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'read_imatext': reads the .civ file for image documentation (obsolete)


function [error,time,TimeUnit,mode,npx,npy,pxcmx,pxcmy]=read_imatext(fileinput);


'read_imatext': reads the .civ file for image documentation (obsolete)
 fileinput: name of the documentation file 
 time: matrix of times for the set of images
pxcmx: scale along x in pixels/cm
pxcmy: scale along y in pixels/cm


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %'read_imatext': reads the .civ file for image documentation (obsolete)
0002 % fileinput: name of the documentation file
0003 % time: matrix of times for the set of images
0004 %pxcmx: scale along x in pixels/cm
0005 %pxcmy: scale along y in pixels/cm
0006 function [error,time,TimeUnit,mode,npx,npy,pxcmx,pxcmy]=read_imatext(fileinput);
0007 error=0;%default
0008 time=[]; %default
0009 TimeUnit='s';
0010 mode='pairs';
0011 npx=[]; %default
0012 npy=[]; %default
0013 pxcmx=1;%default
0014 pxcmy=1;%default
0015 if exist(fileinput,'file')~=2, error=2, return;end;%input file does not exist
0016 dotciv=textread(fileinput);
0017 sizdot=size(dotciv);
0018 if ~isequal(sizdot(1)-8,dotciv(1,1));
0019     error=1; %inconsistent number of bursts
0020 end
0021 nbfield=sizdot(1)-8;
0022 npx=(dotciv(2,1));
0023 npy=(dotciv(2,2));
0024 pxcmx=(dotciv(6,1));% pixels/cm in the .civ file
0025 pxcmy=(dotciv(6,2));
0026 % nburst=dotciv(3,1); % nbre of bursts
0027 abs_time1=dotciv([9:nbfield+8],2);
0028 dtime=dotciv(5,1)*(dotciv([9:nbfield+8],[3:end-1])+1);
0029 timeshift=[abs_time1 dtime];
0030 time=cumsum(timeshift,2);

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