Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of Installation

May 1, 2018, 1:23:08 PM (7 years ago)



  • Installation

    v17 v18  
    11= WikiStart / Installation =
    2 Download the .zip archive uvmat_toolbox.v... available at  [] and unzip at the appropriate location on your computer. The current version number is indicated in the archive name, after '.v'. Add the path to the folder 'uvmat' in the list of Matlab paths (command 'addpath') so that the functions of the package are recognized (save this path to keep it when Matlab is next opened). Then it should be ready for operations: the command 'uvmat' should open the main GUI, see [UvmatHelp] or [wiki:Tutorial/ImageDisplay] for an introduction.
     2Download the .zip archive uvmat_toolbox.v... available at  [] and unzip at the appropriate location on your computer. The current version number is indicated in the archive name, after '.v'. Add the path to the folder 'uvmat' in the list of Matlab paths (command 'addpath') so that the functions of the package are recognised (save this path to keep it when Matlab is next opened). Then it should be ready for operations: the command 'uvmat' should open the main GUI, see [UvmatHelp] or [wiki:Tutorial/ImageDisplay] for an introduction.
    44Alternatively, the latest version under development can be obtained from the SVN server On Linux, go to a folder where you want to install `uvmat` and type the command line:
    77svn checkout UVMAT
    9 This will create the folder 'UVMAT' containing the whole toollbox (including the master function 'uvmat.m'). Then set the path to the folder UVMAT in the Matlab paths as before.
     9This will create the folder 'UVMAT' containing the whole toollbox (including the master function '''uvmat.m'''). Then set the path to the folder UVMAT in the Matlab paths as before.
    1111Updates can be further obtained by opening a terminal in the folder `UVMAT` and  typing the command
    2121 * geometric calibration (
    23 An upgrade of these toolboxes from their source web site may be needed depending on the system and Matlab version. 
     23An upgrade of these toolboxes from their source web site may be needed depending on the system and Matlab version.
    2525The package is able to read movies using Matlab tools, and proprietary image formats which may require updates of reading functions.
    27  * fast cameras Phantom (.cine images): functions read_cine_phantom.m and readCineHeader.m.
    28  * system DaVis of the company Lavision (.imx images): mex files readimix.meca64 and readimix.mexw64 (limited to Matlab version of 2013 or older).
    29  * company Rdvision: function read_rdvision.m
     27 * fast cameras Phantom (.cine images): functions ''read_cine_phantom.m'' and ''readCineHeader.m''.
     28 * system DaVis of the company Lavision (.imx images): mex files ''readimix.meca64'' and ''readimix.mexw64'' (limited to Matlab versions of 2013 or older).
     29 * company Rdvision: function ''read_rdvision.m''
    31 It is possible to add your own specific reading functions by first adding a specific format in the function get_file_info.m (recognised by means of file name extension for instance), and then modified the functions read_field.m and read_image.m.
     31It is possible to add your own specific reading functions by first adding a specific format in the function ''get_file_info.m'' (recognised by means of file name extension for instance), and then modified the functions ''read_field.m'' and ''read_image.m''.
    3333== Installation on a cluster ==
    34 The package contains a GUI called 'series' to launch computations in parallel on a computer cluster. This requires to define parameters in a file series.xml associated with a Matlab function (whose name is given series.xml) which produces the system command needed to launch computations. The file series.xml.default and the associated function cluster_command.m, used at LEGI, are given as templates. Other examples are provided, for instance cluster_command_psmn.m used at ENSLyon.
     34The package contains a GUI called ''''series'''' to launch computations in parallel on a computer cluster. This requires to define parameters in a file ''series.xml'' associated with a Matlab function (whose name is given in ''series.xml'') which produces the system command needed to launch computations. The file ''series.xml.default'' and the associated function ''cluster_command.m'', used at LEGI, are given as templates. Other examples are provided, for instance ''cluster_command_psmn.m'' used at ENSLyon.
    36 For using  UVMAT on the cluster at LEGI, please see [ Installation/LegiCluster].
     36For using  UVMAT on the cluster at LEGI, please see [ Installation/LegiCluster].
    3838== Launching compiled functions ==
    4141== CivX  installation (obsolete) ==
    42 Binary files compiled from the Fortran programs ''CivX'' are available in the archive at []. This is however not advised as it is replaced by Matlab functions within uvmat, with improved capabilities. These binaries depend on the operating system, unlike the Matlab toolboxes, so that archives are provided for different systems:
     42Binary files compiled from the Fortran programs ''CivX'' are available in the archive'''' at []. This is however not advised as it is replaced by Matlab functions within uvmat, with improved capabilities. These binaries depend on the operating system, unlike the Matlab toolboxes, so that archives are provided for different systems:
    4444 * linux32: for linux 32 bits