- Timestamp:
- Apr 15, 2024, 8:19:57 PM (11 months ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1131 r1133 855 855 if siz==3 856 856 if np(3)==1 857 siz=2;% B Wimage857 siz=2;%grey scale image 858 858 elseif np(3)==3 859 859 siz=3;%color image … … 865 865 866 866 %set for grey scale setting 867 ColorMap='default'; 867 ColorMap='default';%default colormap 868 868 if isfield(PlotParam.Scalar,'CheckBW') && ~isempty(PlotParam.Scalar.CheckBW) 869 869 ColorMap=PlotParam.Scalar.CheckBW; %BW=0 color imposed, else gray scale imposed. … … 996 996 A=uint8(255*double(A)/double(MaxA)); 997 997 end 998 otherwise 999 colormap(ColorMap); 998 1000 end 999 1001 -
r1132 r1133 1077 1077 %% determine the min and max times: case of Netcdf files will be treated later in FieldName_Callback 1078 1078 if ~isempty(TimeName) 1079 if size(Time)<[MaxIndex_i+1 MaxIndex_j+1] 1080 msgbox_uvmat('WARNING',['incomplete time info in ' XmlFileName]); 1081 end 1079 1082 TimeMin=Time(MinIndex_i+1,MinIndex_j+1); 1080 1083 if size(Time)>=[first_i+1 first_j+1] … … 2153 2156 'source /etc/profile\n'... 2154 2157 'module purge\n'... 2155 'module load matlab/' matlab_version '\n'...% CHOICE OF MATLAB VERSION2156 'matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nojvm -singleCompThread -logfile ''' filelog{iprocess} ''' <<END_MATLAB\n'... 2158 'module load matlab/' matlab_version '\n'...% CHOICE OF CURRENT MATLAB VERSION 2159 'matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nojvm -singleCompThread -logfile ''' filelog{iprocess} ''' <<END_MATLAB\n'...% open a new Matlab session without display 2157 2160 'addpath(''' path_series ''');\n'... 2158 2161 'addpath(''' Param.Action.ActionPath ''');\n'... 2159 '' Param.Action.ActionName '(''' filexml{iprocess} ''');\n'... 2162 '' Param.Action.ActionName '(''' filexml{iprocess} ''');\n'...% launch the Matlab function selected by the GUI 'series' 2160 2163 'exit\n'... 2161 2164 'END_MATLAB\n'];
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