% 'xml2struct': read an xml file as a Matlab structure, converts numeric character strings into numbers %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % function s=xml2struct(filename) % % OUTPUT: % s= Matlab structure corresponding to the input xml file % % INPUT: % filename: name of the xml file function s=xml2struct(filename) t=xmltree(filename); ss=convert(t); s=convert_string(ss); function out=convert_string(ss) info=whos('ss'); switch info.class case 'struct' names = fieldnames(ss); for k=1:length(names) out.(names{k})=convert_string(ss.(names{k})); end case 'char' if isempty(regexp(ss,'^(-*\d+\.*\d*\ *)+$'))% if the string does not contains a set of numbers (with possible sign and decimal) separated by blanks sep_ind=regexp(ss,'\s&\s');% check for separator ' & ' which indicates column separation in tables if ~isempty(sep_ind) sep_ind=[-2 sep_ind length(ss)+1]; for icolumn=1:length(sep_ind)-1 out{1,icolumn}=ss(sep_ind(icolumn)+3:sep_ind(icolumn+1)-1); end else out=ss; %reproduce the input string end else out=str2num(ss); end case 'cell' for ilist=1:numel(ss) out(ilist,:)=str2num(ss{ilist}); end otherwise out=ss; end