-------------------------------------------------- Steps for installing uvmat: -------------------------------------------------- - Install Matlab, release R 13 or more recent. - Copy the whole UVMAT directory at a convenient location. Be careful on Windows machines: names of files and directories used must not contain blanks. - Add the full path of this UVMAT directory, as well as the ones of the mexnc, netcdf_toolbox and bin (or bin/win32) folder, to the current matlab function paths (using 'File/SetPath...' in the matlab menu bar), so that function names are recognized from the Matlab prompt. -For reading avi movies, a codec must be available on the computer. This is the case for instance if a fire wire port has been installed. See the documentation of Matlab for more details. -------------------------------------------------- Netcdf library needed for old versions of Matlab (if the builtin function netcdf.create does not exist): -------------------------------------------------- - Install the (free) toolbox for reading and writing netcf files for the velocity fields: download from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mexcdf/. You must download both mexnc and netcdf_toolbox packages and copy them under the folder 'toolbox' in your Matlab directory. - download netcdf.dll (also provided in this directory, but you may already have in bin/win32 in your Matlab directory) (http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/docs/netcdf-install/Getting-Prebuilt-DLL.html#Getting-Prebuilt-DLL) - To check whether this installation is successful, type 'ncbrowser' on the Matlab prompt: you should get a browser allowing to scan netcdf files. -------------------------------------------------- Installing the civx software with the matlab interface (local version): -------------------------------------------------- - Install uvmat as above. - Copy at a convenient location the executable binary civ (still under tests) and netcdf.dll (vrsion 3.4). -Document the path to these binaries by editing the corresponding xml text files 'PARAM_WIN.xml' (for windows systems) and/or 'PARAM_LINUX.xml' (for Linux), which must stay in the UVMAT directory. -Alternatively, use the older versions involving 4 separate binaries: civ1.exe: simple correlation imaging velocimetry civ2.exe: hierarchical algorithm for correlation imaging velocimetry fix_flag.exe: program for removing false vectors (only needed for batch option) patch.exe: program for thin shell spline interpolation -------------------------------------------------- Note for compiling the civx software on Linux system: ------------------------------------------------- The binaries are compiled with Intel Fortran v7 and gcc3.3; the following libraries need to be present on your sstem : libpng: http://www.libpng.org/pub/png intel fortran libraries, please download it here : http://www.civproject.org/files/civx/libIntel.tgz extract them, and add the folder to you /etc/ld.so.conf file. -------------------------------------------------- Installation of advanced geometric callibration (Tsai method) ------------------------------------------------- - Copy at a convenient location the executable binary ccal_fo. - Document the path under the key in the file 'PARAM_WIN.xml' or 'PARAM_LINUX.xml' -------------------------------------------------- Installation of xml schemas ------------------------------------------------- - Copy the schemas at a convenient location - Document the path under the key 2.2: ------------------------------------------------- - reading avi movies using mmreader (for version 2009 of matalb) - rationalisation of netcdf reading and writing functions, using functions UVMAT/nc2struct and UVMAT/struct2nc. Use of builtin netcdf Matlab function when available (version 2009) - replacement of all functions using image processing toolbox. - improvement of vector color representation - improvement of the get_field interface to scan and plot fields from general netcdf files