'check_functions': check the path and modification date for all the function in the toolbox UVMAT. Called at the opening of uvmat.fig ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function [errormsg,date_str]=check_functions OUTPUT: errormsg: error message listing functions whose paths are not in the directory of uvmat.m date_str: date of the most recent modification of a file in the toolbox AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Copyright Joel Sommeria, 2008, LEGI / CNRS-UJF-INPG, sommeria@coriolis-legi.org. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT. UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License (file UVMAT/COPYING.txt) for more details. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
0001 %'check_functions': check the path and modification date for all the 0002 % function in the toolbox UVMAT. Called at the opening of uvmat.fig 0003 %---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0004 % function [errormsg,date_str]=check_functions 0005 % 0006 % OUTPUT: 0007 % errormsg: error message listing functions whose paths are not in the directory of uvmat.m 0008 % date_str: date of the most recent modification of a file in the toolbox 0009 % 0010 %AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 0011 % Copyright Joel Sommeria, 2008, LEGI / CNRS-UJF-INPG, sommeria@coriolis-legi.org. 0012 %AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 0013 % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT. 0014 % 0015 % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 0016 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 0017 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 0018 % (at your option) any later version. 0019 % 0020 % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 0021 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 0022 % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 0023 % GNU General Public License (file UVMAT/COPYING.txt) for more details. 0024 %AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 0025 0026 function [errormsg,date_str]=check_functions 0027 errormsg={};%default 0028 list_fct={'calc_field';...% defines fields (velocity, vort, div...) from civx data and calculate them 0029 'cell2tab';... %transform a Matlab cell in a character array suitable for display in a table 0030 'check_functions';... 0031 'civ';... %function associated with the interface 'civ.fig' for PIV and spline interpolation 0032 'civ.fig';... 0033 'civ_3D';... function associated with the interface 'civ_3D.fig' for PIV in volume (in progress) 0034 'civ_3D.fig';... 0035 'close_fig';...% function activated when a figure is closed 0036 'copyfields';...%copy fields between two matlab structures 0037 'delete_object';...%delete a projection object, defined by its index in the Uvmat list or by its graphic handle 0038 'editxml';...%display and edit xml files using a xls schema 0039 'editxml.fig';...%interface for editxml 0040 'find_field_indices';...% group the variables of a nc-formated Matlab structure into 'fields' with common dimensions 0041 'geometry_calib';...%performs geometric calibration from a set of reference points 0042 'geometry_calib.fig';...%interface for geometry_calib 0043 'get_field';...% choose and plot a field from a Netcdf file 0044 'get_field.fig';...%interface for get_field 0045 'get_plot_handles';... %provides handles of elements setting the plotting parameters in the uvmat interface 0046 'griddata_uvmat';...%make 2D linear interpolation using griddata, with input appropriate for both Matlab 6.5 and 7 0047 'hist_update';...% update of a current global histogram by inclusion of a new field 0048 'imadoc2struct';...%convert the image documentation file ImaDoc into a Matlab structure 0049 'keyboard_callback';... % function activated when a key is pressed on the keyboard 0050 'ListDir';... scan the structure of the directory tree (for dataview.m) 0051 'mouse_down';% function activated when the mouse button is pressed on a figure (callback for 'WindowButtonDownFcn') 0052 'mouse_motion';...% permanently called by mouse motion over a figure (callback for 'WindowButtonMotionFcn') 0053 'mouse_up';... % function to be activated when the mouse button is released (callback for 'WindowButtonUpFcn') 0054 'msgbox_uvmat';... associated with GUI msgbox_uvmat.fig to display message boxes, for error, warning or input calls 0055 'msgbox_uvmat.fig';... 0056 'name2display';...% extracts the root name and field numbers from an input filename 0057 'name_generator';...%creates a file name from a root name and indices. 0058 'nc2struct';...% transform a netcdf file in a corresponding matlab structure 0059 'peaklock';...% 0060 'phys';...% transforms fields from image (px) to real world (phys) coordinates using geometric calibration parameters 0061 'phys_polar';... transform image coordinates (px) to physical ploar coordinates 0062 'phys_XYZ';...%transforms image (px) to real world (phys) coordinates using geometric calibration parameters 0063 'px';...% transform fields from physical to px coordinates using geometrical calibration parameters 0064 'px_XYZ';...% ransform physical to px coordinates using geometrical calibration parameters 0065 'plot_field';...%displays a vector field and/or scalar or images 0066 'plot_object';...%draws a projection object (points, line, plane...) 0067 'proj_field';...%project a field on a projection object (plane, line,...) 0068 'read_civxdata';...reads civx data from netcdf files 0069 'read_imatext';...%read .civ files (obsolete, but can be adapted to other text documentation files) 0070 'read_plot_param';... %read the plotting option parameters on the uvmat interface 0071 'read_set_object';...%read the data on the set_object interface 0072 'read_xls';...%read excel files containing the list of the experiments 0073 'reinit';...% suppress the personal parameter file 'uvmat_perso.mat' 0074 'RUN_FIX';...% fix velocity fields 0075 'RUN_STLIN';...% combine 2 displacement fields for stereo PIV 0076 'series';...% master function for analysis field series, with interface 'series.fig' 0077 'series.fig';...% interface for 'series' 0078 'set_col_vec';... 0079 'set_grid';...% creates a grid for PIV 0080 'set_grid.fig';...% interface for set_grid 0081 'set_object.m';...% edit a projection object 0082 'set_object.fig';...% interface for set_object 0083 'sub_field';...% combine the two input fields, 0084 'struct2nc';...% %write fields in netcdf files 0085 'uvmat';...% master function for file scanning and visualisation of 2D fields 0086 'uvmat.fig';... %interface for uvmat 0087 'update_obj';... update the object representation graph and its projection field, record it in the uvmat interface 0088 'update_waitbar';... update the waitbar display, used for ACTION functions in the GUI 'series' 0089 'warndlg_uvmat';...% display messages (error, warning, confirmation) , OBSOLETE, use msgbox_uvmat 0090 'write_plot_param'};%update plotting parameters after plot 0091 dir_fct=which('uvmat');% path to uvmat 0092 [pathuvmat,name,ext]=fileparts(dir_fct); 0093 icount=0; 0094 % loop on the list of functions in the uvmat package 0095 for i=1:length(list_fct) 0096 dir_fct=which(list_fct{i});% path to fct 0097 if isempty(dir_fct) 0098 icount=icount+1; 0099 errormsg{icount}=[list_fct{i} ' not found'];% test for function not found 0100 else 0101 [pth,name,ext]=fileparts(dir_fct); 0102 if ~isequal(pathuvmat,pth) 0103 icount=icount+1; 0104 errormsg{icount}=[dir_fct ' overrides the package UVMAT'];% bad path for the function 0105 end 0106 datfile=dir(dir_fct); 0107 date_str=datfile.date;%string of the date of last modification 0108 datnum(i)=0;%default 0109 char_code=double(date_str);% code of the date characters 0110 special_char=(char_code>127); %non standard Ascii character (e.g. date in french) 0111 if isempty(find(special_char))% standard Ascii character 0112 datnum(i)=datenum(date_str); 0113 end 0114 end 0115 end 0116 errormsg=errormsg'; 0117 date_str=datestr(max(datnum));