59 | | A cut of the velocity along a transverse line x=250, y from 0 to 300 (in pixel coordinates), provides a good representation of the strong velocity shear in the wake of the cylinder. This can be done by displaying the velocity field filter2, open set_object/line, choose '''[!ProjMode]'''=inter_tps, '''Mesh'''=2 to get the profile with spline interpolation from filter2. Then select hold on on the GUI view_field and repeat the same cut with the field 'civ2', '''!!ProjMode'''='projection'. We can then compare the civ2 measurement points to the interpolation, showing some fluctuations are smoothed out but without widening of the strong shear zone. The result has been exported in figure **, using the menu bar tool '''[Export/extract figure] '''in '''view_field'''. The typical precision can be estimated from the scattering of the points as +-0.1 px, with typically 5-10 pixels in spatial resolution. |
| 57 | A cut of the velocity along a transverse line x=250, y from 0 to 300 (in pixel coordinates), provides a good representation of the strong velocity shear in the wake of the cylinder. This can be done by displaying the velocity field filter2, open set_object/line, choose '''[!ProjMode]'''=inter_tps, '''Mesh'''=2 to get the profile with spline interpolation from filter2. Then select hold on on the GUI view_field and repeat the same cut with the field 'civ2', '''!!ProjMode'''='projection'. We can then compare the civ2 measurement points to the interpolation, showing some fluctuations are smoothed out but without widening of the strong shear zone. The result has been exported in figure, using the menu bar tool '''[Export/extract figure] '''in '''view_field'''. The typical precision can be estimated from the scattering of the points as +-0.1 px, with typically 5-10 pixels in spatial resolution. |