Changeset 606
- Timestamp:
- Apr 7, 2013, 10:14:45 AM (12 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src
- Files:
- 1 added
- 11 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r598 r606 193 193 for ilist=1:numel(list_compile) 194 194 mfile=regexprep(list_compile(ilist).name,'.sh$','.m'); 195 datfile=dir(mfile); 196 if isfield(datfile,'datenum') && datfile.datenum>list_compile(ilist).datenum 197 checkmsg=[checkmsg;{[list_compile(ilist).name ' needs to be updated by compile_functions']}]; 198 end 199 end 200 195 if exist(mfile,'file') 196 datfile=dir(mfile); 197 if ~isempty(datfile) && isfield(datfile,'datenum') && datfile.datenum>list_compile(ilist).datenum 198 checkmsg=[checkmsg;{[list_compile(ilist).name ' needs to be updated by compile_functions']}]; 199 end 200 end 201 end 202 cd(currentdir) 203 -
r593 r606 6 6 %FctName: name of the Matlab fct to compile (without .m extension) 7 7 % 8 function compile (FctName )8 function compile (FctName,SubfctPath) 9 9 if isempty(which('mcc')) 10 10 msgbox_uvmat('no Matlab compiler toolbox mcc installed') 11 11 return 12 12 end 13 disp lay(['compiling ' FctName ' ...'])13 disp(['compiling ' FctName ' ...']) 14 14 % commands to compile civ_matlab and eventually other functions 15 15 if ~exist('bin','dir') … … 19 19 end 20 20 end 21 eval(['mcc -m -R -nojvm -R -nodisplay ' FctName '.m']); 22 system(['mv -f ' FctName ' bin/']); 23 system(['sed -e ''''s#/' FctName '#/bin/' FctName '#'''' run_' FctName '.sh > ' FctName '.sh']); 24 system(['rm run_' FctName '.sh']); 25 system(['chmod +x ' FctName '.sh']); 21 if ~isempty(SubfctPath) 22 SubfctPath=['-I ' SubfctPath];%string indicating the option of including the path SubfctPath 23 end 24 disp(['mcc -m -R -nojvm -R -nodisplay ' SubfctPath ' ' FctName '.m']) 25 eval(['mcc -m -R -nojvm -R -nodisplay ' SubfctPath ' ' FctName '.m'])% compile the source file [FctName .m], which produces a binary file FctName and a cmd file [run_' FctName '.sh] 26 %eval(['mcc -m -R -nojvm -R -nodisplay ' FctName '.m'])% compile the source file [FctName .m], which produces a binary file FctName and a cmd file [run_' FctName 27 system(['mv -f ' FctName ' bin/']);%move the binary file FctName to the subdir /bin 28 system(['sed -e ''''s#/' FctName '#/bin/' FctName '#'''' run_' FctName '.sh > ' FctName '.sh']);%modify the cmd file and copy it to [FctName '.sh'] 29 system(['rm run_' FctName '.sh']);% remove the initial cmd file [run_' FctName '.sh] 30 system(['chmod +x ' FctName '.sh']); % set the cmd file to 'executable' 26 31 display('** END **') 32 end 27 33 28 34 -
r603 r606 28 28 if isfield(handles,fields{ifield}) 29 29 set(handles.(fields{ifield}),'Visible','on') 30 % children=get(handles.(fields{ifield}),'children');31 % for ichild=1:numel(children)32 % hchild.(get(children(ichild),'tag'))=children(ichild);33 % end34 % errormsg=fill_GUI(Param.(fields{ifield}),hchild);% apply the function to the substructure35 errormsg=fill_GUI(Param.(fields{ifield}),handles.(fields{ifield}));% apply the function to the substructure36 % if the input sub-structure fits with a tag name of the GUI and a37 % substructure of UserData30 % children=get(handles.(fields{ifield}),'children'); 31 % for ichild=1:numel(children) 32 % hchild.(get(children(ichild),'tag'))=children(ichild); 33 % end 34 % errormsg=fill_GUI(Param.(fields{ifield}),hchild);% apply the function to the substructure 35 errormsg=fill_GUI(Param.(fields{ifield}),handles.(fields{ifield}));% apply the function to the substructure 36 % if the input sub-structure fits with a tag name of the GUI and a 37 % substructure of UserData 38 38 elseif isfield(UserData,fields{ifield})&& isfield(handles,fields{ifield})&&isfield(Param.(fields{ifield}),'Name') 39 39 UserData.(fields{ifield})=Param.(fields{ifield}); 40 set(handles.(fields{ifield}),'String',Param.(fields{ifield}).Name) 40 set(handles.(fields{ifield}),'String',Param.(fields{ifield}).Name) 41 41 end 42 % case of an element42 % case of an element 43 43 else 44 44 hh=[]; … … 55 55 check_done=1; 56 56 end 57 elseif isnumeric(input_data) 58 if numel(input_data)>1 57 elseif isnumeric(input_data) 58 if numel(input_data)>1 59 59 %deals with array displayed in multiple boxes labeled by an index 60 60 for ibox=1:numel(input_data) … … 64 64 end 65 65 else % single box (usual case) 66 if isfield(handles,['num_' fields{ifield}])67 hh=handles.(['num_' fields{ifield}]);68 end66 if isfield(handles,['num_' fields{ifield}]) 67 hh=handles.(['num_' fields{ifield}]); 68 end 69 69 end 70 70 end 71 71 for ibox=1:numel(hh) 72 if ~isempty(hh(ibox))&& ~check_done 73 set(hh(ibox),'Visible','on') 74 % input_data 75 switch get(hh(ibox),'Style') 76 case {'checkbox','radiobutton','togglebutton'} 77 if isnumeric(input_data) 78 set(hh(ibox),'Value',input_data(ibox)) 72 if ~isempty(hh(ibox))&& ~check_done 73 set(hh(ibox),'Visible','on') 74 % input_data 75 if isfield(hh(ibox),'Style') 76 switch get(hh(ibox),'Style') 77 case {'checkbox','radiobutton','togglebutton'} 78 if isnumeric(input_data) 79 set(hh(ibox),'Value',input_data(ibox)) 80 end 81 case 'edit' 82 input_string=''; 83 if isnumeric(input_data) 84 if numel(input_data)>0 85 input_string=num2str(input_data(ibox)); 86 end 87 else 88 input_string=input_data; 89 end 90 set(hh(ibox),'String',input_string) 91 case{'listbox','popupmenu'} 92 if isnumeric(input_data) 93 input_data=num2str(input_data); 94 end 95 menu=get(hh(ibox),'String'); 96 if ischar(input_data) 97 input_data={input_data}; 98 end 99 values=zeros(size(input_data)); 100 for idata=1:numel(input_data) 101 iline=find(strcmp(input_data{idata},menu)); 102 if isempty(iline) 103 values(idata)=1; 104 menu=[input_data(idata);menu]; 105 else 106 values(idata)=iline(1); 107 end 108 end 109 set(hh(ibox),'String',menu) 110 set(hh(ibox),'Value',values) 79 111 end 80 case 'edit' 81 input_string=''; 82 if isnumeric(input_data) 83 if numel(input_data)>0 84 input_string=num2str(input_data(ibox)); 85 end 86 else 87 input_string=input_data; 88 end 89 set(hh(ibox),'String',input_string) 90 case{'listbox','popupmenu'} 91 if isnumeric(input_data) 92 input_data=num2str(input_data); 93 end 94 menu=get(hh(ibox),'String'); 95 if ischar(input_data) 96 input_data={input_data}; 97 end 98 values=zeros(size(input_data)); 99 for idata=1:numel(input_data) 100 iline=find(strcmp(input_data{idata},menu)); 101 if isempty(iline) 102 values(idata)=1; 103 menu=[input_data(idata);menu]; 104 else 105 values(idata)=iline(1); 106 end 107 end 108 set(hh(ibox),'String',menu) 109 set(hh(ibox),'Value',values) 112 end 110 113 end 111 end112 114 end 113 115 end -
r596 r606 367 367 for icell=1:numel(CellInfo) 368 368 VarIndex=CellInfo{icell}.VarIndex; 369 if ~isempty(find(VarIndex==yindex,1)) && (isempty( VarRole{icell}.coord_x)||~isequal(VarRole{icell}.coord_x,VarIndex))369 if ~isempty(find(VarIndex==yindex,1)) && (isempty(CellInfo{icell}.VarIndex_coord_x)||~isequal(CellInfo{icell}.VarIndex_coord_x,VarIndex)) 370 370 cell_select=icell; 371 371 break … … 374 374 val=get(handles.abscissa,'Value'); 375 375 set(handles.abscissa,'Value',min(val,2)); 376 coord_x_index= VarRole{cell_select}.coord;376 coord_x_index=CellInfo{cell_select}.VarIndex_coord_x; 377 377 coord_x_index=coord_x_index(coord_x_index~=0); 378 set(handles.XVar name,'String',[{''}; (Field.ListVarName(coord_x_index))'; (Field.ListVarName(VarIndex))'])378 set(handles.XVarName,'String',[{''}; (Field.ListVarName(coord_x_index))'; (Field.ListVarName(VarIndex))']) 379 379 380 380 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
r605 r606 258 258 function MenuBrowse_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) 259 259 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 260 %get the previous input file in the Input Table 261 oldfile=''; %default 260 262 InputTable=get(handles.InputTable,'Data'); 261 if isempty(InputTable) 262 RootPathCell={}; 263 else 264 RootPathCell=InputTable(:,1); 265 end 266 oldfile=''; %default 267 if isempty(RootPathCell)||isequal(RootPathCell,{''})%loads the previously stored file name and set it as default in the file_input box 268 dir_perso=prefdir; 269 profil_perso=fullfile(dir_perso,'uvmat_perso.mat'); 270 if exist(profil_perso,'file') 271 h=load (profil_perso); 272 if isfield(h,'filebase')&&ischar(h.filebase) 273 oldfile=h.filebase; 274 end 275 if isfield(h,'RootPath')&&ischar(h.RootPath) 276 oldfile=h.RootPath; 277 end 278 end 279 else 280 SubDirCell=InputTable(:,2); 281 RootFileCell=InputTable(:,3); 282 oldfile=fullfile(RootPathCell{1},SubDirCell{1},RootFileCell{1}); 283 end 284 [FileName, PathName] = uigetfile( ... 285 {'*.xml;*.xls;*.png;*.tif;*.avi;*.AVI;*.nc', ' (*.xml,*.xls, *.png,*.tif, *.avi,*.nc)'; 286 '*.xml', '.xml files '; ... 287 '*.xls', '.xls files '; ... 288 '*.png','.png image files'; ... 289 '*.tif','.tif image files'; ... 290 '*.avi;*.AVI','.avi movie files'; ... 291 '*.nc','.netcdf files'; ... 292 '*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'}, ... 293 'Pick a file',oldfile); 294 fileinput=[PathName FileName];%complete file name 295 if isempty(fileinput),return;end %abandon if no file is introduced by the browser 296 [path,name,ext]=fileparts(fileinput); 297 if isequal(ext,'.xml') 298 [Param,Heading]=xml2struct(fileinput); 299 if ~strcmp(Heading,'Series') 300 msg_box_uvmat('ERROR','xml file heading is not <Series>') 301 else 302 fill_GUI(Param,handles.series);%fill the GUI with the parameters retrieved from the xml file 303 if isfield(Param,'CheckObject')&& Param.CheckObject 304 set_object(Param.ProjObject) 305 end 306 set(handles.REFRESH,'UserData',1:size(Param.InputTable,1)) 307 REFRESH_Callback([],[], handles) 308 return 309 end 310 elseif isequal(ext,'.xls') 311 msg_box_uvmat('ERROR','input file type not implemented')%A Faire: ouvrir le fichier pour naviguer 312 else 263 if isequal(InputTable(:,1),[{''};{''};{''};{''}])%open the personal file for empty previous input 264 dir_perso=prefdir; 265 profil_perso=fullfile(dir_perso,'uvmat_perso.mat'); 266 if exist(profil_perso,'file') 267 h=load (profil_perso); 268 if isfield(h,'RootPath')&&ischar(h.RootPath) 269 oldfile=h.RootPath; 270 end 271 end 272 else% select the previous file as the first line of the input table 273 oldfile=fullfile(InputTable{1,1},InputTable{1,2},InputTable{1,3}); 274 end 275 hfig=uigetfile_uvmat('file browser',fileparts(fileparts(oldfile))); 276 uiwait(hfig); 277 if ishandle(hfig) % stop if browser closed without selection 278 fileinput=get(hfig,'UserData');% retrieve the input file selection 279 delete(hfig) 313 280 display_file_name(handles,fileinput,0) 314 281 end 282 % 283 % [FileName, PathName] = uigetfile( ... 284 % {'*.xml;*.xls;*.png;*.tif;*.avi;*.AVI;*.nc', ' (*.xml,*.xls, *.png,*.tif, *.avi,*.nc)'; 285 % '*.xml', '.xml files '; ... 286 % '*.xls', '.xls files '; ... 287 % '*.png','.png image files'; ... 288 % '*.tif','.tif image files'; ... 289 % '*.avi;*.AVI','.avi movie files'; ... 290 % '*.nc','.netcdf files'; ... 291 % '*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'}, ... 292 % 'Pick a file',oldfile); 293 % fileinput=[PathName FileName];%complete file name 294 % [path,name,ext]=fileparts(fileinput); 295 % if isequal(ext,'.xml') 296 % [Param,Heading]=xml2struct(fileinput); 297 % if ~strcmp(Heading,'Series') 298 % msg_box_uvmat('ERROR','xml file heading is not <Series>') 299 % else 300 % fill_GUI(Param,handles.series);%fill the GUI with the parameters retrieved from the xml file 301 % if isfield(Param,'CheckObject')&& Param.CheckObject 302 % set_object(Param.ProjObject) 303 % end 304 % set(handles.REFRESH,'UserData',1:size(Param.InputTable,1)) 305 % REFRESH_Callback([],[], handles) 306 % return 307 % end 308 % elseif isequal(ext,'.xls') 309 % msg_box_uvmat('ERROR','input file type not implemented')%A Faire: ouvrir le fichier pour naviguer 310 % else 311 % display_file_name(handles,fileinput,0) 312 % end 315 313 316 314 % -------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 2006 2004 end 2007 2005 set(handles.FieldTransform,'Visible',FieldTransformVisible) 2006 if isfield(ParamOut,'TransformPath') 2007 set(handles.ActionExt,'UserData',ParamOut.TransformPath) 2008 else 2009 set(handles.ActionExt,'UserData',[]) 2010 end 2008 2011 2009 2012 %% Visibility of projection object … … 2227 2230 function CheckObject_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) 2228 2231 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2232 hset_object=findobj(allchild(0),'tag','set_object');%find the set_object interface handle 2229 2233 value=get(handles.CheckObject,'Value'); 2230 2234 if value 2231 % set(handles.CheckObject,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])%put unactivated buttons to yellow 2232 hset_object=findobj(allchild(0),'tag','set_object');%find the set_object interface handle 2233 if ishandle(hset_object) 2234 uistack(hset_object,'top')% show the GUI set_object if opened 2235 else 2236 %get the object file 2237 InputTable=get(handles.InputTable,'Data'); 2238 defaultname=InputTable{1,1}; 2239 if isempty(defaultname) 2240 defaultname={''}; 2241 end 2242 [FileName, PathName] = uigetfile( ... 2243 {'*.xml;*.mat', ' (*.xml,*.mat)'; 2244 '*.xml', '.xml files '; ... 2245 '*.mat', '.mat matlab files '}, ... 2246 'Pick an xml object file (or use uvmat to create it)',defaultname); 2247 fileinput=[PathName FileName];%complete file name 2248 sizf=size(fileinput); 2249 if (~ischar(fileinput)||~isequal(sizf(1),1)),return;end 2250 %read the file 2251 data=xml2struct(fileinput); 2252 if ~isfield(data,'Type') 2253 msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',[fileinput ' is not an object xml file']) 2254 return 2255 end 2256 if ~isfield(data,'ProjMode') 2257 data.ProjMode='none'; 2258 end 2259 hset_object=set_object(data);% call the set_object interface 2260 end 2261 ProjObject=read_GUI(hset_object); 2262 set(handles.ProjObject,'String',ProjObject.Name);%display the object name 2263 SeriesData=get(handles.series,'UserData'); 2264 SeriesData.ProjObject=ProjObject; 2265 set(handles.series,'UserData',SeriesData); 2266 set(handles.DeleteObject,'Visible','on'); 2267 set(handles.ViewObject,'Visible','on'); 2268 set(handles.ProjObject,'Visible','on'); 2235 SeriesData=get(handles.series,'UserData'); 2236 if ~(isfield(SeriesData,'ProjObject')&&~isempty(SeriesData.ProjObject)) 2237 if ishandle(hset_object) 2238 uistack(hset_object,'top')% show the GUI set_object if opened 2239 else 2240 %get the object file 2241 InputTable=get(handles.InputTable,'Data'); 2242 defaultname=InputTable{1,1}; 2243 if isempty(defaultname) 2244 defaultname={''}; 2245 end 2246 [FileName, PathName] = uigetfile( ... 2247 {'*.xml;*.mat', ' (*.xml,*.mat)'; 2248 '*.xml', '.xml files '; ... 2249 '*.mat', '.mat matlab files '}, ... 2250 'Pick an xml object file (or use uvmat to create it)',defaultname); 2251 fileinput=[PathName FileName];%complete file name 2252 sizf=size(fileinput); 2253 if (~ischar(fileinput)||~isequal(sizf(1),1)),return;end 2254 %read the file 2255 data=xml2struct(fileinput); 2256 if ~isfield(data,'Type') 2257 msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',[fileinput ' is not an object xml file']) 2258 return 2259 end 2260 if ~isfield(data,'ProjMode') 2261 data.ProjMode='none'; 2262 end 2263 hset_object=set_object(data);% call the set_object interface 2264 end 2265 ProjObject=read_GUI(hset_object); 2266 set(handles.ProjObject,'String',ProjObject.Name);%display the object name 2267 SeriesData=get(handles.series,'UserData'); 2268 SeriesData.ProjObject=ProjObject; 2269 set(handles.series,'UserData',SeriesData); 2270 end 2271 set(handles.DeleteObject,'Visible','on'); 2272 set(handles.ViewObject,'Visible','on'); 2273 set(handles.ProjObject,'Visible','on'); 2269 2274 else 2270 set(handles.DeleteObject,'Visible','off'); 2271 set(handles.ViewObject,'Visible','off'); 2272 set(handles.ProjObject,'Visible','off'); 2273 % set(handles.CheckObject,'BackgroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0.7])%put activated buttons to green 2275 set(handles.DeleteObject,'Visible','off'); 2276 set(handles.ViewObject,'Visible','off'); 2277 if ~ishandle(hset_object) 2278 set(handles.ViewObject,'Value',0); 2279 end 2280 set(handles.ProjObject,'Visible','off'); 2274 2281 end 2275 2282 %set(handles.series,'UserData',SeriesData) … … 2465 2472 uicontrol('Style','frame','Units','normalized', 'Position', [0.05 0.81 0.9 0.05]); 2466 2473 uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Units','normalized', 'Position', [0.7 0.01 0.2 0.07],'String','Close','FontWeight','bold','FontUnits','points','FontSize',11,'Callback',@stop_status); 2467 hrefresh=uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Units','normalized', 'Position', [0.1 0.01 0.2 0.07],'String','Refresh','FontWeight','bold','FontUnits','points','FontSize',11,'Callback',@refresh_GUI);2474 uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Units','normalized', 'Position', [0.1 0.01 0.2 0.07],'String','Refresh','FontWeight','bold','FontUnits','points','FontSize',11,'Callback',@refresh_GUI); 2468 2475 %set(hrefresh,'UserData',StatusData) 2469 2476 BarPosition=[0.05 0.81 0.01 0.05]; … … 2471 2478 drawnow 2472 2479 end 2473 refresh_GUI(h refresh,[])2480 refresh_GUI(hfig) 2474 2481 else 2475 2482 %% delete current display fig if selection is off … … 2526 2533 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2527 2534 % launched by refreshing the status figure 2528 function refresh_GUI(hObject, eventdata) 2529 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2530 hfig=get(hObject,'parent'); 2535 function refresh_GUI(hfig) 2536 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2531 2537 htitlebox=findobj(hfig,'tag','titlebox'); 2532 2538 hlist=findobj(hfig,'tag','list'); … … 2556 2562 ListDisplay=ListDisplay(datnum~=0); 2557 2563 datnum=datnum(datnum~=0);%keep the non zero values corresponding to existing files 2564 NbOutputFile=[]; 2558 2565 if isempty(datnum) 2559 2566 if testrecent … … 2676 2683 ActionList=get(handles.ActionName,'String'); 2677 2684 ActionName=ActionList{get(handles.ActionName,'Value')}; 2685 TransformPath=''; 2686 if ~isempty(get(handles.ActionExt,'UserData')) 2687 TransformPath=get(handles.ActionExt,'UserData'); 2688 end 2678 2689 if strcmp(ActionExt,'.sh') 2690 set(handles.ActionExt,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) 2679 2691 ActionFullName=fullfile(get(handles.ActionPath,'String'),[ActionName '.sh']); 2680 2692 if ~exist(ActionFullName,'file') 2681 2693 answer=msgbox_uvmat('INPUT_Y-N','compiled version has not been created: compile now?'); 2682 2694 if strcmp(answer,'Yes') 2695 set(handles.ActionExt,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) 2696 path_uvmat=fileparts(which('series')); 2683 2697 currentdir=pwd; 2684 cd(get(handles.ActionPath,'String')) 2685 compile(ActionName) 2698 cd(get(handles.ActionPath,'String'))% go to the directory of Action 2699 % addpath(get(handles.TransformPath,'String')) 2700 addpath(path_uvmat)% add the path to uvmat to run the fct 'compile' 2701 % addpath(fullfile(path_uvmat,'transform_field'))% add the path to uvmat to run the fct 'compile' 2702 compile(ActionName,TransformPath) 2686 2703 cd(currentdir) 2687 2704 end 2688 end 2689 sh_file_info=dir(fullfile(get(handles.ActionPath,'String'),[ActionName '.sh'])); 2690 m_file_info=dir(fullfile(get(handles.ActionPath,'String'),[ActionName '.m'])); 2691 if isfield(m_file_info,'datenum') && m_file_info.datenum>sh_file_info.datenum 2692 set(handles.ActionExt,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) 2693 drawnow 2694 answer=msgbox_uvmat('INPUT_Y-N',[ActionName '.sh needs to be updated: recompile now?']); 2695 if strcmp(answer,'Yes') 2696 currentdir=pwd; 2697 cd(get(handles.ActionPath,'String')) 2698 compile(ActionName) 2699 cd(currentdir) 2700 end 2701 set(handles.ActionExt,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]) 2702 end 2705 2706 else 2707 sh_file_info=dir(fullfile(get(handles.ActionPath,'String'),[ActionName '.sh'])); 2708 m_file_info=dir(fullfile(get(handles.ActionPath,'String'),[ActionName '.m'])); 2709 if isfield(m_file_info,'datenum') && m_file_info.datenum>sh_file_info.datenum 2710 set(handles.ActionExt,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) 2711 drawnow 2712 answer=msgbox_uvmat('INPUT_Y-N',[ActionName '.sh needs to be updated: recompile now?']); 2713 if strcmp(answer,'Yes') 2714 path_uvmat=fileparts(which('series')); 2715 currentdir=pwd; 2716 cd(get(handles.ActionPath,'String'))% go to the directory of Action 2717 % addpath(get(handles.TransformPath,'String')) 2718 addpath(path_uvmat)% add the path to uvmat to run the fct 'compile' 2719 addpath(fullfile(path_uvmat,'transform_field'))% add the path to uvmat to run the fct 'compile' 2720 compile(ActionName,TransformPath) 2721 cd(currentdir) 2722 end 2723 end 2724 end 2725 set(handles.ActionExt,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]) 2703 2726 end 2704 2727 … … 2717 2740 set(handles.DeleteObject,'Visible','off') 2718 2741 set(handles.ViewObject,'Visible','off') 2742 set(handles.DeleteObject,'Value',0) 2719 2743 end 2720 2744 -
r605 r606 42 42 path_series=fileparts(which('series')); 43 43 addpath(fullfile(path_series,'series')) 44 %% set the input elements needed on the GUI series when the action is selected in the menu ActionName 44 %% set the input elements needed on the GUI series when the action is selected in the menu ActionName or InputTable refreshed 45 45 if isstruct(Param) && isequal(Param.Action.RUN,0) 46 46 Data=civ_input(Param);% introduce the civ parameters using the GUI civ_input 47 Data.Program=mfilename; 48 Data.AllowInputSort='off';...% allow alphabetic sorting of the list of input file SubDir (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) 49 Data.WholeIndexRange='off';...% prescribes the file index ranges from min to max (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) 50 Data.NbSlice='off'; ...%nbre of slices ('off' by default) 51 Data.VelType='off';...% menu for selecting the velocity type (options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default) 52 Data.FieldName='off';...% menu for selecting the field (s) in the input file(options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default) 53 Data.FieldTransform = 'off';...%can use a transform function 54 Data.ProjObject='off';...%can use projection object(option 'off'/'on', 55 Data.Mask='off';...%can use mask option (option 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) 56 Data.OutputDirExt='.civ';%set the output dir extension 57 47 Data.Program=mfilename;%gives the name of the current function 48 Data.AllowInputSort='off';% allow alphabetic sorting of the list of input file SubDir (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) 49 Data.WholeIndexRange='off';% prescribes the file index ranges from min to max (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) 50 Data.NbSlice='off'; %nbre of slices ('off' by default) 51 Data.VelType='off';% menu for selecting the velocity type (options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default) 52 Data.FieldName='off';% menu for selecting the field (s) in the input file(options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default) 53 Data.FieldTransform = 'off';%can use a transform function 54 Data.ProjObject='off';%can use projection object(option 'off'/'on', 55 Data.Mask='off';%can use mask option (option 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) 56 Data.OutputDirExt='.civ';%set the output dir extension 57 filecell=get_file_series(Param);%check existence of the first input file 58 if ~exist(filecell{1,1},'file') 59 msgbox_uvmat('WARNING','the first input file does not exist') 60 end 58 61 return 59 62 end … … 115 118 116 119 NbField=numel(i1_series_Civ1); 117 ImageTypeOptions={'image','multimage','mmreader','video'};118 120 [FileType_A,FileInfo,MovieObject_A]=get_file_type(filecell{1,1}); 119 121 FileType_B=FileType_A; … … 121 123 if size(filecell,1)>=2 && ~strcmp(filecell{1,1},filecell{2,1}) 122 124 [FileType_B,FileInfo,MovieObject_B]=get_file_type(filecell{2,1}); 123 CheckImage_B=~isempty(find(strcmp(FileType,ImageTypeOptions)));% =1 for images124 125 end 125 126 end … … 141 142 check_patch1=0;%default 142 143 143 144 145 146 144 %% get timing from the ImaDoc file or input video 145 [XmlData,NbSlice_calib,time,errormsg]=read_multimadoc(RootPath,SubDir,RootFile,FileExt,i1_series,i2_series,j1_series,j2_series); 146 %TODO: get time_A and time_B 147 % case of movies TODO TODO TODO 148 if isempty(time) && (strcmp(FileType,'video') || strcmp(FileType,'mmreader')) 149 set(handles.ListPairMode,'Value',1); 150 dt=1/get(MovieObject,'FrameRate');%time interval between successive frames 151 if strcmp(NomTypeIma,'*') 152 set(handles.ListPairMode,'String',{'series(Di)'}) 153 MaxIndex_i=get(MovieObject,'NumberOfFrames'); 154 time=(dt*(0:MaxIndex_i-1))';%list of image times 155 else 156 set(handles.ListPairMode,'String',[{'series(Dj)'};{'series(Di)'}]) 157 MaxIndex_i=max(i1_series(i1_series>0)); 158 MaxIndex_j=get(MovieObject,'NumberOfFrames'); 159 time=ones(MaxIndex_i,1)*(dt*(0:MaxIndex_j-1));%list of image times 160 enable_j(handles,'on') 161 end 162 TimeUnit='s'; 147 163 %%%%% MAIN LOOP %%%%%% 148 164 … … 164 180 end 165 181 else 166 % if ~isfield(Param.Civ1,'ImageA')167 182 ImageName_A=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath,SubDir,RootFile,FileExt,NomType,i1_series_Civ1(ifield),[],j1_series_Civ1(ifield)); 168 183 [par_civ1.ImageA,MovieObject_A] = read_image(ImageName_A,FileType_A,MovieObject_A,FrameIndex_A_Civ1(ifield)); 169 % elseif ischar(Param.Civ1.ImageA)170 % Param.Civ1.ImageA=regexprep(Param.Civ1.ImageA,'''','\');171 % [par_civ1.ImageA,VideoObject] = read_image(Param.Civ1.ImageA,par_civ1.FileTypeA,MovieObject_A,par_civ1.FrameIndexA);172 % end173 % if ~isfield(Param.Civ1,'ImageB')174 184 ImageName_B=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath,SubDir,RootFile,FileExt,NomType,i2_series_Civ1(ifield),[],j2_series_Civ1(ifield)); 175 185 [par_civ1.ImageB,MovieObject_B] = read_image(ImageName_B,FileType_B,MovieObject_B,FrameIndex_B_Civ1(ifield)); 176 % elseif isfield(Param.Civ1,'ImageB')&& ischar(Param.Civ1.ImageB)177 % Param.Civ1.ImageB=regexprep(Param.Civ1.ImageB,'''','\');178 % if strcmp(Param.Civ1.ImageA,Param.Civ1.ImageB)% use the same movie object179 % [par_civ1.ImageB,VideoObject] = read_image(Param.Civ1.ImageB,par_civ1.FileTypeB,VideoObject,par_civ1.FrameIndexB);180 % else181 % [par_civ1.ImageB,VideoObject] = read_image(Param.Civ1.ImageB,par_civ1.FileTypeB,par_civ1.ImageB,par_civ1.FrameIndexB);182 % end183 % end184 186 end 185 187 ncfile=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath,OutputDir,RootFile,'.nc',NomTypeNc,i1_series_Civ1(ifield),i2_series_Civ1(ifield),... … … 188 190 par_civ1.ImageHeight=FileInfo.Height; 189 191 list_param=(fieldnames(Param.ActionInput.Civ1))'; 190 Civ1_param=list_param;%default 191 192 %set the values of all the global attributes in list_param 192 Civ1_param=regexprep(list_param,'^.+','Civ1_$0');% insert 'Civ1_' before each string in list_param 193 Civ1_param=[{'Civ1_ImageA','Civ1_ImageB','Civ1_Time','Civ1_Dt'} Civ1_param]; %insert the names of the two input images 194 %indicate the values of all the global attributes in the output data 195 Data.Civ1_ImageA=ImageName_A; 196 Data.Civ1_ImageB=ImageName_B; 197 Data.Civ1_Time=((time(i2_civ1(ifile)+1,j2_civ1(j)+1)+time(i1_civ1(ifile)+1,j1_civ1(j)+1))/2); 198 Data.Civ1_Dt=(time(i2_civ1(ifile)+1,j2_civ1(j)+1)-time(i1_civ1(ifile)+1,j1_civ1(j)+1)); 193 199 for ilist=1:length(list_param) 194 Civ1_param{ilist}=['Civ1_' list_param{ilist}]; 195 Data.(['Civ1_' list_param{ilist}])=Param.ActionInput.Civ1.(list_param{ilist}); 200 Data.(Civ1_param{4+ilist})=Param.ActionInput.Civ1.(list_param{ilist}); 196 201 end 197 202 Data.ListGlobalAttribute=[Data.ListGlobalAttribute Civ1_param]; … … 391 396 ibx2=ceil(par_civ2.CorrBoxSize(1)/2); 392 397 iby2=ceil(par_civ2.CorrBoxSize(2)/2); 393 % isx2=ibx2+4;% search ara +-4 pixels around the guess394 % isy2=iby2+4;395 398 par_civ2.SearchBoxSize(1)=2*ibx2+9;% search ara +-4 pixels around the guess 396 399 par_civ2.SearchBoxSize(2)=2*iby2+9; 397 %par_civ2.SearchBoxSize(1)=2*isx2+1;398 %par_civ2.SearchBoxSize(2)=2*isy2+1;399 400 par_civ2.SearchBoxShift=[Shiftx(nbval>=1)./nbval(nbval>=1) Shifty(nbval>=1)./nbval(nbval>=1)]; 400 401 par_civ2.Grid=[GridX(nbval>=1)-par_civ2.SearchBoxShift(:,1)/2 GridY(nbval>=1)-par_civ2.SearchBoxShift(:,2)/2];% grid taken at the extrapolated origin of the displacement vectors … … 409 410 410 411 list_param=(fieldnames(Param.ActionInput.Civ2))'; 411 list_remove={'pxcmx','pxcmy','npx','npy','gridflag','maskflag','term_a','term_b','T0'};412 for ilist=1:length(list_remove)413 index=strcmp(list_remove{ilist},list_param);414 if ~isempty(find(index,1))415 list_param(index)=[];416 end417 end412 Civ2_param=regexprep(list_param,'^.+','Civ2_$0');% insert 'Civ2_' before each string in list_param 413 Civ2_param=[{'Civ2_ImageA','Civ2_ImageB','Civ2_Time','Civ2_Dt'} Civ2_param]; %insert the names of the two input images 414 %indicate the values of all the global attributes in the output data 415 Data.Civ2_ImageA=ImageName_A; 416 Data.Civ2_ImageB=ImageName_B; 417 Data.Civ2_Time=1; 418 Data.Civ2_Dt=1; 418 419 for ilist=1:length(list_param) 419 Civ2_param{ilist}=['Civ2_' list_param{ilist}]; 420 eval(['Data.Civ2_' list_param{ilist} '=Param.ActionInput.Civ2.' list_param{ilist} ';']) 421 end 422 if isfield(Data,'Civ2_gridname') && strcmp(Data.Civ1_gridname(1:6),'noFile') 423 Data.Civ1_gridname=''; 424 end 425 if isfield(Data,'Civ2_maskname') && strcmp(Data.Civ1_maskname(1:6),'noFile') 426 Data.Civ2_maskname=''; 427 end 428 Data.ListGlobalAttribute=[Data.ListGlobalAttribute Civ2_param {'Civ2_Time','Civ2_Dt'}]; 420 Data.(Civ2_param{4+ilist})=Param.ActionInput.Civ2.(list_param{ilist}); 421 end 422 Data.ListGlobalAttribute=[Data.ListGlobalAttribute Civ2_param]; 423 429 424 nbvar=numel(Data.ListVarName); 430 425 Data.ListVarName=[Data.ListVarName {'Civ2_X','Civ2_Y','Civ2_U','Civ2_V','Civ2_F','Civ2_C'}];% cell array containing the names of the fields to record -
r604 r606 43 43 function ParamOut=ima_levels (Param) 44 44 45 %% set the input elements needed on the GUI series when the action is selected in the menu ActionName 45 %% set the input elements needed on the GUI series when the action is selected in the menu ActionName or InputTable refreshed 46 46 if isstruct(Param) && isequal(Param.Action.RUN,0) 47 47 ParamOut.NbViewMax=1;% max nbre of input file series (default , no limitation) … … 58 58 %check the type of the existence and type of the first input file: 59 59 Param.IndexRange.last_i=Param.IndexRange.first_i;%keep only the first index in the series 60 if isfield(Param.IndexRange,'first_j') 60 61 Param.IndexRange.last_j=Param.IndexRange.first_j; 62 end 61 63 filecell=get_file_series(Param); 62 64 if ~exist(filecell{1,1},'file') … … 73 75 %%%%%%%%%%%% STANDARD PART (DO NOT EDIT) %%%%%%%%%%%% 74 76 %% read input parameters from an xml file if input is a file name (batch mode) 77 ParamOut=[] 75 78 checkrun=1; 76 79 if ischar(Param) -
r605 r606 41 41 function ParamOut=merge_proj(Param) 42 42 43 %% set the input elements needed on the GUI series when the function is selected in the menu ActionName 43 %% set the input elements needed on the GUI series when the function is selected in the menu ActionName or InputTable refreshed 44 44 if isstruct(Param) && isequal(Param.Action.RUN,0) 45 ParamOut.AllowInputSort='off';...% allow alphabetic sorting of the list of input file SubDir (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) 46 ParamOut.WholeIndexRange='on';...% prescribes the file index ranges from min to max (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) 47 ParamOut.NbSlice='off'; ...%nbre of slices ('off' by default) 48 ParamOut.VelType='one';...% menu for selecting the velocity type (options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default) 49 ParamOut.FieldName='one';...% menu for selecting the field (s) in the input file(options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default) 50 ParamOut.FieldTransform = 'on';...%can use a transform function 51 ParamOut.ProjObject='on';...%can use projection object(option 'off'/'on', 52 ParamOut.Mask='off';...%can use mask option (option 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) 45 ParamOut.AllowInputSort='off';% allow alphabetic sorting of the list of input file SubDir (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) 46 ParamOut.WholeIndexRange='on';% prescribes the file index ranges from min to max (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) 47 ParamOut.NbSlice='off'; %nbre of slices ('off' by default) 48 ParamOut.VelType='one';% menu for selecting the velocity type (options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default) 49 ParamOut.FieldName='one';% menu for selecting the field (s) in the input file(options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default) 50 ParamOut.FieldTransform = 'on';%can use a transform function 51 ParamOut.TransformPath=fullfile(fileparts(which('uvmat')),'transform_field');% path to transform functions (needed for compilation only) 52 ParamOut.ProjObject='on';%can use projection object(option 'off'/'on', 53 ParamOut.Mask='off';%can use mask option (option 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) 53 54 ParamOut.OutputDirExt='.mproj';%set the output dir extension 54 55 ParamOut.OutputFileMode='NbInput';% '=NbInput': 1 output file per input file index, '=NbInput_i': 1 file per input file index i, '=NbSlice': 1 file per slice … … 57 58 msgbox_uvmat('WARNING','the first input file does not exist') 58 59 elseif isequal(size(Param.InputTable,1),1) && ~isfield(Param,'ProjObject') 59 60 end 61 return60 msgbox_uvmat('WARNING','a projection object of type plane needs to be introduced for merge_proj') 61 end 62 return 62 63 end 63 64 64 65 %%%%%%%%%%%% STANDARD PART (DO NOT EDIT) %%%%%%%%%%%% 65 66 67 66 %% read input parameters from an xml file if input is a file name (batch mode) 68 67 checkrun=1; … … 72 71 end 73 72 74 ParamOut= Param;%default output73 ParamOut=[] %default output 75 74 if ~isfield(Param,'InputFields') 76 75 Param.InputFields.FieldName=''; 77 76 end 78 Output SubDir=[Param.OutputSubDir Param.OutputDirExt];% subdirectory for output files77 OutputDir=[Param.OutputSubDir Param.OutputDirExt];% subdirectory for output files 79 78 80 79 %% root input file type … … 93 92 % i1_series(iview,fileindex) expresses the same indices as a 1D array in file indices 94 93 %%%%%%%%%%%% 95 NbSlice=1;%default 96 if isfield(Param.IndexRange,'NbSlice')&&~isempty(Param.IndexRange.NbSlice) 97 NbSlice=Param.IndexRange.NbSlice; 98 end 99 nbview=numel(i1_series);%number of input file series (lines in InputTable) 100 nbfield_j=size(i1_series{1},1); %nb of fields for the j index (bursts or volume slices) 101 nbfield_i=size(i1_series{1},2); %nb of fields for the i index 102 nbfield=nbfield_j*nbfield_i; %total number of fields 103 nbfield_i=floor(nbfield/NbSlice);%total number of indexes in a slice (adjusted to an integer number of slices) 104 nbfield=nbfield_i*NbSlice; %total number of fields after adjustement 94 % NbSlice=1;%default 95 % if isfield(Param.IndexRange,'NbSlice')&&~isempty(Param.IndexRange.NbSlice) 96 % NbSlice=Param.IndexRange.NbSlice; 97 % end 98 NbView=numel(i1_series);%number of input file series (lines in InputTable) 99 NbField_j=size(i1_series{1},1); %nb of fields for the j index (bursts or volume slices) 100 NbField_i=size(i1_series{1},2); %nb of fields for the i index 101 NbField=NbField_j*NbField_i; %total number of fields 105 102 106 103 %determine the file type on each line from the first input file 107 104 ImageTypeOptions={'image','multimage','mmreader','video'}; 108 105 NcTypeOptions={'netcdf','civx','civdata'}; 109 for iview=1: nbview106 for iview=1:NbView 110 107 if ~exist(filecell{iview,1}','file') 111 108 displ_uvmat('ERROR',['the first input file ' filecell{iview,1} ' does not exist'],checkrun) … … 122 119 end 123 120 124 125 121 %% calibration data and timing: read the ImaDoc files 126 122 [XmlData,NbSlice_calib,time,errormsg]=read_multimadoc(RootPath,SubDir,RootFile,FileExt,i1_series,i2_series,j1_series,j2_series); … … 133 129 134 130 %% coordinate transform or other user defined transform 135 transform_fct='';%default 131 % transform_fct='';%default fct handle 132 % if isfield(Param,'FieldTransform')&&~isempty(Param.FieldTransform.TransformName) 133 % if isdeployed 134 % transform_fct=Param.FieldTransform.TransformName; 135 % dd=phys([]);%activate phys for compilation 136 % else 137 % currentdir=pwd; 138 % cd(Param.FieldTransform.TransformPath) 139 % transform_fct=str2func(Param.FieldTransform.TransformName); 140 % cd (currentdir) 141 % end 142 % end 143 transform_fct='';%default fct handle 136 144 if isfield(Param,'FieldTransform')&&~isempty(Param.FieldTransform.TransformName) 137 addpath(Param.FieldTransform.TransformPath)138 transform_fct=str2func(Param.FieldTransform.TransformName);139 rmpath(Param.FieldTransform.TransformPath)140 end 141 145 currentdir=pwd; 146 cd(Param.FieldTransform.TransformPath) 147 transform_fct=str2func(Param.FieldTransform.TransformName); 148 cd (currentdir) 149 end 142 150 %%%%%%%%%%%% END STANDARD PART %%%%%%%%%%%% 143 151 % EDIT FROM HERE … … 152 160 return 153 161 end 154 for iview=1: nbview162 for iview=1:NbView 155 163 if ~isequal(CheckImage{iview},CheckImage{1})||~isequal(CheckNc{iview},CheckNc{1}) 156 164 displ_uvmat('ERROR','input set of input series: need either netcdf either image series',checkrun) … … 169 177 %% MAIN LOOP ON SLICES 170 178 %%%%%%%%%%%%% STANDARD PART (DO NOT EDIT) %%%%%%%%%%%% 171 for i_slice=1:NbSlice172 index_slice=i_slice:NbSlice:nbfield;% select file indices of the slice173 nbfiles=0;174 nbmissing=0;179 % for i_slice=1:NbSlice 180 % index_slice=i_slice:NbSlice:NbField;% select file indices of the slice 181 % NbFiles=0; 182 % nbmissing=0; 175 183 176 184 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% loop on field indices %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 177 for index=index_slice 178 if checkrun 179 stopstate=get(Param.RUNHandle,'BusyAction'); 180 update_waitbar(Param.WaitbarHandle,index/nbfield) 181 else 182 stopstate='queue'; 183 end 184 if ~isequal(stopstate,'queue')% enable STOP command 185 return 186 end 187 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% loop on views (input lines) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 188 Data=cell(1,nbview);%initiate the set Data 189 nbtime=0; 190 for iview=1:nbview 191 %% reading input file(s) 192 [Data{iview},tild,errormsg] = read_field(filecell{iview,index},FileType{iview},Param.InputFields,frame_index{iview}(index)); 185 for index=1:NbField 186 if checkrun 187 stopstate=get(Param.RUNHandle,'BusyAction'); 188 update_waitbar(Param.WaitbarHandle,index/NbField) 189 else 190 stopstate='queue'; 191 end 192 if ~isequal(stopstate,'queue')% enable STOP command 193 return 194 end 195 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% loop on views (input lines) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 196 Data=cell(1,NbView);%initiate the set Data 197 nbtime=0; 198 for iview=1:NbView 199 %% reading input file(s) 200 [Data{iview},tild,errormsg] = read_field(filecell{iview,index},FileType{iview},Param.InputFields,frame_index{iview}(index)); 201 if ~isempty(errormsg) 202 errormsg=['merge_proj/read_field/' errormsg]; 203 display(errormsg) 204 break 205 end 206 timeread(iview)=0; 207 if isfield(Data{iview},'Time') 208 timeread(iview)=Data{iview}.Time; 209 nbtime=nbtime+1; 210 end 211 if ~isempty(NbSlice_calib) 212 Data{iview}.ZIndex=mod(i1_series{iview}(index)-1,NbSlice_calib{iview})+1;%Zindex for phys transform 213 end 214 215 %% transform the input field (e.g; phys) if requested 216 if ~isempty(transform_fct) 217 if nargin(transform_fct)>=2 218 Data{iview}=transform_fct(Data{iview},XmlData{iview}); 219 else 220 Data{iview}=transform_fct(Data{iview}); 221 end 222 end 223 % Data{iview}=phys(Data{iview},XmlData{iview}); 224 %% check whether tps is needed, then calculate tps coefficients if needed 225 check_tps=0; 226 if isfield(Param.InputFields,'FieldName') 227 if ischar(Param.InputFields.FieldName) 228 Param.InputFields.FieldName={Param.InputFields.FieldName}; 229 end 230 else 231 Param.InputFields.FieldName={}; 232 end 233 for ilist=1:numel(Param.InputFields.FieldName) 234 switch Param.InputFields.FieldName{ilist} 235 case {'vort','div','strain'} 236 check_tps=1; 237 end 238 end 239 240 %% calculate tps coeff if needed 241 check_proj_tps= ~isempty(Param.ProjObject)&& strcmp(Param.ProjObject.ProjMode,'filter')&&~isfield(Data{iview},'Coord_tps'); 242 Data{iview}=tps_coeff_field(Data{iview},check_proj_tps); 243 244 %% projection on object (gridded plane) 245 if Param.CheckObject 246 [Data{iview},errormsg]=proj_field(Data{iview},Param.ProjObject); 193 247 if ~isempty(errormsg) 194 errormsg=['merge_proj/read_field/' errormsg]; 195 display(errormsg) 196 break 197 end 198 timeread(iview)=0; 199 if isfield(Data{iview},'Time') 200 timeread(iview)=Data{iview}.Time; 201 nbtime=nbtime+1; 202 end 203 if ~isempty(NbSlice_calib) 204 Data{iview}.ZIndex=mod(i1_series{iview}(index)-1,NbSlice_calib{iview})+1;%Zindex for phys transform 205 end 206 207 %% transform the input field (e.g; phys) if requested 208 if ~isempty(transform_fct) 209 if nargin(transform_fct)>=2 210 Data{iview}=transform_fct(Data{iview},XmlData{iview}); 211 else 212 Data{iview}=transform_fct(Data{iview}); 213 end 214 end 215 216 %% check whether tps is needed, then calculate tps coefficients if needed 217 check_tps=0; 218 if isfield(Param.InputFields,'FieldName') 219 if ischar(Param.InputFields.FieldName) 220 Param.InputFields.FieldName={Param.InputFields.FieldName}; 221 end 222 else 223 Param.InputFields.FieldName={}; 224 end 225 for ilist=1:numel(Param.InputFields.FieldName) 226 switch Param.InputFields.FieldName{ilist} 227 case {'vort','div','strain'} 228 check_tps=1; 229 end 230 end 231 232 %% calculate tps coeff if needed 233 check_proj_tps= ~isempty(Param.ProjObject)&& strcmp(Param.ProjObject.ProjMode,'filter')&&~isfield(Data{iview},'Coord_tps'); 234 Data{iview}=tps_coeff_field(Data{iview},check_proj_tps); 235 236 %% projection on object (gridded plane) 237 if Param.CheckObject 238 [Data{iview},errormsg]=proj_field(Data{iview},Param.ProjObject); 239 if ~isempty(errormsg) 240 displ_uvmat('ERROR',['error in merge_proge/proj_field: ' errormsg],checkrun) 241 return 242 end 243 end 244 end 245 %----------END LOOP ON VIEWS---------------------- 246 247 %% merge the nbview fields 248 MergeData=merge_field(Data); 249 if isfield(MergeData,'Txt') 250 displ_uvmat('ERROR',MergeData.Txt,checkrun) 251 return 252 end 253 254 % time of the merged field: 255 if ~isempty(time)% time defined from ImaDoc 256 timeread=time(:,index); 257 end 258 timeread=mean(timeread); 259 260 % generating the name of the merged field 261 i1=i1_series{iview}(index); 262 if ~isempty(i2_series{iview}) 263 i2=i2_series{iview}(index); 264 else 265 i2=i1; 266 end 267 j1=1; 268 j2=1; 269 if ~isempty(j1_series{iview}) 270 j1=j1_series{iview}(index); 271 if ~isempty(j2_series{iview}) 272 j2=j2_series{iview}(index); 273 else 274 j2=j1; 275 end 276 end 277 OutputFile=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath{1},OutputSubDir,RootFile{1},FileExtOut,NomType{1},i1,i2,j1,j2); 278 279 % recording the merged field 280 if CheckImage{1} %in case of input images an image is produced 281 if isa(MergeData.A,'uint8') 282 bitdepth=8; 283 elseif isa(MergeData.A,'uint16') 284 bitdepth=16; 285 end 286 imwrite(MergeData.A,OutputFile,'BitDepth',bitdepth); 287 %write xml calibration file 288 siz=size(MergeData.A); 289 npy=siz(1); 290 npx=siz(2); 291 if isfield(MergeData,'VarAttribute')&&isfield(MergeData.VarAttribute{1},'Coord_2')&&isfield(MergeData.VarAttribute{1},'Coord_1') 292 Rangx=MergeData.VarAttribute{1}.Coord_2; 293 Rangy=MergeData.VarAttribute{1}.Coord_1; 294 elseif isfield(MergeData,'AX')&& isfield(MergeData,'AY') 295 Rangx=[MergeData.AX(1) MergeData.AX(end)]; 296 Rangy=[MergeData.AY(1) MergeData.AY(end)]; 297 else 298 Rangx=[0.5 npx-0.5]; 299 Rangy=[npy-0.5 0.5];%default 300 end 301 pxcmx=(npx-1)/(Rangx(2)-Rangx(1)); 302 pxcmy=(npy-1)/(Rangy(1)-Rangy(2)); 303 T_x=-pxcmx*Rangx(1)+0.5; 304 T_y=-pxcmy*Rangy(2)+0.5; 305 GeometryCal.focal=1; 306 GeometryCal.R=[pxcmx,0,0;0,pxcmy,0;0,0,1]; 307 GeometryCal.Tx_Ty_Tz=[T_x T_y 1]; 308 ImaDoc.GeometryCalib=GeometryCal; 309 % t=struct2xml(ImaDoc); 310 % t=set(t,1,'name','ImaDoc'); 311 % save(t,[filebase_merge '.xml']) 312 % display([filebase_merge '.xml saved']) 313 else 314 MergeData.ListGlobalAttribute={'Conventions','Project','InputFile_1','InputFile_end','nb_coord','nb_dim','dt','Time','civ'}; 315 MergeData.Conventions='uvmat'; 316 MergeData.nb_coord=2; 317 MergeData.nb_dim=2; 318 dt=[]; 319 if isfield(Data{1},'dt')&& isnumeric(Data{1}.dt) 320 dt=Data{1}.dt; 321 end 322 for iview =2:numel(Data) 323 if ~(isfield(Data{iview},'dt')&& isequal(Data{iview}.dt,dt)) 324 dt=[];%dt not the same for all fields 325 end 326 end 327 if isempty(dt) 328 MergeData.ListGlobalAttribute(6)=[]; 329 else 330 MergeData.dt=dt; 331 end 332 MergeData.Time=timeread; 333 error=struct2nc(OutputFile,MergeData);%save result file 334 if isempty(error) 335 display(['output file ' OutputFile ' written']) 336 else 337 display(error) 338 end 339 end 340 end 341 end 248 displ_uvmat('ERROR',['error in merge_proge/proj_field: ' errormsg],checkrun) 249 return 250 end 251 end 252 end 253 %----------END LOOP ON VIEWS---------------------- 254 255 %% merge the NbView fields 256 MergeData=merge_field(Data); 257 if isfield(MergeData,'Txt') 258 displ_uvmat('ERROR',MergeData.Txt,checkrun) 259 return 260 end 261 262 % time of the merged field: 263 if ~isempty(time)% time defined from ImaDoc 264 timeread=time(:,index); 265 end 266 timeread=mean(timeread); 267 268 % generating the name of the merged field 269 i1=i1_series{iview}(index); 270 if ~isempty(i2_series{iview}) 271 i2=i2_series{iview}(index); 272 else 273 i2=i1; 274 end 275 j1=1; 276 j2=1; 277 if ~isempty(j1_series{iview}) 278 j1=j1_series{iview}(index); 279 if ~isempty(j2_series{iview}) 280 j2=j2_series{iview}(index); 281 else 282 j2=j1; 283 end 284 end 285 OutputFile=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath{1},OutputDir,RootFile{1},FileExtOut,NomType{1},i1,i2,j1,j2); 286 287 % recording the merged field 288 if CheckImage{1} %in case of input images an image is produced 289 if isa(MergeData.A,'uint8') 290 bitdepth=8; 291 elseif isa(MergeData.A,'uint16') 292 bitdepth=16; 293 end 294 imwrite(MergeData.A,OutputFile,'BitDepth',bitdepth); 295 %write xml calibration file 296 siz=size(MergeData.A); 297 npy=siz(1); 298 npx=siz(2); 299 if isfield(MergeData,'VarAttribute')&&isfield(MergeData.VarAttribute{1},'Coord_2')&&isfield(MergeData.VarAttribute{1},'Coord_1') 300 Rangx=MergeData.VarAttribute{1}.Coord_2; 301 Rangy=MergeData.VarAttribute{1}.Coord_1; 302 elseif isfield(MergeData,'AX')&& isfield(MergeData,'AY') 303 Rangx=[MergeData.AX(1) MergeData.AX(end)]; 304 Rangy=[MergeData.AY(1) MergeData.AY(end)]; 305 else 306 Rangx=[0.5 npx-0.5]; 307 Rangy=[npy-0.5 0.5];%default 308 end 309 pxcmx=(npx-1)/(Rangx(2)-Rangx(1)); 310 pxcmy=(npy-1)/(Rangy(1)-Rangy(2)); 311 T_x=-pxcmx*Rangx(1)+0.5; 312 T_y=-pxcmy*Rangy(2)+0.5; 313 GeometryCal.focal=1; 314 GeometryCal.R=[pxcmx,0,0;0,pxcmy,0;0,0,1]; 315 GeometryCal.Tx_Ty_Tz=[T_x T_y 1]; 316 ImaDoc.GeometryCalib=GeometryCal; 317 % t=struct2xml(ImaDoc); 318 % t=set(t,1,'name','ImaDoc'); 319 % save(t,[filebase_merge '.xml']) 320 % display([filebase_merge '.xml saved']) 321 else 322 MergeData.ListGlobalAttribute={'Conventions','Project','InputFile_1','InputFile_end','nb_coord','nb_dim','dt','Time','civ'}; 323 MergeData.Conventions='uvmat'; 324 MergeData.nb_coord=2; 325 MergeData.nb_dim=2; 326 dt=[]; 327 if isfield(Data{1},'dt')&& isnumeric(Data{1}.dt) 328 dt=Data{1}.dt; 329 end 330 for iview =2:numel(Data) 331 if ~(isfield(Data{iview},'dt')&& isequal(Data{iview}.dt,dt)) 332 dt=[];%dt not the same for all fields 333 end 334 end 335 if isempty(dt) 336 MergeData.ListGlobalAttribute(6)=[]; 337 else 338 MergeData.dt=dt; 339 end 340 MergeData.Time=timeread; 341 error=struct2nc(OutputFile,MergeData);%save result file 342 if isempty(error) 343 display(['output file ' OutputFile ' written']) 344 else 345 display(error) 346 end 347 end 348 end 349 342 350 343 351 %'merge_field': concatene fields … … 351 359 MergeData=Data{1};%default 352 360 error=0; 353 nbview=length(Data);354 if nbview==1361 NbView=length(Data); 362 if NbView==1 355 363 return 356 364 end … … 382 390 for ivar=VarIndex 383 391 VarName=MergeData.ListVarName{ivar}; 384 for iview=1: nbview392 for iview=1:NbView 385 393 MergeData.(VarName)=[MergeData.(VarName); Data{iview}.(VarName)]; 386 394 end … … 389 397 else 390 398 testFF=0; 391 for iview=2: nbview399 for iview=2:NbView 392 400 for ivar=VarIndex 393 401 VarName=MergeData.ListVarName{ivar}; … … 401 409 end 402 410 if testFF 403 nbaver= nbview-MergeData.FF;411 nbaver=NbView-MergeData.FF; 404 412 indgood=find(nbaver>0); 405 413 for ivar=VarIndex … … 410 418 for ivar=VarIndex 411 419 VarName=MergeData.ListVarName{ivar}; 412 MergeData.(VarName)=double(MergeData.(VarName))./ nbview;420 MergeData.(VarName)=double(MergeData.(VarName))./NbView; 413 421 end 414 422 end -
r605 r606 42 42 function ParamOut=time_series(Param) 43 43 44 %% set the input elements needed on the GUI series when the action is selected in the menu ActionName 44 %% set the input elements needed on the GUI series when the action is selected in the menu ActionName or InputTable refreshed 45 45 if isstruct(Param) && isequal(Param.Action.RUN,0) 46 46 ParamOut.AllowInputSort='off';% allow alphabetic sorting of the list of input file SubDir (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) … … 50 50 ParamOut.FieldName='two';% menu for selecting the field (s) in the input file(options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default) 51 51 ParamOut.FieldTransform = 'on';%can use a transform function 52 ParamOut.TransformPath=fullfile(fileparts(which('uvmat')),'transform_field');% path to transform functions (needed for compilation only) 52 53 ParamOut.ProjObject='on';%can use projection object(option 'off'/'on', 53 54 ParamOut.Mask='off';%can use mask option (option 'off'/'on', 'off' by default) … … 71 72 end 72 73 73 ParamOut= Param; %default output74 ParamOut=[]; %default output 74 75 OutputDir=[Param.OutputSubDir Param.OutputDirExt]; 75 76 … … 89 90 % i1_series(iview,fileindex) expresses the same indices as a 1D array in file indices 90 91 %%%%%%%%%%%% 91 NbSlice=1;%default92 if isfield(Param.IndexRange,'NbSlice')&&~isempty(Param.IndexRange.NbSlice)93 NbSlice=Param.IndexRange.NbSlice;94 end92 % NbSlice=1;%default 93 % if isfield(Param.IndexRange,'NbSlice')&&~isempty(Param.IndexRange.NbSlice) 94 % NbSlice=Param.IndexRange.NbSlice; 95 % end 95 96 nbview=numel(i1_series);%number of input file series (lines in InputTable) 96 nbfield_j=size( i1_series{1},1); %nb of fields for the j index (bursts or volume slices)97 nbfield_j=size(j1_series{1},1); %nb of fields for the j index (bursts or volume slices) 97 98 nbfield_i=size(i1_series{1},2); %nb of fields for the i index 98 99 nbfield=nbfield_j*nbfield_i; %total number of fields 99 nbfield_i=floor(nbfield/NbSlice);%total number of indexes in a slice (adjusted to an integer number of slices)100 nbfield=nbfield_i*NbSlice; %total number of fields after adjustement101 100 102 101 %determine the file type on each line from the first input file … … 153 152 end 154 153 NomTypeOut='_1-2_1';% output file index will indicate the first and last ref index in the series 155 if checkrun==1156 return % stop here for input checks157 end158 154 159 155 %% Set field names and velocity types … … 419 415 420 416 %name of result file 421 OutputFile=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath{1},OutputDir,RootFile{1},FileExtOut,NomTypeOut,i1_series{1}(1),i1_series{1}(end), i_slice,[]);417 OutputFile=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath{1},OutputDir,RootFile{1},FileExtOut,NomTypeOut,i1_series{1}(1),i1_series{1}(end),j1_series{1}(1),j1_series{1}(end)); 422 418 errormsg=struct2nc(OutputFile,DataOut); %save result file 423 419 if isempty(errormsg) -
r591 r606 213 213 if ~isempty(hseries) 214 214 hhseries=guidata(hseries); 215 set(hhseries.CheckObject,'Value',0) 216 set(hhseries.CheckObject,'BackgroundColor',[0 1 0])%put unactivated buttons to green 215 set(hhseries.ViewObject,'Value',0) 217 216 end 218 217 -
r601 r606 341 341 oldfile=get(handles.RootPath,'UserData'); 342 342 end 343 [FileName, PathName] = uigetfile({'*.*','All Files(*.*)'},'Pick a file',oldfile); 344 if ~ischar(FileName),return,end %abandon if the browser is cancelled 345 fileinput=[PathName FileName];%complete file name 343 hfig=uigetfile_uvmat('file browser',fileparts(oldfile)); 344 uiwait(hfig); 345 if ishandle(hfig) % stop if browser closed without selection 346 fileinput=get(hfig,'UserData');% retrieve the input file selection 347 delete(hfig) 348 % display the selected field and related information 349 display_file_name(handles,fileinput) 350 end 351 352 % 353 % 354 % 355 % [FileName, PathName] = uigetfile({'*.*','All Files(*.*)'},'Pick a file',oldfile); 356 % if ~ischar(FileName),return,end %abandon if the browser is cancelled 357 % fileinput=[PathName FileName];%complete file name 346 358 347 359 %% display the selected field and related information 348 display_file_name( handles,fileinput)360 % display_file_name( handles,fileinput) 349 361 350 362 % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 2673 2685 for imap=1:numel(IndexObj) 2674 2686 iobj=IndexObj(imap); 2687 if numel(UvData.Object)<iobj 2688 break 2689 end 2675 2690 [ObjectData,errormsg]=proj_field(UvData.Field,UvData.Object{iobj});% project field on the object 2676 2691 if ~isempty(errormsg)
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.