Document for an image series
recall the Installation/Campaign/(SubCampaign)/Experiment/Device/(Record), which must fit with the position of the document in the data tree.
Name (dir) of the associated campaign
Name (dir) of the associated subcampaign
name of the fist image in the series. Generic file names are formed with the root xxx= name of this xml file (without .xml ext), the image indices i and j, and the extension .ext=FileType. ='xxx_i.ext for ScanMode='series', ='xxx_i_j.ext else.
date of the image record
program which generates the images and creates this xml file
Parameters of the camera used and times of images
Name of the camera
width x height x nbre of bits
Name of the camera objective lens
Angular aperture of the objective lens (as defined in photography)
Type of optical filter used on the camera (default='none')
Gain of the camera
trigger mode for the image acquisition, 'manual' or 'auto' (external signal)
unit of time in the 'Camera' item (s)
exposure time for each image (unit=TimeUnit)
describes the times of a sub-set of images
frame frequency of the camera (unit=inverse of TimeUnit)
time intervals between images inside each burst, unit=frame (inverse of FrameFrequency). For ScanMode='series', Dtj=[]; for 'ScanMode='burst' or 'multilevel'; format [xx,yy,zz], vector with dimension=NbFramePerBurst-1; for ScanMode='volume' , Dtj=cte (generally =1).
(optional) number of repetion of Dtj, useful for volume ScanMode
image index i, incremented from the first image at DateOrigin
Fixed time interval between successive images i, then only the first 'Time' is needed
number of repetion iin the sequence with time interval 'Dti'(needed with Dti)
Frame frequency measured at the end of the image acquisition process
date corresponding to Time=0
program which generates the images (same as for 'Heading')
parameters of the motor used for translating the laser sheet
[n1,n2,...] number of slices
[n1,n2,...] number of steps for each successive displacement
motion length corresponding to a motor step (in units given by ImaDoc/GeometryCalib/CoordUnit)
properties of the oscillator used for angular scanning of the laser sheet
unit=inverse of TimeUnit
Amplitude of laser sweep (volt)
Offset of laser sweep (volt)
calibration for laser deviation angle (degrees/volts)
Parameters for image calibration
focal length of the objective, ajusted by the calibrationn program
pixels per mm along each direction on the camera captor
unit used for all spatial coordinates, velocity in CoordUnit/TimeUnit
radial deformation of the objective
unit used for all spatial coordinates, velocity in CoordUnit/TimeUnit
translation parameters (in pixels)
matrix of rotation parameters
file name of the image used for calibration
Number of slices
physical coordinates [x0,y0,z0] of the first laser plane, or of each laser plane in case of NbSlice occurrences. For an angular scanning, it must be on the oscillation axis. Else use the default value [0,0,0].
first Euler angle (in degrees) defining the orientation of the first laser plane: azimuth of the rotation axis. Default value 0. In case of NbSlice occurences, angle of each plane
second Euler angle (in degrees) defining the orientation of the first laser plane: inclination (90 for a vertical plane). Default value 0. In case of NbSlice occurences, angle of each plane
distance between successive slices (translation normal to the laser planes). For multiple occurrence, set of NbSlice-1 distances [DZ1 DZ2...]. Default value 0
interval of azimuth between successive slices (for angular scan with axis along z). For multiple occurrence, set of NbSlice -1 angle intervals [DTheta1,DTheta2..]. Default value 0.
constant interval of inclination angles between successive slices (for angular scan with horizontal axis). Or set of NbSlice -1 angle intervals [DTheta1,DTheta2..]. Default value 0.
curvature of rays (dTheta/dY) due to refraction, assumed constant along the ray path. Default value 0
Centre [x,y] of the polar coordinates (axis assumed along z)
Properties of the illumination
name of the light source (laser)
power of the light source (in watts)
optical filter for light source
origin of the laser source in physical coordinates [x,y,z]
thickness of the laser sheet (width of the band with luminosity smaller than max/2), unit =GeometryCalib/CoordUnit
angle of aperture of the laser sheet, in degrees
Properties of the flow tracor
density of particles in kg/liter
Parameters used for image pre-processing (e.g. sub background)
Name of the pre-processing program
number of images used to find the background
relative rank in image luminosity considered as background (cf. 'sub_background' function)
list of cameras used
liste of camera objectives
represents a vector as a set of decimal numbers or floats separated by blanks