5 years |
sommeria |
aver_spectral added andsmall bug repairs
5 years |
sommeria |
various updates
5 years |
sommeria |
various updates
5 years |
sommeria |
LIF updated and bug corrections
5 years |
g7moreau |
6 years |
sommeria |
browse_data improved
6 years |
sommeria |
browse_data updated
6 years |
sommeria |
replicate updated
6 years |
g7moreau |
* NbCore? must be <= NbCoreMax? !
6 years |
sommeria |
extract rdvision made parallel
6 years |
g7moreau |
* Update copyright to year 2019
6 years |
sommeria |
various bugs repaired
7 years |
sommeria |
psmsn cluster command updated, pb with multimask solved…
7 years |
sommeria |
get_field improved to select variables, uvmat rationalized with …
7 years |
sommeria |
miscellaneous adaptations to opendap
7 years |
g7moreau |
* Could use MCRROOT and if empty, user MCRROOT85 MCRROOT90…
7 years |
g7moreau |
* Use now variable MCRROOT for all version and not anymore MCRROOT90 …
7 years |
sommeria |
miscellaneous updates
7 years |
sommeria |
updated for Matlab 2016
7 years |
g7moreau |
* Update Copyright 2017 -> 2018
7 years |
sommeria |
more general cluster commands introduced
7 years |
sommeria |
bugs repaired for multilevel series
7 years |
g7moreau |
* No more quote in module load command
7 years |
sommeria |
series REFRESH improved
7 years |
sommeria |
multimask introduced
8 years |
sommeria |
various bugs fixed
8 years |
campagne8a |
Calib.f1 to Calib.fx
8 years |
augier3pi |
Add global time in case -m and background + solve bug launching.
8 years |
augier3pi |
fluidimage compatibility.
8 years |
campagne8a |
Fluidiamage compatibility
8 years |
sommeria |
tubcorrelation added, compilation improved to accept tranform fct
8 years |
g7moreau |
* Remove tab and space and end of line
8 years |
sommeria |
ActionInput? button introduced in series, use of parameter file series.xml
8 years |
sommeria |
button ActionInput? introduced in series
8 years |
sommeria |
series updated
8 years |
g7moreau |
* replace ;% by ; %
8 years |
sommeria |
8 years |
g7moreau |
* Add bigiojob licence limitation. Actually, max 7 UVmat launch in parallel
8 years |
sommeria |
introduce .cine in various functions, improve stero PIV
8 years |
g7moreau |
* Add Matlab load module with the good version
8 years |
sommeria |
phantom added, series corrected
8 years |
g7moreau |
* Update Copyright 2008-2017 notice
8 years |
sommeria |
various update
8 years |
g7moreau |
* Force -singleCompThread on cluster
* Adjust automatically matlab …
8 years |
sommeria |
multitif updated
8 years |
sommeria |
9 years |
sommeria |
series adapted to level
9 years |
sommeria |
update calib modfied + various updates
9 years |
sommeria |
bugs repaired
9 years |
sommeria |
various updates
9 years |
augier3pi |
Adapte pour fluidimage.
9 years |
sommeria |
merge_proj_polar made
9 years |
sommeria |
various upgrades
9 years |
sommeria |
various improvments
9 years |
sommeria |
browse data corrected
9 years |
sommeria |
writting access improved
9 years |
sommeria |
9 years |
g7moreau |
* Update Copyright
Copyright 2008-2016, LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS UGA …
9 years |
g7moreau |
* Update MCRROOT variable with mcrversion matlab function
9 years |
sommeria |
corrections quentin
10 years |
sommeria |
netcdf files stored in 32 bits (not double)
10 years |
sommeria |
job launching procedure modified in series
10 years |
sommeria |
series modified to deal with NbSlice? in local mode, subbackground …
10 years |
g7moreau |
* Suppress \n which made log file ending to .logn and not .log
10 years |
g7moreau |
* Delay a few second each subjob
10 years |
sommeria |
minor change in series
10 years |
sommeria |
interp range introduced in set_object
10 years |
sommeria |
bug repaired in civ_series (mask problem) and clarification of output …
10 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected in fix in civ_series. vectors set to 0 inside mask
10 years |
sommeria |
various bug repair
10 years |
g7moreau |
* Update Copyright to 2015
10 years |
sommeria |
various bgu repairs and ima_remove_partices and ima_remove_background …
10 years |
sommeria |
projection with tps corrected + minor changes
10 years |
sommeria |
walltime estimate introduced in series, and option of result file overwrite
10 years |
g7moreau |
* Change 0_OAR folder to 0_LOG
* Put -s to oar-parexec to switch log …
10 years |
g7moreau |
* Move NbProcess? down
10 years |
g7moreau |
* No switch subjob (oar-parexec)
10 years |
g7moreau |
* Do not split big list when use oar-parexec
10 years |
g7moreau |
* Update estimated time for one job to 1800s
10 years |
sommeria |
sub_background corrected for volume and multilevel cases
10 years |
sommeria |
bug corrected in civ_series/patch
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
bug on memory increase solved for civ_series and stereo_civ, …
10 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected in series, transform functions with input parameters …
10 years |
gostiaux |
Added option for PBS job scheduler at LMFA
10 years |
sommeria |
various bug fixes
10 years |
sommeria |
deformation modified in civ_series and bug corrections
10 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
histo_diff upadated
10 years |
sommeria |
python option added in series and bug corrections
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
various bug fix
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
stereo_civ updated
10 years |
sommeria |
various bugs repaired
10 years |
sommeria |
button added in series to clear an input line