'translate_points': associated with GUI translate_points.fig to display message boxes, for error, warning or input calls translate_points(title,display) OUTPUT: answer (text string)= 'yes', 'No', 'cancel', or the text string introduced as input INPUT: title: string indicating the type of message box: title= 'INPUT_TXT','CONFIMATION' ,'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INPUT_Y-N', default = 'INPUT_TXT' (the title is displayed in the upper bar of the fig). if title='INPUT_TXT', input data is asked in an edit box if title='CONFIMATION'', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', the figure remains opened until a button 'OK' is pressed if title='INPUT_Y-N', an answer Yes/No is requested display, displayed text default_answer: default answer in the edit box (only used with title='INPUT_TXT')