1 | %'view_field': function associated with the GUI 'view_field.fig' for images and data field visualization
2 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | % function huvmat=view_field(input)
4 | %
6 | % huvmat=current handles of the GUI view_field.fig
7 | %%
8 | %
9 | %INPUT:
10 | % input: input file name (if character chain), or input image matrix to
11 | % visualize, or Matlab structure representing netcdf fields (with fields
12 | % ListVarName....)
13 | %
15 | % Copyright Joel Sommeria, 2008, LEGI / CNRS-UJF-INPG, joel.sommeria@legi.grenoble-inp.fr.
17 | % This open is part of the toolbox VIEW_FIELD.
18 | %
19 | % VIEW_FIELD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
20 | % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
21 | % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
22 | % (at your option) any later version.
23 | %
24 | % VIEW_FIELD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
25 | % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
27 | % GNU General Public License (open VIEW_FIELD/COPYING.txt) for more details.
29 |
30 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
32 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
33 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
34 | function varargout = view_field(varargin)
35 |
36 | % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
37 | gui_Singleton = 1;
38 | gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ...
39 | 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ...
40 | 'gui_OpeningFcn', @view_field_OpeningFcn, ...
41 | 'gui_OutputFcn', @view_field_OutputFcn, ...
42 | 'gui_LayoutFcn', [], ...
43 | 'gui_Callback', []);
44 | if nargin && ischar(varargin{1})
45 | gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1});
46 | end
47 |
48 | if nargout
49 | varargout{1:nargout} = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
50 | else
51 | gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
52 | end
53 | % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
54 |
55 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
56 | % --- Executes just before view_field is made visible.
57 | function view_field_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, Field )
58 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
59 |
60 | % Choose default command menuline output for view_field
61 | handles.output = handles.view_field;
62 |
63 | % Update handles structure
64 | guidata(hObject, handles);
65 |
66 | dircur=pwd; %current working directory
67 | dir_opening=dircur;
68 |
69 | % set the position of colorbar and ancillary GUIs:
70 | set(hObject,'Units','Normalized')
71 | handles_mouse=handles;
72 | huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'Name','uvmat');
73 | if ~isempty(huvmat)
74 | hhuvmat=guidata(huvmat);
75 | % set(hhuvmat.list_object_2,'Visible','on')
76 | % set(hhuvmat.view_field_title,'Visible','on')
77 | % handles_mouse.create=hhuvmat.create;
78 | handles_mouse.edit=hhuvmat.edit_object;
79 | pos_view_field=get(hObject,'Position');
80 | pos_uvmat=get(huvmat,'Position');
81 | pos_view_field(1)=pos_uvmat(1)+pos_uvmat(3)/2;
82 | pos_view_field(2)=pos_uvmat(2)-pos_uvmat(3)/4;
83 | % pos_view_field(3:4)=pos_uvmat(3:4);
84 | set(hObject,'Position',pos_view_field)
85 | end
86 |
87 | %functions for the mouse and keyboard
88 | set(hObject,'KeyPressFcn',{'keyboard_callback',handles_mouse})%set keyboard action function
89 | set(hObject,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{'mouse_motion',handles_mouse})%set mouse action functio
90 | set(hObject,'WindowButtonDownFcn',{'mouse_down'})%set mouse click action function
91 | set(hObject,'WindowButtonUpFcn',{'mouse_up',handles_mouse})
92 | set(hObject,'CloseRequestFcn',{@closefcn})%
93 | ViewFieldData.axes3=[];%initiates the record of the current field (will be updated by plot_field)
94 | set(handles.view_field,'UserData',ViewFieldData);%store the current field
95 | AxeData.LimEditBox=1; %initialise AxeData, the parent figure sets plot parameters
96 | set(handles.axes3,'UserData',AxeData)
97 | if ~exist('Field','var')
98 | return
99 | end
100 | [PlotType,PlotParamOut]= plot_field(Field,handles.axes3);%,PlotParam,KeepLim,PosColorbar)
101 |
102 | if isfield(PlotParamOut,'Vectors')
103 | set(handles.Vectors,'Visible','on')
104 | end
105 | write_plot_param(handles,PlotParamOut);% update the display of the plotting parameters
106 |
107 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
108 | % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command menuline.
109 | function varargout = view_field_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
110 | varargout{1} = handles.output;% the only output argument is the handle to the GUI figure
111 |
112 |
113 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
114 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
116 | % automatically sets the global properties when the rootfile name is introduced
117 | % then activate the view-field action if selected
118 | % it is activated either by clicking on the RootPath window or by the
119 | % browser
120 | %------------------------------------------------------------------
121 | %------------------------------------------------------------------
122 |
123 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
124 | function update_mask(handles,num_i1,num_j1)
125 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
126 |
127 | MaskData=get(handles.mask_test,'UserData');
128 | if isfield(MaskData,'maskhandle')&& ishandle(MaskData.maskhandle)
129 | uistack(MaskData.maskhandle,'top');
130 | end
131 | num_i1_mask=mod(num_i1-1,MaskData.NbSlice)+1;
132 | [RootPath,RootFile]=fullfile(MaskData.Base);
133 | MaskName=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath,'',RootFile,'.png',MaskData.NomType,num_i1_mask,[],num_j1);
134 | %[MaskName,mdetect]=name_generator(MaskData.Base,num_i1_mask,num_j1,'.png',MaskData.NomType);
135 | huvmat=get(handles.mask_test,'parent');
136 | UvData=get(huvmat,'UserData');
137 |
138 | %update mask image if the mask is new
139 | if ~ (isfield(UvData,'MaskName') && isequal(UvData.MaskName,MaskName))
140 | UvData.MaskName=MaskName; %update the recorded name on UvData
141 | set(huvmat,'UserData',UvData);
142 | if mdetect==0
143 | if isfield(MaskData,'maskhandle')&& ishandle(MaskData.maskhandle)
144 | delete(MaskData.maskhandle)
145 | end
146 | else
147 | %read mask image
148 | Mask.AName='image';
149 | Mask.A=imread(MaskName);
150 | npxy=size(Mask.A);
151 | Mask.AX=[0.5 npxy(2)-0.5];
152 | Mask.AY=[npxy(1)-0.5 0.5 ];
153 | Mask.CoordUnit='pixel';
154 | if isequal(get(handles.slices,'Value'),1)
155 | NbSlice=str2num(get(handles.nb_slice,'String'));
156 | num_i1=str2num(get(handles.i1,'String'));
157 | Mask.ZIndex=mod(num_i1-1,NbSlice)+1;
158 | end
159 | %px to phys or other transform on field
160 | menu_transform=get(handles.transform_fct,'String');
161 | choice_value=get(handles.transform_fct,'Value');
162 | transform_name=menu_transform{choice_value};%name of the transform fct given by the menu 'transform_fct'
163 | transform_list=get(handles.transform_fct,'UserData');
164 | transform=transform_list{choice_value};
165 | if ~isequal(transform_name,'') && ~isequal(transform_name,'px')
166 | if isfield(UvData,'XmlData') && isfield(UvData.XmlData,'GeometryCalib')%use geometry calib recorded from the ImaDoc xml file as first priority
167 | Calib=UvData.XmlData.GeometryCalib;
168 | Mask=transform(Mask,UvData.XmlData);
169 | end
170 | end
171 | flagmask=Mask.A < 200;
172 |
173 | %make brown color image
174 | imflag(:,:,1)=0.9*flagmask;
175 | imflag(:,:,2)=0.7*flagmask;
176 | imflag(:,:,3)=zeros(size(flagmask));
177 |
178 | %update mask image
179 | hmask=[]; %default
180 | if isfield(MaskData,'maskhandle')&& ishandle(MaskData.maskhandle)
181 | hmask=MaskData.maskhandle;
182 | end
183 | if ~isempty(hmask)
184 | set(hmask,'CData',imflag)
185 | set(hmask,'AlphaData',flagmask*0.6)
186 | set(hmask,'XData',Mask.AX);
187 | set(hmask,'YData',Mask.AY);
188 | % uistack(hmask,'top')
189 | else
190 | axes(handles.axes3)
191 | hold on
192 | MaskData.maskhandle=image(Mask.AX,Mask.AY,imflag,'Tag','mask','HitTest','off','AlphaData',0.6*flagmask);
193 | % set(MaskData.maskhandle,'AlphaData',0.6*flagmask)
194 | set(handles.mask_test,'UserData',MaskData)
195 | end
196 | end
197 | end
198 |
199 |
200 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
201 | function MenuExportFigure_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
202 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
203 | huvmat=get(handles.MenuExport,'parent');
204 | UvData=get(huvmat,'UserData');
205 | hfig=figure;
206 | newaxes=copyobj(handles.axes3,hfig);
207 | map=colormap(handles.axes3);
208 | colormap(map);%transmit the current colormap to the zoom fig
209 | colorbar
210 |
211 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
212 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
214 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
215 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
216 |
217 | %Executes on button press in runplus: make one step forward and call
218 | %run0. The step forward is along the fields series 1 or 2 depending on
219 | %the scan_i and scan_j check box (exclusive each other)
220 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
221 | function runplus_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
222 | increment=str2num(get(handles.increment_scan,'String')); %get the field increment d
223 | runpm(hObject,eventdata,handles,increment)
224 |
225 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
226 | %Executes on button press in runmin: make one step backward and call
227 | %run0. The step backward is along the fields series 1 or 2 depending on
228 | %the scan_i and scan_j check box (exclusive each other)
229 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
230 | function runmin_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
231 | increment=-str2num(get(handles.increment_scan,'String')); %get the field increment d
232 | runpm(hObject,eventdata,handles,increment)
233 |
234 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
235 | %Executes on button press in runmin: make one step backward and call
236 | %run0. The step backward is along the fields series 1 or 2 depending on
237 | %the scan_i and scan_j check box (exclusive each other)
238 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
239 | function RunMovie_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
240 | %------------------------------------------------------------------
241 | set(handles.RunMovie,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])%paint the command button in yellow
242 | drawnow
243 | increment=str2num(get(handles.increment_scan,'String')); %get the field increment d
244 | set(handles.STOP,'Visible','on')
245 | set(handles.speed,'Visible','on')
246 | set(handles.speed_txt,'Visible','on')
247 | set(handles.RunMovie,'BusyAction','queue')
248 | testavi=0;
249 | UvData=get(handles.view_field,'UserData');
250 |
251 | while get(handles.speed,'Value')~=0 & isequal(get(handles.RunMovie,'BusyAction'),'queue') % enable STOP command
252 | runpm(hObject,eventdata,handles,increment)
253 | pause(1.02-get(handles.speed,'Value'))% wait for next image
254 | end
255 | if isfield(UvData,'aviobj') && ~isempty( UvData.aviobj),
256 | UvData.aviobj=close(UvData.aviobj);
257 | set(handles.view_field,'UserData',UvData);
258 | end
259 | set(handles.RunMovie,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 0])%paint the command buttonback to red
260 |
261 |
262 |
263 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
264 | % --- translate coordinate to matrix index
265 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
266 | function [indx,indy]=pos2ind(x0,rangx0,nxy)
267 | indx=1+round((nxy(2)-1)*(x0-rangx0(1))/(rangx0(2)-rangx0(1)));% index x of pixel
268 | indy=1+round((nxy(1)-1)*(y12-rangy0(1))/(rangy0(2)-rangy0(1)));% index y of pixel
269 |
270 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
271 | % --- Executes on button press in 'FixLimits'.
272 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
273 | function CheckFixLimits_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
274 | test=get(handles.CheckFixLimits,'Value');
275 | if test
276 | set(handles.CheckFixLimits,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])
277 | else
278 | set(handles.CheckFixLimits,'BackgroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0.7])
279 | end
280 | update_plot(handles)
281 |
282 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
283 | % --- Executes on button press in FixEqual.
284 | function CheckFixEqual_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
285 | test=get(handles.CheckFixEqual,'Value');
286 | if test
287 | set(handles.CheckFixEqual,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])
288 | cla(handles.axes3)
289 | else
290 | set(handles.CheckFixEqual,'BackgroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0.7])
291 | end
292 | update_plot(handles)
293 |
294 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
295 |
296 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
297 | % --- Executes on button press in 'zoom'.
298 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
299 | function zoom_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
300 | if (get(handles.zoom,'Value') == 1);
301 | set(handles.zoom,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])
302 | set(handles.FixLimits,'Value',1)% propose by default fixed limits for the plotting axes
303 | set(handles.FixLimits,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])
304 | else
305 | set(handles.zoom,'BackgroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0.7])
306 | end
307 |
308 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
309 | %----Executes on button press in 'record': records the current flags of manual correction.
310 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
311 | function record_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
312 | % [filebase,num_i1,num_j1,num_i2,num_j2,Ext,NomType,SubDir]=read_input_file(handles);
313 | filename=read_file_boxes(handles);
314 | AxeData=get(gca,'UserData');
315 | [erread,message]=fileattrib(filename);
316 | if ~isempty(message) && ~isequal(message.UserWrite,1)
317 | msgbox_view_field('ERROR',['no writting access to ' filename])
318 | return
319 | end
320 | test_civ2=isequal(get(handles.civ2,'BackgroundColor'),[1 1 0]);
321 | test_civ1=isequal(get(handles.civ1,'BackgroundColor'),[1 1 0]);
322 | if ~test_civ2 && ~test_civ1
323 | msgbox_view_field('ERROR','manual correction only possible for CIV1 or CIV2 velocity fields')
324 | end
325 | if test_civ2
326 | nbname='nb_vectors2';
327 | flagname='vec2_FixFlag';
328 | attrname='fix2';
329 | end
330 | if test_civ1
331 | nbname='nb_vectors';
332 | flagname='vec_FixFlag';
333 | attrname='fix';
334 | end
335 | %write fix flags in the netcdf file
336 | hhh=which('netcdf.open');% look for built-in matlab netcdf library
337 | if ~isequal(hhh,'')% case of new builtin Matlab netcdf library
338 | nc=netcdf.open(filename,'NC_WRITE');
339 | netcdf.reDef(nc)
340 | netcdf.putAtt(nc,netcdf.getConstant('NC_GLOBAL'),attrname,1)
341 | dimid = netcdf.inqDimID(nc,nbname);
342 | try
343 | varid = netcdf.inqVarID(nc,flagname);% look for already existing fixflag variable
344 | catch
345 | varid=netcdf.defVar(nc,flagname,'double',dimid);%create fixflag variable if it does not exist
346 | end
347 | netcdf.endDef(nc)
348 | netcdf.putVar(nc,varid,AxeData.FF);
349 | netcdf.close(nc)
350 | else %old netcdf library
351 | netcdf_toolbox(filename,AxeData,attrname,nbname,flagname)
352 | end
353 |
354 | function netcdf_toolbox(filename,AxeData,attrname,nbname,flagname)
355 | nc=netcdf(filename,'write'); %open netcdf file
356 | result=redef(nc);
357 | eval(['nc.' attrname '=1;']);
358 | theDim=nc(nbname) ;% get the number of velocity vectors
359 | nb_vectors=size(theDim);
360 | var_FixFlag=ncvar(flagname,nc);% var_FixFlag will be written as the netcdf variable vec_FixFlag
361 | var_FixFlag(1:nb_vectors)=AxeData.FF;%
362 | fin=close(nc);
363 |
364 |
365 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
366 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
368 |
369 | %------------------------------------------------------------------
370 |
371 |
372 | %------------------------------------------------------------------
373 | % --- Executes on selection change in col_vec: choice of the color code.
374 | %
375 | function col_vec_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
376 | %------------------------------------------------------------------
377 | % edit the choice for color code
378 | list_code=get(handles.col_vec,'String');% list menu fields
379 | index_code=get(handles.col_vec,'Value');% selected string index
380 | col_code= list_code{index_code(1)}; % selected field
381 | if isequal(col_code,'black') | isequal(col_code,'white')
382 | set(handles.slider1,'Visible','off')
383 | set(handles.slider2,'Visible','off')
384 | set(handles.colcode1,'Visible','off')
385 | set(handles.colcode2,'Visible','off')
386 | set(handles.AutoVecColor,'Visible','off')
387 | set_vec_col_bar(handles)
388 | else
389 | set(handles.slider1,'Visible','on')
390 | set(handles.slider2,'Visible','on')
391 | set(handles.colcode1,'Visible','on')
392 | set(handles.colcode2,'Visible','on')
393 | set(handles.AutoVecColor,'Visible','on')
394 | if isequal(col_code,'ima_cor')
395 | set(handles.AutoVecColor,'Value',0)%fixed scale by default
396 | set(handles.vec_col_bar,'Value',0)% 3 colors r,g,b by default
397 | set(handles.slider1,'Min',0);
398 | set(handles.slider1,'Max',1);
399 | set(handles.slider2,'Min',0);
400 | set(handles.slider2,'Max',1);
401 | % set(handles.min_C_title_vec,'String','0')
402 | set(handles.max_vec,'String','1')
403 | set(handles.colcode1,'String','0.333')
404 | colcode1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
405 | set(handles.colcode2,'String','0.666')
406 | colcode2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
407 | else
408 | set(handles.AutoVecColor,'Value',1)%auto scale between min,max by default
409 | set(handles.vec_col_bar,'Value',1)% colormap 'jet' by default
410 | minval=get(handles.slider1,'Min');
411 | maxval=get(handles.slider1,'Max');
412 | set(handles.slider1,'Value',minval)
413 | set(handles.slider2,'Value',maxval)
414 | set_vec_col_bar(handles)
415 | end
416 | % slider_update(handles)
417 | end
418 | %replot the current graph
419 | run0_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
420 |
421 |
422 | %----------------------------------------------------------------
423 | % -- Executes on slider movement to set the color code
424 | %
425 | function slider1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
426 | %------------------------------------------------------------------
427 | slider1=get(handles.slider1,'Value');
428 | min_val=str2num(get(handles.min_vec,'String'));
429 | max_val=str2num(get(handles.max_vec,'String'));
430 | col=min_val+(max_val-min_val)*slider1;
431 | set(handles.colcode1,'String',num2str(col))
432 | if(get(handles.slider2,'Value') < col)%move also the second slider at the same value if needed
433 | set(handles.slider2,'Value',col)
434 | set(handles.colcode2,'String',num2str(col))
435 | end
436 | colcode1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
437 |
438 | %----------------------------------------------------------------
439 | % Executes on slider movement to set the color code
440 | %----------------------------------------------------------------
441 | function slider2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
442 | slider2=get(handles.slider2,'Value');
443 | min_val=str2num(get(handles.min_vec,'String'));
444 | max_val=str2num(get(handles.max_vec,'String'));
445 | col=min_val+(max_val-min_val)*slider2;
446 | set(handles.colcode2,'String',num2str(col))
447 | if(get(handles.slider1,'Value') > col)%move also the first slider at the same value if needed
448 | set(handles.slider1,'Value',col)
449 | set(handles.colcode1,'String',num2str(col))
450 | end
451 | colcode2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
452 |
453 | %----------------------------------------------------------------
454 | %execute on return carriage on the edit box corresponding to slider 1
455 | %----------------------------------------------------------------
456 | function colcode1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
457 | % col=str2num(get(handles.colcode1,'String'));
458 | % set(handles.slider1,'Value',col)
459 | set_vec_col_bar(handles)
460 | update_plot(handles)
461 |
462 | %----------------------------------------------------------------
463 | %execute on return carriage on the edit box corresponding to slider 2
464 | %----------------------------------------------------------------
465 | function colcode2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
466 | % col=str2num(get(handles.colcode2,'String'));
467 | % set(handles.slider2,'Value',col)
468 | % slider2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
469 | set_vec_col_bar(handles)
470 | update_plot(handles)
471 | %------------------------------------------------------------
472 | %update the slider values after displaying vectors
473 | %--------------------------------------------------------
474 | % function slider_update(handles,auto,minC,colcode1,colcode2,maxC)
475 | % set(handles.slider1,'Min',minC)
476 | % set(handles.slider1,'Max',maxC)
477 | % set(handles.slider2,'Min',minC)
478 | % set(handles.slider2,'Max',maxC)
479 | % set(handles.min_C_title_vec,'String',num2str(minC))
480 | % set(handles.max_vec,'String',num2str(maxC))
481 | % if auto
482 | % set(handles.colcode1,'String',num2str(colcode1,3))%update display
483 | % set(handles.colcode2,'String',num2str(colcode2,3))
484 | % end
485 | % set(handles.slider1,'Value',colcode1)%update slider with constant display
486 | % set(handles.slider2,'Value',colcode2)
487 | % set_vec_col_bar(handles)
488 |
489 |
490 | %-------------------------------------------------------
491 | % --- Executes on button press in AutoVecColor.
492 | %-------------------------------------------------------
493 | function vec_col_bar_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
494 | set_vec_col_bar(handles)
495 |
496 | %------------------------------------------------
498 | %-------------------------------------------------
499 |
500 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
501 | function num_MinX_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
502 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
503 | set(handles.CheckFixLimits,'Value',1) %suppress auto mode
504 | set(handles.CheckFixLimits,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])
505 | update_plot(handles);
506 |
507 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
508 | function num_MaxX_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
509 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
510 | set(handles.CheckFixLimits,'Value',1) %suppress auto mode
511 | set(handles.CheckFixLimits,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])
512 | update_plot(handles);
513 |
514 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
515 | function num_MinY_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
516 | %------------------------------------------
517 | set(handles.CheckFixLimits,'Value',1) %suppress auto mode
518 | set(handles.CheckFixLimits,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])
519 | update_plot(handles);
520 |
521 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
522 | function num_MaxY_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
523 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
524 | set(handles.CheckFixLimits,'Value',1) %suppress auto mode
525 | set(handles.CheckFixLimits,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])
526 | update_plot(handles);
527 |
528 | %-----------------------------------------------------------------
529 | function num_MinA_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
530 | %------------------------------------------
531 | set(handles.CheckFixScalar,'Value',1) %suppress auto mode
532 | set(handles.CheckFixScalar,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])
533 | update_plot(handles)
534 |
535 | %-----------------------------------------------------------------
536 | function num_MaxA_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
537 | %--------------------------------------------
538 | set(handles.CheckFixScalar,'Value',1) %suppress auto mode
539 | set(handles.CheckFixScalar,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])
540 | update_plot(handles)
541 |
542 | %-----------------------------------------------
543 | function CheckFixScalar_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
544 | %--------------------------------------------
545 | test=get(handles.CheckFixScalar,'Value');
546 | if test
547 | set(handles.CheckFixScalar,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])
548 | else
549 | set(handles.CheckFixScalar,'BackgroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0.7])
550 | update_plot(handles);
551 | % set(handles.MinA,'String',num2str(ScalOut.MinA,3))
552 | % set(handles.MaxA,'String',num2str(ScalOut.MaxA,3))
553 | end
554 |
555 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
556 | function CheckBW_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
557 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
558 | update_plot(handles)
559 |
560 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
561 | function ListContour_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
562 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
563 | val=get(handles.Contours,'Value');
564 | if val==2
565 | set(handles.interval_txt,'Visible','on')
566 | set(handles.IncrA,'Visible','on')
567 | else
568 | set(handles.interval_txt,'Visible','off')
569 | set(handles.IncrA,'Visible','off')
570 | end
571 | update_plot(handles)
572 |
573 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
574 | function IncrA_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
575 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
576 | update_plot(handles)
577 |
578 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
579 | function HideWarning_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
580 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
581 | update_plot(handles)
582 |
583 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
584 | function HideFalse_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
585 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
586 | update_plot(handles)
587 |
588 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
589 | function VecScale_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
590 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
591 | set(handles.FixVec,'Value',1);
592 | set(handles.FixVec,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])
593 | update_plot(handles)
594 |
595 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
596 | function FixVec_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
597 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
598 | test=get(handles.FixVec,'Value');
599 | if test
600 | set(handles.FixVec,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])
601 | else
602 | update_plot(handles);
603 | %set(handles.VecScale,'String',num2str(ScalOut.VecScale,3))
604 | set(handles.FixVec,'BackgroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0.7])
605 | end
606 |
607 | %-------------------------------------------------------
608 | % --- Executes on selection change in decimate4 (nb_vec/4).
609 | %-------------------------------------------------------
610 | function CheckDecimate4_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
611 | update_plot(handles)
612 |
613 |
614 | %-------------------------------------------------------
615 | % --- Executes on selection change in color_code menu
616 | %-------------------------------------------------------
617 | function color_code_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
618 | set_vec_col_bar(handles)
619 | update_plot(handles);
620 |
621 | %-------------------------------------------------------
622 | % --- Executes on button press in AutoVecColor.
623 | %-------------------------------------------------------
624 | function AutoVecColor_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
625 | test=get(handles.AutoVecColor,'Value');
626 | if test
627 | set(handles.AutoVecColor,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])
628 | else
629 | update_plot(handles);
630 | %set(handles.VecScale,'String',num2str(ScalOut.VecScale,3))
631 | set(handles.AutoVecColor,'BackgroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0.7])
632 | end
633 | %set_vec_col_bar(handles)
634 |
635 | %-------------------------------------------------------
636 | % --- Executes on selection change in max_vec.
637 | %-------------------------------------------------------
638 | function min_vec_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
639 | max_vec_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
640 |
641 | % --- Executes on selection change in max_vec.
642 | function max_vec_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
643 | set(handles.AutoVecColor,'Value',1)
644 | AutoVecColor_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
645 | min_val=str2num(get(handles.min_vec,'String'));
646 | max_val=str2num(get(handles.max_vec,'String'));
647 | slider1=get(handles.slider1,'Value');
648 | slider2=get(handles.slider2,'Value');
649 | colcode1=min_val+(max_val-min_val)*slider1;
650 | colcode2=min_val+(max_val-min_val)*slider2;
651 | set(handles.colcode1,'String',num2str(colcode1))
652 | set(handles.colcode2,'String',num2str(colcode2))
653 | update_plot(handles);
654 |
655 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
656 | %update the display of color code for vectors
657 | function set_vec_col_bar(handles)
658 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
659 | %get the image of the color display button 'vec_col_bar' in pixels
660 | set(handles.vec_col_bar,'Unit','pixel');
661 | pos_vert=get(handles.vec_col_bar,'Position');
662 | set(handles.vec_col_bar,'Unit','Normalized');
663 | width=ceil(pos_vert(3));
664 | height=ceil(pos_vert(4));
665 |
666 | %get slider indications
667 | list=get(handles.color_code,'String');
668 | ichoice=get(handles.color_code,'Value');
669 | colcode.ColorCode=list{ichoice};
670 | colcode.MinC=str2num(get(handles.min_vec,'String'));
671 | colcode.MaxC=str2num(get(handles.max_vec,'String'));
672 | test3color=strcmp(colcode.ColorCode,'rgb') || strcmp(colcode.ColorCode,'bgr');
673 | if test3color
674 | colcode.colcode1=str2num(get(handles.colcode1,'String'));
675 | colcode.colcode2=str2num(get(handles.colcode2,'String'));
676 | end
677 | colcode.FixedCbounds=0;
678 | colcode.FixedCbounds=1;
679 | vec_C=colcode.MinC+(colcode.MaxC-colcode.MinC)*[0.5:width-0.5]/width;%sample of vec_C values from min to max
680 | [colorlist,col_vec]=set_col_vec(colcode,vec_C);
681 | oneheight=ones(1,height);
682 | A1=colorlist(col_vec,1)*oneheight;
683 | A2=colorlist(col_vec,2)*oneheight;
684 | A3=colorlist(col_vec,3)*oneheight;
685 | A(:,:,1)=A1';
686 | A(:,:,2)=A2';
687 | A(:,:,3)=A3';
688 | set(handles.vec_col_bar,'Cdata',A)
689 |
690 | % %------------------------------------------------------------------------
691 | % function PlotType=update_plot(handles)
692 | % %------------------------------------------------------------------------
693 | % haxes= handles.axes3;
694 | %
695 | % %ProjField=get(haxes,'UserData');
696 | % ViewFieldData=get(handles.view_field,'UserData');
697 | % ProjField=ViewFieldData.axes3;
698 | % %ProjField=get(haxes,'UserData');
699 | % PlotParam=read_GUI(handles.view_field);
700 | % [PlotType,PlotParamOut]= plot_field(ProjField,haxes,PlotParam,1);
701 | % write_plot_param(handles,PlotParamOut); %update the auto plot parameters
702 |
703 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
704 | function update_plot(handles)
705 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
706 | Data=get(handles.view_field,'UserData');
707 | AxeData=Data.axes3;% retrieve the current plotted data
708 | PlotParam=read_GUI(handles.view_field);
709 | [PP,PlotParamOut]= plot_field(AxeData,handles.axes3,PlotParam);
710 | write_plot_param(handles,PlotParamOut); %update the auto plot parameters
711 |
712 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
713 | % --- Executes on button press in Menu/Export/field in workspace.
714 | function MenuExportField_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
715 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
716 | global Data_view_field
717 | % huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'Name','uvmat');
718 | Data_view_field=get(handles.view_field,'UserData');
719 | Data_view_field=Data_view_field.axes3;
720 | % Data_view_field=UvData.ProjField_2;
721 | evalin('base','global Data_view_field')%make CurData global in the workspace
722 | display(['UserData of view_field :'])
723 | evalin('base','Data_view_field') %display CurData in the workspace
724 | commandwindow;
725 |
726 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
727 | % --- Executes on button press in Menu/Export/extract figure.
728 | function MenuExport_plot_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
729 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
730 | huvmat=get(handles.MenuExport_plot,'parent');
731 | UvData=get(huvmat,'UserData');
732 | hfig=figure;
733 | newaxes=copyobj(handles.axes3,hfig);
734 | map=colormap(handles.axes3);
735 | colormap(map);%transmit the current colormap to the zoom fig
736 | colorbar
737 |
738 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
739 | function closefcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
740 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
741 | huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'Name','uvmat');
742 | if ~isempty(huvmat)
743 | hhuvmat=guidata(huvmat);
744 | % list_object_2=get(hhuvmat.list_object_2,'String');
745 | % set(hhuvmat.list_object_2,'Value',1)%select the last value ('...')
746 | end
747 | delete(hObject)
748 |