Home > coriolis > bigone > PROJETS > UVMAT.new > read_vel.m



'read_vel': reads one or two velocity fields and associated parameters from a file or a pair of files.


function [dt,time,pixcmx,pixcmy,vec_X,vec_Y,vec_Z,vec_U,vec_V,vec_W,vec_C,vec_F,fixflag,vel_type_out,error,nb_coord,nb_dim,Civ,CivStage]=read_vel(filename,vel_type,scal_type,vec_X_in,vec_Y_in,vec_Z_in);


'read_vel': reads one or two velocity fields and associated parameters from a file or a pair of files. 
 In the case of two velocity fields, the difference of the two fields (linearly interpolated to the positions of 
 the first field) is given as the default output. Any other operation on the two
 fields can be introduced by an external function 'usrtransform'.
 dt:time interval of the image pair red from a single file, or vector with
 two values for a pair of files
 time: absolute time of the first file
 pixcmx,pixcmy: scaling factors (from the first file)
 vec_X,vec_Y,vec_Z: matlab vectors, representing the set of coordinates for
 the velocity vectors, vec_Z=zeros(size(vec_X)) for a 2D planar field
 vec_U,vec_V,vec_W: matlab vectors, representing the set of velocity components for
 the velocity vectors, vec_W=zeros(size(vec_X)) for a 2 component field
 vec_C: matlab vector, representing the set of image correlations, or any scalar set by the input 'scal_type'.
 vec_F: matlab vector, representing the set of vector flags vec_F for quality warning.
 fixflag: matlab vector, representing the set of vector flags for removal.
 RMQ: when two fields are read, the flags and vec_C correspond
 to the first field. By default vec_C=1,vec_F=1,fixflag=0 if
 it is not defined. (faulse vectors of the second field  are removed before interpolation)
 vel_type_out: string representing the selected velocity type (civ1,civ2,filter1...)
 error: error flag
 error=0; OK
 error=1; first field of file 1 not detected
 error=2; second field of file 1 not detected
 error=3; first field of file 2 not detected
 error=4; second field of file 2 not detected
 error=5; the scalar cannot be obtained

 filename: cell of names (length 1 or 2) representing the file names.
 vel_type: cell of imposed velocity types 'civ1','filter1'...if
 vel_type={} or vel_type{1}=[], the best choice is made (first civ2, then civ1)
 scal_type: string of a scalar name. If defined vec_C represents the value of this scalar
 vec_X_in,vec_Y_in,vec_Z_in: optional imposed set of positions on which data are linearly interpolated (not yet implemented)
 transform: transform.vel: name of an optional user defined function 
 transform.scal: name of a transform function for a scalar (used if vec_C is a scalar)

 FUNCTIONS called: 
 'varname_generator.m':, sets the names in the netcdf file from 'vel_type'
 'read_netcdf.m': reads the netcdf file with a given set of variable names
 'calc_scal.m': calculates the scalar (used for arrow colors)


This function calls: This function is called by:
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