Changeset 708
- Timestamp:
- Feb 12, 2014, 10:26:12 PM (11 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r705 r708 1019 1019 end 1020 1020 end 1021 FileName=fullfile_uvmat(InputTable{iview,1},InputTable{iview,2},InputTable{iview,3},InputTable{iview,5},InputTable{iview,4},i1_series(1,ref_j+1,ref_i+1),i2,j1,j2); 1021 FieldName_Callback([], [], handles) 1022 % FileName=fullfile_uvmat(InputTable{iview,1},InputTable{iview,2},InputTable{iview,3},InputTable{iview,5},InputTable{iview,4},i1_series(1,ref_j+1,ref_i+1),i2,j1,j2); 1022 1023 % hget_field=get_field(FileName); 1023 1024 % hhget_field=guidata(hget_field); … … 1469 1470 return 1470 1471 end 1472 [success,msg] = fileattrib(OutputDir,'+w','g','s');% allow writing access for the group of users, recursively in the folder 1473 if success==0 1474 msgbox_uvmat('WARNING',{['unable to set group write access to ' OutputDir ':']; msg1});%error message for directory creation 1475 return 1476 end 1471 1477 end 1472 1478 OutputNomType=nomtype2pair(Param.InputTable{1,4});% nomenclature for output files … … 1476 1482 if ~strcmp(msg1,'') 1477 1483 msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['cannot create ' DirXml ': ' msg1]);%error message for directory creation 1484 return 1485 end 1486 [success,msg] = fileattrib(DirXml,'+w','g','s');% allow writing access for the group of users, recursively in the folder 1487 if success==0 1488 msgbox_uvmat('WARNING',{['unable to set group write access to ' DirXml ':']; msg1});%error message for directory creation 1478 1489 return 1479 1490 end … … 2234 2245 Param.InputTable=Param.InputTable(1,:); 2235 2246 filecell=get_file_series(Param); 2247 2236 2248 if exist(filecell{1,1},'file') 2237 2249 GetFieldData=get_field(filecell{1,1}); 2238 2250 FieldList={}; 2239 XName=GetFieldData.XVarName; 2240 if GetFieldData.CheckVector 2241 UName=GetFieldData.PanelVectors.vector_x; 2242 VName=GetFieldData.PanelVectors.vector_y; 2243 XName=GetFieldData.XVarName; 2244 YName=GetFieldData.YVarName; 2245 CName=GetFieldData.PanelVectors.vec_color; 2246 [FieldList,VecColorList]=set_field_list(UName,VName,CName); 2247 elseif GetFieldData.CheckScalar 2248 AName=GetFieldData.PanelScalar.scalar; 2249 XName=GetFieldData.XVarName; 2250 YName=GetFieldData.YVarName; 2251 FieldList={AName}; 2252 elseif GetFieldData.CheckPlot1D; 2253 YName=GetFieldData.CheckPlot1D.ordinate; 2254 end 2255 set(handles.Coord_x,'String',{XName}) 2256 set(handles.Coord_y,'String',{YName}) 2257 set(handles.FieldName,'Value',1) 2258 set(handles.FieldName,'String',[FieldList; {'get_field...'}]); 2259 % set(handles.ColorScalar,'Value',1) 2260 % set(handles.ColorScalar,'String',VecColorList); 2261 % UvData.FileType{1}='netcdf'; 2262 % set(handles.uvmat,'UserData',UvData) 2263 end 2264 % elseif isequal(field,'more...') 2265 % str=calc_field; 2266 % [ind_answer,v] = listdlg('PromptString','Select a file:',... 2267 % 'SelectionMode','single',... 2268 % 'ListString',str); 2269 % % edit the choice in the fields and actionname menu 2270 % scalar=cell2mat(str(ind_answer)); 2271 % update_menu(handles.FieldName,scalar) 2251 switch GetFieldData.FieldOption 2252 case 'vectors' 2253 UName=GetFieldData.PanelVectors.vector_x; 2254 VName=GetFieldData.PanelVectors.vector_y; 2255 YName={GetFieldData.Coordinates.Coord_y}; 2256 CName=GetFieldData.PanelVectors.vec_color; 2257 FieldList={['vec(' UName ',' VName ')'];... 2258 ['norm(' UName ',' VName ')'];... 2259 UName;VName}; 2260 VecColorList={['norm(' UName ',' VName ')'];... 2261 UName;VName}; 2262 if ~isempty(CName) 2263 VecColorList=[{CName};VecColorList]; 2264 end 2265 case 'scalar' 2266 AName=GetFieldData.PanelScalar.scalar; 2267 YName={GetFieldData.Coordinates.Coord_y}; 2268 FieldList={AName}; 2269 case '1D plot' 2270 YName=GetFieldData.PanelOrdinate.ordinate; 2271 % case 'civdata...'%reinitiate input, return to automatic civ data reading 2272 % display_file_name(handles,FileName,1) 2273 end 2274 if ~strcmp(GetFieldData.FieldOption,'civdata...') 2275 XName=GetFieldData.Coordinates.Coord_x; 2276 TimeNameStr=GetFieldData.Time.SwitchVarIndexTime; 2277 switch TimeNameStr 2278 case 'file index' 2279 set(handles.TimeName,'String',''); 2280 case 'attribute' 2281 set(handles.TimeName,'String',['att:' GetFieldData.Time.TimeName]); 2282 case 'variable' 2283 set(handles.TimeName,'String',['var:' GetFieldData.Time.TimeName]) 2284 set(handles.NomType,'String','*') 2285 set(handles.RootFile,'String',[get(handles.RootFile,'String') get(handles.FileIndex,'String')]) 2286 set(handles.FileIndex,'String','') 2287 ParamIn.TimeVarName=GetFieldData.Time.TimeName; 2288 case 'matrix_index' 2289 set(handles.TimeName,'String',['dim:' GetFieldData.Time.TimeName]); 2290 set(handles.NomType,'String','*') 2291 set(handles.RootFile,'String',[get(handles.RootFile,'String') get(handles.FileIndex,'String')]) 2292 set(handles.FileIndex,'String','') 2293 ParamIn.TimeDimName=GetFieldData.Time.TimeName; 2294 end 2295 set(handles.Coord_x,'String',{XName}) 2296 set(handles.Coord_y,'String',YName) 2297 set(handles.FieldName,'Value',1) 2298 set(handles.FieldName,'String',[FieldList; {'get_field...'}]); 2299 end 2300 end 2272 2301 end 2273 2302 … … 2959 2988 function series_WindowButtonMotionFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) 2960 2989 set(hObject,'Pointer','arrow'); 2990 2991 2992 2993 function TimeName_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) 2994 % hObject handle to TimeName (see GCBO) 2995 % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB 2996 % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) 2997 2998 % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of TimeName as text 2999 % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of TimeName as a double 3000 3001 3002 % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. 3003 function TimeName_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) 3004 % hObject handle to TimeName (see GCBO) 3005 % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB 3006 % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called 3007 3008 % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. 3009 % See ISPC and COMPUTER. 3010 if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) 3011 set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); 3012 end
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