44 | | Type '>>uvmat' in the Matlab prompt to display the GUI. If the function is unknown by Matlab, add the appropriate path to the folder '''UVMAT''' where the toolbox has been installed (see the Matlab command '>>help path'). When the GUI is opening, the date of last modfication is displayed in the central window. During opening, the program checks the Matlab path to all the functions of the package (using the function ''check_functions.m''). If a function is missing, or if it is overridden by a function with the same name at another path location, a message is displayed in the central window at the opening of the GUI '''uvmat.fig'''. Finally, if the svn server is accessible by line-command, the latest version number of the UVMAT package is indicated. |
| 44 | Type '>>uvmat' in the Matlab prompt to display the GUI. If the function is unknown by Matlab, add the appropriate path to the folder '''UVMAT''' where the toolbox has been installed (see the Matlab command '>>help path'). When the GUI is opening, the date of last modfication is displayed in the central window. During opening, the program checks the Matlab path to all the functions of the package (using the function ''check_functions.m''). If a function is missing, or if it is overridden by a function with the same name at another path location, a message is displayed in the central window at the opening of the GUI '''uvmat'''. Finally, if the svn server is accessible by line-command, the latest version number of the UVMAT package is indicated. |
137 | | -'''Nomenclature types:''' The ''nomenclature type'' is defined as the character string representing the index (or indices) for the first file in the series, for instance '_1' for a ''single indexing'' and '_1-2' for a ''pair indexing'', '_1_1' for a ''double index'' series. The second index j can be also represented as a letter suffix, for instance '01a'. For a field series in a single file, like a movie, the nomenclature type is defined as '*'. The functions ''fullfile_uvmat.m'' generates a file name from a root name, four numerical indices i1,i2,j1,j2 and the ''nomenclature type''. The reverse operation, splitting a name into a root and indices while detecting the ''nomenclature type'', is performed by the function ''fileparts_uvmat.m''. The function ''find_file_series.m'' is also needed to scan the whole file series, leading to a possible adjustement of the nomenclature type (for instance distinguishing '_001' from '_1' when the file with index 1000 has been opened). Once the nomenclature type has been detected by the browser of '''uvmat.fig''', it is displayed in the edit box '''[!NomType]''' and used to generate all the file names when the series is scanned. |
| 137 | -'''Nomenclature types:''' The ''nomenclature type'' is defined as the character string representing the index (or indices) for the first file in the series, for instance '_1' for a ''single indexing'' and '_1-2' for a ''pair indexing'', '_1_1' for a ''double index'' series. The second index j can be also represented as a letter suffix, for instance '01a'. For a field series in a single file, like a movie, the nomenclature type is defined as '*'. The functions ''fullfile_uvmat.m'' generates a file name from a root name, four numerical indices i1,i2,j1,j2 and the ''nomenclature type''. The reverse operation, splitting a name into a root and indices while detecting the ''nomenclature type'', is performed by the function ''fileparts_uvmat.m''. The function ''find_file_series.m'' is also needed to scan the whole file series, leading to a possible adjustement of the nomenclature type (for instance distinguishing '_001' from '_1' when the file with index 1000 has been opened). Once the nomenclature type has been detected by the browser of the GUI '''uvmat''', it is displayed in the edit box '''[!NomType]''' and used to generate all the file names when the series is scanned. |
159 | | When a new file series is opened in UVMAT, the XML documentation file is automatically sought (by the function ''find_imadoc.m'') in the folder containing the data series folder: the documentation of the file series !RootPath/SubDir/RootFile,... is sought in the file !RootPath/RootFile.xml. As a second choice (corresponding to an earlier convention), the XML file will be sought inside the data series folder, as !RootPath/SubDir/RootFile.xml (if this file does not exist, a text file with the same root name but extension .civ is sought as an obsolete option). The detection of the image documentation file is indicated by the visibility of the pushbutton '''[view_xml]''' on the upper right of the GUI '''uvmat.fig'''. Press this button to see the content through an XML editor '''editxml.fig''' (described in [#a10-Processingfieldseries section 10]). The XML file can be also opened directly by the UVMAT browser, or by any text editor. In UVMAT, it is read by the function ''imadoc2struct.m''. |
| 159 | When a new file series is opened in UVMAT, the XML documentation file is automatically sought (by the function ''find_imadoc.m'') in the folder containing the data series folder: the documentation of the file series !RootPath/SubDir/RootFile,... is sought in the file !RootPath/RootFile.xml. As a second choice (corresponding to an earlier convention), the XML file will be sought inside the data series folder, as !RootPath/SubDir/RootFile.xml (if this file does not exist, a text file with the same root name but extension .civ is sought as an obsolete option). The detection of the image documentation file is indicated by the visibility of the pushbutton '''[view_xml]''' on the upper right of the GUI '''uvmat'''. Press this button to see the content through an XML editor '''editxml''' (described in [#a10-Processingfieldseries section 10]). The XML file can be also opened directly by the UVMAT browser, or by any text editor. In UVMAT, it is read by the function ''imadoc2struct.m''. |
183 | | * '''.fig''' Matlab figures represent plots but also Graphic User Interfaces (GUI). In that case Matlab functions (callbacks) are attached to the graphic objects in the figure and can be activated by the mouse. Matlab figures can be directly opened by the browser of '''uvmat.fig'''. |
184 | | |
185 | | * '''.civ ''' (obsolete) ASCII text file containing the list of image times and the scaling in pixels/cm. This is an obsolete version of the XML image documentation file. It is stored in the same directory as the corresponding series of images, with name ''root .civ''. It is automatically sought by '''uvmat.fig''' and '''series.fig''', in the absence of an xml file <!ImaDoc> (it is read by the function ''read_imatext.m''). The following example is from an experience with 19 bursts of 4 images, named aa001a,aa001b,aa001c,aa001d,aa002a,aa002b,...,aa019c,aa019d, with an extension .png. The corresponding .civ file is named aa.civ. Comments (not included in the file) are indicated with %... |
| 183 | * '''.fig''' Matlab figures represent plots but also Graphic User Interfaces (GUI). In that case Matlab functions (callbacks) are attached to the graphic objects in the figure and can be activated by the mouse. Matlab figures can be directly opened by the browser of the GUI '''uvmat'''. |
| 184 | |
| 185 | * '''.civ ''' (obsolete) ASCII text file containing the list of image times and the scaling in pixels/cm. This is an obsolete version of the XML image documentation file. It is stored in the same directory as the corresponding series of images, with name ''root .civ''. It is automatically sought by '''uvmat''' and '''series''', in the absence of an xml file <!ImaDoc> (it is read by the function ''read_imatext.m''). The following example is from an experience with 19 bursts of 4 images, named aa001a,aa001b,aa001c,aa001d,aa002a,aa002b,...,aa019c,aa019d, with an extension .png. The corresponding .civ file is named aa.civ. Comments (not included in the file) are indicated with %... |
202 | | * '''.cmx''' ASCII text files containing the parameters sent by the GUI '''civ.fig''' to the CIV fortran programmes. Each velocity field named *.nc results from a parameter file *.cmx. It can be opened by the browser of '''uvmat.fig'''. In a later version of CIVx**, the .cmx file is replaced by a .xml ’!CivDoc’ file. |
203 | | |
204 | | * '''.log''' ASCII text files, containing information about processing in batch mode. Each velocity field named *.nc is associated with a file *.log. A file *_patch.log is similarly produced by the ’patch’ program. These files can be opened by the browser of '''uvmat.fig'''. |
| 202 | * '''.cmx''' ASCII text files containing the parameters sent by the GUI '''civ''' to the CIV fortran programmes. Each velocity field named *.nc results from a parameter file *.cmx. It can be opened by the browser of the GUI '''uvmat'''. In a later version of CIVx**, the .cmx file is replaced by a .xml ’!CivDoc’ file. |
| 203 | |
| 204 | * '''.log''' ASCII text files, containing information about processing in batch mode. Each velocity field named *.nc is associated with a file *.log. A file *_patch.log is similarly produced by the ’patch’ program. These files can be opened by the browser of the GUI '''uvmat'''. |
216 | | The data organisation can be controlled and managed by the GUI '''browse_data.fig'''. This is called by the menu bar option '''[Open/browse campaign]''' in UVMAT: with this browser select the path of the folder considered as 'Campaign' (instead of the data file itself). Then the GUI '''browse_data.fig''' appears with a list of 'Experiments' and a list of '!DataSeries'. Select your choice to open the corresponding file series in '''uvmat.fig'''. The selected campaign path is then recorded for future opening under '''[Open/browse campaign]''' in the menu bar of '''uvmat.fig'''. |
217 | | |
218 | | Instead of directly opening a file series with '''browse_data.fig''', you can create a 'mirror data tree' by pressing 'create_mirror', then selecting the path chosen for the new mirror folder 'Campaign'. Inside this mirror folder, a set of folders is then created for each experiment. Furthermore, an XML file 'mirror.xml' is created to recall the source directory (under the label <!SourceDir>). Inside each mirror folder 'Experiment', the source is reproduced as symbolic links. Data processing in the mirror campaign then produces 'real' !DataSeries folders. |
219 | | |
220 | | Once created, this mirror campaign folder can be opened instead of the source. It can be regularly updated from the source folder by pressing the button 'update_mirror' in '''browse_data.fig'''. |
| 216 | The data organisation can be controlled and managed by the GUI '''browse_data'''. This is called by the menu bar option '''[Open/browse campaign]''' in UVMAT: with this browser select the path of the folder considered as 'Campaign' (instead of the data file itself). Then the GUI '''browse_data''' appears with a list of 'Experiments' and a list of '!DataSeries'. Select your choice to open the corresponding file series in '''uvmat'''. The selected campaign path is then recorded for future opening under '''[Open/browse campaign]''' in the menu bar of the '''uvmat'''. |
| 217 | |
| 218 | Instead of directly opening a file series with '''browse_data''', you can create a 'mirror data tree' by pressing 'create_mirror', then selecting the path chosen for the new mirror folder 'Campaign'. Inside this mirror folder, a set of folders is then created for each experiment. Furthermore, an XML file 'mirror.xml' is created to recall the source directory (under the label <!SourceDir>). Inside each mirror folder 'Experiment', the source is reproduced as symbolic links. Data processing in the mirror campaign then produces 'real' !DataSeries folders. |
| 219 | |
| 220 | Once created, this mirror campaign folder can be opened instead of the source. It can be regularly updated from the source folder by pressing the button 'update_mirror' in '''browse_data'''. |