
Version 13 (modified by sommeria, 10 years ago) (diff)


WikiStart / Installation

Download the .zip archive UVMAT.v... available at and unzip at the appropriate location on your computer. The current version number is indicated in the archive name, after '.v'. Add the path to the folder 'uvmat' in the list of Matlab paths (command 'addpath') so that the functions of the package are recognized (save this path to keep it when Matlab is next opened). Then it should be ready for operations: the command 'uvmat' should open the main GUI, see display for an introduction.

Alternatively, the latest version under development can be obtained from the SVN server On Linux, go to a folder where you want to install uvmat and type the command line:

svn checkout uvmat

Then set the path to uvmat in the Matlab paths as before.

Updates can be further obtained by opening a terminal in the folder uvmat and typing the command

svn update

To use the SVN server under Windows, you can install for instance slik subversion,, open a Dos terminal, and type the same command lines as for Linux. You can also use Tortoise SVN with graphic interface. However the command line version is needed to allows uvmat to automatically check the consistency of the current package with the svn server.

Note that the package contains the toolboxes:

An upgrade of these toolboxes from their source web site may be needed depending on the system and Matlab version.

A set of xml schemas, updated by SVN, is also provided as templates for editing xml files within uvmat.

The package contains a template file PARAM.xml.default, updated by SVN, which specifies system parameters needed for the use of a computer cluster. After proper editing to adapt to the system configuration, it must be transformed into PARAM.xml, protected from further SVN updates.

CivX installation

Binary files compiled from the Fortran programs CivX are available in the archive at This is however optional as it is now replaced by Matlab functions within uvmat. These binaries depend on the operating system, unlike the Matlab toolboxes, so that archives are provided for different systems:

  • linux32: for linux 32 bits
  • linux64: for linux 64 bits
  • osx_x86_64: for Macintosh
  • win32: for Windows 32 bits

put the appropriate one in the sub-folder /bin of uvmat.

To recompile these programs (for advanced users), see Installation/CivxDevelloper:

LEGI Cluster Installation

If you wish to install UVMAT in your home of the LEGI cluster, please see Installation/LegiCluster.