Changeset 1100
- Timestamp:
- Apr 23, 2021, 4:59:15 PM (4 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src
- Files:
- 6 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1098 r1100 1125 1125 icell_grid=[];% field cell index which defines the grid 1126 1126 icell_scattered=[];% field cell index which defines fields with scattered coordinates 1127 for icell=1:numel(CellInfo) 1128 if strcmp(ObjectData.ProjMode,'interp_lin')&& ~strcmp(ProjMode{icell},'interp_tps') 1129 errormsg='ProjMode interp_tps needed '; 1130 return 1131 end 1132 end 1127 1133 if strcmp(ObjectData.ProjMode,'projection') 1128 1134 %% case of a grid requested by the input field … … 1130 1136 if isfield(CellInfo{icell},'ProjModeRequest') 1131 1137 switch CellInfo{icell}.ProjModeRequest 1132 %case 'interp_lin'1133 %ProjMode{icell}='interp_lin';1138 case 'interp_lin' 1139 ProjMode{icell}='interp_lin'; 1134 1140 case 'interp_tps' 1135 1141 ProjMode{icell}='interp_tps'; … … 1236 1242 continue % only cells represnting 2D or 3D fields are involved 1237 1243 end 1244 % if isfield(CellInfo{icell},'ProjModeRequest') && ~strcmp(CellInfo{icell}.ProjModeRequest,ProjMode{icell}) 1245 % msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['ProjMode ' CellInfo{icell}.ProjModeRequest ' needed']) 1246 % return 1247 % end 1238 1248 VarIndex= CellInfo{icell}.VarIndex;% indices of the selected variables in the list FieldData.ListVarName 1239 1249 %dimensions … … 1247 1257 VarAttribute={};% initiate coresponding list of var attributes for cell # icell 1248 1258 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1249 check3D=(numel(CellInfo{icell}.CoordIndex)==3); 1250 switch CellInfo{icell}.CoordType 1259 check3D=(numel(CellInfo{icell}.CoordIndex)==3); 1260 switch CellInfo{icell}.CoordType 1251 1261 case 'scattered' 1252 1262 %% case of input fields with unstructured coordinates (applies for projMode ='projection' or 'interp_lin') -
r1097 r1100 1773 1773 OutputDir=Param.ActionInput.LogPath; 1774 1774 end 1775 1775 if isfield(Param,'OutputSubDir') 1776 1776 set(handles.OutputSubDir,'String',Param.OutputSubDir) 1777 1777 set(handles.OutputDirExt,'String',Param.OutputDirExt) 1778 1778 drawnow 1779 end 1779 1780 if get(handles.Replicate,'Value') 1780 1781 set(handles.InputTable,'Data',Param.InputTable) 1781 check_input_file_series(handles) 1782 set(handles.OutputPath,'String',Pathout) 1783 set(handles.Experiment,'String',ListExp{iexp}) 1784 set(handles.Device,'String',ListDevices{iexp}) 1785 check_input_file_series(handles) 1782 1786 end 1783 1787 DirXml=fullfile(OutputDir,'0_XML'); … … 2477 2481 2478 2482 %% Detect the types of input files and set menus and default options in 'VelType' 2479 iview_civ=find(strcmp('civx',SeriesData.FileType)|strcmp('civdata',SeriesData.FileType)); 2483 if ~isfield(SeriesData,'FileType') 2484 SeriesData.FileType={'none'}; 2485 end 2486 iview_civ=find( strcmp('civx',SeriesData.FileType)|strcmp('civdata',SeriesData.FileType)); 2480 2487 iview_netcdf=find(strcmp('netcdf',SeriesData.FileType)|strcmp('civx',SeriesData.FileType)|strcmp('civdata',SeriesData.FileType)); % all nc files, icluding civ 2481 2488 FieldList=get(handles.FieldName,'String'); % previous list as default … … 2652 2659 %% enable or desable j index visibility 2653 2660 status_j='on'; % default 2654 if is empty(find(~cellfun(@isempty,SeriesData.j1_series), 1));% case of empty j indices2661 if isfield(SeriesData,'j1_series') && isempty(find(~cellfun(@isempty,SeriesData.j1_series), 1)) % case of empty j indices 2655 2662 status_j='off'; % no j index needed 2656 2663 elseif strcmp(get(handles.PairString,'Visible'),'on') -
r1093 r1100 75 75 FileExt=Param.InputTable{1,5}; 76 76 [filecell,i1_series,i2_series,j1_series,j2_series]=get_file_series(Param); 77 %%%%%%%%%%%% 77 %%%%%%%%%%%%.sback.sback 78 78 % The cell array filecell is the list of input file names, while 79 79 % filecell{iview,fileindex}: … … 111 111 112 112 % clear all 113 % close all 113 % close all.sback 114 114 % read_data=1; 115 115 affichage=0; … … 147 147 time=(b/rsf+[0:A-1]/rsf); %b=250, rsf=10, 148 148 freq1=0.5;freq2=1.5; 149 [BB AA]=butter(4,[freq1 freq2]/rsf*2); 149 [BB AA]=butter(4,[freq1 freq2]/rsf*2);.sback 150 150 151 151 for ii=1:length(nbvoie_reception)%=64 -
r1093 r1100 123 123 Tabchar{1}=filecell{iview,1};%info.Filename; 124 124 Tabchar{2}=''; 125 if isfield(FileInfo,'FrameRate') 125 126 Tabchar{3}=[num2str(FileInfo.FrameRate) ' frames/s ']; 127 end 126 128 message=''; 127 129 else -
r1095 r1100 202 202 203 203 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% loop on field indices %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 204 for index=1:NbField 205 update_waitbar(WaitbarHandle,index/NbField) 206 if ~isempty(RUNHandle)&& ~strcmp(get(RUNHandle,'BusyAction'),'queue') 207 disp('program stopped by user') 208 break 209 end 210 [Field,tild,errormsg] = read_field(filecell{1,index},FileType{iview},InputFields{iview},frame_index{iview}(index)); 211 212 %%%%%%%%%%%% MAIN RUNNING OPERATIONS %%%%%%%%%%%% 213 if index==1 %initiate the output data structure in the first field 214 [CellInfo,NbDim,errormsg]=find_field_cells(Field); 215 YName='coord_y';%default 216 XName='coord_x';%default 217 for icell=1:numel(NbDim) 218 if NbDim(icell)==2 && strcmp(CellInfo{icell}.CoordType,'grid') 219 YName=CellInfo{icell}.YName; 220 XName=CellInfo{icell}.XName; 221 break 204 % for i_slice=1:Param.IndexRange.NbSlice 205 % i_slice 206 ind_first=Param.IndexRange.first_i 207 for index_i=ind_first:Param.IndexRange.NbSlice:Param.IndexRange.last_i 208 if ~isempty(RUNHandle)&& ~strcmp(get(RUNHandle,'BusyAction'),'queue') 209 disp('program stopped by user') 210 break 211 end 212 for index_j=Param.IndexRange.first_j:Param.IndexRange.last_j 213 InputFile=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath{1},SubDir{1},RootFile{1},FileExt{1},NomType{1},index_i,index_i,index_j,index_j); 214 [Field,tild,errormsg] = read_field(InputFile,FileType{iview},InputFields{iview}); 215 216 %[Field,tild,errormsg] = read_field(filecell{1,index},FileType{iview},InputFields{iview},frame_index{iview}(index)); 217 218 %%%%%%%%%%%% MAIN RUNNING OPERATIONS %%%%%%%%%%%% 219 if index_i==ind_first && index_j==Param.IndexRange.first_j %initiate the output data structure in the first field 220 [CellInfo,NbDim,errormsg]=find_field_cells(Field); 221 YName='coord_y';%default 222 XName='coord_x';%default 223 for icell=1:numel(NbDim) 224 if NbDim(icell)==2 && strcmp(CellInfo{icell}.CoordType,'grid') 225 YName=CellInfo{icell}.YName; 226 XName=CellInfo{icell}.XName; 227 break 228 end 229 end 230 DataOut.ListVarName={YName, XName ,'UMean' , 'VMean','u2Mean','v2Mean','u2Mean_1','v2Mean_1','uvMean','CurlMean','DivMean','Curl2Mean','Div2Mean','Counter'}; 231 DataOut.VarDimName={YName,XName,{YName,XName},{YName,XName},{YName,XName},{YName,XName},{YName,XName},{YName,XName},... 232 {YName,XName},{YName,XName},{YName,XName},{YName,XName},{YName,XName},{YName,XName}}; 233 DataOut.(YName)=Field.(YName); 234 DataOut.(XName)=Field.(XName); 235 Uprev=Field.U;% store the current field for next iteration 236 Vprev=Field.V; 237 if isfield(Field,'FF') 238 FFprev=Field.FF;% possible flag for false data 239 else 240 %FFprev=true(size(Field.U)); 241 FFprev=isnan(Field.U); 242 end 243 end 244 FF=isnan(Field.U);%|Field.U<-60|Field.U>30;% threshold on U 245 DataOut.Counter=DataOut.Counter+ (~FF);% add 1 to the couter for non NaN point 246 Counter_1=Counter_1+(~FF & ~FFprev); 247 Field.U(FF)=0;% set to 0 the nan values 248 Field.V(FF)=0; 249 DataOut.UMean=DataOut.UMean+Field.U; %increment the sum 250 DataOut.VMean=DataOut.VMean+Field.V; %increment the sum 251 252 U2Mean=U2Mean+(Field.U).*(Field.U); %increment the U squared sum 253 V2Mean=V2Mean+(Field.V).*(Field.V); %increment the V squared sum 254 UVMean=UVMean+(Field.U).*(Field.V); %increment the sum 255 U2Mean_1=U2Mean_1+(Field.U).*Uprev; %increment the U squared sum 256 V2Mean_1=V2Mean_1+(Field.V).*Vprev; %increment the V squared sum 257 Uprev=Field.U; %store for next iteration 258 Vprev=Field.V; 259 FFprev=FF; 260 if isfield(Field,'curl') && isfield(Field,'div') 261 Field.curl(FF)=0;% set to 0 the nan values 262 Field.div(FF)=0; 263 DataOut.CurlMean=DataOut.CurlMean+Field.curl; 264 DataOut.DivMean=DataOut.DivMean+Field.div; 265 DataOut.Curl2Mean=DataOut.Curl2Mean+Field.curl.*Field.curl; 266 DataOut.Div2Mean=DataOut.Div2Mean+Field.div.*Field.div; 222 267 end 223 268 end 224 DataOut.ListVarName={YName, XName ,'UMean' , 'VMean','u2Mean','v2Mean','u2Mean_1','v2Mean_1','uvMean','CurlMean','DivMean','Curl2Mean','Div2Mean','Counter'};225 DataOut.VarDimName={YName,XName,{YName,XName},{YName,XName},{YName,XName},{YName,XName},{YName,XName},{YName,XName},...226 {YName,XName},{YName,XName},{YName,XName},{YName,XName},{YName,XName},{YName,XName}};227 DataOut.(YName)=Field.(YName);228 DataOut.(XName)=Field.(XName);229 Uprev=Field.U;% store the current field for next iteration230 Vprev=Field.V;231 if isfield(Field,'FF')232 FFprev=Field.FF;% possible flag for false data233 else234 %FFprev=true(size(Field.U));235 FFprev=isnan(Field.U);236 end237 269 end 238 FF=isnan(Field.U);%|Field.U<-60|Field.U>30;% threshold on U 239 DataOut.Counter=DataOut.Counter+ (~FF);% add 1 to the couter for non NaN point 240 Counter_1=Counter_1+(~FF & ~FFprev); 241 Field.U(FF)=0;% set to 0 the nan values 242 Field.V(FF)=0; 243 DataOut.UMean=DataOut.UMean+Field.U; %increment the sum 244 DataOut.VMean=DataOut.VMean+Field.V; %increment the sum 270 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end loop on field indices %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 245 271 246 U2Mean=U2Mean+(Field.U).*(Field.U); %increment the U squared sum 247 V2Mean=V2Mean+(Field.V).*(Field.V); %increment the V squared sum 248 UVMean=UVMean+(Field.U).*(Field.V); %increment the sum 249 U2Mean_1=U2Mean_1+(Field.U).*Uprev; %increment the U squared sum 250 V2Mean_1=V2Mean_1+(Field.V).*Vprev; %increment the V squared sum 251 Uprev=Field.U; %store for next iteration 252 Vprev=Field.V; 253 FFprev=FF; 254 if isfield(Field,'curl') && isfield(Field,'div') 255 Field.curl(FF)=0;% set to 0 the nan values 256 Field.div(FF)=0; 257 DataOut.CurlMean=DataOut.CurlMean+Field.curl; 258 DataOut.DivMean=DataOut.DivMean+Field.div; 259 DataOut.Curl2Mean=DataOut.Curl2Mean+Field.curl.*Field.curl; 260 DataOut.Div2Mean=DataOut.Div2Mean+Field.div.*Field.div; 272 DataOut.Counter(DataOut.Counter==0)=1;% put counter to 1 when it is zero 273 DataOut.UMean=DataOut.UMean./DataOut.Counter; % normalize the mean 274 DataOut.VMean=DataOut.VMean./DataOut.Counter; % normalize the mean 275 U2Mean=U2Mean./DataOut.Counter; % normalize the mean 276 V2Mean=V2Mean./DataOut.Counter; % normalize the mean 277 UVMean=UVMean./DataOut.Counter; % normalize the mean 278 U2Mean_1=U2Mean_1./Counter_1; % normalize the mean 279 V2Mean_1=V2Mean_1./Counter_1; % normalize the mean 280 DataOut.u2Mean=U2Mean-DataOut.UMean.*DataOut.UMean; % normalize the mean 281 DataOut.v2Mean=V2Mean-DataOut.VMean.*DataOut.VMean; % normalize the mean 282 DataOut.uvMean=UVMean-DataOut.UMean.*DataOut.VMean; % normalize the mean \ 283 DataOut.u2Mean_1=U2Mean_1-DataOut.UMean.*DataOut.UMean; % normalize the mean 284 DataOut.v2Mean_1=V2Mean_1-DataOut.VMean.*DataOut.VMean; % normalize the mean 285 DataOut.CurlMean=DataOut.CurlMean./DataOut.Counter; 286 DataOut.DivMean=DataOut.DivMean./DataOut.Counter; 287 DataOut.Curl2Mean=DataOut.Curl2Mean./DataOut.Counter-DataOut.CurlMean.*DataOut.CurlMean; 288 DataOut.Div2Mean=DataOut.Div2Mean./DataOut.Counter-DataOut.DivMean.*DataOut.DivMean; 289 290 %% writing the result file as netcdf file 291 OutputFile=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath{1},OutputDir,RootFile{1},FileExtOut,NomTypeOut,ind_first,ind_first,first_j,last_j); 292 %case of netcdf input file , determine global attributes 293 errormsg=struct2nc(OutputFile,DataOut); %save result file 294 if isempty(errormsg) 295 disp([OutputFile ' written']); 296 else 297 disp(['error in writting result file: ' errormsg]) 261 298 end 262 end 263 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end loop on field indices %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 264 265 DataOut.Counter(DataOut.Counter==0)=1;% put counter to 1 when it is zero 266 DataOut.UMean=DataOut.UMean./DataOut.Counter; % normalize the mean 267 DataOut.VMean=DataOut.VMean./DataOut.Counter; % normalize the mean 268 U2Mean=U2Mean./DataOut.Counter; % normalize the mean 269 V2Mean=V2Mean./DataOut.Counter; % normalize the mean 270 UVMean=UVMean./DataOut.Counter; % normalize the mean 271 U2Mean_1=U2Mean_1./Counter_1; % normalize the mean 272 V2Mean_1=V2Mean_1./Counter_1; % normalize the mean 273 DataOut.u2Mean=U2Mean-DataOut.UMean.*DataOut.UMean; % normalize the mean 274 DataOut.v2Mean=V2Mean-DataOut.VMean.*DataOut.VMean; % normalize the mean 275 DataOut.uvMean=UVMean-DataOut.UMean.*DataOut.VMean; % normalize the mean \ 276 DataOut.u2Mean_1=U2Mean_1-DataOut.UMean.*DataOut.UMean; % normalize the mean 277 DataOut.v2Mean_1=V2Mean_1-DataOut.VMean.*DataOut.VMean; % normalize the mean 278 DataOut.CurlMean=DataOut.CurlMean./DataOut.Counter; 279 DataOut.DivMean=DataOut.DivMean./DataOut.Counter; 280 DataOut.Curl2Mean=DataOut.Curl2Mean./DataOut.Counter-DataOut.CurlMean.*DataOut.CurlMean; 281 DataOut.Div2Mean=DataOut.Div2Mean./DataOut.Counter-DataOut.DivMean.*DataOut.DivMean; 282 283 %% calculate the profiles 284 % npx=numel(DataOut.coord_x); 285 % band=ceil(npx/5) :floor(4*npx/5);% keep only the central band 286 % for ivar=3:numel(DataOut.ListVarName)-1 287 % VarName=DataOut.ListVarName{ivar};% name of the variable 288 % DataOut.ListVarName=[DataOut.ListVarName {[VarName 'Profile']}];%append the name of the profile variable 289 % DataOut.VarDimName=[DataOut.VarDimName {'(YName)'}]; 290 % DataOut.([VarName 'Profile'])=mean(DataOut.(VarName)(:,band),2); %take the mean profile of U, excluding the edges 299 291 300 % end 292 293 %% writing the result file as netcdf file294 OutputFile=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath{1},OutputDir,RootFile{1},FileExtOut,NomTypeOut,first_i,last_i,first_j,last_j);295 %case of netcdf input file , determine global attributes296 errormsg=struct2nc(OutputFile,DataOut); %save result file297 if isempty(errormsg)298 disp([OutputFile ' written']);299 else300 disp(['error in writting result file: ' errormsg])301 end302 303 304 301 %% open the result file with uvmat (in RUN mode) 305 302 if checkrun && isequal(Param.IndexRange.NbSlice,1) -
r1098 r1100 3988 3988 PlotParam{1}.Vectors.ColorScalar={''}; 3989 3989 PlotParam{1}.Vectors.ColorCode= {'rgb'}; 3990 if isfield(ParamOut,'ColorVar') 3991 PlotParam{1}.Vectors.ColorScalar=ParamOut.ColorVar; 3992 end 3990 3993 end 3991 3994
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.