'read_imadoc': reads the xml file for image documentation, OBSOLETE: replaced by imadoc2struct function [error,Heading,nom_type_ima,ext_ima,abs_time,TimeUnit,mode,NbSlice,npx,npy,GeometryCalib]=read_imadoc(filecivxml,testime) -------------------------------------------------------- OUTPUT: error= 0: all right 2: input file not found 1: input file is not an image documentation file 'ImaDoc' 1.1: 'ImaDoc/Heading' element absent 1.2: 'ImaDoc/Camera' element absent 1.21: 'ImaDoc/Camera/BurstTiming' absent 1.211: 'ImaDoc/Camera/BurstTiming/FrameFrequency' absent 1.212: 'ImaDoc/Camera/BurstTiming/Time' absent INPUT: filecivxml: full name of the xml input file testime=1 read the list of times), =0 (default) do not read it to save computing time -- TODO: should be replaced by xml2struct --