% 'xml2struct': read an xml file as a Matlab structure, converts numeric character strings into numbers %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % function [s,RootTag,errormsg]=xml2struct(filename,varargin) % % OUTPUT: % s= Matlab structure corresponding to the input xml file % RootTag= name of the root tag in the xml file % errormsg: errormessage, ='' by default % % INPUT: % filename: name of the xml file % varargin: optional list of strings to restrict the reading to a selection of subtrees, for instance 'GeometryCalib' (save reading time) %======================================================================= % Copyright 2008-2024, LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS UGA G-INP, Grenoble, France % http://www.legi.grenoble-inp.fr % Joel.Sommeria - Joel.Sommeria (A) univ-grenoble-alpes.fr % % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT. % % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license, % or (at your option) any later version. % % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License (see LICENSE.txt) for more details. %=======================================================================UVMAT-https function [s,RootTag,errormsg]=xml2struct(filename,varargin) s=[]; RootTag=''; errormsg=''; try t=xmltree(filename);% read the file as an xmltree object t catch ME errormsg=ME.message; if ~isempty(regexp(ME.message,'Undefined function'))||~isempty(regexp(ME.message,'Missing')) errormsg=[errormsg ': package xmltree not correctly installed, reload it from www.artefact.tk/software/matlab/xml']; end return end iline=0; while isempty(RootTag) iline=iline+1; if strcmp(get(t,iline,'type'),'element') RootTag=get(t,iline,'name'); end end if nargin>1 for isub=1:nargin-1 uid_sub=find(t,['/' RootTag '/' varargin{isub}]); if isempty(uid_sub) s.(varargin{isub})=[]; else tsub=branch(t,uid_sub); if ~isempty(get(tsub,1,'contents')) ss=convert(tsub); s.(varargin{isub})=convert_string(ss); end end end else try ss=convert(t);%transform the xmltree object into a Matlab structure. s=convert_string(ss); catch ME errormsg=ME.message; end end function out=convert_string(ss) info=whos('ss'); switch info.class case 'struct' out=[];%default names = fieldnames(ss); for k=1:length(names) out.(names{k})=convert_string(ss.(names{k})); end case 'char' % try to convert to number if the char does not correspond to a function (otherwise str2num calls this function as it uses 'eval') % if exist(ss,'builtin')||exist(ss,'file')% ss corresponds to the name of a builtin Matlab function or a file % out=ss; %reproduce the input string % else out=str2num(ss);% convert to number or vector (str2num applied to a fct name executes this fct by 'eval', thus this possibility had to be ruled out above if isempty(out) sep_ind=regexp(ss,'\s&\s');% check for separator ' & ' which indicates column separation in tables if ~isempty(sep_ind) sep_ind=[-2 sep_ind length(ss)+1]; out={}; for icolumn=1:length(sep_ind)-1 out{1,icolumn}=ss(sep_ind(icolumn)+3:sep_ind(icolumn+1)-1);% get info between separators as a cell array end else out=ss; %reproduce the input string end end % end case 'cell' out={};%default check_numeric=zeros(size(ss)); for ilist=1:numel(ss) if ~strcmp(ss{ilist},'image') && ~isempty(str2num(ss{ilist})) out{ilist,1}=str2num(ss{ilist}); check_numeric(ilist)=1; else sep_ind=regexp(ss{ilist},'\s&\s');% check for separator ' & ' which indicates column separation in tables if ~isempty(sep_ind) sep_ind=[-2 sep_ind length(ss{ilist})+1]; for icolumn=1:length(sep_ind)-1 out{ilist,icolumn}=ss{ilist}(sep_ind(icolumn)+3:sep_ind(icolumn+1)-1); end else out{ilist,1}=ss{ilist}; %reproduce the input string end end end if isequal(check_numeric,ones(size(ss))) out=cell2mat(out); end otherwise out=ss; end