Changes between Version 146 and Version 147 of UvmatHelp

Jan 14, 2015, 2:35:51 PM (10 years ago)



  • UvmatHelp

    v146 v147  
    766766PIV can be performed by selecting the Matlab function ''civ_series'' as '''[!ActionName]''' in the GUI '''series.fig''': then the '''GUI civ_input''' appears to enter the processing parameters. An image file series must have been entered as input of '''series.fig''', or alternatively a Netcdf file resulting form a previous PIV processing (with conventions '''civdata''').
    768 An alternative possibility is to use the older Fortran program ''CivX'' from the GUI '''civ.fig'''. This can be called directly on the Matlab prompt, by typing  ''>>civ'', or from UVMAT by the menu bar command '''[RUN/PIV (old civ)]'''.    '''''''''''
     768An alternative possibility is to use the older Fortran program ''CivX'' from the GUI '''civ.fig'''. This can be called directly on the Matlab prompt, by typing  ''>>civ'', or from UVMAT by the menu bar command '''[RUN/PIV (old civ)]'''.
    770770'''-Modes of frame pair indexing''' A first menu '''[!ListCompareMode]''' selects one among four modes of operation:
    824824The FIX operation is used after civ to remove false vectors, using different criteria:
    826 ''' {warning flags:} ''' these are flags (vec_F) indicating problems with the image correlation process:
     826''' - {warning flags:} ''' these are flags (vec_F) indicating problems with the image correlation process:
    827827 * vec_F(i)=0 or 1 : default , the processing is fine
    828828 * vec_F(i)=-2: the maximum of the correlation function is close to the border of the search box (at a distance of two pixels or less), so that its maximum cannot be reliably obtained: the search domain is too small
    831831 * vec_F(i)=4:only in civ2: the difference between the estimator and the result is more than 1 pixel. The two criteria, vec_F(i)=-2, and 3, should be selected (default options). The criterium vec_F=2 (Hart) should not be selected, while vec_F=4 (for civ2) could be selected only for excellent data (otherwise it may be too strict).   
    833 ''' {Threshold on the image correlation:}  ''' (vec_C) can be introduced by the edit box [thresh_vecC] (value between 0 and 1). It removes vectors with poor correlation. 
    835 ''' {Threshold on the velocity modulus:} ''' (expressed in pixels): it can remove either too small values  (menu '''[inf_sup1]''' set to '<'), or excessive values (menu '''[inf_sup1]''' set to '>'). Erratic zero velocity vectors, produced by a fixed image background, can be eliminated by this criterium. These criteria can be as well applied to the difference with a reference field, defined by a file series (edit box '''[ref_fix1]''') and a field inside the file (menu '''[field_ref1]''').
    837 ''' {Mask fix:} '''  It has the same effect as the one used in civ1, but the removed vectors are kept in memory, labelled as false.
    839 ''' {Manual fix:} ''' Interactive fixing with the mouse is also possible, see [section 4.2->#4.2].
    841 ''' {Code for FixFlag:} '''
     833''' - {Threshold on the image correlation:}  ''' (vec_C) can be introduced by the edit box [thresh_vecC] (value between 0 and 1). It removes vectors with poor correlation. 
     835''' - {Threshold on the velocity modulus:} ''' (expressed in pixels): it can remove either too small values  (menu '''[inf_sup1]''' set to '<'), or excessive values (menu '''[inf_sup1]''' set to '>'). Erratic zero velocity vectors, produced by a fixed image background, can be eliminated by this criterium. These criteria can be as well applied to the difference with a reference field, defined by a file series (edit box '''[ref_fix1]''') and a field inside the file (menu '''[field_ref1]''').
     837''' - {Mask fix:} '''  It has the same effect as the one used in civ1, but the removed vectors are kept in memory, labelled as false.
     839''' - {Manual fix:} ''' Interactive fixing with the mouse is also possible, see [section 4.2->#4.2].
     841''' - {Code for FixFlag:} '''
    842842 * !FixFlag(i)=0 :default, everything is fine
    843843 * !FixFlag(i)=1. : value 1 for the second digit: vector removed by criteria on vec_F or/and low correlation value