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'read_ncvar': reads a list of fields and constants in a netcdf file


function [cte_detect,var_detect,cte_read,var_read,choice,cte2_detect,var2_detect,cte2_read,var2_read,choice2]=read_ncvar(filename,cte1,nb1,var1,cte2,nb2,var2)


'read_ncvar': reads a list of fields and constants in a netcdf file
cte_detect: array with the dimension of cte1 or cte2 (option 'or'), =1 if the constant is detected 0 else.
var_detect: like cte_detect for the variables
cte_read: list of the values for the constants (global attributes), =0 if not detected
var_read(ind,:): variable array number ind, the variable #i is determined as var_read(ind(i),:), with ind=cumsum(var_detect);
choice=1 if the first list is chosen (or with the option 'and'), 2 else.
cte2_detect,var2_detect, cte2_read,var2_read, second set of v ctes and variables (only with the option 'and')

filename (netcdf file)
cte1: cell array listing the constants (global attributes) to read
nb1: name the constant in the netcdf file giving the length of var1 (if absent no variable is read)
    if nb1 is a cell array, nb1{i} corresponds to the choice by order of priority (as given by varname_generator)
    and cte{i,:} is the corresponding list of constants
var1{i,:}: list of variables arrays to read by order of priority with length nb1{i}
cte2,nb2,var2: second list of cte and variables (optional)

 related FUNCTION 
 'varname_generator.m': generates the appropriate list of variables and constants


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