To use UVMAT and CIV on the LEGI cluster, follow the following indications. Log on the LEGI machine {{{servcalcul3}}}: {{{ ssh -CX }}} or use the multiplatform terminal system [ Nx client]. Go to a folder where you want to install {{{uvmat}}}. In this folder, an '''{{{uvmat}}}''' sub-folder will be created by the following procedure. Copy paste the lines below for read-only access (use https for read-write) {{{ svn checkout uvmat }}} You can then launch {{{matlab}}}, add the {{{uvmat}}} folder to your {{{matlab}}} path, type {{{uvmat}}} and play. To avoid overloading of the common machine servcalcul3, it is advised to move to a cluster node prior to starting matlab, using the command 'oarsub -I'. Next time you will use {{{uvmat}}}, please update your code before launching {{{matlab}}}. You just have to do in your {{{uvmat}}} folder {{{ svn update }}} General info on LEGI cluster []