Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of Installation

Sep 8, 2018, 7:43:06 AM (6 years ago)



  • Installation

    v20 v21  
    22Download the .zip archive uvmat_toolbox.v... available at  [] and unzip at the appropriate location on your computer. The current version number is indicated in the archive name, after '.v'.
    4 Add the path to the folder 'UVMAT' containing the software in the list of Matlab paths (command 'addpath') so that the functions of the package are recognised (save this path to keep it when Matlab is next opened). Then it should be ready for operations: the command 'uvmat' should open the main GUI, see [UvmatHelp] or [wiki:Tutorial/ImageDisplay] for an introduction. Beware of multiple occurrence of function names: Matlab search function names firstly in its current working folder, then following the order of its path list. When the GUI 'uvmat' is opened, it checks the current selected path of each function of the package and lists possible path conflicts. 
     4Add the path to the folder 'UVMAT' containing the software in the list of Matlab paths (command 'addpath') so that the functions of the package are recognised (save this path to keep it when Matlab is next opened). Then it should be ready for operations: the command 'uvmat' should open the main GUI, see [UvmatHelp] or [wiki:Tutorial/ImageDisplay] for an introduction. Beware of multiple occurrence of function names: Matlab searches function names firstly in its current working folder, then following the order of its path list. When the GUI 'uvmat' is opened, it checks the current selected path of each function of the package and lists possible path conflicts. 
    66Instead of the zip archive, the latest version under development can be obtained from the SVN server On Linux, go to a folder where you want to install `uvmat` and type the command line: