Z))& Z>0 & isfield(Calib,<span class="string">'SliceCoord'</span>)&length(Calib.SliceCoord)>=Z |
59 | 0010 Zindex=Z; |
60 | 0011 Zphys=Calib.SliceCoord(Zindex,3);<span class="comment">%GENERALISER AUX CAS AVEC ANGLE</span> |
61 | 0012 <span class="keyword">else</span> |
62 | 0013 <span class="comment">% if exist('Z','var')</span> |
63 | 0014 <span class="comment">% Zphys=Z;</span> |
64 | 0015 <span class="comment">% else</span> |
65 | 0016 Zphys=0; |
66 | 0017 <span class="comment">% end</span> |
67 | 0018 <span class="keyword">end</span> |
68 | 0019 <span class="keyword">if</span> ~exist(<span class="string">'X'</span>,<span class="string">'var'</span>)|~exist(<span class="string">'Y'</span>,<span class="string">'var'</span>) |
69 | 0020 Xphys=[]; |
70 | 0021 Yphys=[];<span class="comment">%default</span> |
71 | 0022 <span class="keyword">return</span> |
72 | 0023 <span class="keyword">end</span> |
73 | 0024 Xphys=X;<span class="comment">%default</span> |
74 | 0025 Yphys=Y; |
75 | 0026 <span class="comment">%image transform</span> |
76 | 0027 <span class="keyword">if</span> isfield(Calib,<span class="string">'R'</span>) |
77 | 0028 R=(Calib.R)'; |
78 | 0029 Dx=R(5)*R(7)-R(4)*R(8); |
79 | 0030 Dy=R(1)*R(8)-R(2)*R(7); |
80 | 0031 D0=Calib.f*(R(2)*R(4)-R(1)*R(5)); |
81 | 0032 Z11=R(6)*R(8)-R(5)*R(9); |
82 | 0033 Z12=R(2)*R(9)-R(3)*R(8); |
83 | 0034 Z21=R(4)*R(9)-R(6)*R(7); |
84 | 0035 Z22=R(3)*R(7)-R(1)*R(9); |
85 | 0036 Zx0=R(3)*R(5)-R(2)*R(6); |
86 | 0037 Zy0=R(1)*R(6)-R(3)*R(4); |
87 | 0038 A11=R(8)*Calib.Ty-R(5)*Calib.Tz+Z11*Zphys; |
88 | 0039 A12=R(2)*Calib.Tz-R(8)*Calib.Tx+Z12*Zphys; |
89 | 0040 A21=-R(7)*Calib.Ty+R(4)*Calib.Tz+Z21*Zphys; |
90 | 0041 A22=-R(1)*Calib.Tz+R(7)*Calib.Tx+Z11*Zphys; |
91 | 0042 X0=Calib.f*(R(5)*Calib.Tx-R(2)*Calib.Ty+Zx0*Zphys); |
92 | 0043 Y0=Calib.f*(-R(4)*Calib.Tx+R(1)*Calib.Ty+Zy0*Zphys); |
93 | 0044 <span class="comment">%px to camera:</span> |
94 | 0045 Xd=(Calib.dpx/Calib.sx)*(X-Calib.Cx); <span class="comment">% sensor coordinates</span> |
95 | 0046 Yd=Calib.dpy*(Y-Calib.Cy); |
96 | 0047 dist_fact=1+Calib.kappa1*(Xd.*Xd+Yd.*Yd); <span class="comment">%distortion factor</span> |
97 | 0048 Xu=dist_fact.*Xd;<span class="comment">%undistorted sensor coordinates</span> |
98 | 0049 Yu=dist_fact.*Yd; |
99 | 0050 denom=Dx*Xu+Dy*Yu+D0; |
100 | 0051 <span class="comment">% denom2=denom.*denom;</span> |
101 | 0052 Xphys=(A11.*Xu+A12.*Yu+X0)./denom;<span class="comment">%world coordinates</span> |
102 | 0053 Yphys=(A21.*Xu+A22.*Yu+Y0)./denom; |
103 | 0054 <span class="keyword">end</span></pre></div> |
104 | <hr><address>Generated on Fri 13-Nov-2009 11:17:03 by <strong><a href="http://www.artefact.tk/software/matlab/m2html/">m2html</a></strong> © 2003</address> |
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