14 months |
g7moreau |
Update Joel email
14 months |
g7moreau |
Update Copyright
18 months |
sommeria |
various improvements
22 months |
sommeria |
various updates
3 years |
sommeria |
3 years |
sommeria |
bug corrected in 3D calibration
3 years |
sommeria |
set_slice separated from geometrey_calib
3 years |
g7moreau |
Update Copyright to 2022
4 years |
sommeria |
replicate repaired
4 years |
sommeria |
various bug repairs
4 years |
sommeria |
phys_polar debugged
4 years |
g7moreau |
* Update Copyright to 2021
4 years |
g7moreau |
* Update copyright of this file to sync it with other
4 years |
sommeria |
particle_detect introduced, load mt files
5 years |
sommeria |
various updates
5 years |
sommeria |
phys_polar corrected
5 years |
sommeria |
various updates
5 years |
sommeria |
various bug repair
5 years |
sommeria |
LIF bug for series solved
5 years |
sommeria |
LIF bug corrected
5 years |
sommeria |
ima2concentration added
5 years |
g7moreau |
6 years |
g7moreau |
* Update copyright to year 2019
6 years |
sommeria |
reading color images repaired
7 years |
sommeria |
read rrdvision corrected
7 years |
sommeria |
miscellaneous updates
7 years |
g7moreau |
* Update Copyright 2017 -> 2018
7 years |
sommeria |
multimask introduced
8 years |
sommeria |
8 years |
g7moreau |
* Update Copyright 2008-2017 notice
8 years |
sommeria |
multitif updated
9 years |
sommeria |
read-field modified to include hdf5
9 years |
sommeria |
ima_filter restored
9 years |
sommeria |
9 years |
sommeria |
various updates
9 years |
sommeria |
merge_proj_polar updated
9 years |
sommeria |
various improvments
9 years |
sommeria |
physpolar corrected
9 years |
sommeria |
9 years |
g7moreau |
* Update Copyright
Copyright 2008-2016, LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS UGA …
10 years |
sommeria |
ima-threshold added
10 years |
sommeria |
series modified to deal with NbSlice? in local mode, subbackground …
10 years |
g7moreau |
* Update Copyright to 2015
10 years |
sommeria |
extract_rdvision updated for the new version and bug corrected in …
10 years |
sommeria |
various bgu repairs and ima_remove_partices and ima_remove_background …
10 years |
sommeria |
ima_erode_particles added
10 years |
sommeria |
sub_background corrected for volume and multilevel cases
10 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected in series, transform functions with input parameters …
10 years |
sommeria |
various bug fix
10 years |
sommeria |
various bug fixes
10 years |
sommeria |
deformation modified in civ_series and bug corrections
10 years |
sommeria |
histo improved
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
phys mofidifed. phys_ima put as an outside fct
10 years |
sommeria |
11 years |
g7moreau |
* Add license
11 years |
sommeria |
-pb of mulitple tiff reading solved
-modif of output parma in …
11 years |
sommeria |
AX and AY changed to Coord_x and Coord_y
11 years |
sommeria |
sitgnal_FFTMean added
11 years |
sommeria |
signal spectrum updated : allow restrictions in index
11 years |
sommeria |
signal spectrum analysis and various improvements in transform
11 years |
sommeria |
cleaning of phys
11 years |
sommeria |
ima_filter put as example of transform function with input parameters
11 years |
sommeria |
ima_ratio added to transform_field: calculate the ratio between two images
11 years |
sommeria |
adds fct 'green'
11 years |
sommeria |
phys corrected with linear interpolation of images
11 years |
sommeria |
signal FFT introduced as transform_field for uvmat (reading of 1D fields)
12 years |
sommeria |
geometry_calib corrected for translation and rotation + cleaning
12 years |
sommeria |
a few bugs corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
correction to avoid probleme with interp_tps
12 years |
sommeria |
clean the transform fcts
12 years |
sommeria |
LIF calibration improved
12 years |
sommeria |
functions updated to fit with new conventions
12 years |
sommeria |
bug repaired in phys
12 years |
sommeria |
signal_filter added
12 years |
sommeria |
FFT2_detrends adapted to new conventions for find_field_cells
13 years |
sommeria |
add sub_field to transform dir
13 years |
sommeria |
corrections in phys to adapt to new conventions
13 years |
sommeria |
various cleaning
13 years |
sommeria |
FFT2 introduced
13 years |
sommeria |
various improvments and corrections
dtatatree_browser tested
13 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected after testing in Windows OS. Introduction
of …
13 years |
sommeria |
function update_obj suppressed, not used anymore
13 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected and cleaning in phys
14 years |
sommeria |
phys: bug repair to account for a constant coordinate angle
14 years |
sommeria |
phys_XYZ extracted as a main function, and corrected
14 years |
sommeria |
bug repair for phys
14 years |
sommeria |
phys improved to deal with 3D fields
14 years |
sommeria |
Introduction of water wheight in calibration
14 years |
sommeria |
cleaning of documentation
14 years |
sommeria |
small bug repair in phys and phys_polar: units
14 years |
sommeria |
phys_polar corrected for color images. Cleaning in phys
14 years |
sommeria |
bug corrected in phys_polar (CoordType? not used anymore)
14 years |
sommeria |
CoordType? not used, replaced by CoordUnit?
bug repair in …
14 years |
sommeria |
bug repair on phys and phys_polar
14 years |
sommeria |
correction to deal with 3D slices: introduction of PlaneCoord? as output
14 years |
sommeria |
geometry_calib is now updated when a new image is viewed by uvmat …
15 years |
sommeria |
FFT: improved to deal with NaN data
merge_proj: corrected to reproduce …
15 years |
sommeria |
time_series: subdir for result /time_series
mouse_motio: attempt to …