632 | | || CivStage|| stage in the sequence civ1,fix1...|| |
633 | | || Civ1_TestCiv1|| 0|| |
634 | | || Civ1_CorrBoxSize||size x,y of the correlation box|| |
635 | | || Civ1_SearchBoxSize|| size x,y of the search box|| |
636 | | ||Civ1_SearchBoxShift|| (optional) shift of the search box|| |
637 | | || Civ1_CorrSmooth|| smooth parameter for the image corr|| |
638 | | || Civ1_Dx |grid mesh along x| | Civ1_Dy| grid mesh along y| | Civ1_CheckGrid| =1 if a grid file is used, default=0| | Civ1_CheckMask| =1 if a mask file is used, default=0| | Civ1_CheckThreshold| =0/1 image luminosity threshold used | | Civ1_FileTypeA| type of input file A, 'image', 'movie'...| | Civ1_ImageA| path and name of input image A| | Civ1_FileTypeB| type of input file A, 'image', 'movie'...| | Civ1_ImageB|path and name of input image B| | Civ1_Dt| time interval for image pair| | Civ1_Time| mean time for the image pair| | Civ1_ImageBitDepth| nbre of grey level bits| | Civ1_ImageWidth| nbre of pixels along x| | Civ1_ImageHeight| nbre of pixels along y| | Civ1_FrameIndexA| frame index of image A in the series| | Civ1_FrameIndexB| frame index of image B in the series| | Patch1_Rho| 10| | Patch1_Threshold| threshold for the elimination of aberrant vectors| | Patch1_SubDomain| estimated nbre of vectors in a subdomain| |
| 632 | ||[wiki:CivStage !CivStage]||stage in the sequence civ1,fix1...|| |
| 633 | ||Civ1_TestCiv1||0|| |
| 634 | ||Civ1_CorrBoxSize||size x,y of the correlation box|| |
| 635 | ||Civ1_SearchBoxSize||size x,y of the search box|| |
| 636 | ||Civ1_SearchBoxShift||(optional) shift of the search box|| |
| 637 | ||Civ1_CorrSmooth||smooth parameter for the image corr|| |
| 638 | ||Civ1_Dx,Civ1_Dy||grid mesh along x, y|| |
| 639 | ||Civ1_CheckGrid||=1 if a grid file is used, default=0|| |
| 640 | ||Civ1_CheckMask||=1 if a mask file is used, default=0|| |
| 641 | ||Civ1_CheckThreshold||=0/1 image luminosity threshold used|| |
| 642 | ||Civ1_FileTypeA||type of input file A, 'image', 'movie'...|| |
| 643 | ||Civ1_ImageA||path and name of input image A|| |
| 644 | ||Civ1_FileTypeB||type of input file A, 'image', 'movie'...|| |
| 645 | ||Civ1_ImageB||path and name of input image B|| |
| 646 | ||Civ1_Dt||time interval for image pair|| |
| 647 | ||Civ1_Time||mean time for the image pair|| |
| 648 | ||Civ1_ImageBitDepth||nbre of grey level bits|| |
| 649 | ||Civ1_ImageWidth||nbre of pixels along x|| |
| 650 | ||Civ1_ImageHeight||nbre of pixels along y|| |
| 651 | ||Civ1_FrameIndexA||frame index of image A in the series|| |
| 652 | ||Civ1_FrameIndexB||frame index of image B in the series|| |
| 653 | ||Patch1_Rho||10|| |
| 654 | ||Patch1_Threshold||threshold for the elimination of aberrant vectors|| |
| 655 | ||Patch1_SubDomain||estimated nbre of vectors in a subdomain|| |