- Timestamp:
- Apr 14, 2021, 4:02:22 PM (4 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src
- Files:
- 2 deleted
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1098 r1099 245 245 end 246 246 end 247 if ismember(ObjectData.Type,{'line','polyline','polygon'}) 247 if ismember(ObjectData.Type,{'line','polyline','polygon'})&&... 248 ismember(ObjectData.ProjMode,{'projection','interp_lin','interp_tps'}) 248 249 if length(xline)<2 249 250 theta=0; … … 357 358 end 358 359 elseif length(PlotData.SubObject)==2 359 set(PlotData.SubObject(1),'XData',xinf); 360 set(PlotData.SubObject(1),'YData',yinf); 361 set(PlotData.SubObject(2),'XData',xsup); 362 set(PlotData.SubObject(2),'YData',ysup); 360 if ismember(ObjectData.ProjMode,{'projection','interp_lin','interp_tps'}) 361 set(PlotData.SubObject(1),'XData',xinf); 362 set(PlotData.SubObject(1),'YData',yinf); 363 set(PlotData.SubObject(2),'XData',xsup); 364 set(PlotData.SubObject(2),'YData',ysup); 365 end 363 366 elseif length(PlotData.SubObject)==1 364 set(PlotData.SubObject(1),'XData',xsup); 365 set(PlotData.SubObject(1),'YData',ysup); 367 if ismember(ObjectData.ProjMode,{'projection','interp_lin','interp_tps'}) 368 set(PlotData.SubObject(1),'XData',xsup); 369 set(PlotData.SubObject(1),'YData',ysup); 370 end 371 end 372 if strcmp(ObjectData.ProjMode,'none') 373 delete(PlotData.SubObject) 374 PlotData=rmfield(PlotData,'SubObject'); 366 375 end 367 376 end … … 398 407 end 399 408 if test_patch 409 createimage=1; 400 410 if isfield(PlotData,'SubObject') 401 for iobj=1:length(PlotData.SubObject) 402 if ~ishandle(PlotData.SubObject(iobj)) 403 hold on 404 hhh=image([xlim(1)+dx/2 xlim(2)-dx/2],[ylim(1)+dy/2 ylim(2)-dy/2],imflag,'Tag','proj_object','HitTest','off'); 405 set(hhh,'AlphaData',(flag)*0.2)% set partial transparency to the filling color 406 PlotData.SubObject(iobj)=hhh; 407 else 411 for iobj=1:length(PlotData.SubObject) 408 412 objtype=get(PlotData.SubObject(iobj),'Type'); 409 413 if isequal(objtype,'image') … … 411 415 set(PlotData.SubObject(iobj),'XData',[xlim(1)+dx/2 xlim(2)-dx/2]) 412 416 set(PlotData.SubObject(iobj),'YData',[ylim(1)+dy/2 ylim(2)-dy/2]) 413 end 414 end 415 end 417 createimage=0; 418 end 419 end 420 end 421 if createimage 422 hold on 423 hhh=image([xlim(1)+dx/2 xlim(2)-dx/2],[ylim(1)+dy/2 ylim(2)-dy/2],imflag,'Tag','proj_object','HitTest','off'); 424 set(hhh,'AlphaData',(flag)*0.2)% set partial transparency to the filling color 425 PlotData.SubObject(1)=hhh; 416 426 end 417 427 else% no patch image requested, erase existing ones … … 420 430 if ishandle(PlotData.SubObject(iobj)) && strcmp(get(PlotData.SubObject(iobj),'Type'),'image') 421 431 delete(PlotData.SubObject(iobj)) 432 PlotData=rmfield(PlotData,SubObject(iobj)); 422 433 end 423 434 end … … 462 473 case {'line','polyline','polygon'} 463 474 hh=line(xline,yline,'Color',col); 475 if ismember(ObjectData.ProjMode,{'projection','interp_lin','interp_tps'}) 464 476 PlotData.SubObject(1)=line(xinf,yinf,'Color',col,'LineStyle',SubLineStyle,'Tag','proj_object');%draw sub-lines 465 477 PlotData.SubObject(2)=line(xsup,ysup,'Color',col,'LineStyle',SubLineStyle,'Tag','proj_object'); 478 end 466 479 for ipt=1:sizcoord(1) 467 480 PlotData.DeformPoint(ipt)=line(ObjectData.Coord(ipt,1),ObjectData.Coord(ipt,2),'Color',... … … 496 509 end 497 510 end 511 %put the deformpoints to the front 512 listc=get(gca,'children'); 513 checkdeform=strcmp(get(listc,'tag'),'DeformPoint'); 514 [nn,Index]=sort(checkdeform,'descend'); 515 set(gca,'children',listc(Index)) 498 516 set(hh,'UserData',PlotData) -
r1093 r1099 1 %' ima2netcdf': read image series and transform to netcdf1 %'extract_multitif': read image series from PCO cameras (tiff image series) and write .png images 2 2 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 4 3 5 % function ParamOut= ima2netcdf(Param)4 % function ParamOut=extract_multitif(Param) 6 5 % 7 6 %%%%%%%%%%% GENERAL TO ALL SERIES ACTION FCTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% … … 59 58 %======================================================================= 60 59 61 function ParamOut=extract_multitif _parallel(Param)60 function ParamOut=extract_multitif(Param) 62 61 63 62 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INPUT PREPARATION MODE (no RUN) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% … … 74 73 ParamOut.OutputFileMode='NbSlice';% '=NbInput': 1 output file per input file index, '=NbInput_i': 1 file per input file index i, '=NbSlice': 1 file per slice 75 74 ParamOut.CheckOverwriteVisible='on'; % manage the overwrite of existing files (default=1) 76 ParamOut.CPUTime= 7;% expected time for writting one image ( in minute)75 ParamOut.CPUTime=10;% expected time for writting the output of one source image ( in minute) 77 76 %% root input file(s) and type 78 77 % check the existence of the first file in the series … … 126 125 ImagesPerLevel=size(XmlInput.Time,2)-1;%100;%use the xmlinformation to get the nbre of j indices 127 126 128 %% create the xml file of PCO camera if it does not exist 129 Newxml=fullfile(Param.InputTable{1,1},[Param.InputTable{1,2} '.xml']); 130 if ~exist(Newxml,'file') 131 XmlInput.Camera.CameraName='PCO'; 132 XmlInput=rmfield(XmlInput,'Time'); 133 XmlInput=rmfield(XmlInput,'TimeUnit'); 134 t=struct2xml(XmlInput); 135 t=set(t,1,'name','ImaDoc'); 136 save(t,Newxml); 127 %% create the xml file for timing if it does not exist : example to adapt 128 TEST=0; 129 if TEST 130 count0=14; 131 Dtj=0.05;% time interval between frames 132 ImagesPerLevel=455;% total number of images per position, ImagesPerLevel-Nbj images skiiped during motion between two positions 133 Nbj=390; %Nbre of images kept at a given position 134 Dti=Dtj*ImagesPerLevel; 135 NbLevel=11; 136 NbScan=3; 137 TimeReturn=268.5; %time needed to return back to the first position (in sec) 138 NbReturn=round(TimeReturn/Dtj); 139 NbSkipReturn=NbReturn+1-NbLevel*ImagesPerLevel; 140 141 Newxml=fullfile(Param.InputTable{1,1},[Param.InputTable{1,2} '.xml']); 142 if ~exist(Newxml,'file') 143 XmlInput.Camera.CameraName='PCO'; 144 XmlInput.Camera.TimeUnit='s'; 145 XmlInput.Camera.BurstTiming.FrameFrequency=1; 146 XmlInput.Camera.BurstTiming.Time=0;% for 200 147 XmlInput.Camera.BurstTiming.Dtj=Dtj; 148 XmlInput.Camera.BurstTiming.NbDtj=Nbj-1; 149 XmlInput.Camera.BurstTiming.Dti=Dti; 150 XmlInput.Camera.BurstTiming.NbDti=NbLevel-1; 151 XmlInput.Camera.BurstTiming.Dtk=TimeReturn; 152 XmlInput.Camera.BurstTiming.NbDtk=NbScan-1; 153 t=struct2xml(XmlInput); 154 t=set(t,1,'name','ImaDoc'); 155 save(t,Newxml); 156 end 137 157 end 138 158
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