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'keyboard_callback:' function activated when a key is pressed on the keyboard


function keyboard_callback(hObject,eventdata,handleshaxes)


'keyboard_callback:' function activated when a key is pressed on the keyboard


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %'keyboard_callback:' function activated when a key is pressed on the keyboard
0002 %-----------------------------------
0003 function keyboard_callback(hObject,eventdata,handleshaxes)
0004 xx=double(get(hObject,'CurrentCharacter')); %get the keyboard character
0005 cur_axes=get(gcbf,'CurrentAxes');
0006 if ~isempty(cur_axes)
0007     xlimit=get(cur_axes,'XLim');
0008     ylimit=get(cur_axes,'Ylim');
0009     dx=(xlimit(2)-xlimit(1))/10;
0010     dy=(ylimit(2)-ylimit(1))/10;
0012     if isequal(xx,29)%move arrow right
0013         xlimit=xlimit+dx;
0014     elseif isequal(xx,28)%move arrow left
0015         xlimit=xlimit-dx;
0016     elseif isequal(xx,30)%move arrow up
0017         ylimit=ylimit+dy;
0018     elseif isequal(xx,31)%move arrow down
0019         ylimit=ylimit-dy;
0020     end
0021     set(cur_axes,'XLim',xlimit)
0022     set(cur_axes,'YLim',ylimit)
0023 end
0024 if isequal(xx,8)%if the delete key is pressed, delete the current object
0025     currentobject=gco;
0026     huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'Name','uvmat');
0027     UvData=get(huvmat,'UserData');%Data associated to the current uvmat interface
0028     hlist_object=findobj(huvmat,'Tag','list_object');
0029     ObjIndex=get(hlist_object,'Value');
0030     if ObjIndex>1
0031         delete_object(ObjIndex)
0032     end
0033     if ishandle(currentobject)
0034         tag=get(currentobject,'Tag');%tag of the current selected object
0035         if isequal(tag,'proj_object')
0036             delete_object(currentobject)
0037         end
0038     end
0039 elseif isequal(xx,112)%  key 'p'
0040     uvmat('runplus_Callback',hObject,eventdata,handleshaxes)
0041 %     runplus_Callback(hObject,eventdata,handleshaxes)
0042 elseif isequal(xx,109)%  key 'm'
0043     uvmat('runmin_Callback',hObject,eventdata,handleshaxes)
0044 end
0046 AxeData=get(cur_axes,'UserData');
0047 if isfield(AxeData,'ParentRect')% update the position of the parent rectangle represneting the field
0048     hparentrect=AxeData.ParentRect;
0049     rect([1 2])=[xlimit(1) ylimit(1)];
0050     rect([3 4])=[xlimit(2)-xlimit(1) ylimit(2)-ylimit(1)];
0051     set(hparentrect,'Position',rect)
0052 end

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