# # ChangeLog for trunk # # Generated by Trac 1.2 # Mar 14, 2025, 8:18:54 AM Tue, 19 Apr 2011 08:20:33 GMT sommeria [240] * trunk/src/series/sub_background.m (modified) * trunk/src/series/sub_field_series.m (modified) cleaning Mon, 18 Apr 2011 20:55:57 GMT sommeria [239] * trunk/src/series/calc_background.m (added) * trunk/src/series/sub_background.m (modified) sub_background improved (memory allocation) and calc_background ... Mon, 18 Apr 2011 20:42:29 GMT sommeria [238] * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/geometry_calib.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_down.m (modified) * trunk/src/pivlab.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/series.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) various bug corrections Mon, 11 Apr 2011 22:14:49 GMT sommeria [237] * trunk/src/read_civdata.m (added) function read_civdata to read new PIV files (Conventions:uvmat/civdata) Mon, 11 Apr 2011 22:12:19 GMT sommeria [236] * trunk/src/calc_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/find_field_indices.m (modified) * trunk/src/get_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/griddata_uvmat.m (modified) * trunk/src/nc2struct.m (modified) * trunk/src/pivlab.m (modified) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_civxdata.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/update_menu.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.fig (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) correct Matlab PIV, remove call to image tool box. Improve menu of ... Thu, 07 Apr 2011 10:28:58 GMT gostiaux [235] * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) reading revision revision.info works Thu, 07 Apr 2011 10:23:13 GMT gostiaux [234] * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) revision file info in revision.info, not revision.log Wed, 06 Apr 2011 21:54:15 GMT sommeria [233] * trunk/src/civ.fig (modified) * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/pivlab.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) small bug corrections, and improved display of image correlations ... Tue, 05 Apr 2011 08:22:26 GMT gostiaux [232] * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) JOBS POLICY added in the Batch window Mon, 04 Apr 2011 22:46:34 GMT sommeria [231] * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/geometry_calib.m (modified) * trunk/src/get_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_down.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_motion.m (modified) * trunk/src/pivlab.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_get_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) * trunk/src/view_field.m (modified) interactive test for piv introduced various bug corrections Sat, 02 Apr 2011 08:48:32 GMT sommeria [230] * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) gestion of .civ1;cmx , .civ2.cmx clarified Sat, 02 Apr 2011 07:48:51 GMT sommeria [229] * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) mode 'compare' tested and updated. dt in civ1 was set to 1 for test ... Thu, 31 Mar 2011 11:43:49 GMT sommeria [228] * trunk/src/series/sub_field_series.m (modified) * trunk/src/series/time_series.m (modified) add function sub_field_series to apply the sub_field operation to a ... Thu, 31 Mar 2011 11:42:51 GMT sommeria [227] * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/delete_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/geometry_calib.m (modified) * trunk/src/get_field.fig (modified) * trunk/src/get_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/nc2struct.m (modified) * trunk/src/pivlab.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_get_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) add function sub_field_series to apply the sub_field operation to a ... Sun, 20 Mar 2011 14:29:34 GMT sommeria [226] * trunk/src/series/sub_field_series.m (added) add function sub_field_series to apply the sub_field operation to a ... Sun, 20 Mar 2011 14:27:44 GMT sommeria [225] * trunk/src/civ.fig (modified) * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_motion.m (modified) * trunk/src/pivlab.m (added) * trunk/src/test_netcdf.m (modified) civ : bug in binary check repaired. Introduction of the option PIVlab ... Fri, 18 Mar 2011 21:41:48 GMT sommeria [224] * trunk/src/civ.fig (modified) * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_motion.m (modified) civ : case of relative path for binaries treated. Test_civ improved: ... Thu, 17 Mar 2011 19:21:26 GMT sommeria [223] * trunk/src/series/relabel_i_j.m (modified) bug corrected: update the xml file Mon, 14 Mar 2011 15:50:31 GMT sommeria [222] * trunk/src/series/merge_proj.m (modified) cleaning of merge_proj Sat, 12 Mar 2011 22:11:01 GMT sommeria [221] * trunk/src/mouse_up.m (modified) * trunk/src/name_generator.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_civxdata.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) various bug corrections. Fri, 11 Mar 2011 11:03:39 GMT sommeria [220] * trunk/src/civ.fig (modified) * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/view_field.fig (modified) * trunk/src/view_field.m (modified) correction in civ to reactivate civall. Cleaning of figures civ.fig ... Wed, 09 Mar 2011 21:52:02 GMT sommeria [219] * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) civ: put job_list.bat in executable mode (it was removed during tests ... Wed, 09 Mar 2011 21:50:25 GMT sommeria [218] * trunk/src/series/aver_stat.m (modified) * trunk/src/series/time_series.m (modified) write data in a new directory .0 if the selected output directory exists Tue, 08 Mar 2011 22:45:47 GMT sommeria [217] * trunk/src/series/sub_background.m (modified) correct bug on sub_background (test_level) Tue, 08 Mar 2011 22:38:22 GMT sommeria [216] * trunk/src/series/relabel_i_j.m (modified) correct bug on xml reading Tue, 08 Mar 2011 22:36:29 GMT sommeria [215] * trunk/src/imadoc2struct.m (modified) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) proj_field: correct the projection mode filter on a line uvmat: ... Sun, 06 Mar 2011 21:22:33 GMT sommeria [214] * trunk/src/series/relabel_i_j.m (modified) * trunk/src/series/sub_background.m (modified) relabel_i_j and sub_background improved. Possibility of using levels Thu, 03 Mar 2011 23:07:38 GMT sommeria [213] * trunk/src/geometry_calib.m (modified) * trunk/src/get_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_motion.m (modified) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) bug corrected for 3D geometry calib: tilt angles Wed, 02 Mar 2011 21:45:33 GMT sommeria [212] * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) bugs on set_object and proj_field repaired , new plane angle definition Mon, 28 Feb 2011 22:30:26 GMT sommeria [211] * trunk/src/transform_field/phys.m (modified) bug repair for phys Mon, 28 Feb 2011 22:29:08 GMT sommeria [210] * trunk/src/mouse_down.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_up.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) correction bug for vector plot (Fixscale did not work), extensions ... Sun, 27 Feb 2011 21:43:18 GMT sommeria [209] * trunk/src/transform_field/phys.m (modified) phys improved to deal with 3D fields Sun, 27 Feb 2011 21:42:46 GMT sommeria [208] * trunk/src/series/vel2vol.m (added) new function vel2vol added: concatene vel fields from slices and ... Sun, 27 Feb 2011 21:41:07 GMT sommeria [207] * trunk/src/geometry_calib.m (modified) * trunk/src/imadoc2struct.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_motion.m (modified) bug fixes to deal with volumes Sun, 27 Feb 2011 21:40:29 GMT sommeria [206] * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_civxdata.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_get_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_set_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/series.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) bug fixes to deal with volumes, storage of ACTION menu in series fixed Sun, 20 Feb 2011 16:33:46 GMT sommeria [205] * trunk/src/series.m (modified) bug in nbfield display conrrected, as well as bug in the storage of ... Sun, 20 Feb 2011 15:15:42 GMT sommeria [204] * trunk/src/check_functions.m (added) * trunk/src/get_field.m (added) * trunk/src/mouse_up.m (added) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (added) * trunk/src/set_object.m (added) * trunk/src/write_plot_param.m (added) put back deleted files Sun, 20 Feb 2011 15:15:12 GMT sommeria [203] * trunk/src/uvmat.fig (added) * trunk/src/view_field.fig (added) put back deleted files Sun, 20 Feb 2011 13:52:23 GMT sommeria [202] * trunk/src/transform_field/phys.m (modified) Introduction of water wheight in calibration Sun, 20 Feb 2011 13:44:48 GMT sommeria [201] * trunk/src/plot_field.m (added) bug corrections. Introduction of water wheight in calibration Sun, 20 Feb 2011 13:44:08 GMT sommeria [200] * trunk/src/update_imadoc.m (modified) bug corrections. Introduction of water wheight in calibration Sun, 20 Feb 2011 13:43:39 GMT sommeria [199] * trunk/src/uvmat.m (added) bug corrections. Introduction of water wheight in calibration Sun, 20 Feb 2011 13:27:42 GMT sommeria [198] * trunk/src/view_field.m (added) bug corrections. Introduction of water wheight in calibration Sun, 20 Feb 2011 13:23:49 GMT sommeria [197] * trunk/src/imadoc2struct.m (modified) bug corrections. Introduction of water wheight in calibration Sun, 20 Feb 2011 13:23:34 GMT sommeria [196] * trunk/src/geometry_calib.m (modified) bug corrections. Introduction of water wheight in calibration Sun, 20 Feb 2011 09:43:17 GMT sommeria [194] * trunk/src/check_functions.m (deleted) * trunk/src/get_field.m (deleted) * trunk/src/get_plot_handles.m (deleted) * trunk/src/mouse_up.m (deleted) * trunk/src/plot_field.m (deleted) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (deleted) * trunk/src/set_object.m (deleted) * trunk/src/uvmat.fig (deleted) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (deleted) * trunk/src/view_field.fig (deleted) * trunk/src/view_field.m (deleted) * trunk/src/write_plot_param.m (deleted) elimination of get_plot_handles.m (not useful) Sun, 20 Feb 2011 09:42:19 GMT sommeria [193] * trunk/src/check_functions.m (modified) * trunk/src/get_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_up.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.fig (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) * trunk/src/view_field.fig (modified) * trunk/src/view_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/write_plot_param.m (modified) improves the use of get_field, no projection object by default in ... Mon, 14 Feb 2011 18:03:10 GMT sommeria [192] * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/keyboard_callback.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_up.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) * trunk/src/view_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/write_plot_param.m (modified) civ: version working for all systems: windows, linux, mac plots: ... Sat, 05 Feb 2011 22:25:38 GMT sommeria [191] * trunk/src/geometry_calib.m (modified) * trunk/src/imadoc2struct.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_plot_param.m (modified) * trunk/src/update_imadoc.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.fig (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) * trunk/src/write_plot_param.m (modified) introduce edit boxes to set axis limits. rationalisation of names ... Wed, 02 Feb 2011 00:23:28 GMT sommeria [190] * trunk/src/series/aver_stat.m (modified) * trunk/src/series/check_files.m (modified) * trunk/src/series/time_series.m (modified) various bug repairs and cleaning, pb of dates in french with check_files Wed, 02 Feb 2011 00:22:26 GMT sommeria [189] * trunk/src/struct2nc.m (modified) various bug repairs and cleaning Wed, 02 Feb 2011 00:22:05 GMT sommeria [188] * trunk/src/civ.fig (modified) * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/get_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/nc2struct.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/series.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.fig (modified) various bug repairs and cleaning Tue, 01 Feb 2011 00:07:28 GMT sommeria [187] * trunk/src/find_field_indices.m (modified) * trunk/src/get_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_down.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_motion.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) * trunk/src/view_field.fig (modified) * trunk/src/view_field.m (modified) various bug repairs Fri, 28 Jan 2011 07:24:05 GMT sommeria [186] * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_civxdata.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) introduction Mesh for histograms in proj_field Thu, 27 Jan 2011 20:50:39 GMT sommeria [185] * trunk/src/imadoc2struct.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.fig (modified) bug repqir for reqding times zith Dtk, coord units displyed in uv,qt Thu, 27 Jan 2011 19:11:15 GMT sommeria [184] * trunk/src/series/relabel_i_j.m (modified) small bug repair and improvement of relabel_i_j Wed, 26 Jan 2011 16:03:40 GMT sommeria [183] * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_up.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/update_obj.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) small bug repair: reading movies in read_fields, plotting rectangles ... Sun, 23 Jan 2011 17:55:29 GMT sommeria [182] * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) introduction of a button OK to close the status GUI in civ, bug ... Tue, 18 Jan 2011 21:52:48 GMT sommeria [181] * trunk/src/read_field.m (added) introduction of the new function read_field to read both netcdf files ... Tue, 18 Jan 2011 21:50:40 GMT sommeria [180] * trunk/src/calc_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/editxml.m (modified) * trunk/src/get_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_civxdata.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/sub_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/update_obj.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) * trunk/src/view_field.m (modified) rationalisation of uvmat, introduction of the new function ... Sun, 09 Jan 2011 11:56:28 GMT sommeria [179] * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/get_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_civxdata.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_get_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/series.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/sub_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/update_obj.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) various bug repairs, in particular for 3D fields Fri, 07 Jan 2011 17:28:11 GMT sommeria [178] * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) condition on status in civ, change of viw_field by uvmat, bug ... Fri, 07 Jan 2011 00:53:05 GMT sommeria [177] * trunk/src/civ.fig (modified) * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/geometry_calib.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_down.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) bug with mouse object editing resolved. Display feature 'satus' for ... Fri, 07 Jan 2011 00:50:08 GMT sommeria [176] * trunk/src/series/avi2png.m (modified) avi2png cleaned and generalised Wed, 05 Jan 2011 11:24:46 GMT sommeria [175] * trunk/src/series/avi2png.m (added) function avi2png to extract a series of png images from an avi movie Wed, 05 Jan 2011 08:43:28 GMT sommeria [174] * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) civ.m : clarification of .cmx : creation of .civ1.cmx and .civ2.cmx ... Tue, 04 Jan 2011 23:42:15 GMT sommeria [173] * trunk/src/civ.fig (modified) * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_motion.m (modified) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) small bug repair in uvmat, proj_field (.Mesh for mouse) and civ ... Tue, 04 Jan 2011 18:57:22 GMT sommeria [172] * trunk/src/transform_field/phys_polar.m (modified) cleaning of documentation Tue, 04 Jan 2011 18:57:03 GMT sommeria [171] * trunk/src/series/clean_civ_cmx.m (modified) * trunk/src/series/ima2vol.m (modified) * trunk/src/series/ima_levels.m (modified) cleaning of documentation Tue, 04 Jan 2011 18:45:02 GMT sommeria [170] * trunk/src/get_field/FFT.m (modified) * trunk/src/get_field/PLOT.m (modified) * trunk/src/get_field/filter_band.m (modified) cleaning of documentation Tue, 04 Jan 2011 14:43:23 GMT sommeria [169] * trunk/src/series/aver_stat.m (modified) * trunk/src/series/check_files.m (modified) * trunk/src/series/merge_proj.m (modified) * trunk/src/series/sub_background.m (modified) * trunk/src/series/time_series.m (modified) comments added at the head of functions Tue, 04 Jan 2011 14:43:05 GMT sommeria [168] * trunk/src/geometry_calib.m (modified) comments added at the head of functions Mon, 03 Jan 2011 20:08:43 GMT sommeria [167] * trunk/src/transform_field/phys.m (modified) * trunk/src/transform_field/phys_polar.m (modified) small bug repair in phys and phys_polar: units Mon, 03 Jan 2011 19:38:16 GMT sommeria [166] * trunk/src/README_INSTALL.txt (modified) README_INSTALL.txt updated, SVN instructions are still needed Mon, 03 Jan 2011 19:15:51 GMT sommeria [165] * trunk/src/sub_field.m (modified) sub_field: small bug corrected for field attributes Mon, 03 Jan 2011 19:15:05 GMT sommeria [164] * trunk/src/transform_field/phys.m (modified) * trunk/src/transform_field/phys_polar.m (modified) phys_polar corrected for color images. Cleaning in phys Mon, 03 Jan 2011 19:06:01 GMT sommeria [163] * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) civ and uvmat modified to deal with file names containing blanks (for ... Mon, 03 Jan 2011 13:40:46 GMT gostiaux [162] * trunk/src/README_INSTALL.txt (added) This file needs to be here to explain the installation procedure from ... Thu, 23 Dec 2010 07:53:48 GMT sommeria [161] * trunk/src/transform_field/phys_polar.m (modified) bug corrected in phys_polar (CoordType not used anymore) Thu, 23 Dec 2010 07:52:21 GMT sommeria [160] * trunk/src/series/ima_levels.m (modified) bug corrected in ima_levels Thu, 23 Dec 2010 07:09:20 GMT sommeria [159] * trunk/src/check_field_structure.m (modified) * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/create_grid.fig (modified) * trunk/src/geometry_calib.m (modified) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_civxdata.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/update_obj.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) bug in civ corrected: civ2 was not lauched for Windows system ... Wed, 22 Dec 2010 16:12:31 GMT sommeria [158] * trunk/src/check_field_structure.m (modified) * trunk/src/geometry_calib.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_motion.m (modified) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_civxdata.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_set_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/series.m (modified) * trunk/src/series/aver_stat.m (modified) * trunk/src/series/merge_proj.m (modified) * trunk/src/series/time_series.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.fig (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/transform_field/phys.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) * trunk/src/view_field.m (modified) CoordType not used, replaced by CoordUnit bug repair in ... Sun, 19 Dec 2010 21:14:56 GMT sommeria [157] * trunk/src/transform_field/phys.m (modified) * trunk/src/transform_field/phys_polar.m (modified) bug repair on phys and phys_polar Sun, 19 Dec 2010 21:11:04 GMT sommeria [156] * trunk/src/calc_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/create_grid.fig (modified) * trunk/src/create_grid.m (modified) * trunk/src/dataview.m (modified) * trunk/src/delete_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/geometry_calib.m (modified) * trunk/src/get_plot_handles.m (modified) * trunk/src/imadoc2struct.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_down.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_motion.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_up.m (modified) * trunk/src/msgbox_uvmat.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_civxdata.m (modified) * trunk/src/series.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/update_imadoc.m (modified) * trunk/src/update_obj.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.fig (modified) * trunk/src/view_field.m (modified) many bug repairs and corrections for mouse action create_grid: ... Sun, 19 Dec 2010 21:08:38 GMT sommeria [155] * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) many bug repairs and corrections for mouse action Thu, 09 Dec 2010 22:35:47 GMT sommeria [154] * trunk/src/mouse_up.m (modified) bug repair for object creation Thu, 09 Dec 2010 22:31:04 GMT sommeria [153] * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/editxml.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_motion.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) civ.m: bug on field numbers repaired other: various cleaning and bug ... Fri, 03 Dec 2010 13:31:41 GMT sommeria [152] * trunk/src/dataview.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_motion.m (modified) bug repair for civtest display in mouse_motion and small cleaning of ... Fri, 03 Dec 2010 13:30:37 GMT sommeria [151] * trunk/src/transform_field/phys.m (modified) correction to deal with 3D slices: introduction of PlaneCoord as output Fri, 03 Dec 2010 11:16:51 GMT sommeria [150] * trunk/src/civ.fig (modified) * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/get_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_down.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_motion.m (modified) * trunk/src/mouse_up.m (modified) * trunk/src/nc2struct.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/proj_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/set_object.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) * trunk/src/view_field.m (modified) various corrections for plotting and using view_field and get_field. ... Wed, 01 Dec 2010 15:49:57 GMT sommeria [149] * trunk/src/geometry_calib.m (modified) correction of bugs in geometry_calib , point editing and display Wed, 01 Dec 2010 14:08:27 GMT sommeria [148] * trunk/src/geometry_calib.m (modified) correction for the size of title in frame SCALAR (size=-1 was ... Tue, 30 Nov 2010 13:54:46 GMT gostiaux [147] * trunk/src/civ.m (modified) * trunk/src/civ_3D.m (modified) * trunk/src/get_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/griddata_uvmat.m (modified) * trunk/src/plot_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/series.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) cleaning code for the detection of matlab version. Tue, 30 Nov 2010 13:30:35 GMT sommeria [146] * trunk/src/uvmat.fig (modified) correction for the size of title in frame SCALAR (size=-1 was ... Tue, 30 Nov 2010 11:56:13 GMT gostiaux [145] * trunk/src/uvmat.fig (modified) fontsize -1 removed in guide for Scalar uipanel. THIS GUI WAS SAVED ... Mon, 29 Nov 2010 23:03:49 GMT sommeria [144] * trunk/src/get_field.fig (modified) * trunk/src/get_field.m (modified) * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) * trunk/src/view_field.m (modified) connection between uvmat and get_field improved, cleaning of GUI ... Mon, 29 Nov 2010 15:25:32 GMT gostiaux [143] * trunk/src/series/sub_background.m (modified) bug with permissions fixed. Mon, 29 Nov 2010 09:03:11 GMT sommeria [142] * trunk/src/test_netcdf.m (added) * trunk/src/test_struct2nc.m (deleted) test_netcdf program created to test writting and reading netcdf ... Mon, 29 Nov 2010 09:01:51 GMT sommeria [141] * trunk/src/uvmat.m (modified) cleaning Mon, 29 Nov 2010 08:55:54 GMT sommeria [140] * trunk/src/check_field_structure.m (modified) * trunk/src/nc2struct.m (modified) * trunk/src/nc2struct_toolbox.m (modified) * trunk/src/read_civxdata.m (modified) * trunk/src/struct2nc.m (modified) bug repair in netcdf file reading, dealing with unavailable ...