27 | | === Installation on a cluster === |
28 | | The package contains a GUI called 'series' to launch computations in parallel on a computer cluster. This requires to define parameters in a file series.xml associated with a Matlab function (whose name is given series.xml) which produces the system command needed to launch computations. The file series.xml.default and the associated function cluster_command.m, used at LEGI, are given as templates. Other examples are provided, for instance cluster_command_psmn used at ENSLyon. If you wish to install UVMAT in your home of the LEGI cluster, please see [https://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/projects/soft-uvmat/search?q=wiki%3AInstallation%2FLegiCluster Installation/LegiCluster]. |
| 27 | * fast cameras Phantom (.cine images): functions read_cine_phantom.m and readCineHeader.m. |
| 28 | * system DaVis of the company Lavision (.imx images): mex files readimix.meca64 and readimix.mexw64 (limited to Matlab version of 2013 or older). |
| 29 | * company Rdvision: function read_rdvision.m |
30 | | === CivX installation (obsolete) === |
| 31 | It is possible to add your own specific reading functions by first adding a specific format in the function get_file_info.m (recognised by means of file name extension for instance), and then modified the functions read_field.m and read_image.m. |
| 32 | |
| 33 | == Installation on a cluster == |
| 34 | The package contains a GUI called 'series' to launch computations in parallel on a computer cluster. This requires to define parameters in a file series.xml associated with a Matlab function (whose name is given series.xml) which produces the system command needed to launch computations. The file series.xml.default and the associated function cluster_command.m, used at LEGI, are given as templates. Other examples are provided, for instance cluster_command_psmn.m used at ENSLyon. |
| 35 | |
| 36 | For using UVMAT on the cluster at LEGI, please see [https://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/projects/soft-uvmat/search?q=wiki%3AInstallation%2FLegiCluster Installation/LegiCluster]. |
| 37 | |
| 38 | == Launching compiled functions == |
| 39 | On a cluster each job requires a Matlab license, which may be a restriction to the number of jobs run in parallel. If the compiler toolbox of Matlab is installed, you can compile the functions and launch them on cluster nodes as .sh executable files without additional Matlab license. |
| 40 | |
| 41 | == CivX installation (obsolete) == |