Type the following commands to work with the Civx development version. {{{ export http_proxy= wget http://coriolis.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/IMG/tgz/uvmat_include_linux64.tgz tar -xzvf uvmat_include_linux64.tgz mv uvmat_linux64 uvmat rm uvmat_include_linux64.tgz svn checkout http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/svn/soft-uvmat/trunk/src uvmat/ cd uvmat rm -rf bin repository=https://civx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/civx target=src mkdir bin svn co $repository/common $target/common svn co $repository/civ1 $target/civ1 svn co $repository/civ2 $target/civ2 svn co $repository/fix_flag $target/fix_flag svn co $repository/patch_up $target/patch_up cd $target cd civ1 cp makefile_bigtwo makefile make cp civ1 ../../bin/ cd .. cd civ2 cp makefile_bigtwo makefile make cp civ2 ../../bin/ cd .. cd fix_flag cp makefile_bigtwo makefile make cp fix_flag ../../bin/ cd .. cd patch_up cp makefile_bigtwo makefile make cp patch_up ../../bin/ cd .. cd .. }}}